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ESAN Page 3

by KD Jones

  Nina heard the cursing just as she reached the open doorway to Nigel and Amelia’s offices. Usually, Amelia sat across from the waiting area, screening calls and visitors, while Nigel stayed in the more secluded office. What she saw took her by surprise.

  Instead of a usually calm Amelia, Nigel was at the front desk, trying to answer the phone. He seemed not to know how to put people on hold. He also looked quite different than the pristinely dressed, expensive business suit and silk tie. He wore no jacket, his tie wasn’t completely tied, and his hair was disheveled.

  “Nigel, is everything okay?”

  “Nina, help. I can’t get the phone to stop ringing and Amelia is trying to sleep in my office. The baby kicked all night long and kept her up. I tried to get her to stay in bed, but she insisted on coming in but she is just too exhausted. I finally got her to agree to nap in my office while I handle everything. Every time I answer the phone, someone is calling for me and I can’t finish one conversation without the two other lines ringing.”

  She fought the laughter that was rising up within her. She cleared her throat. “Computer, have all calls forwarded to the answering service.” Immediately, the ringing stopped.

  Nigel sighed in relief. “How did you know to do that?”

  Nina shrugged. “I was here several times when Amelia was closing up the office. She always had the computer forward calls to the answering service when no one was going to be here.”

  “I should have remembered that, but I can’t think straight.”

  “It happens. May I suggest just letting all calls go to the answering service for today so that both of you can get some rest.”

  “Good suggestion. After Amelia wakes from her nap, I’ll take her to lunch then back home for the rest of the day.”

  “Stay with her. You look like you could use a few more hours of rest as well.”

  “I can’t. I have so much work to do.”

  “My mother says that when a couple is having a baby, they need to sleep as much as possible before the baby comes because the baby will have you up and down so much after they are born, even when you rest you don’t feel rested. Get the rest you need now while you can.”

  Nigel tilted his head to the side. “Are you married? Expecting a baby?”

  Nina laughed. “No, but my mother likes to pass her motherly advice on to me and my sisters in hopes that one of us will be inspired to give her grandchildren.”

  Nigel laughed and some of the tired lines in his face faded. “She sounds diabolical.”

  “She really is.” She laughed as well.

  “What can I do for you, Nina?”

  “Did Sersan talk to you about having Esan’s gathering event here?”

  “Oh yes, she asked us last night before heading to the honeymoon suite.”

  “She asked me this morning to help plan it for him. I came to see if I could take a look at Esan’s schedule so that I can find time to meet with him and plan all the details out.”

  “Esan should be able to give you his schedule.”

  “I’m sure he can, but Sersan has to inform him that I will be assisting him first.”

  “Oh, yeah that would be better. Let me see if I can pull it up on Amelia’s computer.” Nigel stood and leaned down, trying to type on the keyboard using one finger at a time like he had never done it before.

  Nina cleared her throat. “Ask the computer assistant to help you.”

  Nigel looked a little flushed. “Right. Computer, pull up the…”

  “Two-week schedule,” she supplied.

  “Pull up Esan’s work schedule for the next two weeks and email that to Nina Sinclair.”

  “Perfect. Thank you, Nigel.”

  “Just let me know if you need anything else. Sersan is paying for it. She said that since Esan paid for her ceremony she wanted to pay for his gathering.”

  “I do actually need to hire on about four more staff to help since I am doing those other two weddings.”

  “I will look through my current staff to see if I have anyone I can spare and send you their contact information.”

  “I appreciate that. Tell Amelia I’ll call her later.”

  “I will.”

  Nina walked out of the office. Her phone vibrated, letting her know that she had a text message. Glancing down at the phone in her hand she read a message from Sersan. “Esan knows. Be prepared.”

