When Hell Freezes Over

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When Hell Freezes Over Page 6

by Darrien Lee

  “Well, now you do. Let’s play ball.”

  Winston smiled when he heard Keaton stand up for Meridan. He laced up his shoes and laughed to himself, knowing Keaton was falling slowly in love with Meridan.

  After practice, as everyone was gathering their belongings, the guys complimented Meridan on her precise passes and dribbling skills. Keaton was still in complete awe. She zipped up her warm-up suit and grabbed her duffle bag.

  Before leaving, she softly said, “Thanks, guys, for letting me practice with you. It was fun. I’ll see you all later.”

  In unison, they said, “Thanks, Meridan!”

  Keaton walked over to her and pulled her bag off her shoulder. He looked down at her and asked, “Need a lift?”

  With a smile, she answered, “Only if you’re offering.”

  Keaton grabbed his bag. “Winston, I’ll take Meridan home. See you later, guys!”

  With his arm around her waist, he possessively escorted Meridan out of the gym.

  Once they were out of sight, Winston said, “Guys, dust off your tuxedos because my brother-in-law, the Playa-of-the-Century, is finished.”

  They all laughed loudly together in agreement.

  As he drove down the street, he couldn’t help but look over at her and laugh.

  “Keaton, will you please let me in on the joke?”

  He smiled. “I’m sorry, Meridan. I’m still trying to come out of my shock. You are one hell of a ball player. How many of the National Championship teams were you on at UT?”

  “I was on two of them. Those were some great times. I was pretty good because I’ve played all my life. It wasn’t until I was recruited and given a scholarship that it really sunk in that I was even better than I imagined. Everyone in my family told me, but I thought they were just supporting me.”

  Keaton adjusted the CD player. “Well, UT has always produced championship talent. You were at the right university. Did you ever consider the WNBA?”

  “I played one year; just so I could pay for medical school. Surprisingly, they agreed. After the season, they tried to get me to sign another contract for three years. I told them thanks, but no thanks.”

  Keaton came to a stop at a traffic light. “You’re kidding. You turned down a lot of money.”

  She gazed into his starstruck eyes. “I wanted to be a pediatrician; nothing else.”

  The light turned green and Keaton was speechless. This woman had mesmerized him once again. She was as unique as any woman he’d ever met. Not only was she gorgeous, but she possessed a spectacular business mind.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Just a little bit. You want to grab something?”

  With a gleam in his eyes, he said, “Hot Wing Heaven is right around the corner.”

  “I don’t think so, Keaton. Those wings are too salty and you’re not supposed to be eating that type of food. Let’s go get a giant salad and split it.”

  Grumbling, Keaton jokingly said, “Yes, Dear.”

  Back at Meridan’s, Keaton walked her to the door. He had to admit, he was a little worn out from practice, but being in Meridan’s company gave him a boost of energy.

  She turned and asked, “What kind of dressings do you like?”

  “It doesn’t matter. What do you have?”

  Opening the refrigerator, she pulled out ranch and Italian dressings.

  He took the Italian out of her hand. “This will do just right.”

  They sat at her bar and split the salad. Their conversation consisted of basketball strategy and the upcoming tournament.

  When they finished, Meridan asked, “You are staying for dinner, aren’t you?”

  Grinning, he said, “I would like to, Miss All-American, but I could use a shower first. Look, I’ll go pick up some movies, take a shower, and come back so I can help you with dinner.”

  “That’ll work perfectly. So, I guess I’ll see you in an hour or so?”

  “Sooner, if I can help it.”

  Giggling, she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Do we need to synchronize our watches?”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her unexpectedly on the lips. He released her and casually said, “It’s not necessary. I guarantee you, I won’t be long.”

  “Drive carefully, Keaton,” she said as she let out a breath.

  “I will. Be back shortly,” he answered as he jogged down her steps.

  Meridan closed the door and leaned against it. His kiss left her lightheaded and wanting more.

