The Heart

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The Heart Page 16

by Iris Bolling

  Al leaned back in the chair and stretched out his legs. “Which is?”

  She smiled and spoke softly. “Be patient. Wait for love and be wise enough to recognize it when it appears.” When he smiled she put up a hand. “However, while I wait for that love to come around, I’m going to enjoy my life with no interference from my father.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Now, I have to get ready for work. You, on the other hand look like you’ve been up all night. Why don’t you crash in the guest room and I’ll see if I can get free for lunch. You can take me to The Capitol Club restaurant,” she smirked as she walked back to her room.

  “Make the reservation.” He grabbed his bag from near the door and noticed the security system. It was one of the most sophisticated systems on the market. He wondered how much that cost him.

  Monique came out of the bathroom while brushing her teeth. She studied her father as he walked towards the guest room. “It was Ms. Ryan, wasn’t it?” Al didn’t reply he just kept walking. Pointing her toothbrush at him, she called out. “You don’t have to say anything. I know you’ve been after that.” She walked back into her bathroom and was surprised to see her father standing in the doorway.

  “You do have the right to share your body with whomever you choose. As your father you need to know if I see you in danger, I will eliminate that danger, regardless of who it may be.” Al turned and walked out of the room.

  Monique looked around the bathroom and then her bedroom. “How in the hell did he get in here?”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Joshua tried to sleep on the plane, but something about the information he received continued to bother him. He reached for his suit jacket to retrieve the itinerary that was taken from the assassin. The fact that it was the current schedule of events produced that morning ate at him. He pulled out his cell again and dialed a number. Brian picked up on the second ring. “Thompson.”

  “Question. Who has access to the daily schedule?”

  “What color is it?”


  “Pink is senior staff. Why?”

  “Send me yesterday’s list of everyone that was with you.”


  “No answers at the moment. Send me the list.”

  “It’s on the way to you now.”

  Joshua disconnected the call, then reached into another pocket of his jacket and pulled out a hand held computer. He turned it on, then connected to a friend through video conferencing. “Good morning. I need a favor.”

  “You muscle types always need something from us geeks.” Ned Gerhardt was the typical dark curly-hair, eyeglass-wearing computer specialist, with one exception. He was the best in the world. In the IT underground world he was known as AZ meaning, he knew everything from A to Z. The honor was not in vain. When it came to weaponry technology, he was always on the cutting edge. “What is it this time?”

  “I’m sending you a document. I need to know its origin.”

  “Continent, state, city, house, computer?”

  “That and whose fingers prints are on the keyboard.”

  “Never a dull moment with you, Absolute.” Ned nodded. “Document received. Give me twenty-four hours.”

  “You have twelve.”

  “You don’t ask for much do you?” Ned smirked. “Hey, you tried the new suit out yet?”

  “Have it on now.”

  “Have you tested it?” He anxiously asked.

  “Hell no.”

  “What are you waiting for? I need to know if that material works.”

  “No one has taken a shot at me lately.”

  “You must be losing your touch. You’ve gone a day without being shot at.”

  “Give me twenty-four hours. I’m sure that will change. Any word from my trainee?”

  “Routine report was received on time. A message came in. Her place is off limits for the moment.”

  “Did she indicate why?”

  “Father’s in town.”

  “Keep a close eye on her. Anything goes awry you contact me.”

  “On it.” The connection ended.

  Placing the computer back into the jacket, Joshua ran his hand over the material. The comfort and the weight of the full body armored suit were amazing. He was sure the suit worked, but he wasn’t ready to put it to the test by allowing someone to shoot him. If no one attempted to kill him in the next twenty-four hours, he’d ask Samuel. With that settled Joshua stretched out in the seat and slept.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  The command center was quiet when Ryan walked in. She took her position at the monitors and found all was quiet at the house. Tucker walked into the room. He handed her a cup of coffee and took a seat next to her. The two sat in silence for a moment allowing the hot liquid to prepare them for the conversation that was about to take place.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Ryan advised, then took another drink.

  “Cool. You can sit there and listen. Al and I are a lot alike when it comes to women. We have those we play around with and those that we admired from afar. But there is only one that we let get under our skin. There’s always one that we can’t control no matter how much we try. Julianna is that one for me. You—Morgan Ryan Williams are that one for Al. It’s time for both of you to stop circling the wagon. I’ve given you the day off.”

  Ryan’s head whipped around to him. “Why? Al’s not here. There shouldn’t be any issues.”

  “I’m giving you the day off because you have some prep work before your next assignment.”

  “Which is?”

  Tucker stood and began to walk away. He wanted some distance between him and the woman that could probably break him in half. “Your mission, and there is no choice, you will complete this mission, is to get laid. Preferably by Al.”

