by Justin Amen Floyd

  “It’s in the closet,” Twan said again, this time louder.

  “Now we startin’ to get somewhere,” Ant D said, his words muffled by the ski mask he was wearing. Mike went to the walk-in closet and started searching for the safe. He turned on the light, and walked to the rear of the closet, and spotted the fireproof safe in the corner. He did an about-face, and said, “I found it.”

  “What’s the combination,” Ant D asked Twan.

  Twan was weak from loss of blood, and totally demoralized. Now he only hoped to escape with his life, so he immediately gave his assailants the numbers: “45-62-89.”

  Mike went back into the closet and tried the combination Twan had just given them. The door to the safe popped open, revealing several large stacks of bills.

  “Jackpot,” Mike said, smiling to himself. He walked back out into the bedroom to retrieve a pillowcase to put the money in.

  “What’s up?” Ant D asked Mike.

  “Everything good, my nigga. Let me put the money in this pillowcase so we can get the fuck up outta here,” replied Mike.

  “Meka, find something to put on, and go outside and get in the car,” said Ant.

  Twan thought he was hearing things. He said, “Wha… Hold the fuck up, how the fuck do this nigga know your name, Meka?!”

  Ant D didn’t give his sister a chance to respond. He answered for her. He pulled off his ski mask, and in the process, revealed his stone brown face, cold brown eyes, and murderous intentions. “I know her name ‘cause I’m her brother, nigga.”

  “What the fuck?!!” Twan exclaimed. The surprise of what he’d just heard almost caused him to defecate on himself again. “Meka, how could you shit on me like this? I loved you,” he said. Twan was so heartbroken, he still didn’t fully realize that the moment Ant D pulled his mask off; he was already a dead man.

  Meka was a cold bitch. She laughed in his face. “Nigga, you ain’t love me. You loved this thang I got between my legs. At least you got a good nut before you died. So just be happy ‘bout that.”

  When Mike walked out of the closet with the pillowcase stuffed with illicit funds, Ant D said, “Meka, go get yo’ ass in the car.”

  Meka picked up Twan’s tee shirt off the floor and put it on, and then she headed towards the bedroom door. She looked back at Twan and gave him a smile that was colder than a Polar Bear’s toenails. “Bye, Twan.”

  Twan had a huge lump in his throat, but he managed to yell, “I’ll see you in hell, you triflin’ ass bitch!”

  Meka laughed. “Well, since yo’ ass goin’ there first, make sho’ you tell the devil I said what’s up. You pussy ass nigga! And just so you know…the dick wasn’t even all that,” she said over her shoulder. She walked out of the bedroom, and down the stairs without another glance.

  Ant D walked over to Twan, who was perspiring so much his whole body was soaking wet. He was trembling, and the stench of fear emanated from his pores. It mixed with the already overbearing stench of feces that permeated the room.

  Sensing that his life was almost over, Twan attempted one last desperate lunge at Ant D, only to be met with a shot to the back of his head from Mike’s black Glock 9mm. Fragments of his skull and brain matter flew all over the room, and Twan’s naked body hit the carpet face up. Ant stood over Twan and fired two more shots from his .44 magnum into his face (or what was left of it). Ant knew Twan was already dead, but he felt the need to mutilate the nigga who’d been fucking his sister. That was some personal shit. He stared down at the bloody, mangled corpse, his ears still ringing from the deafening shots he had just fired.

  Mike said, “Let’s go, Ant D!” Ant snapped out of it, and they both hurried out of the bedroom, and down the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairwell, Ant started pouring gasoline out of a gas can he had left downstairs upon first entering the house. “No evidence, no witnesses, no crime…” Ant D started.

  “…No case,” Mike finished. Ant D laughed, and struck a match and tossed it on the gas. The fire immediately began to engulf the house with an intense heat.

  “Let’s go, homey,” Mike said. They both took off running, straight out the front door to the crack car that Meka already had started, and waiting to go. They jumped in, and they pulled out of the driveway slowly, leaving behind death and destruction in their wake.

