When Hell Freezes Over

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When Hell Freezes Over Page 20

by Darrien Lee

  Walking toward the checkout line, Gerald said, “I’m sorry things didn’t work out between you two.”

  “Me, too. Well, it was good seeing you. Tell Keaton I said hello.”

  Hugging her once again, he said, “I will. Take care of yourself.”

  “You do the same. Goodbye.”

  Gerald shook his head as he watched her walk out the door.

  Keaton’s yard was filled with almost fifty close friends and family members. There was great music and good food, Texas style. Meridan wore a long, straight, gold skirt with a matching blouse. She put her braids up into an upswept hairdo, leaving some hanging loose. Keaton introduced her to all his family members and friends. She was very impressed with Keaton’s family. Their backgrounds were similar to hers: country. They worked in various levels, whether it was blue or white collar but they never made her feel inferior.

  As Keaton refilled his drink, he turned and spotted the last person he thought he would ever see at his house again: Sierra. She was tall, slender, and very beautiful. Meridan noticed her immediately and picked up on the fact that Keaton was shaken by her appearance. Keaton immediately walked over to Sierra and started a conversation with her. Meridan couldn’t hear what was being said, but after a few words, she saw him hustle Gerald into the house.

  “Damn, Gerald! What is Sierra doing here?”

  Playfully punching at Keaton, he said, “I ran into her on the way over here. I guess she followed me.”

  Keaton grabbed him by the collar and pulled him further into the house.

  “I don’t need this shit tonight. Meridan is here and I don’t want any trouble. You need to get rid of her.”

  Rubbing his chin, he said, “I’m sorry, Keaton. But you have to admit, she looks great. Doesn’t she?”

  Sighing, he said, “Yeah, she looks great. Sierra always looks great, but she’s in my past now.”

  Gerald put his hand on Keaton’s shoulder. “Do you really want me to get rid of her? I mean, I don’t want her to cause a scene.”

  Walking toward the backyard, Keaton said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle Sierra.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to try and get her to leave without causing a scene. Follow me. I want you to meet Meridan.”

  Keaton introduced Gerald to Meridan. From across the yard, Sierra noticed the gleam in Keaton’s eyes when he looked at one particular woman. As she stared at the woman, she noticed she was plain and nowhere close to being any serious competition. Her main motive tonight was to get Keaton back. As she stood there, she thought back on the reason for their breakup.

  Months ago, Keaton had caught her in a compromising position with another man in of all places…his house. He had been out of town for a couple of days on business and trusted her alone in his home. Unfortunately for her, he came back a day early. He hadn’t looked her way or returned her calls since. Even though he was a man who had dated many women, Sierra had basically become his main woman. What sickened him most wasn’t the fact that she was with another man. It was the fact that she disrespected him by bringing the man into his house.

  The party was in full swing and Sierra had been trying her best to get Keaton alone all evening. Finally she saw him retire upstairs so she followed.

  Up in his bedroom, Keaton went to the medicine cabinet and pulled out some pain medicine. He had decided that it was best that he ignore Sierra, instead of chancing an ugly scene. When he came back through the bedroom, he found Sierra standing there. The short dress she had on accented her long, slender, cocoa brown legs.

  Keaton frowned. “What are you doing up here?”

  Walking toward him, she said, “This used to be our favorite spot.”

  Popping the medication, he solemnly said, “You said the key words, used to be. What do you want, Sierra?”

  “I’ve been trying to get you alone all evening. We need to talk.”

  Laughing, he said, “Why don’t you just leave, Sierra? You weren’t invited and we have nothing to talk about. You’re lucky I haven’t thrown you out of here.”

  He walked past her and she grabbed his arm. “Keaton, don’t you miss me at all? I’m sure you remember how good we were together.”

  He looked her in the eyes. “Not at all. What I do remember is walking into my house and finding you with your head in some guy’s lap. Now, I would appreciate it if you would get the hell out of my room and out of my house, because you’re not welcome here.”

  Sierra folded her arms. “What’s wrong? You afraid your little transvestite girlfriend will get the wrong idea with me up here with you? She’s a little muscular for a woman, don’t you think? You might need to check the Adam’s apple, Keaton.”

  Keaton had taken all he could take. He looked at her in anger and stalked toward her. Sierra realized she had gone too far. She knew he would never hit her, but he wouldn’t think twice about throwing her out of his house in front of all his guests. He’d done it the night he caught her with the man and never looked back.

  Meridan stepped through the door at that precise moment. “Is everything okay in here?”

  He turned and firmly said, “Everything’s about to be just fine because Sierra was just leaving. Weren’t you?”

  Sliding past Keaton cautiously, Sierra said, “Yes, I was. Goodnight.”

  With Sierra gone, Keaton sat down on the bed and let out a loud sigh.

  “What was that all about?”

  “We used to date a while back. She was trying to provoke me and she almost succeeded. I’m glad you came in.”

  Meridan walked over to him. He pulled her close, resting his head against her stomach. She caressed his neck to soothe him. They were silent for a minute.

  “I caught her giving oral sex to another man in my house,” he announced.

