Walking the Line

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Walking the Line Page 10

by Mandy Magro

  Charlize reached across the table and placed her hand over his, the gesture enough to let him know she felt for him, and was there for him. And although they were basically strangers, she didn’t feel the least bit strange showing such affection.

  Reg looked up at the ceiling, still blinking fast. ‘I always thought I’d be the first to go, but like most things in life—’ he chuckled quietly ‘—my Nancy beat me to it.’

  A shadow fell across the table and Bruce yapped defensively while huddled against Charlize’s legs. ‘Am I interrupting something?’ The man’s deep husky voice was strong but light-hearted.

  Reg acknowledged the intruder with a broad smile. ‘No, not at all.’ He looked at his watch. ‘Boy oh boy, is it that time already? Time flies when you’re having fun.’

  Charlize felt an irresistible pull to her left and turned to see the man she’d been admiring on her laptop screen standing in front of her in all his masculine glory. And by God he had a presence. Those cheeky smiling lips looked so much better in the flesh, as did the muscles of his burly chest pressing against the fabric of his shirt, and good lord his arms looked strong. His five-o’clock shadow made him even more swoon-worthy. A mixture of wood, leather and something she couldn’t quite pinpoint caressed her sense of smell, suddenly making her feel a little light-headed. She licked her lips, her mouth abruptly dry. Grabbing her cup for something to moisten her mouth, she sculled the last of the latte.

  Far out, woman. Get a grip.

  Reg motioned to her with a sweep of his arm. ‘Dallas, this is the lovely Charlize Dawson.’

  ‘Hi,’ she squeaked as she scrabbled for something interesting to say, something that wouldn’t make her sound like a moron—but she came up with nothing. Instead she sat there like a mute and tried to avoid his gaze by taking great interest in Bruce.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  She forced herself to meet his beautiful blue eyes and found herself mesmerised by his too-gorgeous face.

  Dallas took a few moments to register and then his eyebrows shot up as he flashed her the same dazzling smile that had cast a spell on her when she’d watched him on YouTube. ‘Oh, g’day … Mum and I were wondering what you were up to in town, and here you are. The mystery is solved.’ He held out his hand. ‘Nice to finally meet you, Charlize.’

  She placed her hand in his and noted how big and strong it was, the sensation of skin on skin making her pulse a little skittish.

  As he tucked his hands back into his jeans, Dallas eyed her empty bowl and the laughter evaporated. ‘Good feed?’

  ‘Oh, yes, to die for.’ She darted her eyes away, thankful for the distraction of Bruce, who was still yapping, although now a little half-heartedly, as she plucked him from beneath the table.

  ‘You missed out on Mum’s famous beef stew, but I made sure to leave you some for brekkie. She’d made it especially for you.’

  Charlize fought hard not to wrinkle her nose, and wasn’t sure if she managed to hide her distaste. Damn it. That would have looked bad. It was now or never. ‘Oh, that was very kind of you both, but I’m a pescetarian so it’s all yours.’ She flashed him a toothy smile to try and recover from her grimace.

  Dallas cocked his head to the side. ‘You’re a what?’

  ‘I don’t eat meat.’

  ‘Oh, so that’s why you told Mum you’d already eaten—’ he crossed his arms over his chest ‘—when you really hadn’t?’

  For the third (and hopefully final) time that day, Charlize wished her chair would swallow her up. She squirmed. ‘Uh, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t want to offend your mum straight off the bat.’

  Dallas just stared at her. Then he glanced down at his boots before back up to catch her eye, his lips tight and unsmiling. ‘Wow, right, okay. Just for the record, Mum wouldn’t have minded you being honest. She’d prefer it.’

  ‘Oh, okay.’

  Dallas rubbed the dark stubble on his chin. ‘So there you go huh, a real live pescetarian in our midst. Good for you, trying to save the world and all, but I can’t understand how a person can go without a steak.’ He chuckled a little scathingly. ‘Must be the cattle farmer in me.’

  Charlize had to bite her tongue. She smiled once again but this time it was forced. Dallas Armstrong was living up to what she’d imagined all cowboys to be—arrogant and self-righteous. ‘And I don’t understand how people think eating animals is okay, but each to their own I suppose,’ she said a little too defensively.