  Chapter 5

  The ride back into the city from Twan’s house in Easley was pretty silent. Everybody was lost in their own thoughts. Mike, who was behind the wheel of the old beat up Honda Civic now, was concentrating on making it back to Gloria’s house in The District without getting pulled over by the police. Fresh from an extremely violent crime scene, and riding in a vehicle with enough evidence in it to put all their asses in a concrete box for the rest of their lives. Or maybe even on Death Row, so the last thing anybody wanted to see was the blue lights of a police car.

  He and Ant D’s last encounter with Greenville County police was still fresh in Mike’s mind, so he was being as cautious as possible. He obeyed every traffic law in the South Carolina driver’s manual. Of course if they were stopped, whoever that unlucky officer happened to be wouldn’t be eating donuts or drinking any more coffee. Not in that lifetime.

  And though both Ant D and Mike had little fear of anyone wearing a badge, neither wanted the extra heat killing a pig would bring. Especially in the Deep South. So Mike stayed on point, and drove back into the city using mostly side streets and back roads.

  Sitting in the backseat of the Honda Civic, Meka stared out the window into the night. Her eyes were looking at everything but seeing nothing. Her mind was reflecting back on the childhood that she and her brother never had. All because of their mother’s extensive drug habit, and the many things she did to maintain it.

  Meka and Ant D stayed on the move from one relative’s house to another. They never felt at home, but found strength in the fact that they had each other. The instability and hardships that they faced at such young ages made them cold toward strangers, but drove them even closer together. To the point where they became inseparable.

  Back in the day when the twins were twelve, they stayed at their Aunt Gladys’ house for a few months in a neighborhood called City Heights. City Heights was an ironic name for a neighborhood whose people saw the depth of poverty and hopelessness daily. But that was the norm in most poverty stricken neighborhoods in America. And for some reason they all had names that implied serenity; like City View, Piedmont Manor, Jesse Jackson Townhomes, or The Gardens. Those names belied the harsh reality of those environments, which were really more akin to a jungle.

  Meka, who wasn’t even a teenager yet, had already begun to blossom physically, and attract lustful attention from men twice her age. One of those men was Gladys’ boyfriend, Ray Ray. He would come home from work drunk, when he had a job, and comment on how sexy Meka was, while lewdly massaging his dick. But only when her aunt wasn’t around.

  It started with just small comments like that, but as the days passed, Ray Ray began to brush up against Meka’s body in a sexual manner whenever they were close to each other. He would always say “excuse me” or “my bad” to make it seem as if it was an accident. But it began to happen so often that it became obvious that he was doing it on purpose. Pretty soon he became bold enough to start groping her breasts and behind whenever they were alone together.

  In the mornings, when young Tameka and Anthony were at school, Ray would go into their room and rummage through Meka’s dirty clothes for a pair of soiled, dirty panties that she had worn recently. Once he found them he would place them to his nose, inhale her scent, and jerk off until he ejaculated into the crotch of her underwear.

  The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, and Ray Ray became even more sexually aggressive towards Meka. And then one day, when nobody was home, he brutally raped her. He took her virginity and her innocence at the same time.

  The first time he did it, Meka silently cried herself to sleep under the covers. She shared the same room with
her brother but she didn’t say a word about it. As time passed, the sexual abuse became so frequent Meka just internalized the pain. She had oftentimes wondered what she’d done to deserve the torment she was going through.

  Meka’s silence only emboldened Ray. One time while she was taking a shower, Ray busted in the bathroom, claiming he had to piss. He pulled his penis out, and then tried to pull the shower curtain back. Meka screamed, and Ant D came running in the bathroom.

  He asked, “What’s wrong, Meka? What’s goin’ on?” But by that time, Ray had already zipped up his pants, and was walking out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.

  Gladys usually worked from 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. and barely paid the twins any attention. But she was still their aunt, so after months of silence, Meka decided to tell her what had been going on. Everything except for the fact that Ray had been repeatedly raping her whenever they were alone.

  “Look, Tameka, I’m doing you and yo’ brother a fuckin’ favor by takin’ y’all asses in, ‘cause I know my sister is fucked up right now, smoking that shit. But you ain’t fixin’ to be coming in my house tellin’ no fuckin’ lies on my man, you hear!? Why would he want yo’ lil’ young ass anyway, when he’s got this full grown woman right here,” Gladys said, gesturing at her body. “Huh?”