  Stilling caressing him, she said, “I’m sorry, Keaton. That must’ve hurt.”

  He said, “I’m glad I found out her true colors before it was too late.”

  Meridan didn’t respond. It was obvious he’d had feelings for this woman at one time. He raised her blouse and kissed the soft skin of her abdomen. “Enough about her, because she’s history. I’m ready for everyone to get out of my house because I want to be alone with you. You’re all I care about.”

  Meridan smiled and asked, “Really?”

  “Most definitely. I’m ready to have you all to myself.”

  She kissed him lovingly. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  Taking her hand, he said, “Good! Come with me so I can throw everyone out.”

  Giggling, she asked, “You’re not serious, are you?”

  “I don’t care where they go, but they have to get the hell out of here.”

  He winked and led her out of the room.


  Keaton didn’t put everyone out like he threatened. In fact, they enjoyed another hour or two of fun and games. Later, when all the guests and food were finally gone, the caterers started cleaning up. Keaton asked his parents if they could hang around until the caterers finished because he had a special surprise for Meridan. He noticed that she seemed to really enjoy herself playing cards and Taboo with his friends, which made him love her even more. He had shared her with his friends and family; now he was ready for some private time with her.

  Keaton’s parents were unaware of the plans Keaton had made. They thought it was humorous when he blindfolded Meridan and walked her out to the car.

  “Goodnight, Meridan!”


  Before turning to walk back into the house, Judge Lapahie yelled, “Keaton, you drive carefully with that young lady. You hear me?”

  “Yes, Sir. Goodnight, Momma! If you need me, call my cell.”

  “We’ll be fine. Goodnight.”

  Keaton started the car and started down the driveway.

  “Where are you taking me, Keaton?”

  “Just sit back and relax, sweetheart.”

  He kept driving
and finally came to a stop. Meridan could hear all sorts of unfamiliar sounds; especially the sound of water. He came around to her side of the car and opened her door. Taking his hand, she cautiously let him lead her. His hands were warm and strong as he pulled her forward. After a series of steps he pulled the blindfold from her eyes. Before her was a room filled with candles. She looked around the room and asked, “Where are we?”

  “We’re on a yacht. It’s called the Ecstasy,” he said as he lit the candles.

  “Keaton Lapahie, you are something else. It’s beautiful.”

  There were two empty glasses on a small table. He walked over and poured the champagne that was chilling in a silver bucket into the glasses. Walking over to her, he handed her a glass and touched it to hers. “To a long life full of love and happiness, Meridan St. John.”

  “Ditto that, Keaton Lapahie.” They sipped the champagne together in silence. Sipping more champagne, she walked around the room admiring it. “Your barbecue was a hit, Keaton. Your family and friends were so nice to me.”

  “They fell in love with you,” he announced proudly.



  Blushing, she asked, “So what’s the occasion? I thought we were going to relax at your house.”

  “Can’t a brotha pamper his woman without it being an occasion? Besides, there’s no telling what time those people finished cleaning up. I didn’t want them to hear you moaning from upstairs.”

  Laughing, she said, “Keaton, you can pamper me anytime and as far as the moaning, we’ll just have to see, won’t we?”

  Taking her hand, he said, “I guess we will. Follow me.”

  They retired to the deck. It was so peaceful. Meridan hugged him affectionately.

  “This is a very nice surprise and this yacht is unbelievable.”

  Playing in her hair, he said, “We’re staying overnight, if it’s okay with you.”

  “Oh, Keaton! Wait! I don’t have a change of clothes.”

  He sipped his champagne. “Yes, you do. I packed some things for us. They’re in the trunk.”

  She hugged his waist again. “You thought of everything, didn’t you?”

  He kissed her neck. “I try. I’ll be right back. Let me get the bags out of the car.”

  Releasing him, she said, “Hurry back.”

  Keaton returned to find Meridan refilling her glass. She said, “It’s getting a little cool out here. We should go inside.”

  “It sure is. Come on so I can show you around.”

  They went below deck and Keaton walked down the long hallway. The yacht had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, along with a kitchen and a family room. He opened the door to a huge bedroom. Once again Meridan was in awe.

  “Just whose yacht is this, Keaton? It’s like a house on water.”

  Grinning, he said, “A couple of teammates bought it together. Now come on so I can give you the complete tour.”

  After the tour, Meridan kicked off her shoes and lay lazily across the bed. The champagne relaxed her.

  Keaton smiled and asked, “Tired?”

  “Not really. I think this champagne is making me sleepy.”

  Keaton climbed onto the bed next to her, pulling her closer. She buried her face against his warm neck and closed her eyes.

  He softly said, “Meridan, we need to talk.”

  Kissing his neck, she asked, “About what?”

  “About us,” he answered as he played with her braids.

  Keaton had finally found the courage to propose to her.

  “What about us?”

  “Meridan, I never thought I would find a woman that would fit me so well. I love you so much and I want to be with you…forever.”

  Oh my God! He can’t mean what I think he means.

  He kissed her lips tenderly. “How much do you love me, Meridan?”

  She nervously kissed him back. “I love you a lot, Keaton.”

