When Hell Freezes Over

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When Hell Freezes Over Page 27

by Darrien Lee

  Making direct eye contact with her, he touched her stomach. “Listen to me very carefully, sweetheart. We’re pregnant and we’re going to have a baby of our own in about seven and a half months.”

  She screamed out loud and yelled, “No! It can’t be true! The doctors told me that I can’t have children!”

  “Well, they were wrong. We are having a baby. So, do you like the nursery or not?”

  Meridan burst into tears as she hugged his neck. She cried so hard, Keaton was worried that she might aggravate her injury.

  “Meridan, it’s okay. Please, don’t make yourself sick,” he urged her.

  She did her best to stifle her tears, but it was difficult. She eventually calmed herself and laughed openly. “I still can’t believe it’s true. I had no idea. I mean, my cycle has always been irregular. I would’ve never suspected.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “I’m so thankful you’re safe.”

  “So am I.”

  They held each other in silence for several minutes.

  “So, does this mean you like the nursery?”

  “I love it and I love you,” she admitted with sincerity.

  Standing, he picked her up into his arms and carried her back to their bedroom.

  “Good, little momma; now come to bed because my two favorite people need to rest.”

  “Are you going to continue to pamper me, Keaton?” she asked as he lowered her to the floor.

  Without looking into her eyes, he said, “Yes, Mrs. Lapahie, as much as possible; especially now that I have two people to take care of.”

  She giggled, then turned her back to him. “You know you’re amazing, don’t you?”

  He unzipped her dress and said, “I’m just a man who loves his wife.”

  Meridan let the dress fall to the floor, then looked up at him mischievously. Keaton blinked, then walked slowly toward the bathroom to run her bath.

  “Stop teasing me, Meridan. You know I can’t touch you for a few more days,” he warned.

  She lay across the bed and said, “I’ll be waiting, Big Daddy.”

  Later that night, Keaton built a fire and made them a pallet in front of it. It was there Meridan rested securely in his arms.

  “Keaton, I’m sorry for causing you so much stress with all my drama,” she apologized.

  Stroking her hair, he said, “Thanks for reminding me. You are due a spanking, but I’ll wait until you’re feeling better first.”

  She caressed his arm and said, “I knew I had to do something to get Sam out of my life. I had no idea Jacob would show up to help. He told me he would be my guardian angel.”

  “We could’ve been killed,” he whispered.

  Sighing, she said, “I know.”

  He played in her hair, then said, “Let’s not talk about it anymore. It’s in the past and all I want to think about is our future.”

  Cuddling up to him, she answered, “Me, too.”

  At that moment, the telephone rang, interrupting them. Keaton answered, “Hello?”

  “What’s up, Bro?”

  “Hey, Winston. What’s up?”

  “I was just checking on Meridan. How’s she doing?”

  “She’s sore and tired,” Keaton answered as he caressed her cheek.

  “Well, tell me this. How cold do you think it is in Hell right now?”

  Smiling, Keaton said, “You don’t forget anything, do you?”

  “No, I don’t and since I didn’t get to attend this secret wedding of yours, there’s another little matter you haven’t taken care of.”

  “You never quit, do you?”

  Laughing hysterically, Winston asked, “No, I don’t. Where’s Meridan?”

  “She’s lying right here. Why?”

  “You know why. Let me speak to her.”

  Keaton had no idea what Winston was up to. Meridan took the telephone and answered, “Hello?”

  Keaton watched her facial expressions as Winston said God knows what to her. She would be smiling one minute, then the next minute she had a serious look on her face. Finally she said, “Okay. Goodbye and thanks for calling. Tell Arnelle and the kids I said goodnight.”

  Holding out the telephone, she smiled and said, “Here you go, Keaton.”

  Taking the telephone, he asked, “Yeah, man?”

  Winston started laughing, then said, “Start singing, brother-in-law, right now, to your lovely wife.”

  Keaton swallowed hard, then closed his eyes and started softly singing a love ballad by Luther Vandross to Meridan. She smiled, then closed her eyes and listened to him rip Luther’s song into shreds, but it was the message she listened closest to. She knew what he was doing was some sort of dare between him and Winston, but him going through with it made it special.

  Once he finished singing, he asked, “Are you happy now, Winston?”

  “I’m very happy. I’m also happy for you, Bro. Congratulations! Now, I still get to name your first born, right?”

  Keaton laughed. “When hell freezes over! Goodnight, Winston!”


  Months later, Meridan delivered Jeremiah Mathew Lapahie, who weighed in at nine pounds, two ounces. Meridan and Keaton didn’t have a preference on whether they had a boy or girl, but he knew if it was a girl, MaLeah might be very jealous. He had spoiled her like she was his own daughter and the adjustment would’ve been difficult. Luckily, they didn’t have to deal with it.