  “As a matter of fact – Raymond!” she yelled, calling him into the kitchen with her and Meka.

  Ray walked into the kitchen and sensed the tension in the air. He knew there was going to be some shit because Gladys never called him by his full name unless she was pissed. But he also knew he could talk his way out of it. Gladys was weak. She wouldn’t let him go nowhere. Not as long as he kept banging her back out every night.

  Gladys said, “Ray, Meka here says that you been tryna push up on her. Is that true?”

  “Come on, Gladys. Baby, I can’t believe you even sittin’ here entertainin’ this bullshit. You know I love you, baby. What would I want with this young ass girl?! I can’t even believe you accusing me of no bullshit like this,” he yelled. Then he stomped out of the kitchen into the bedroom, and slammed the door shut behind him.

  “See there, Meka! See what yo’ lil’ hot ass done started?” Gladys yelled at her niece. “Go sit yo’ ass down somewhere, goddamn it! You little lying ass slut!”

  Meka attempted to keep her emotions in check but she couldn’t stop the tears from staining her pretty brown face. She just ran into the back room and closed the door behind her. She threw herself onto her bed, which was really nothing more than an old mattress on the floor with sheets on it. She cried into her pillow, hating the fact that her aunt would take the word of some no-good nigga she was fucking over that of her own flesh and blood.

  While Meka lay on that mattress filled with pain and confusion, Ant D walked into the room and spotted his sister curled up in a ball crying her heart out. Her pain became his immediately. He lay down beside her and tried to comfort her, while at the same time trying to figure out exactly what the fuck was going on.

  “Meka, what’s wrong? Why you crying like this?” Ant asked his twin sister.

  Meka remained silent, too ashamed to tell her brother what Ray had been doing to her.

  Ant wouldn’t give up. He said, “Meka, listen. You my sister, girl. We done been through too much together for you to start keeping shit from me now. What’s going on?”

  Finally, Meka broke down and told her brother about all of the sick shit Ray Ray had been doing to her since they had moved in with Gladys. Ant D’s eyes burned with rage, and he wrapped his arms around his sister.

  After months of being sexually abused by Ray, and being accused of lying by her own aunt, Meka was extremely vulnerable. She needed to feel the affection and unconditional love that her brother provided her. Her young heart yearned for it. She took one of his hands in hers, and slowly guided it between her thighs.

  Once Ant realized what his sister was doing, he hesitated and started to pull his hand away. But the warmth emanating from between her legs began to arouse him, despite the fact that he knew it was wrong. Or was it?

  Under the cover in darkness, the twins explored and shared each others’ bodies for the first time. Afterwards, as his sister lay beside him snoring, Ant made a vow to himself that Ray would pay for what he had done to Meka. With his life.

  The next morning, Meka told Gladys she was sick, and didn’t feel well enough to go to school. Gladys called Lakeview middle school and explained the situation to the principal, Ms. Humbert. She said that her absence would be excused, provided that Meka did the make up work.

  “Alright, Meka, go lay down and try to get some rest. There’s some chicken noodle soup up there in the cabinet,” Gladys said, on her way out the door.

  Meka went back in the bedroom and lay down on her mattress. She was only wearing a small white tee-shirt and a pair of pink panties that showed off the thickness of her young, firm, still developing body. She left the room door open, knowing that Ray would see her lying there once he got up to use the bathroom.

  In only a matter of minutes, Meka felt Ray’s presence in the doorway. She peeked at him and saw him staring her up and down. She closed her eyes and brought her knees up to her chest, causing her pink underwear to wedge in the crack of her ass. The panties were so form fitting, Ray was able to see the outline of her young pussy lips through the thin cotton fabric. Her dark pubic hair was so bushy it was coming out the sides of the elastic.

  Ray’s blood began racing at the sight of Meka’s young, fresh body lying there exposed to him like that. He began to drool, like the hound he was. The longer he stood there, the harder he got, until he felt as if he would explode with raging lust and desire.