  Back at the house, Keaton walked in singing. Arnelle was in the kitchen warming Fredrick’s food.

  “What are you singing about?”

  He hugged her. “Did you know Meridan was an All-American in college?”

  “Yes, why?”

  He headed out of the kitchen. “Ask your husband. He’s on my list for a serious ass kicking.”

  “What happened?”

  Keaton stopped and said, “One of our teammates had to drop off the team because his wife had a baby today. Your husband brought Meridan to the gym in his place. You should’ve seen my face.”

  “Do you have a problem with Meridan playing on the team?”

  Sighing, he said, “Not at all. She was awesome. It’s just that Winston seemed to enjoy messing with me, but I’ve got a surprise for him.”

  Arnelle laughed. “You two are always going at it.”

  At that time, Winston and MaLeah walked in the door. Winston laughed and asked, “What’s up, Bro?”

  “You’re very funny, Winston. What you did today was foul. You could’ve told me you were bringing Meridan to the gym over the phone.”

  Laughing, he said, “It wouldn’t have been as much fun if I had done that; now, would it?”

  “Uncie Key!”

  MaLeah ran over and outstretched out her arms for him to pick her up. He bent down to be eye level with her and said, “Hey, Shorty. Where have you been?”

  She giggled and held out her sticky tootsie pop for him to get a taste.

  “I don’t think so. I’ll see you when I get out of the shower.”


  Keaton stood and walked out the room.

  “Payback is hell, Brother-in-law.”

  Winston yelled, “You just go practice on your song!”

  Arnelle looked at him and asked, “What song? What are you two up to?” He kissed her. “Just a private joke between us; that’s all. I’m going to take your sticky daughter upstairs for her bath. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Counselor.”


  Meridan let the hot, steamy water hit her brown skin. It was soothing as it caressed her tired muscles. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, but it felt good back out on the court. After entering medical school, she didn’t have much time for playing basketball anymore. She would catch a pick-up game every now and then, but her studies required too much of her time. She basically left her basketball days behind her, as well as the bad memories of college. All her hard work paid off because she graduated from medical school with honors. When Winston called her to join him at the gym, she was a little nervous, not knowing what Keaton’s reaction would be. She was thrilled he was supportive and amazed to see her do her thing.

  Noticing Keaton was still trying to eat meals he shouldn’t be, she was glad she had convinced him to share the giant salad. She also decided she would give him a lecture on his blood pressure and diet; whether he liked it or not. As a doctor, she knew it was definitely nothing to play with. She had some paperwork to finish up, but decided she would do it after Keaton left. She had been spending a lot of time with him lately and she was starting to get more and more comfortable with him.

  It only took Keaton about an hour and a half to get back over to Meridan’s house. When he arrived, she had changed into some navy Capri pants and a white button-down shirt.

  “You smell wonderful. What do you have on?”

  She blushed. “It’s only scented soap, bu
t thank you.”

  Keaton, dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, handed her the movies and a bottle of wine.

  He removed his jacked, rubbed his hands together, and asked, “What is that delicious smell?”

  “It’s something that will go great with this wine. Dinner is served.”

  “I was supposed to help you,” he reminded her

  She waved him off. “It didn’t take long. Plus, I wanted it finished by the time you returned because I knew you’d be starving.”

  He followed her into the kitchen. “What do we have here?”

  Meridan proudly revealed her dishes.

  “I have baked chicken, steamed vegetables, and yeast rolls.”

  Rubbing his stomach, he said, “Yummy.”

  “Keaton, do me a favor and move the items off the coffee table. I’ll bring the plates in.”

  Meridan walked back into the room with two steaming hot plates. Keaton took the plates from her and smiled. The aroma was mouth-watering.

  “Everything looks delicious, Meridan.”

  “Thank you.”

  She threw the pillows on the floor. “I’ll get the wine while you set up the movie.”