  Great, Esan was going to give her a hard time about planning his gathering. Well, she was going to be ready for him. She noticed that Sersan had also emailed her with a great deal of information. She now had Esan’s schedule so she could coordinate. Next, she needed to get a few ideas for venues. He didn’t strike her as a ballroom type of guy. She needed to find out what Esan was like. What better way than to talk to some of his fellow GCFA fighters. Surely, they would be able to give her insight.

  She got onto the lift and pressed the level where the gym was located. She got off and turned to walk toward the gym but GCFA security was suddenly there, blocking her progress.

  “Who are you?”

  The man was good looking but huge, at least seven feet tall, with bulging muscles. He was blue all over. It was the first time she had seen a Plutian in person and up close. She remembered the most impressive fact about them — that Plutians can enlarge any part of their body at will.

  The large Plutian raised an eyebrow at her. “Is there a particular part you would like for me to enlarge?”

  “Oh my God! I said that out loud?” She felt heat rise to her cheeks.

  The Plutian chuckled. “You did.”

  “I am so sorry. I have never met a Plutian before. Sometimes I just say whatever pops into my head.”

  He gave her a smile that made an adorable dimple show on his face. “I’m not offended. However, I do need the answer to my original question. Who are you and what are you doing on this level?”

  “I’m Nina Sinclair, the new GCFA event coordinator. I am planning an event for one of the fighters and wanted to find out from his friends what he likes. You can check with Nigel. I’m sure he would approve this.”

  “If you don’t mind, I will give him a quick call.”

  “You might want to try his cell phone. His office line is forwarded right now.”

  The Plutian texted and a few seconds later got a response. “He says you are approved. He’ll update your access code. If you come with me, I’ll take you to the training center.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem. My name’s Vincent by the way.”

  She smiled up at him, “Nice to meet you, Vincent.”

  “So, who’s the lucky guy?”


  “The fighter you’re planning the surprise party for.”

  “Oh, it’s not a surprise party. Sersan asked me to plan a gathering for her brother.”

  “Esan? He’s like the least sociable fighter we’ve got, and that’s saying a lot considering Maxim and Ronin are almost just as bad.”

  She had to admit, she had seen Esan’s antisocial behavior at the wedding and the reception. He rarely talked to anyone other than his sister. Nigel and Amelia had tried to engage in conversation with him at one point, but eventually they too walked away when Esan just nodded without saying much in return. He didn’t dance with any of the women except for the one dance with Sersan. It was going to be a nightmare if he acted like that with the Reptan women.

  Two large double doors were at the end of the hallway. “There are a few sparring practices going on. Don’t venture onto the fighting mats. You might get hurt by accident.”

  “Thank you for your help.”

  “Anytime, beautiful.” He winked at her before turning around and heading back in the other direction.

  She stared at the closed double doors. Nina hoped that Esan wasn’t in there. She wasn’t ready to talk to him just yet. The best way to go into battle was to be well prepared. That’s why she was here. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

nbsp; *****

  Esan was furious that the front desk person wouldn’t tell him where Nina was staying. Out of frustration, he yelled at the female who then broke out in tears. Security came and he was asked to leave the lobby.

  After that, he tried calling his sister several times but his calls kept going to voicemail. He suspected that Sersan was ignoring his calls on purpose. That left him with one last option. He stormed through the door to the GCFA office and began yelling.

  “Where the hell isss Nina Sssinclair?”

  A frazzled Nigel, who was resting his head on the desk, jumped up so fast that his chair flew backward, hitting the wall. The chair crumbled into pieces. Nigel glared at him.

  “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nina Sssinclair — where isss she?” Esan approached in angry strides, his voice loud.

  Nigel stood to his full height, which was an inch taller than Esan. “Lower your voice. Amelia is resting in the other room.”

  The door to Nigel’s office opened and a very tired-looking Amelia wobbled forward. “Is everything all right?”

  Nigel was at her side immediately. “Everything is fine, love. Go back to sleep.”

  “I can’t. The couch is too uncomfortable.”

  “I can take you home.”

  “We have work to do.”