  She turned her focus to Bruce, but the little traitor had other plans. He broke free of her arms, dashed across the table and then jumped up against Dallas, vying for his attention.

  ‘Yes, it takes all kinds of folks to make up this world,’ Reg added, his smile so wide it was obvious he was trying to diffuse the growing tension.

  Dallas’s frown faded as he showered Bruce with love. ‘Hey little fella, nice to meet you too. Levi is going to love having a playmate.’ He glanced back up at Charlize. ‘So tell me, does Bruce eat meat?’

  Who does this bloke think he is?

  Charlize’s eyes narrowed. ‘Of course Bruce eats meat. He hasn’t really got a choice, has he? And it’s not like he’s got ethical beliefs, like I do.’

  ‘Aha,’ he replied pensively. ‘So, I’m assuming you still eat fish and seafood?’

  ‘Yes, that’s correct.’ It was very hard to reply through tight lips. She drummed her fingers on the table.

  ‘Right. And are they not living creatures?’ Dallas asked, one eyebrow cocked as he smiled triumphantly.

  Charlize wanted to sock him in the balls. She was tired of people always judging her for not eating meat. Dallas was clearly enjoying the banter, the arsehole. ‘Yes, they are, but—’ She shook her head. ‘Look, I said I was sorry. But I don’t need to explain my eating preferences to you.’

  ‘Fair enough, I suppose.’ Dallas shrugged as he turned to Reg. ‘You ready to go, old fella?’ He reached out and carefully claimed his gran’s photo from the table.

  ‘I was born ready,’ Reg said a little too loudly. He slowly pushed himself to a stand and then gathered his cane from where it was hanging on the chair beside him. ‘See you at home then, Charlize?’

  It was more a question than a statement. He was clearly worried she would jump in her car and promptly return to Sydney, and she was seriously considering it. But Reg was so lovely, and she wanted to know more about his and Nancy’s story, and she had a job to do after all. So stuff mister cocky pants, she was sticking around. Whether he liked it or not—and she was gathering it was quite possibly the latter. ‘Yes, you sure will. I’ll just pay for my dinner and be on my way.’

  ‘Goodo then. I’ll be hitting the sack when I get back—need my beauty sleep at my age—so I’ll catch you in the morning. Call in for a cuppa if you like.’ He smiled warmly. ‘If you’re lucky I might even pull out a packet of Kingstons. I save them for special occasions.’ He gave her a wink.

  ‘Thanks, Reg. I’d love that.’

  Dallas handed Bruce back to her. ‘See you soon.’

  The muscles in her face tightened. ‘Yup, you surely will.’

  ‘Do you want me to wait, so you can follow me?’

  ‘No, thank you, I’m quite capable of finding your place on my own.’ She gathered her handbag from beside her and tugged it over her shoulder as she stood. ‘And I don’t want to put you out by making you wait.’

  Dallas’s shoulders lifted in a shrug, a smirk claiming his lips. ‘Suit yourself.’ He turned and gave Hollie a quick wave before making his way towards the front door.

  Charlize could almost feel the steam escaping her ears as she sashayed towards the counter with Bruce cradled in her arms. At least the crazy old woman and her son were no longer there to contend with, because after all of that, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to bite her tongue.



  Dallas placed the framed photo of Gran carefully in the LandCruiser, his heartstrings tugging as her smiling f
ace looked up at him. Then he helped Gramps climb up and into his seat before shutting the passenger door and circling around to the driver’s side.

  As he slipped the key into the ignition he tried to shake the strange sensations swirling around inside of him. Charlize Dawson was nothing like he’d been expecting. She had spunk, class and the best damn make-my-day stare he’d ever seen. Her tousled curly blonde hair gave her a wild look, like her soul was untamed, and he liked it. A lot. Her hazel green eyes shone like sunshine on a polished stone, but also had a depth that made him want to dive in and explore her. She’d made his pulse race and his hands sweaty, and for a few brief moments had him tripping over his words and responding in ways he usually never would.

  But he didn’t like that. Not at all. Losing control was not something he was prepared to do, in any way, shape or form—especially for a woman.