  “How much is a lot?”

  Meridan’s heart was full and she was speechless. She did love Keaton and wanted to be with him more than anything in the world, but she couldn’t. She would never be able to give him the family she knew his heart desired. She now realized she had let things go too far. She should’ve told him about her condition a long time ago. She never expected Keaton to invest himself emotionally into their relationship, even though she already had. At this point, she didn’t know what to do. Trying not to panic, she said, “Keaton, you know I love you, but—”

  Damn it, Keaton! Why are you complicating things?

  Cutting her off, he ran his hand up her arm and asked, “But what?” He’d always loved the feel of her skin. “Meridan, I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say.”

  He took her hands into his and caressed them. Tears streamed out of her eyes as she tried to form words but, once again, she was unsuccessful. She leaned forward and kissed him. Keaton welcomed Meridan’s aggressiveness. Their kisses spoke for both of them as they became even more passionate. She unbuttoned his shirt as he slid her skirt over her hips. Kissing his chest she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. She knew in her heart that he was on the verge of proposing to her, but she just couldn’t let him. Making love to him was the only way she could distract him from saying anything else. The truth was she was afraid. In the morning, she would tell him their relationship could never be more than it was right now.

  Keaton picked up on the fact that Meridan didn’t want him to finish what he was trying to say, but why?

  He thought to himself, Meridan St. John, I will make you mine. It was obvious you didn’t want to talk about us tonight, but you’ll have to eventually. This ring in my pocket is for you and only you.


  The next morning, Keaton found Meridan sitting out on deck sipping coffee. She seemed to be in deep thought. They didn’t get much sleep the previous night from being entangled in each other’s arms. They had run out of condoms near midnight, but that didn’t stop them from continuing to show their affection for each other. That simple act tested all the faith Meridan had in him. She knew he would never put her at risk and she also knew there was no reason to worry about him getting her pregnant.

  Kissing her cheek, he said, “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  Looking up, she blushed. “Good morning.”

  Joining her at the table, he asked, “Why are you up so early? I missed you.”

  “I just couldn’t sleep. I have a lot on my mind.”

  Pouring a cup of coffee, he said, “I figured you did. Look, Meridan, I know I acted irresponsibly last night. I want you to know that I would never take a chance with your life because you mean too much to me. I don’t have any diseases and I’ve never made love to any woman without protection until now.”

  She looked at him. “I know you wouldn’t put me at risk, Keaton, and I could’ve stopped you if I wanted to. I didn’t want any barriers between us anymore.”

  Reaching across the table, he held her hand. “Meridan, if I’ve gotten you pregnant, I’m here for you and my child because it was conceived out of love and that’s what is important.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Keaton, and I appreciate you saying that.”

  “You know, that’s a nice thought. I wouldn’t mind having a couple of kids with you. I never really gave it much thought until now. Then again, it took me a while to find you, didn’t it? I’m in love with you, Meridan.”

  The sadness crept into their conversation the moment he mentioned having children. She stood and he came around to her side of the table and embraced her lovingly. He kissed her slowly.

  She smiled and said, “That was nice.”

  “I’m glad you like. Can I ask you something?”

  She swallowed hard. “Sure.”

  He continued to hold her in his arms. He sighed and said, “Did you understand anything that I was saying to you last night?”

  She looked away and answered, “I think so.”

  “What are you
so afraid of?”

  She looked up into his eyes. “You don’t understand, Keaton. It’s complicated.”

  “It can’t be that bad,” he added as he played in her hair.

  Meridan was trying to find the courage to tell Keaton the truth about her inability to have children.

  “Keaton, there are things out of my past that haunt me, even now. Things have happened to me that have left me incomplete and I’ve been trying to find the courage to explain everything to you but it’s so hard,” she said as she visibly struggled with her words.

  He caressed her back. “I’m sure whatever it is, I’ll understand.”

  At that point she started trembling uncontrollably in his arms. She was so afraid of losing him.

  “Calm down, Meridan, it’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it any more today. I’m not letting you go and if you’re trying to run me away, you’re wasting your time because I’m not going anywhere. Do you understand me?”

  She nodded in agreement because she knew she would eventually have to stop hiding the truth.

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips and asked, “Are you hungry?”

  “After last night, I’m starving,” she answered as she tried to compose herself.

  Teasing her, he said, “You were sort of wild, Miss St. John.”

  She smiled at his effort to cheer her up.

  At that moment they heard the phone ring.

  He smiled. “Don’t move.”

  She looked around at the blue water surrounding the boat. “I won’t.”

  He laughed and disappeared downstairs. Seconds later he came back out. “That was your telephone ringing.”

  He handed it to her and she answered, “Hello?”

  “Yo cuz, this is Keyshaun. You don’t have to worry about that punk ass Jacob anymore.”

  Standing up, Meridan asked with worry in her voice, “Why? What did you do?”

  “Let’s just say me and Devon let him know that he doesn’t mess with anyone in our family.”

  “Keyshaun, did Daddy tell you what happened?”

  “It doesn’t matter. We just let Jacob know where we stand. Aight?”


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