  “I can’t do that!”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  Ryan shook her head and sighed. He was asking her to face her biggest fear. “I can’t, Tucker.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “You don’t understand,” Ryan walked over to stand in front of him. She put her hands on her hips. “Look,” she dropped her head. “I don’t um…I’ve never, you know,” she looked up at him and exhaled as he looked expectantly at her. “I’ve never seduced a man before. I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

  Tucker smiled inwardly. The tough Ryan had to admit to a weakness. One of the reasons he took her on when he worked the streets was because of the vulnerability he saw in her. Any other organization would have turned her out, simply because she was a cop’s daughter. He couldn’t let that happen. She was nineteen, trying to find her way. He pushed her face back up to him with a finger under her chin. “I know.” He said like a protective big brother. “I’ve set everything up. Your first appointment is at eight.”

  “Appointment with whom?” She asked as he walked away.

  “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 11

  Precisely at eight a.m., Magna met Tracy and Ashley at the door of the command center. “Be easy on my girl,” she said as she escorted them to the office. “You have visitors,” she said to Ryan.

  Ryan turned to see the ladies smiling brightly at her. “Good morning. Are you two my eight o’clock appointment?”

  “We are,” Tracy replied smiling brightly, dressed in a pair of jeans, cardigan top and dress sandals.

  “Grab your purse.” Ashley grinned, “We don’t want to be late.”

  Magna laughed at the expression on Ryan’s face.

  “I feel like this is the first visit from Marley in the movie Scrooge.” Ryan smirked as she stood. “I don’t have a purse. Where are we going anyway?”

  “We’re going to find Morgan,” Ashley replied as she walked over and pulled Ryan along. “Come on, let’s go. I love shopping.”

  Magna shook her head as the women climbed into Ashley’s SUV. “This is going to be interesting.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Ashley was pulling into the mile long driveway that led t
o Cynthia Lassiter’s home. It was more like a hideaway secluded behind miles of trees on the front, and by the James River on the back. The doors to the mini ranch style mansion opened and Cynthia stepped out to greet them. The vehicle had barely stopped when she pulled the back door open and practically pulled Ryan out. “I have been waiting to get at you for years. I can’t wait to get started.”

  “You seem just a little bit too anxious for this,” Ryan said as they all walked inside.

  “You’re afraid of me?” Cynthia teased.

  Ryan looked the five-four, hazel-eyed, petite woman up and down. Then replied, “I remember what you did to Carolyn Roberts the last time you were called to make her over. You’re damn right I’m scared.”

  They all laughed as they walked into the kitchen. “Hey ladies,” Roz Marable reached out giving each of them a hug.

  “Hey Roz,” Tracy and Ashley returned the hug.

  “Is anyone else in on this?” Ryan asked as she hugged Roz.

  “Girl,” Cynthia laughed, “We called in a village to transform the train wreck you call Ryan into the sophisticated Morgan. And we’re doing it because we love Al.”

  “Cynthia,” Tracy scolded.

  “So, all of this is for Al’s sake?” Ryan asked raising an eyebrow.

  “No,” Tracy replied. “This is for you, too. God Ryan, we all owe you so much. You have protected my children and me for years. This is our way of giving back.”

  “Hey, I’m first in that line. You came to my aide when I didn’t even know I needed you around.” Cynthia said while eating a piece of fruit off the breakfast bar. “Giving you a little makeover is the least I could do.”

  “Is that food for all of us or just you?” Ashley asked as she sat at the bar.

  “These are new items Marco and I added to the breakfast menu at the restaurant,” Roz smiled. “We need to get feedback, and what better way than a girls spa day.”

  “Spa day?” Ryan questioned as she walked over to the sink to wash her hands.

  “Oh, we didn’t tell you,” Ashley said as she wiped her hands dry. “This is your day.”

  “Actually two days,” Tracy added as she washed her hands, and then took a plate. “Today is skin care, hair and makeup. Tomorrow is shopping at Ashley’s.”

  “Yeah, then Saturday is reveal day,” Roz grinned.

  “You know,” Ryan said as she bit into a quiche tart, “you all sound like one of those programs on TV. This is good.” She pointed to the mini tart, “What is it?”

  “That’s a variation to our spinach quiche dish. Do you like it?” Roz smiled.

  “It’s like a small taste of heaven.” Ryan reached for another.

  ‘That’s a great name for it,” Roz pulled out her cell phone and made a note to herself.

  Cynthia took the plate from Ryan and smacked her hand. “You have to be fitted tomorrow. No more for you.” She then put the other tart in her mouth.

  “Oh, but you can eat the hell out of them,” Ryan replied.

  “I already have a husband. A damn fine one at that,” she smirked.

  Ashley ate one, “Hmm, this is good.” She took another and looked at Ryan, “I have a husband, too.”

  Tracy laughed. “You two should be ashamed of yourself. What time are we starting?” she asked Cynthia.