  Six weeks after the birth of Jeremiah, Keaton threw a party to celebrate the birth of his son and his baptism. The whole family was in attendance as well as Nichole, Craig, Venice, and their children. William wanted as many family members as possible to be there for the celebration, so he chartered a bus for their transportation. Meridan’s sister, Gwendolyn, and her family flew in to be a part of the joyous celebration as well. Meridan never thought she would ever be a part of a family like she had found with Keaton and their son.

  All in all, over one hundred family members and friends were in attendance, even Aunt Glo. Deacon wasn’t able to come, but he sent his regards to the family. He had an important case he was in the middle of and couldn’t get away. Keaton’s best friend Gerald was there to support him. Keaton also invited the guys on the basketball team, even Malik. Arnelle invited Damon Kirkpatrick, a dear friend and coach of the Philadelphia Eagles football team who just happened to be in Texas looking at a prospective ballplayer. Damon had Winston losing his mind when he was dating Arnelle, and it was Damon who caused Winston to come to his senses when they were having problems. Winston saw Damon as a serious threat to his relationship with Arnelle, but later found out they really were just friends.

  After the baptism at the church, everyone joined back up at Keaton’s house for food and fun that lasted another five hours. It was a day-long event, which eventually wound down. Meridan took Jeremiah up for his bath and bedtime while Keaton said goodnight to their guests.

  Keaton joined her in the nursery later. He found Meridan in the rocking chair burping his son.

  He kissed her on the cheek and whispered, “Are you happy, Meridan?”

  Meridan smiled as she put their sleeping son in his crib. Keaton turned off the lights and they walked out into the hallway arm in arm.

  She looked up at him and she answered, “Keaton, I can’t believe you asked me that. I’m happy here with you and Jeremiah. I’ve decided to put my career on hold for a while. I want to enjoy being your wife and a full-time mother. If I get bored, I’ll go out on the court and shoot a few hoops or help your mom with her catering business or something.”

  Laughing, he said, “I want to make sure. Promise me, you’ll let me know the moment you’re ready to open a practice or whatever.”

  She kissed him. “My love, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Good! Oh, a letter came for you today from a law office in Atlanta.”

  Frowning, she asked, “I wonder what it could be?”

  Walking around the bed, he said, “I bet it has something to do with Ja
cob.” Meridan’s hands trembled as she picked the envelope up from the dresser. Keaton looked at her and asked, “Do you want me to open it for you?”

  She swallowed and said, “No, I can do it.”

  They were silent as she opened the letter and began to read it. Keaton went back into the bathroom to run her bath. When he returned to the bedroom, Meridan sat there with a blank look on her face.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  Meridan was speechless. She held the letter out to Keaton. He cautiously took it from her hand and began to read it. It was a letter forwarded to Meridan in the event of Jacob’s death.

  Dear Meridan,

  If you’re reading this, it means that I am no longer on this earth. After all that happened between us, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. After I left Mississippi and moved to Atlanta, I got caught up in the fast lane of the city. Being raised in a small country town, I felt like a prisoner who was experiencing real life for the first time. Unfortunately, my adventures came back to haunt me and I turned to drugs because I was a man in pain. There is another envelope enclosed, which is my Will and Testament. Within it, I made provisions for my family and you. You might be wondering ‘why you.’ Well, Meridan, you were the only person in my life that never judged me or looked down on me no matter what I did or said. For that, I have always loved you and been grateful to you. My behavior towards you in Atlanta was the beginning of my end. It was around that time that I found out my time on this earth was limited when I tested positive with HIV. No, I’m not gay. Yes, I had a hunger for fast women and I paid for it with my life. When you visited me in the hospital, it hurt for you to see me like that. Even then, you didn’t question or judge me. As a doctor, I knew the risks, but somewhere along the line, I got careless. I never intended to hurt you or anyone around you, but it was hard to see you so happy with Keaton when I was going through my own hell. I’m glad you forgave me. It meant everything to me and I didn’t want you to pity me. I just wanted my old friend back. I don’t know when or how my life will end, but I want you to know that I’ll love you forever.


  Keaton opened the other envelope and saw that Jacob left Meridan around seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. His heart sank, then went out to her. She looked up with tears in her eyes.

  He pulled her into his arms and said, “I know. I’m so sorry, Meridan.”

  “I can’t believe it. I wish I could’ve done something to help him.”

  “His pride wouldn’t let him so don’t feel guilty, Meridan.”

  “Should I keep the money?”

  “You do what you want to with it. He wanted you to have it. It’s a gift.” Standing, she walked across the room and said, “I think I’m going to donate it to the high school back home. This money can send a lot of kids to college. I’d hate for Jacob to be remembered the wrong way. Maybe setting up a scholarship fund will somehow overshadow the issues he had. You know?”

  Smiling, Keaton said, “That sounds like a great idea, babe.”

  “Thanks, sweetheart. I love you, Keaton.”

  “I love you more, Meridan Lapahie.”


