When Hell Freezes Over

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When Hell Freezes Over Page 18

by Darrien Lee

  “Momma, thanks for bringing my car to the airport.”

  “No problem! We’ll see you two later. Have a safe flight.”

  “Okay, Momma. I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  Keaton’s mom hung up the telephone and said, “Herbert! Keaton’s bringing MaLeah home with him today. Their plane lands at noon. He wants us to get his car and drive it to the airport for him.”

  Herbert Lapahie smiled. “It’s going to be so nice to see my grandbaby.”

  Keaton was confused on why his mom didn’t quiz him. He figured she’d wait until they got there.

  Arnelle didn’t have the heart to ride to the airport to see her brother off. Besides, she knew that MaLeah would go into another crying fit. Instead, Winston drove them and sent Keaton off with his blessings.


  Meridan was nervous the whole ride to San Antonio. Keaton held her hand.

  “Relax, Meridan. Everything will be okay,” he assured her.

  “I can’t relax, Keaton. I’m worried about meeting your parents.”

  He kissed her cheek. “They’re going to love you; now relax. Besides, you’ve already met them.”

  “Not like this,” she reminded him. “They probably don’t even remember me.”

  He looked at her and said, “They might not recognize you in the braids, but they’ll remember you.”

  “If you say so.”

  The plane landed on time and Keaton and Meridan walked down the ramp into the airport. He could see his parents waving at him.

  He smiled and said, “There they are.”

  Meridan remembered Keaton’s parents being an attractive couple. His mother was a striking woman for her age. They walked over and he hugged both of them.

  Laughing, his mom asked, “Where’s MaLeah?”

  Confused, he asked, “What do you mean?”

  Meridan was standing there feeling awkward.

  He laughed. “You said you were bringing her home with you.”

  He pulled Meridan around in front of him and said, “No, Momma, I said I was bringing a young lady home with me. This is Meridan St. John, the kids’ pediatrician. Remember? You met her when Fredrick was born. Meridan, you remember my parents, don’t you?”

  Keaton’s parents stood there in shock. Keaton had never brought a girl home before. Like robots, they extended their hands to Meridan.

  Keaton’s mother finally snapped out of her trance and spoke up. She then pulled Meridan into her embrace.

  “Oh, Honey, I’m so sorry. Of course we remember you. When Keaton said he was bringing a young lady home, we just assumed—” Waving her off, she said, “Well, never mind about all that. It’s so nice to see you again.”

  Meridan shyly stepped out of her embrace and said, “Nice to see you again, too. I know it’s been a while since we first met.”

  Keaton’s father said, “That it has, but it’s nice to see you. I hope you’ll excuse us for being surprised.”

  “Momma, I’m sorry I didn’t make myself clear. We can talk about it later. Right now, I want to get home and rest a bit. Is my car outside?”

  Herbert replied, “Yes, it’s right out front. Meridan, it’s a pleasure and we hope to see you two at dinner tonight.”

  She looked at Herbert and said, “Likewise.”

  Keaton took her hand and said, “We’ll be there. Let’s go get our luggage so we can get out of here.”

  The four of them walked out together.

  When Keaton’s parents got inside their vehicle, they looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “Zenora, can you believe it? He actually brought a woman home.”

  “Did you see how he was holding onto her? Herbert, I thought I was going to pass out right there in the airport. She’s so tall and beautiful. They really look good together.”

  “I know, I know. You have got to call Arnelle when we get back to the house. I want to know how this happened. That boy swore up and down he would never fall in love and you could see it all over his face.”

  Pulling onto the expressway, she said, “She seems to be a nice girl. I can’t wait to get to know the woman that finally stole my son’s heart.”

  Herbert grinned. “I’m glad he didn’t end up with that other woman. What was her name?”

  Zenora frowned. “Sierra. Keaton never said what happened between them, but whatever it was must’ve been big. I could tell she wasn’t genuine.”

