Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story)

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Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story) Page 12

by Quippley, Diana

  “Rogan, wait.” Julia called out. Her voice was strong. “Please, don’t go.”

  “You may tell me that what I dread to hear.” He turned around. “And you may think me mad, or even a jester, but I am not so.”

  “I’ve thought over what you said, Rogan.” Julia sounded surprisingly calm. “And it makes sense. Sure it sounds crazy and out of this world, but it makes perfect sense. Either that or I have completely lost my mind.”

  “Your mind is as it should be.” He sat down abruptly beside her. “Yet, you astound me. I had not expected you to fathom this at all. I seldom do myself, hoping this is some bad dream I must awaken from.”

  “I’ve let the rationality of it, however absurd it may be, sink in.” Julia held his large hand in hers tightly. “Everything falls into place with your story - bizarre or not.”

  He looked at her knowingly, his mind easing slightly at the prospect of her actually finding some sense in the madness he spoke of. He watched her keenly, noting every expression as she spoke.

  “Yes, I see it now.” She went on, her eyes widening with each word. “Your name, the way you are and you speak… your amazing skills and most of all the lack of any records. Now I don’t believe in the tooth fairy or egg laying bunnies, but I do accept there are things in the cosmos beyond our limited understanding.”

  “You have freed me from this burden, sweet Julia.” Rogan kissed her hand softly. “I am driven to madness each day… having to keep up this charade.”

  “Tell me everything, Rogan.” She urged him, pressing his hand even harder. “Tell me about you, your life before all this and how it all happened. I want to know everything.”

  Rogan swallowed once and licked his lips. Now that he could express himself, let the truth trapped in his mind get free, he didn’t know where to start. He looked into her eyes and found genuine love and care there and it broke his heart. Letting her know everything could forever change their relationship because she was being insistent and he had to tell someone about the hell he was going through to stop himself from going completely insane.

  “Tell me, Rogan.” She pressed his hand to her breast. “We have all night… your life in the past, your troubles… I want to know all.”

  Rogan took a deep breath, looked right into her large hazel eyes and told her the tale she would never find in any history book or children’s fable. He told her of the pleasant and prosperous lands of the western dukedom of Kirk Falls and how he had come across it as a wandering mercenary from the cold wastelands of Vindarland, his birthplace. He narrated his life of a young warrior rising in the ranks to become the captain of the army and champion of the land. He regaled her with his exploits that would never be transcribed by any scholars. His voice grew hard as he told her of the wizard, Nostrazcus, and how his vile magicks made him kill his own men, and the spell the evil one had cast to send Rogan four hundred years into the future.

  He paused to look at her bemused face, fearing that she may think him more than ever mad now. But she smiled and caressed his hand, kissing it softly. Her eyes trailed down to the glowing pendant on his chest.

  “I believe every word of it, Rogan.”She said with a deep sigh. “Especially since I remember you saying that you were hit by an arrow last year, when I wanted to know how bad the bullet you took for me was back in the hospital, after our first day on the job together.”

  “Aye, I realized then that I had spoken too eagerly and hoped no one would take notice of my error.” He smiled, peering deeply into her eyes. “It is a wonder you still recall that.”

  “I have a good memory, Rogan.” She smiled back. “And what you’ve told me now is going to be very hard to forget.”

  “It does give me respite to have told at least one other person what hell I have been put through.” He gave her an appreciative nod.

  “But you’re still not telling me everything, Rogan.” She eyed his pendant again.

  “What more should I say?” He looked at her wonderingly.

  “Tell me about that glowing stone you wear around your neck.” She pointed at the pendant. “I’ve never seen you take it off, not even in the shower. What is it? Some kind of talisman connecting you to your past life?”

  “Aye, it… it is a gift.” He nodded somberly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  “From someone you loved?” Julia leaned forward eagerly. “Who is she… is she your wife?”

  “I do not wish you any more pain.” He looked away, his hand reaching for the pendant.

  “You won’t… I want to know, Rogan.” She urged him. “Tell me about her.”

  “Her name is Alicia… and I have given her my heart and soul.” He said slowly. “Yet, now I fear that I may never see her again.”

  She looked at him with sadness, noting the pain in his voice as he took her name. She felt great pity for him come over her. She loved him, she knew that, and every fiber in her wanted to keep him to herself and yet her love for him could not bear to see him suffer the fate he was imprisoned with. He was a man torn apart and even if being with her offered him some respite, it was only that. He would only experience true joy if he could be back in his time, she knew, in his world and with the woman he loved.

  “You were married and she gave you that pendant as a soul bond.” Julia reached up and touched the glowing stone. “That means she has the pair to it, back in your time.”

  “How would you know of such?” His eyes widened in surprise.

  “I minored in ancient lore and natural healing in college. Soul bonded artifacts were a rage during the 1100s and through to the 18th century.” She said, thinking deeply. “And if the lore and the mumbo-jumbo are even half true, there is a way you two may still be connected.”

  “Aye, I believe so.” He nodded. ‘”Often I dream of her, and hear her voice… though it sometimes feels like the wizard is tormenting me.”

  “No, it is her… she is reaching out to you, Rogan.” Julia grasped at his shoulders. “Soul-bonded pendants work both ways… you can reach out to her too, but you must be in a place where the natural energy that channels though these things can be harnessed to make it work.”