  Keaton sat the plates down and adjusted the DVD player. Meridan returned with two glasses and the bottle of wine Keaton had graciously brought. She couldn’t help but admire his physical attributes. He was a very sexy man. She sat the glasses down and asked, “Ready?”

  “Most definitely! Are you sure you want to eat here, on your table?”

  “Keaton, unless you’re terribly messy, we’ll be fine. Now let’s eat.”

  He helped her down on her pillow before sitting himself. They pulled the table back toward the sofa so they could use it as a backrest. After saying grace, Keaton started the movie and poured the wine. The chicken Meridan cooked was delicious and filling. He’d served dishes similar to this at his restaurant, but had never tried them. There were a lot of dishes he hadn’t tried, but he knew the staff of chefs he had were some of the best in the country, so he let them do their thing. Keaton volunteered to clear the dishes from the table after Meridan protested to no avail.

  The movie was now halfway over and Meridan was starting to feel the effects of the wine. Keaton hadn’t showed any signs as he watched the movie diligently. Keaton’s body warmed hers as he sat next to her. Feeling his jean-clad leg brushing up against hers was driving her crazy. His arm rested behind her shoulders securely, making her skin feel like it was on fire. Before she knew it, she had dozed off.

  From what seemed like hours later, Meridan woke up to find Keaton cleaning up the room.

  His eyes met hers. “I was trying not to wake you,” he softly whispered.

  She sat up, yawned, and said, “You didn’t wake me. I can’t believe I fell asleep on you.”

  He smiled back at her. “It wasn’t too bad. I actually got a chance to hear you snore,” he teased.

  She giggled at his comment. “I hope I didn’t get too loud.”

  “I’m only teasing you. You didn’t snore.”

  She smiled as he disappeared into the kitchen with their empty dinnerware. Meridan stood and stretched. Keaton walked back into the room and moved the table back into position.

  “Keaton, you don’t have to do that right now.”

  “I know, but I want to,” he replied as he placed the pillows back on the sofa.

  Meridan picked up the remote control and turned it to the news. “What time is it?”

  He looked at his watch. “Late. It’s about one o’clock in the morning.”

  Meridan walked over to him and watched as he placed the movies back into the bag. She took the bag out of his hand. “Could you stop straightening up for a second?”

  Curiously, he looked down at her. “Sure. What’s up?”

  Meridan moved in closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. As she laid her head against his chest, his heart skipped a beat. Embracing her in silence, they just stood there holding each other. The rhythm of their breathing was soothing and relaxing to both of them. He looked down at her and their eyes met. Without the slightest hesitation, he kissed her. Meridan closed her eyes and savored his lips as they moved over hers. He pulled her even closer to him, deepening their kiss. She now felt like she was on cloud nine as they slowly made their way back over to the sofa. He lowered her body onto it, without breaking contact. He positioned himself over her as he continued to sample her soft lips. Meridan started hearing strange noises, then realized they were coming from her. Keaton kissed his way down her neck to her cleavage. She moaned even louder as his hands roamed ever so slowly over her body. He couldn’t believe what he was doing or hearing. He’d been waiting to get closer to Meridan St. John for some time now. The fact that she was allowing him access to her voluptuous body was about to send him into overdrive. The question of the day was just how far was she willing to let him go?

  He continued his exploration of her lips and neck. Feeling a little daring, he slowly unbuttoned her blouse, exposing a white lace bra covering very full breasts. Her breathing had become erratic and she was even panting when he traced the outline of her bra with his moist tongue.

  A breathless voice pierced the silence. “Keaton…please.”

  He continued his exploration, asking, “Please what, Meridan?”