  “It can wait. Go get your purse and we’ll head back to our suite. I’ll order you room service.”

  “Chocolate cake?”

  “Yes, there will be chocolate cake.”

  “God, I love you,” Amelia stood up on her toes and kissed Nigel’s cheek. Once she was out of sight, Nigel glared at Esan.

  Esan never lost his temper like this, but the frustration he felt at having other people plan his life was unacceptable. He had left Reptan so that he wouldn’t have to follow the lifestyle his foster father expected him to live. He wasn’t about to let anyone else interfere now. However, taking out his anger on innocent people like the desk clerk and Nigel wasn’t right either. He lowered his voice.

  “I apologize. I need to find Nina Sssinclair.”

  “I heard you the first two times. Are you going to yell at her like you did me just now?”

  Esan took a deep breath and released it. “I will keep calm.”

  Nigel looked at him as if he didn’t believe him but he did finally answer the question. “I just approved her security access to be able enter the training center.”

  “Thanks.” He turned to go, but Nigel stopped him.

  “Esan, cool down. Nina is a sweet person. She doesn’t deserve your anger.”

  All he did was nod as he left. Sweet, yes. Her kisses had been sweet. Her body was definitely delicious. None of that mattered if she thought she could dictate his future to him. He would show her differently.

  Chapter 5

  Nina felt a thrill go through her at watching the two GCFA fighters in the cage. She had not been to a GCFA event yet but all six of her sisters had. They were jealous of her when she told them that she had gotten a job as the GCFA event coordinator. If her sisters could see her now, surrounded by all the hunky male GCFA fighters, they would blow their gaskets.

  She watched as Hammer, the largest male she had ever seen except for the Plutian, in the cage going up against Rage. They had their shirts off, their muscles gleaming with sweat, and were circling one another. This was so exciting.

  “Are you following the match?” Stone, the fighter to her left, asked.

  “A little bit. I don’t see how this could be a fair match. Hammer is much bigger than Rage.”

  Jet, the male fighter with black hair stood to her right, laughed. “Rage is a Beastial. Do you know anything about them?”

  “They have anger issues?”

  Both Jet and Stone laughed. Stone answered her. “Most that I have met do have short tempers. Only, when Beastials feel strong emotions like anger, they can increase their size.”

  “Not just their body parts like Plutians?”

  Jet shook his head. “It’s all over.”

  She turned fascinated eyes on Rage and, sure enough, he seemed to be getting bigger all over. He didn’t get to be the size of Hammer, though. She didn’t think anyone was that big.

  Rage kicked at Hammer’s knee. He missed the first time, but he kept at it until he landed one and made Hammer bend slightly. Rage wasn’t as big as Hammer, but he did move more swiftly.

  Hammer landed a kick in return, but Rage was ready for it and it bounced off of him harmlessly. If that had been her, she would have gone down with a broken leg.

  Rage then tried to shove Hammer back toward the cage, but his attempt looked like he was hitting a brick wall. Hammer used his knee to hit Rage in the stomach, then shoved Rage away. As soon as Hammer moved away from the bars, Rage was on him.

  “What is he doing?” she asked.

  “Rage is trying to attempt a rear bodylock,” Stone explained

  “Hammer’s not going to go down that easy,” Jet noted out loud.

  Now she wished she had watched some of the fights before taking on the job. She felt clueless. She watched as Hammer stood strong, but Rage was determined to not let him go. Just when she thought Rage would give up, Hammer went down to one knee, then both knees.

  “Come on, you two are too well matched. We’ll be here all day and I, for one, want lunch!” yelled out one of the other fighters. She glanced to the side. It was Zen the Sin. She didn’t have to be a GCFA fan to know who Zen was. He was gorgeous.

  “So, you’re going to play matchmaker for Esan?” Jet asked, bringing her attention back to him. Stone was watching and waiting for her answer.

  “I might need a little matchmaking,” Stone teased her.