  Pulling out onto the deserted main street, he stopped at the intersection and turned towards home. His gramps was very quiet, but he put that down to his ritual monthly dinner with Gran. He must be missing her.

  Dallas reached over and turned up the radio, the country tunes filling the silence as he thought about Charlize Dawson. She was one sexy woman. But there was no way he was going to let himself get involved with another city girl, especially one who was married—the impressive rock on her finger letting him know loud and clear that she was spoken for by a very wealthy man. But he would allow himself a few moments to enjoy the pull of lust, and the feeling of temptation that brought with it.

  It was a feeling he hadn’t felt for a very long time, not since Anna, and in a way he was relieved that he hadn’t lost his mojo forever—at least he wouldn’t be joining the priesthood anytime soon. But why Charlize Dawson? After all, he met plenty of attractive women on the road when he was bull riding. What was it about her in particular that tickled his fancy? Maybe it was because she was out of his reach, or perhaps it was the way she’d just challenged him, or was it because unlike most other women he came in contact with she had shown no interest in him whatsoever?

  Even when she was mad, Charlize Dawson had oozed sex appeal, and masses of it. The way she’d swung her shapely hips as she’d strutted off to pay for her dinner had made him want to tear her clothes off right then and there. He was sure every inch of her would taste sweet. He hardened at the thought.

  ‘Earth to Dallas.’ His grandfather’s brusque voice snapped him out of his fantasies and brought him crashing back to reality.

  Dallas snapped to it. ‘Oh, sorry Gramps. I was miles away.’

  ‘I could see that.’ Reg cleared his throat as his eyebrows joined together in a frown. ‘You were very rude to that poor young girl, Dallas. I must say I’m extremely disappointed. You’re not normally like that. What got into you?’

  She got into me.

  Suddenly feeling a little confined, he tugged on his seatbelt to loosen it up. He’d known this was coming—Gramps was always one for keeping him in line. But Charlize had annoyed him. How dare she lie to his mother like that, especially after she had rushed home from the paddock to make a welcome dinner for her. And what was all that about being a pescetarian? He huffed.

  ‘I couldn’t help it. I can’t stand people that think it’s okay to lie.’

  ‘Well, she didn’t lie to deceive you, or your mother. She basically told a little lie so as to not hurt your mother’s feelings.’ Reg turned to him. ‘I’m sure you’ve done that before, yes?’

  Dallas thought about that fateful afternoon in the stables, the argument between Vivien and his dad. The fact he hadn’t told his mother something she had a right to know. He sighed, feeling instantly guilty for being such an arse. Was Charlize’s little white lie all it was? Or was it his father’s betrayal that had made him so touchy?

  ‘Okay, you got me. Yes I have, a few times.’ He slowed to turn down the long winding road that led to Rollingstone Ridge. ‘I’ll apologise to her.’

  Reg reached over and gave him a light slap on the back. ‘Good lad, we don’t want her getting the wrong impression. Otherwise your next week together might be very uncomfortable, and you don’t want that when the girl’s about to write an article on you.’

  ‘Good point.’ Dallas gave Gramps a sideways grin. ‘But I still think she’s a weirdo. I mean, she won’t eat meat, but thinks it’s okay to eat fish? What kind of logic is that?’

  ‘I’m afraid I can’t answer that question. But she’s entitled to her preference, as you are to yours.’ He cocked an eyebrow. ‘You don’t need to make her feel bad for it.’

  Dallas groaned as he slowed for a cattle grid. ‘Why do you always have to be right?’

  Reg chuckled. ‘Because I’m very old and they say wisdom comes with age.’

  Dallas chuckled as he eyed his gramps mischievously. ‘I can’t argue with the old bit.’

  ‘Oi, you cheeky bugger, I’ll have you know I’m still very young at heart.’

  ‘That you are Gramps. That you are.’


  Charlize gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. It had all happened in an instant and yet it felt as though it had taken forever. Thank God she’d slowed down for the corner, or things could have been a hell of a lot worse.

  Disorientated and shaken, she peeled her fingers from the steering wheel and pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes. Her ears were ringing, and her heart felt as though it was about to beat its way out of her chest. She’d barely had time to scream before the air bags had knocked her back, and then sideways into her door.