  “They are downstairs waiting for us.”

  “Who’s downstairs?” Ryan asked.

  Cynthia smiled. “Well,” she took Ryan’s hand and pulled her along. “When I got the call to arms, I figured I would need some real professional help with you.”

  “Thanks,” Ryan sarcastically replied as she followed Cynthia down the stairs and the other women followed.

  When they reached the next level, they walked by the indoor pool, basketball court, game room and the home theater. Cynthia opened the door to the last room. It was a spa. “I called Blake’s manager, Shannon P and she sent an entire crew of professionals from LA just for you.”

  The room was filled with five massage tables, three male and two female massage therapists. A stand containing a variety of oils and a man dressed in a linen shirt and matching pants with what Ryan would call flip-flops greeted them. “Good morning ladies. I am Raphael. My team is ready when you are.”

  The voice and the build of the man surprised them all. He glanced at Cynthia. “Which of these magnificent specimens is the guest of honor?” he asked.

  “That would be me,” Ryan replied as she extended her hand.

  The ladies glanced at each other and smiled. “Ah, I can see you are unique. You have a style of your own.” He placed her hand on his arm. “I’m going to handle you personally. We’re not going to change a thing. We are simply going to enhance what you already have.”

  “He sounds like Kyle Barker from Living Single. Remember that show?” Tracy smiled.

  “Please tell me he is not gay.” Ashley grinned.

  “Not in your wildest dreams,” Raphael said over his shoulder, as he handed a robe to Ryan. “There is nothing that I love more than a female body.” He nodded to his team. “Please prepare the other ladies.”

  Ryan turned to the women. “All of you are joining in?”

  “There is no way in hell we would let you go through such a dramatic experience alone,” Cynthia declared as one of the males approached her with a robe. “The two females are for Roz and Tracy,” she pointed accordingly. “They are shy about their bodies.”

  Roz and Tracy looked at each other. “Who said that?” Roz asked.

  Cynthia opened the door to the changing room. “Has any man other than JD every touched your body, Tracy?” Tracy shook her head no. Cynthia turned to Roz, “Roz?”

  “JD’s never touched my body, but I get your point.”

  “See I was just looking out for you two.”

  Ashley smiled at the man that approached her. “Good looking out, Cynthia.”

  An hour later, all of the ladies were sitting in lounge chairs out on the patio. Not one of them was able to move. Their bodies were limp and feeling good. If anything had jumped off Ryan would not have been able to protect anyone. “I think I just died and went to heaven,” she said aloud to no one in particular.

  “That was heaven,” Ashley replied. “After running around the house with three kids, my body needed this.”

  Raphael appeared on the patio with two assistants. One had a tray of crystal flutes, while the other had treats from the kitchen. “Here’s a little nourishment for your bodies ladies.” He took the tray of drinks from the assistant. “Four glasses of champagne and one apple cider.”

  Everyone turned to Roz with a look of anticipation. “No, it’s not me,” she laughed as she pointed to Cynthia.

  “Cynthia, you’re working on the tribe called Lassiter?” Ashley smiled as she took her glass. Raphael and his team returned inside the house once everyone was served.

  “Yes, number two is on the way,” she took the apple cider.

  “Congratulations.” Tracy laughed. “Does Samuel know yet?”

  “No. I’ll tell him when he returns tomorrow.”

  “Have you started preparing Samantha?” Roz asked, “You know that child is spoiled. She is not going to like sharing her mommy and daddy with a little brother or sister.”

  “My baby is not spoiled.”

  “Yes she is,” every person on the patio, replied.

  They all laughed. “Well, she will figure it all out just like Jazzy had to,” Tracy smiled.

  “I never ran into that problem with the twins.” Ashley stated. “They loved Tony from the start.”

  “Oh, I think Jazzy loves her brothers and sisters,” Tracy said.

  “She certainly has enough to love,” Roz laughed.

  “Ashley has four children just like I do. It’s not like I have a house running over.”

  “Yes you do,” Roz teased.

  “I think we should send the extras over to her house,” Ashley teased.

  “Send them on. I would love to have a house f
illed with children.” Roz replied.

  Tracy and Ashley looked solemnly at each other. “I’m sorry, Roz,” Tracy said. They all knew that Marco and Roz had been trying to have children unsuccessfully for the last five years. “I didn’t think before I spoke.”

  Roz waved them off. “Nothing to be sorry for. Marco and I have decided to take in a foster child.”

  “That is wonderful Roz!” Tracy beamed.

  “When are you going to start the process?” Ashley asked.

  “We filled out the paperwork and are just waiting for approval.”

  “You’ll get it with flying colors,” Cynthia waved the conversation off. “Samuel and I returned our reference letter last week.”

  “I didn’t get one,” Ashley stated.

  “Neither did I.” Tracy added as she sat up and looked at Roz.


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