  Jet put an arm around her shoulders. “Hey, get in line. She’s matching me before you.”

  “I’m prettier though,” Stone said with a wink.

  She laughed at the two males flirting with her shoving Jet’s arm off of her. “I’m only planning his gathering event. He will have to choose his own mate.”

  “Will there be a party with lots of available females?” Jet asked hopefully.

  “Yes, but they’ll all be for Esan.”

  “That’s a waste of a bunch of good females right there,” Stone commented.


  Esan came down to the training center fully prepared to send Nina packing. Then he stepped through the doors and caught sight of her. She was standing next to fighters talking to them with ease. Her beauty and grace hit him like a punch to the gut. He didn’t approach right away but walked slowly around so he could get a good look at her. She wore a short skirt and red blouse with a low cut that showed off her ample cleavage. Her chestnut brown hair was twisted up in a bun, which enhanced the curve of her neck. When she smiled or laughed, her face glowed and it seemed to make the room a little brighter.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about their amazing kiss the previous night. Esan had tried to shake off thoughts of her, but that kiss plagued him through the night. This morning, he had tried to downplay the memory of her in his mind. Standing there watching her made him remember the taste of her lips and the feel of her curvy body pressed against him. His body responded with desire.

  For fuck’s sake! He couldn’t be with a full human; he needed to mate a Reptan. He was getting his reaction to her under control, but then Jet, one of the new GCFA fighters, put his arm around her shoulders and began caressing her arm. Jealousy rose up inside him and before he could stop himself, he growled. It caught the attention of all the fighters and they turned to look at him curiously. When Nina saw him, he was pleased to see her shrug off Jet’s hand and approach him.

  “Esan, I was about to come and find you,” Nina said with a friendly smile.

  “How convenient. I came to find you.” His voice was a bit gruff. He knew he sounded harsh but he wasn’t a soft-speaking male. Hell, he rarely spoke unless it was a sarcastic remark. Sersan called him the ultimate smartass.

  She frowned. “Is something wrong
? Have you talked to Sersan?”

  “You know what’sss wrong.”

  “Hey Esan, I hear your sister and Nina are going to play matchmaker. We might need to come to this party just to make sure the females know what a real male is like,” Jet said, winking at Nina.

  Esan growled again without thinking twice. “You’re not invited.”

  “Perhaps I’ll keep Nina occupied while you’re meeting your mate-to-be.”

  “What?” Nina sounded confused.

  “No!” Esan stepped up to Jet. They were inches apart.

  “You don’t have a claim to her.” Jet folded his arms over his chest.

  “Hey guys, this is getting weird.” Nina made a move to step between them but they wouldn’t budge. “Guys?” Nina asked again.

  Esan wasn’t listening. He was growling again and Jet returned the challenge with a growl of his own. If Jet wanted a fight, Esan was happy to give the newbie exactly that.


  What in the hell was going on? Nina had been enjoying her time in the gym. The fighters were sweet — perhaps a little flirty, but it had all seemed harmless. Then Esan stepped through the door furious with her and now he was ready to have a fight with Jet. She had to do something to stop this madness.

  She tried again to reason with them but they were both growling. Nina gasped as she was grasped from behind and lifted up high in the air and away from Esan and Jet. As she felt herself set down carefully, she tilted her head to look up at the huge fighter named Hammer.

  “Sorry, Miss Sinclair. I didn’t mean to scare you but you should never get between two males on the verge of a fight.”

  She couldn’t see around the big guy. “Why are they acting that way? Is someone going to stop them?”

  Hammer kept her pushed back with one large arm as he turned to glance behind him. “Rage is handling it. Let’s get you out of here. It might calm things down.”

  “This isn’t my fault,” she insisted as Hammer escorted her out of the gym.

  “No one is saying that. However, when two animals are fighting over a bone, removing the bone sometimes gets the tension to die down.”

  “Are you saying I’m the bone?”


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