He walked into the living room area to check on his homey Ant, who was still knocked out. “Goddamn, it look like a bomb done went off in this muh’fucka,” Mike said to himself, chuckling. Ant D, Chanel, and Obsession were all on the couch unconscious and completely naked, their bodies intertwined with one another. Strawberry and Anna were both passed out on the floor. Mike looked around and noticed near-empty champagne bottle after bottle, plates of half eaten food, and women’s clothes and underwear scattered everywhere. The coffee table had a couple of straws and lines of white powder on it, which he figured was coke. He knew that neither he nor Ant had brought any with them, so he figured one of the girls brought her own little party stash from the club the night before.
Mike walked back into the bedroom to get his phone so he could take some shots of the disaster area back in the living room. As he walked back into the room, he saw Diamond’s naked body leaning over the bed. Her hands were going through the pockets of his Coogi jeans. Mike couldn’t believe that bitch. He said, “What the fuck is you doin’?”
She jumped, and dropped the pants. “Oh, hey Mike, I was just tryna find your phone so I could see what time it is.”
There was a digital clock on the night stand right beside the bed, and eight or nine G’s still left in his pockets, so it wasn’t hard for Mike to peep game. “See, that’s what I hate ‘bout you triflin’ ass bitches. A muh’fucka pay y’all, and you still be tryin’ some slick shit on a nigga.”
“First of all, I ain’t no bitch. Nigga, you must got me confused wit yo’ stank ass mama!”
Before Diamond could realize the mistake she’d just made, Mike was across the room with his left hand wrapped around her neck, and smacking her repeatedly the right one. It wasn’t the attempted larceny that had set Mike off, but rather the comment Diamond’s slick ass had made out the side of her neck about his mama. Ever since he had learned the truth about his mother, which was that she had died while giving birth to him, he made it his business to make anybody who said anything wrong about her regret it. And just because Diamond was a girl didn’t mean that she got a pass. Fuck that.
Mike continued slapping her in the face, which caused her lip to split open, and her nose to start bleeding. Diamond tried to scream, but had no air in her lungs to do it with. Mike was strangling her to death!
All the commotion woke Angel and Chocolate up. Angel rolled out of bed and jumped on Mike’s back to try to keep him from doing any more damage to Diamond, but this only caused him to turn his rage on her. Chocolate screamed. In a second, everybody was up in the suite trying to keep Mike from killing Diamond and Angel.
Strawberry, who was probably the heaviest out of all the women, jumped on Mike’s back next. She held his arms in order to restrain him, and stop him from swinging.
Ant D finally came running into the room to see exactly what the hell was going on. He would’ve been in there sooner but he was so disoriented when he first awoke, he couldn’t find his clothes. They were scattered amongst all of the discarded items on the floor. And plus, he took a second to take a quick snort from the coke that was lying on the table.
Once he entered the room and peeped what the fuck was going down, he yelled out to his best friend, “A Mike, chill yo’ ass out, nigga! Calm the fuck down!”
Suddenly there was loud banging on the door, accompanied by the male voice of hotel security. He said, “I just want y’all to know that the police have been called. We don’t tolerate this kind of behavior at the Hilton!”
Everybody in the room froze like they’d been put on pause, and then they started scrambling all over that hotel suite like Mike Vick with two defensive ends on his ass trying to get a sack. There was too much illicit shit in the room to be sitting around waiting for the police to show up. Nobody felt like sitting in one of them nasty ass holding cells, courtesy of the Greenville County Detention Center, for the rest of Labor Day weekend, until a judge showed up on Monday morning for a bond hearing. Everybody grabbed their shit and ran out the room to the elevator. Some of the girls were still half naked, struggling to get their clothes on.
Chapter 12
That same Sunday morning, while Ant D and Mike were scrambling out of the hotel, Meka was finally coming to. She had been unconscious for nearly a whole day, and her kidnappers were beginning to get worried that maybe she had slipped into a coma, and wasn’t going to wake up. They all knew Zulu wouldn’t tolerate any innocent people being hurt.