  “She was beautiful also, but Keaton didn’t seem happy when he was with her. He looks happy with this one.”

  Zenora sat there clapping her hands with happiness. Herbert looked over at her and said, “Slow your roll, honey. Let’s not get our hopes up too high too soon.”

  Meridan was quiet as she rode through the streets of San Antonio. Keaton looked over and noticed her staring out her window. “Are you okay over there?”

  She looked at him and smiled. “I’m okay,” she said with a whisper.

  “I’m sorry about the way my parents reacted. I had no idea my mother would assume that I was bringing MaLeah home. All I told her was I was bringing a young lady home.”

  Looking back out the window, she said, “Don’t worry about it, Keaton.”

  Taking his eyes off the road briefly, he looked over at her and said, “But I am. I don’t want you feeling awkward while you’re here.”

  She turned to him. “Your parents are very nice. I’m fine, really.”

  Keaton thought he would leave the subject alone. He continued to drive, taking them out of the city.

  She asked, “How much farther?”

  “Just a few more miles. Did you tell your father where you were going to be?”

  “I’ll call him later. I don’t want him getting suspicious.”

  Traveling down a country road, Meridan noticed the uniquely styled homes, most of which sat on what looked like several acres of land. Some even had horses running around in adjoining pastures. “It’s beautiful out here.”

  “That’s why I like it. I’m still close to the city, while having country living. I like seclusion.”

  Several miles later, he pulled in his driveway. He stopped to check his mailbox, just in case his parents had forgotten. He got back inside, handing a stack of mail to Meridan.

  “Where’s your house?”

  “It’s just over the hill.”

  Keaton continued down his driveway. The entrance was lined with a grove of trees, flowers and shrubbery. He topped a small hill and as he descended it, Meridan gasped.

  “Oh, Keaton. It’s gorgeous!”

  “Thank you,” he said proudly.

  The house looked like something you would see in Arizona or New Mexico. It was made of stone with detailed western architecture. He pulled up to the house and parked.

  “Come on in. I know you’re tired.”

  He jumped out and walked around to open her door. Extending his hand, he said, “Welcome to mi casa.”

  She looked up at the two-story home and asked, “How many rooms do you have in there?”

  “A few. I’m a man who loves his space,” he said with a smile.

  “No kidding.”

  Opening the trunk, he pulled out their luggage.

  “Wait, let me help you with those,” she offered.

  Meridan took a couple of the bags and walked up on the porch with him.

  She couldn’t help but notice the Indian-style blankets folded neatly over the wicker chairs. There was a porch swing and several potted plants that added beauty to the porch. Keaton fumbled with his keys like he was nervous.

  “Here it is,” he said happily as he found the right key.

  Meridan looked out over the yard. While the house seemed massive, it was quaint and serene. Keaton finally got the door open and it was obvious his parents had been there. The house smelled fresh and fragrant. He sat their bags inside the foyer and placed the keys on a hallway table. Meridan took one step inside the door and was frozen where she stood. She wa
s totally taken back by the interior of Keaton’s house.

  He looked at her and asked, “You like?”

  “Keaton, I love it. Did you decorate it yourself?”

  Laughing, he said, “Most of it, but you know Arnelle and my mother had a lot to do with it. But, they know what I like. Let’s get these bags upstairs.”

  She followed him up the stairs, taking in every detail. The hues of red, orange, and beige blended perfectly to his personality. Orange represented his sense of humor; the color beige for his patience and understanding nature and, lastly, red for his fiery passion and hot temper.

  Upstairs, she stopped again. There was a small rocking chair sitting in the hallway. Resting in the chair was a doll, which resembled a small Indian girl.

  “Oh, Keaton, how cute!”

  “I had that made when MaLeah was born. This way she’s always with me.”

  She smiled at him. “You amaze me, Keaton Lapahie.”

  He laughed. “Get in here, woman.”