  She glanced to the left, grateful that Bruce had been wearing his doggy harness. His large dark eyes were now almost as wide as saucers as he tried to cower into the seat, and his wrinkly face was even more rumpled than usual—if that was possible. He caught her worried stare and whined. Snapping to full attention, she whipped her seat belt off and leant over to undo his, the air bag now completely deflated. She checked him over, making sure he wasn’t injured. Then, trembling, she gathered him into her arms and sobbed into his shiny black coat, the shock now setting in.

  She’d never been in a car accident before, and on top of the immense terror as the car had careened out of her control, she now felt like an incompetent idiot. Her parents had told her the first rule of country roads was to never swerve for anything, but her reflexes weren’t about to let her run over a defenceless little lamb.

  After a few minutes of letting it all out, Charlize tried to calm herself by drawing in a deep breath, and then slowly releasing it. She had to pull herself together. Yes, the accident had been scary, petrifying in fact, but it hadn’t been life-threatening. She could count her lucky stars for that. With Bruce huddled safely in her lap, she raised a hand to cover her still thumping heart and took in the scene outside the car.

  A sea of woolly coats brought one of her favourite TV shows to mind—Shaun the Sheep. It almost made her laugh out loud, but the seriousness of the situation stopped her. Plucking her mobile phone from the dash, she reluctantly dialled the only person that could help her out of this situation.

  In three rings her call was answered. ‘Hello.’

  ‘Hi Katherine, it’s Charlize.’ She peered out her windscreen, her headlights illuminating the eyes of the bleating sheep. ‘I’m so sorry to do this but I’ve had a bit of a car accident and I … I think I’m going to need some help.’

  ‘Oh my goodness, are you okay, love?’ Katherine’s voice was full of concern.

  Charlize scanned her body for the third time. ‘Um, yup, I’m all good.’ She leant out of her now opened window and peeked down the side of the car. ‘I don’t think the hire car has fared too well though. There appears to be part of a fence attached to the back bumper and I have no side mirrors left. And that’s just what I can see.’

  ‘Oh my lord, what happened?’

  ‘Well, the long and short of it is, this lamb appeared out of nowhere and when I swerved to miss it I careered through a barbed wire fence, down a hill, and ended up in a padd

  ‘Oh love, that must have been awfully scary. Are you sure you’re okay?’

  ‘I’m honestly fine, just a little shaken up.’ Charlize almost burst into tears once again, but held them back.

  ‘Is Bruce okay?’

  Katherine’s compassion almost brought Charlize undone. ‘Yes, he’s fine too.’

  ‘Okay, good, so let’s tackle this together. Can you tell me where you are? Are there any landmarks you can see?’

  Charlize only then noticed that the engine was still running. She switched it off, leaving it on auxiliary as she flicked her headlights to high beam. Squinting out her windscreen, she tried to make out something, anything. ‘I’m afraid there’s nothing other than sheep and grass.’ She choked out a chuckle. ‘And that’s not really giving you much to go on, or is it?’

  ‘Not really, but just hang on a minute, love.’

  Charlize heard the phone being moved and then muffled conversation. Dallas’s deep husky voice was unmistakable. ‘Holy shit, Mum. Is she all right?’

  So he does have a heart. Maybe he did actually care about someone other than himself. Her iciness melted a little.

  ‘Yes, she is, but she sounds quite shaken.’ The phone crackled. ‘Charlize, I’m just going to put you on loud speaker so Dallas and I can both hear you and then I don’t have to relay everything.’

  ‘Okay.’ Charlize’s face flushed. Now she was the damsel in distress she’d so adamantly denied being back at the cafe and Dallas was going to have to come to her rescue. How embarrassing.

  ‘Hey Charlize, can you remember how long you were driving for before it happened? That might give us an idea of where you are.’

  Dallas’s tone reassured her that everything was going to be fine and she felt her tight muscles relax a little. ‘Oh, probably about ten minutes or so.’

  ‘Rightio, well that’s not far down the road, so just stay where you are and leave your headlights on so we can spot you. You sure you’re okay?’


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