  At the hotel where the guests were staying, Nichole relaxed in the lounge with an apple martini. After the party at Keaton’s house, she couldn’t wait to change into some comfortable jeans and T-shirt. Damon Kilpatrick was bored and tired of looking at football film. Relaxing at Keaton’s house had been a welcome distraction from his job. Finding Nichole sitting at the bar also rejuvenated him.

  He walked over and said, “Nichole, it’s so nice seeing you again.”

  She turned and smiled at the baritone voice greeting her. “It’s nice seeing you again, too, Damon. That was a nice party today, huh?”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and said, “Yes, it was.”

  He stood by the stool next to her and asked, “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Motioning toward the seat, she said, “Not at all. Actually, I’m glad you came in. I was beginning to look pathetic sitting here in this beautiful hotel all by myself.”

  Damon laughed and stared at her. “A woman like you could never look pathetic, Nichole.”

  Arnelle had introduced them earlier at the party and they seemed to hit it off immediately. They discussed politics, the stock market and surprisingly sports. Nichole found Damon handsome and charming, but the reality was, she was already dating someone and would never cheat on Deacon.

  She blushed and said, “Why, thank you, Damon.”

  Turning away, he asked, “What are you drinking?”

  Holding up her glass, she answered, “Apple martinis.”

  “It looks like you’re out. Let me get you another one.”

  She touched his arm and said, “You don’t have to do that.”

  Showing her his dimples, he smiled and said, “I know, but I want to.”

  Damon motioned for the bartender to bring Nichole another drink.

  “Thank you, Damon.”

  “You’re welcome,” he politely replied. “So, what are you doing here all by yourself?”

  The bartender sat her glass in front of her.

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  He laughed. “I guess I deserve that, huh?”

  They laughed together. Nichole couldn’t believe a handsome man like him wouldn’t have a woman traveling with him. He was working the black jeans he had on, and the tan, starched shirt he wore showed just how fine he was. Now she was curious to know why there was no woman by his side.

  She tilted her head and asked, “So, Damon, how is it that your woman let you travel all over the country without her?”

  He stared at her and said, “Who said I had a woman?”

  Nichole took a sip of her drink and nervously said, “I just assumed—”

  “While you’re all up in my kool-aid, why is it that your policeman friend let you out all by yourself?”

  Nichole’s face became hot with embarrassment. She swallowed and asked, “Have you been checking up on me, Damon?”

  With sincerity, he said, “What can I say? You caught my eye. You’re a very beautiful woman, Nichole, and if you were my lady, you wouldn’t be here alone.”

  “It’s so sweet of you to say that, but my friend had to work. Thanks for the compliment,” she responded with appreciation.

  “You’re welcome,” he said as the bartender sat a soda in front of him.

  She sipped her martini, then asked, “Aren’t you going to order something?”

  “I already have.” He showed her his glass.


  “I don’t drink alcohol,” he informed her.

  Amazed, Nichole asked, “For real?”

  “For real.”

  It was then her cell phone rang. She pulled it from her purse and said, “Excuse me for a second, Damon.”

  Damon nodded and took a sip of his soda as he watched the news showing on the TV monitors above the bar. Nichole turned her back to him so she could talk privately on the phone. It was noisy in the lounge, but it didn’t stop Damon from hearing a muffled scream come out of her mouth. He looked over at her and noticed she was trembling. Concerned, he jumped up from the bar stool and came around in front of her.

  Her head was lowered and she was sobbing uncontrollably. Damon pulled her up out of her seat and asked with concern, “What’s wrong, Nichole?”

  “It’s Deacon, my boyfriend. He’s…he’s…he’s been shot.”

  Hugging her, he asked, “Is he okay?”

  “I don’t know. All they said was he’s been shot.”

  Hugging her, he said, “I’m sorry, Nichole. What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry; I have to get back to Philly,” she said, still trembling with fear.

  Damon was worried that she was going into shock. He looked at his watch and said, “Don’t worry, I know someone that could get us back to Philly.”

  “What do you mean, us?”

; He looked down at her and said, “Unless there’s someone else who can go with you, I’m not going to let you travel alone under these circumstances. You don’t need to be by yourself right now.”

  Damon was a stranger to her, but he was a friend of the Lapahies so she figured he had to be okay. Unable to object, she collapsed against his large body and cried hysterically. He embraced her and his heart melted as he wondered what awful tragedy she would face when she stepped off the plane.


  Darrien Lee, a native of Columbia, Tennessee, resides in LaVergne, Tennessee with her husband and two young daughters. Darrien picked up her love for writing while attending college at Tennessee State University, and it was that experience which inspired her debut novel, All That and a Bag of Chips. Later she released the sequels, Been There Done That and What Goes Around Comes Around. Both were Essence bestselling titles.

  She is a member of A Place of Our Own Bookclub, Women of Color Bookclub, and Authors Supporting Authors Positively.

  Please visit her web site www.darrienlee.com for upcoming appearances and events. You can email the author at: [email protected].




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