  They walked inside his bedroom and Meridan said, “I can’t take anymore.”

  Grinning mischievously, he said, “We’ll see about that.”

  Setting their luggage down, Meridan’s eyes were drawn to the king-sized bed. It was a large cherry poster bed. As her eyes scanned the room she saw nothing that she expected. The house was neat and organized. While Keaton went through his mail, he looked up and said, “Go ahead, make yourself at home.”

  She slowly walked around his bedroom admiring the artwork and a large bookshelf full of books. Keaton had the novel The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream turned face down on the desk. It was obvious he was still in the process of reading it.

  Next she noticed the French doors that led out onto a balcony overlooking a pool and huge yard. Peeping around the corner, she found the bathroom. Walking inside, she found a massive tub with shiny gold fixtures as well as a large shower. Ivory and gold decor accented the bathroom, which was also spacious and had a large skylight overhead.

  Keaton walked in and asked, “You find everything okay?”

  Turning, she said, “Yes, everything is very nice.”

  He stood there admiring her beauty. He walked over to her and pulled her into his arms lovingly. He touched the area on her neck that Jacob had violated and asked, “Are you hungry?”

  “Not really, but I am a little sleepy.”

  “Do you want to take a nap?”

  She put her arms around his neck and whispered something seductively into his ear.

  Frowning, he yelled, “Jesus, Meridan!”

  What she had whispered to him instantly aroused him. He playfully threw her over his shoulder and headed toward his large bed. Meridan giggled as he gently placed her on his bed.

  He sprinkled her body with kisses and said, “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I’m glad I’m here also,” she said as she softly caressed his face. They stared at each other passionately. “Keaton?”



  He kissed her neck, cheek, and lips. “Guess what?”

  She moaned and asked, “What?”

  “I have something even better for you.”


  “Oh yeah!”

  He unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped her jeans. Moving lower, he pulled off her shoes and jeans. She sat up on her knees and pulled his shirt over his head. As she kissed his neck and chest, he removed her clothing, leaving her in only her white lace undergarments. Meridan reached down and unsnapped his jeans, unzipping them slowly. He discarded them and they sat there smiling at each other. He ran his hand up her thigh and lowered her panties. Their eyes met and in silence, he unsnapped her bra, tossing it on the floor. He shook his head in disbelief of the woman lying before him. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would ever find a woman like Meridan.

  Snapping him out of his trance, she whispered, “Keaton?”


  “Drop ’em.”


  Dinner at the Lapahies was calm and relaxing. Zenora Lapahie had whipped up one of her specialties for the occasion. Their home was just as beautiful as Keaton’s.

  “Mrs. Lapahie, these chicken enchiladas are delicious.”

  “Thank you, Meridan, and I insist you call me Zenora.”

  Keaton and his dad made eye contact as they listened to the ladies talk.

  He wiped his mouth and asked, “So, Meridan, how long are you planning on visiting?”

  “Not long because I have to get back to my patients.”

  Zenora said, “Well, I’m sure they miss you, but feel free to stay as long as you like. Keaton, did you get enough to eat?”

  “Yes, Momma, I’m fine,” Keaton answered as he leaned back and rubbed his stomach.

  Zenora stood and asked, “Anybody up for dessert? All I need to say is chocolate and whipped cream.”

  Smiling, Meridan said, “No thank you. I’m stuffed.”

  “Herbert? Keaton?”

  “I might try some tomorrow, Momma.”

  Herbert smiled. “I’ll take a piece, Zenora.”

  She put the dessert on a saucer and handed it to him. Smiling at Meridan, she asked, “Are you going to come back for Herbert’s final fund-raiser? It’ll be here before we know it and everyone will be there.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. Keaton told me all about it. It sounds so exciting.”

  Herbert said, “It is, but it’s exhausting also. I’ve been all over this city campaigning. I’ve met a lot of people in all levels of income and I must say there’s a lot of work to be done to make this city even better. I believe, with help, I can do the job.”