  Meka, eyes still closed, slowly placed her right hand down the front of her panties. She rubbed her fingers between her legs until they were moist, and then brought them up to her mouth and licked them. She didn’t really know what she was doing, but she was pretty sure that Ray Ray’s perverted ass was getting excited.

  Ray could no longer control himself. Blinded by lust, he rushed into the room and fell on top of Meka, tearing at her panties with his right hand, and attempting to free his penis from the constraints of his boxers with his left. “You little slut! You freak! You nasty little bitch! I knew you wanted it! I knew you liked that shit!!”

  Meka screamed, and Ant D emerged from behind the door with a butcher knife from the kitchen in his right hand. He plunged the blade into Ray’s neck first. Blood erupted all over the room.

  Meka tried to get out from under Ray but his body was too heavy. He had her pinned to the mattress. Ant D continued to stab Ray Ray over and over again, lost in a rage that would become as familiar to him as an old pair of comfortable slippers over the years.

  Finally exhausted, Ant D stopped and pushed Ray’s bloody, mangled corpse off of his sister. At the age of twelve, Anthony Davis had committed his first homicide…but it wouldn’t be his last.

  Meka got up from the mattress and embraced her brother. She was crying, and her tears mixed with the blood that was still fresh on both of their bodies…

  Chapter 6

  Feeling relieved that they made it back to The District without any complications, Mike parked the car three doors down from Gloria’s house. He pulled in the driveway of an abandoned house that was run down and boarded up. He killed the ignition, and turned to speak to his best friend, who sat in the passenger seat beside him. “What you think we should do with the car?”

  “Shiiit, we can leave this muh’fucka right here. We both got on gloves, so it ain’t like we leavin’ no fingerprints behind,” Ant replied.

  “Yeah, but if ol’ boy report his shit missin’, and the police get to lookin’ for it, we don’t want them muh’fuckas gettin’ this close to the house.”

  “Now that I think about it, you right. That crack smoking nigga lil’ Joe been known to do some bullshit like that too. Like a muh’fucka really wanna steal this old piece of shit,” Ant D said, laughing.

He and Mike continued discussing the best way to dispose of the car without drawing any attention to the heinous crime they had just committed.

  The sound of their voices drifted to the back of the car, interrupting Meka’s sordid thoughts of her painful past. Tears had escaped her eyes without her even being aware of it.

  Her brother and Mike’s voices had interrupted her reverie. They rescued her from thinking about a childhood that had scarred her for life, and brought her back to the present. At least it’s still dark outside, thought Meka, as she used the back of her hand to wipe away the salty trail of tears that had silently slid down her cheeks.

  Realizing that she was only three doors down from her mama’s house, she got out of the car and walked the short distance home. She was excited about her cut from the robbery, but she felt dirty, both physically and mentally. Meka wanted nothing more than to soak her tired body in a nice hot bath, and scrub away that dirty feeling.

  “Hold the fuck up, Meka. Where is you goin’?” her brother asked.

  “Where it look like I’m goin’? I need to wash my ass, and put some clean clothes on,” Meka said, and continued to walk towards her mother’s house. She was barefoot. The gravel and dirt against the soles of her feet reminded her of the fact that she had left a pair of $600 Jimmy Choos behind, rushing to get out of Twan’s house. Oh well. Looks like I’ma have to go shopping this week, she thought to herself.

  The thought of shopping always lifted Meka’s spirits. Wondering exactly how much money was in that pillow case, she began to feel better already. She entered her mama’s house, and cracked a smile, thinking of all the new clothes she would cop from her favorite stores at Haywood Mall that week.

  “There she go again with that hot shit,” Mike said to Ant D. “A muh’fucka can’t tell her ass nothin’!”

  “Yeah, I know, but shit, we good now, Mike. All the hard shit is behind us. And while we sittin’ here bullshittin’ ‘bout what to do with this car, really all we gotta do is take this beat up piece of shit back to Lil’ Joe in the morning. The main thing is gettin’ rid of these clothes, and them hot ass pistols. ‘Bout how many bodies you think on them shits now anyway?” Ant D asked Mike.


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