Until they found out a little more information, Meka was still potentially innocent. The only way to get that info was to apply a little pressure, and question her to find out exactly what she knew about Twan’s murder. They couldn’t question a corpse, so they were all relieved when Meka finally opened her eyes.
Rico was almost positive that he’d made the right move by kidnapping Meka and bringing her there. In his heart, he had no doubts that she’d had something to do with Twan’s murder. All he had to do was prove it. He vividly recalled the last conversation he’d had with Twan at the Red Dragon. Twan had implied that that weekend was reserved for Meka. It wasn’t any coincidence that Twan turned up dead that same night. Niggas in the streets didn’t believe in coincidences. Not the smart ones anyway.
Rico was both young and full of cum, but he was far from dumb. So when he got word about the large purchases, particularly that custom pink Range, Meka had been making right after his homey’s death, he put two and two together. He could’ve went to Zulu right then with what he knew, but he wanted to make sure he was absolutely positive before he made a move.
He knew from what he’d heard in the streets that Meka wouldn’t hesitate to set a nigga up. But she had to have had help to get at Twan, and Rico wanted to know exactly who was involved with the hit. So he got together with a couple of other niggas on Zulu’s squad, by the names of Ty and Black. He told them both what the business was, and what he wanted to do in order to find out exactly what the fuck went down that night. He told them he would split the reward money Zulu was offering with them.
Black and Ty were basically hand to hand, low level workers in Zulu’s organization, so they were both ready to ride with almost any idea that would bring them more notoriety, and help them rise in the chain of command. Besides the reward Zulu had put out there, it was pretty common knowledge that he valued those with the ability to take the initiative to come up with the results he wanted.
Ty and Black had an abandoned house on Perry Ave. in West G-Ville. It was used to serve the fiends, and occasionally trick a few of the pretty young bitches that had fallen victim to whatever itch they had that needed to be scratched. Whether it was that girl, that boy, pills, dust, or even exotic weed. Whatever it was, Ty and Black made sure those young and naïve young girls got it. For the right price, of course.
The same bed that they used to trick on was what Meka was currently strapped to, spread eagled. Her wrists and ankles were tightly tied to each bed post with rope. Rico had stripped off all of her clothes, except her see through lace panties and matching bra, so she might as well have been naked.
As soon as she regained consciousness, Meka began to struggle wildly to break free from her restraints. But seeing that this only wasted energy and tightened the ropes around her wrists and ankles, she stopped.
Breathing heavily, her chest heaving, Meka looked around the room before she addressed the three men surrounding the bed. She noticed they were each wearing black bandanas to disguise their identities, and said, “Look, I don’t know who the fuck you niggas is, or what y’all want, but it’s obvious y’all got me fucked up wit’ somebody else. So if you’ll just go ‘head and let me go…”
Rico cut her off midsentence. “Naw, we ain’t got you fucked up wit’ nobody, bitch! And hell fuck naw, we ain’t finna let yo’ ass go! At least not until you answer a few questions.”
Meka wasn’t sure but she thought that the man’s voice sounded familiar. But it was kind of hard to tell with him wearing that black flag. At the top of her
lungs, she yelled, “Look, mothafucka, I ain’t answering shit! Fuck y’all niggas!”
Rico had figured it wouldn’t be easy to get the information he wanted from Meka, so he wasn’t really surprised by her little outburst. But right then was the perfect opportunity for him to establish who the fuck was in charge of that little show.
He walked over to Meka. Even in her current condition, he still couldn’t help but admire her beautiful body. But when he thought of how she had used that same body to probably set Twan up, his anger overrode his lust. Twan was one of the few older niggas in the game he respected. He pulled his fist back and savagely punched Meka in her pretty mouth, splitting both of her lips. The coppery taste of blood filled Meka’s mouth but she refused to swallow it. Instead, when Rico leaned in close to ask if maybe she had reconsidered answering his questions, she spit the blood out in his face and smiled.