  She couldn’t answer him. She was so confused that she didn’t know if she wanted him to stop or continue. She was utterly speechless and wanted to scream, feeling his lower region pressing against her body. What she did know was that Keaton Lapahie was driving her crazy. She had no idea she would respond to him in a way to make her feel like this. Keaton himself felt delirious so he became even more daring as he slid his hand inside the waistband of her pants and stroked her. Meridan bit down on her lower lip, closed her eyes, and prayed very hard. She was beginning to have flashbacks of that horrible night with Sam.

  You can get through this. Don’t let Sam win. Sam will never break your spirit.


  Their eyes met and she relaxed. Even though she was speechless, she had an idea what he was asking, but she didn’t know the answer. She was a little afraid to open her mouth, in fear that she would scream. Keaton’s hand slid down even further as he found her to be moist and ready for him. He slid his finger inside her, causing her to scream out his name.


  Overwhelmed at the moment himself, he breathlessly answered, “I’m here, Baby.”

  He kissed her harder, knowing if she didn’t stop him now, he wouldn’t be able to stop later. Then like a bomb going off in his head, it dawned on him… he didn’t bring any protection and it was so unlike him. He normally carried it like an American Express card but, for some reason, he was totally unprepared tonight. The reason being this was the last thing he thought he’d be doing with Meridan; even though he’d dreamed about it countless times.

  He removed his hand. “Meridan, sweetheart, we have to stop. I don’t want to, but I have to. I don’t have anything to protect you. Do you have anything?”

  Still somewhat dazed, she shook her head to let him know that she didn’t. He kissed her and rested his head on her breasts.

  “I’m sorry,” he sadly admitted.

  She gently stroked his head and neck.

  “Don’t be, Keaton. It was beautiful. Thank you.”

  He was silent as he absorbed her words. It seemed he’d pleased her just by his touch. God knows what their experience would be like when they finally made love.

  As Meridan lay there trembling, she prayed he’d never find out her past before he returned to Texas. She wouldn’t be able to look him in the eyes again. A man like Keaton would never be able to understand.

  Later that night, Keaton tossed and turned in his bed after returning from Meridan’s house. For some reason, he couldn’t get comfortable. He stared at the clock, which read three forty-five a.m. As he lay there in the darkness, he realized it was the encounter with Meridan that was causing his sle
eplessness. He knew she had to get up early for work, but he needed to hear her voice; just to make sure she was okay. Turning to pick up the telephone, he dialed her number. He could hear his heart pounding, which was so unlike him. A sexy sounding voice answered on the second ring.


  “Meridan, it’s Keaton. I’m sorry to call you so late,” he said apologetically.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she answered, “That’s okay. I wasn’t asleep anyway. Is anything wrong?”

  He rolled over. “Nah, I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Me either, so I decided to get a little work done.”

  Keaton sat up against his pillows and softly said, “I guess you know what’s causing my sleeplessness.”

  Smiling, she said, “I don’t have a clue. Fill me in.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe a particular All-American beauty and what she did to me tonight.”

  Laughing, Meridan playfully asked, “Really? Ah, Keaton, that’s so sweet and the feeling’s mutual.”

  Humbly, he said, “I’d better let you get some rest. I realize you have to go to work in the morning.”

  She laid her paperwork down. “I’m used to late hours. There are nights I can’t sleep. Besides, I don’t have to be in the office until nine o’clock. I’m going to try and catch a few winks in a sec. You should try to go back to sleep, too.”

  “I’m going to try,” he said, sighing.

  “For the record, I had a great time tonight, Keaton.”

  “I wished I could’ve made it better for you,” he admitted.

  Meridan smiled. “Believe me…you made my day, in more ways than one. I’m still tingling.”

  Silence gripped the conversation as Keaton silently punished himself for not having protection.


  “I’m here,” he said seductively.

  She sighed. “You’d better get to sleep. You’re going to need your rest before we get to Mississippi. One, my dad is going to talk your head off from sunup to sundown. Two, my Aunt Glo will probably try to make passes at you the entire time. I’ll do whatever I can to keep her under control.”

  Keaton laughed out loud. “Is she fine?”


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