  “Well, good luck to you, Mr. Lapahie. I’m sure you’ll win.”

  He took a bite of his dessert and said, “My dear, I must agree with Zenora now. Please call me Herbert.”

  “Thank you, but it’s so hard. My daddy brought me up to be respectful.”

  Zenora sipped her water and asked, “Where are you from, Meridan?”

  “I grew up in a little town not far from Jackson, Mississippi.”

  Herbert laughed. “Jackson, Mississippi! Now, those are some good people. What does your father do there?”

  “He’s a farmer,” she said with pride.

  Zenora said, “Good for him! You know there are not many black farmers still around. I know you’re proud.”


  Zenora said, “You know, I come from a family of farmers also and it was a great place to grow up. I remember having so much fun. My granddaddy farmed in Alabama. It was rough back then, but my parents made sure I got my education. I moved out here to work and met this handsome young lawyer. I haven’t been myself since because he swept me off my feet.”

  Meridan saw Herbert and Zenora smiling at each other. So did Keaton.

  Meridan blushed. “How romantic.”

  “Yeah, Momma. I didn’t know Daddy had you sprung like that.”

  She threw her napkin at him and said, “Hush your fuss, Keaton!”

  Herbert cleared his throat. “Keaton, speaking of sprung—”

  Keaton stood up quickly. “Well, it’s time for us to go.”

  Meridan laughed. “No, Keaton. We’re not leaving until we do the dishes.”

  Zenora giggled. “You don’t have to do that, Honey.”

  “Zenora, we insist. Let’s get busy, Keaton. I’ll wash, you dry.”

  He mumbled as he helped Meridan clear the dishes.

  In the kitchen they carried on a discreet conversation about their afternoon delight.

  Keaton said, “You think this afternoon was something, you’re going to pay for this when I get you home.”

  “What are you gonna do? Spank me?”

  He laughed. “Worse. I just might have to tie you up and get out my special feather.”

  “Keaton, you are so bad.”

  He kissed her ear and stuck his tongue inside it, causing her to let out a loud scream.
  Whispering, she said, “Behave, Keaton.”

  “Who are you going to tell…my parents? They’re freaky, too.”

  “Keaton, you are so wrong.”

  “Sweetheart, I’ve only just begun. You just wait. You are so mine when we get home.”

  Meridan started to get a little worried. Keaton was back on his home territory and there was no telling what he had up his sleeve.


  It had been two days since Meridan arrived in Texas. Keaton had given her a tour of his land and today he was taking her by his restaurant. He wasn’t scheduled to return until next week, but he wanted to treat Meridan to lunch. They walked through the front door and his hostess immediately screamed. She ran over and hugged him.

  He smiled. “Tracy, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you’ve missed me. How have things been around here without me?”

  “Keaton, you know you’ve been missed, but Trenton has done an excellent job running things. You know how he is.”

  “Yes, I do. That’s why I left him in charge.”

  “So, how are you feeling?”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m one hundred percent.” Taking Meridan’s hand, he said, “Tracy, I want you to meet Meridan St. John. Meridan, this is Tracy Davenport, the best hostess in San Antonio.”

  Shaking hands, Tracy said, “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “Same here,” Meridan responded.

  Tracy winked at Keaton. She elbowed him and asked, “Are you guys here for lunch?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  Tracy grabbed two menus. “On that note, welcome to Lorraine’s. Right this way, boss.”

  “Cut it out, Tracy.”

  She giggled. “Welcome back, Keaton.”


  They sat down and Meridan started scanning the menu. She looked up and asked, “Who’s Lorraine?”

  He smiled and proudly said, “My grandmother.”

  Looking away to scan the menu once more, she responded, “I see.”

  He studied her expression with curiosity. “Who did you think Lorraine was?”

  “I figured it was one of your lady friends,” she answered with a jealous tone.


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