For a moment, Rico was shocked at the audacity of that crazy ass bitch. Here she was, kidnapped, strapped to a bed with only her panties and bra on, and she still had the heart - the gall, to spit in his face?!!
Rico quickly regained his composure, and he started pounding on Meka’s face and body nonstop, while Ty and Black looked on. Minutes later, Rico stopped beating on her only out of sheer exhaustion. Both of her eyes were swollen shut, and her nose and jaw were broken from the force of Rico’s blows. Her lips were severely disfigured, and her top four teeth had been knocked down her throat. They were now being digested in the bowels of her stomach. Her once beautiful honey brown face was now just a mess of bloody flesh, bruises, and broken bones.
This definitely wasn’t part of Rico’s plan, but when Meka had spit blood in his face his emotions got the best of him. That “plan” shit went out the window real quick. Now that he had calmed down, Rico could see that he’d overreacted. Now it would be impossible to get anything out of Meka in her current condition.
Ty and Black looked at Meka’s mangled, bloodied face, and then looked at Rico like he had just lost his fucking mind. Not because they gave a fuck about Meka, but because they were concerned about their own lives. They had no idea how Zulu would react once he heard about that shit. They weren’t even sure she’d had anything to do with Twan’s death.
Ty spoke first. “Rico, what the fuck is you doin’, nigga? What’s wrong with yo’ ass? You said we wasn’t gon’ hurt this bitch, but just ask her a few questions, and shit. Now look at her ass layin’ up in here with one foot in the grave. This here wasn’t part of the script, nigga.”
“Yeah, well sometimes you gotta adlib, muh’fucka! You seen that bitch spit in my face, dog! You seen her! I just lost it,” Rico explained.
“Man, you know Zulu said he wanted for us to find out who killed his nephew, and handle it. He said he ain’t want no innocent bodies poppin’ up behind that shit,” Black chimed in. “If she ain’t had nothin’ to do wit’ Twan gettin’ killed, and he find out ‘bout this shit, we gonna look worse than her ass!”
“Look, I know what the fuck Zulu said, nigga! Everybody just calm the fuck down,” Rico said. “Shit ain’t that complicated. All we gotta do is get rid of this bitch body, and we good. And if y’all can hold water, then we ain’t got shit to worry bout, ya dig?”
“That shit sound real good, but how do we get rid of a body just like that?” asked Ty.
“I already got that figured out. But before we do all that, we might as well have a little fun,” said Rico, with a smirk on his face. He ripped off Meka’s panties and bra.
Despite the fact that her face was swollen, bruised, and unrecognizable, as soon as her flesh was exposed to the three men in the room, they all became excited. They started feeling on her breasts, between her legs, and all over the rest of her naked body. They figured that she was out of it. Even in her current state, niggas wanted to fuck Meka.
They had no idea that Meka was still very much conscious, and had heard their every word, including their plans to dispose of her body. She lay there on that bed as still as possible, hoping that Rico and them other two clowns with him wouldn’t go through with what they were planning. But it was only wishful thinking because she felt her ankles being cut free. She knew what time it was. They were going to rape her before they killed her.
It was pointless to struggle against them, so Meka just lay there as they each mounted her body and savagely violated her in every way, in every hole possible. She allowed her mind to travel to that same secret place it used to go when Ray Ray used to sexually molest her. Her body was there, but her mind was in a place far away.
“That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout! Beat that pussy up, Ty!”
They no longer felt the need to conceal their faces with the black flags. They planned on killing Meka anyway, so they removed their bandanas and continued to ravage her body, while enthusiastically cheering one another on. Every time one was finished, another would hop on top of her and violate her with even more violent thrusts.
After what seemed like an eternity, but in all actuality was only around thirty minutes, Rico, Ty, and Black were through. Meka’s thighs and pussy were sore, and soaking wet with a mixture of semen and blood that had pooled beneath her. To further add to her humiliation, they each jumped up on top of the bed and took turns pissing on her face. The warm, rank fluid soiled Meka’s once beautiful face, and mixed with the tears that slid silently from the corners of her swollen eyes. And then she lost consciousness again.
Chapter 13
Every ‘hood in every city across America had a place where everybody went on the weekend to get their shine on. A spot where the ghetto celebrities came out just to let muh’fuckas know they were still in the game – BALLIN’!
Greenville, S.C. was no different. On Sunday afternoons, everybody who was anybody in the Ville’s underworld could be found at Cleveland Park. They got their stunt on in the latest vehicles, jewelry, and fashion of the season; the majority of which was purchased with blood money soiled with the stench of drugs. And it went without saying that whenever the ballers came out, the groupies, cheerleaders, and dick riders weren’t far behind.
It was the final day of Labor Day weekend, and since the weather was good, and the sun was shining, the park was jumping a little more than usual. Young hustlers and gangstas from every ‘hood were on hand to represent. Shit was crazy!
You had Lil’ Money out of District 25 (which was a hood comprised of numerous different hoods like Piedmont Manor, The Valley, Bell Meade, Augusta Hills and Crosby Circle to name a few). Lil’ Money was the son of one of Greenville’s most notorious hustlers named Big Money, who was currently serving a life sentence in a Federal penitentiary in Ohio for killing an undercover federali back in 1990. Lil’ Money never really got the chance to know his pops but he’d heard enough stories about him to feel like he did. And you know what they say about the apple not falling too far from the tree.
Then you had an official certified crazy muh’fucka named Nut. The name was short for “Nut Nut.” That’s what the kids used to call Travell Noriss back when he was in elementary school. Like so many young Black kids with behavior problems, the teachers relegated him to the mentally challenged classes because they didn’t want to be bothered with him. So the kids used to tease him and call him a “nut nut.” That is, until he got tired of that shit, and stabbed one of them in the eye with a pencil. Ever since then, niggas just started calling him Nut because of his violent behavior.
Nut was from West Greenville, another grimy ass section of the Ville. He had just recently gotten out of Greenville Memorial Hospital, after being shot four times in front of Escalade, which was a new night club that had just recently opened. Nobody had really seen the niggas who had shot Nut, and with as many enemies as he had accumulated over his many years of being a bully, it wasn’t likely that he’d find out who the assailant was any time soon.
There were two sisters from Brutontown, Shell and Neesy, who pumped that exotic harder than anybody in Greenville County. Purple, Dro, Kind Bud, Chocolate…wh
atever kind of trees you wanted, they had it on deck. Shell’s boyfriend, Hector, was a member of the notorious Mexican Mafia, so it was nothing for Shell and Neesy to keep pounds of that good shit bagged up. Being that their supply was so easily accessible, they could afford to drop their prices lower than the competition, and still make money.
Red from Freetown was also up in the spot. Red was an up and coming hustler/rapper in Zulu’s organization. His mind was sharper than a razor, and his heart colder than ice in the Artic. Word on the street was that he was next in line to take over Twan’s former position on the team. Red was a workout fanatic. Since he stayed in shape, he tended to keep his shirt off. He liked to show off his muscles, and the tattoos he had gotten while bidding in some of the most violent penitentiaries in S.C. like Lee County, Libre, and Evans Correctional Institutions. Red had a reputation, both out in the streets and behind the walls, for being an authentic street nigga.
Then there was Derek from City Heights. Derek had done a 36 month bid when he was fifteen at John G, a juvenile facility in Columbia, for killing a nigga at that very same park about eight years before. The beef was over some bullshit but when you were young, trying to get a reputation, and didn’t give a fuck, it really didn’t take much to squeeze that trigger. Derek had opened fire on a nigga with an AK-47. So young he was barely able to control the assault rifle, he shot a dude up at point blank range. The other dude never had a chance. If not for his age at the time of the offense, Derek would have likely been given a life sentence, and spent the rest of his years locked in a maximum security hole somewhere.