  “You amaze me, fair Julia.” He said in awe. “Perhaps I should have told you about this earlier.”

  “Rogan, you are the most amazing person I have known, and I love you… I don’t know what I can do without you.” She hugged him close. “But I know you’re a man suffering from an evil that no one should suffer, not even a hated enemy.”

  “You will help me find a way to reach Alicia?” He asked in surprise.

  “Yes, Rogan.” She whispered. “I love you and I cannot bear you to suffer this injustice. I know just the place where we can at least try to do this.”

  “Where is this place?” Rogan stood up eagerly.

  “It’s a field outside the city limits, a place for campers and caravans.” The policewoman said. “Sometimes a woman who reads tarot cards and uses a crystal ball makes camp there. She’s the one who can help you.”

  “I am unsure of this; it may bring further peril upon me.” Rogan looked at her disdainfully.

  “That’s not the adventurous Rogan I know.” Julia hissed. “You don’t have to worry about me. I want you to do this. At least try… if it fails, we still have each other.”

  “Julia, I cannot even express my gratitude to you.” He caressed her soft cheek. “Once more, you have me in your debt.”

  “You owe nothing to the one you love.” She smiled, blinking back her tears.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Many tears have been shed, big one.” The bent old woman said with a smile on her ancient, wrinkled face under the dark translucent veil. “Over the glowing stones of moonshine.”

  “I see you are aware of what this is then.” Julia retrieved the pendant back from the old woman’s gnarled hands and handed it over to Rogan.

  The two police officers stood outside the small little horse drawn four wheeled caravan of the little tarot reading woman. She looked e
xactly like one would expect a woman of her exotic persuasion should, in her long red skirt, white blouse, russet sleeveless jacket with necklaces and bangles made of wood carvings and beads. A large veil covered her head and was pulled low over her eyes.

  “Yes, I am well aware of the rigors of soul bonding, young woman.” She cackled. “But it is not to you he is bonded, but to a love that is separated by a great divide.”

  “I am aware of that; tell us where and how we can make a connection?” The policewoman said impatiently. “Where is the natural channeling node that makes the moonshine stone work?”

  “We have coin to cross your palm with, if that’s what you require, old mother.” Rogan offered, bowing his head.

  “Ah, that’s very generous of you, my big friend.” She smiled toothlessly at the anxious warrior. “Come with me, to the sacred grove… just around the bend.”

  “You spoke of the best spell yet, Rogan.” Julia smiled at him as they followed the old woman. “The lure of money; works every time.”

  The flame haired man said nothing, eager and excited at the prospect of finding a way back to his time and to Alicia. The old woman led them down a narrow passage cut into the surrounding rock face until it widened out into a small private garden with a little pool of clear water in the middle.

  “What is this place?” Rogan said, almost breathless with wonder.

  “Whatever you want it to be, young lad.” Their elderly guide held out her hand.

  “You’ve got to tell us how to do this before I pay you anything.” Julia gave the woman a stern look.

  “Arrogance is not your nature, little one.” The woman laughed. “All this troubles you much.”

  “Get on with it, grandma.” Julia hissed, her hand going instinctively for the butt of her handgun.

  “Very well, my child, as you wish.” She nodded slowly. “You, Rogan of Kirk Falls, must stand in the pool and hold on to the moonshine amulet, thinking only of the one who is soul bonded to its twin and the power of the pool will unite you two once more.”

  “Will I be sent back to my world?” He asked, looking anxiously at Julia.

  “No, not yet.” The old woman replied, coughing slowly. “First, you must communicate and then the moonshine stones will open up the portal for you to travel through, at the opportune moment.”

  “And when is that?” Julia asked softly, her eyes misting over as she looked at Rogan.

  “At the hour of enchantment, the stroke of midnight.” The old tarot reading gipsy exhaled deeply, waving her hands for emphasis.

  Rogan stepped up to the old woman and emptied his pockets handing her all the money he had on him. Then removing his boots and gun belt, he waded into the pool of crystal clear water, firmly clasping at the pendant in both hands. A shrill wind picked up around them making the grass and leaves blow around the pool. Rogan closed his eyes and thought of Alicia. Her lovely face, rich dark hair, sky blue eyes, cherry red lips filled his mind. He called out to her in his mind; he could almost hear the silvery chime of her laughter. His heart soared and he held out his arms as if he was embracing someone. The amulet began to glow brightly on his chest, filling the little grove with an eerie blue light.

  Julia watched the man she loved, her mind clouded and heavy. She couldn’t understand why she was even doing this. Losing him was her greatest fear and yet here she was helping him slip away. Strangely she felt no sorrow, or regret, instead she experienced a bizarre comfort in helping the man she loved find the happiness that was stolen from him. Though she had initially thought him mad when he told her his tale, but now, after witnessing the strange events playing out before her, she understood with better clarity that there was more to this existence than mortal humanity will ever know and she was glad to be an eye-witness to some of it.

  “Alicia!” Rogan called out, his voice trembling. “I am here, my love… I am here.”

  “Rogan, oh, my Rogan.” A lilting voice echoed all around them. “Oh, you have found me at long last… oh, Rogan, I’ve been so terrified here, all alone without you.”

  “I am here, my love.” The big warrior almost wept. “I am coming home… I am coming back to you.”

  “Hurry, Rogan…” The voice of Alicia pleaded. “The power of my moonshine amulet wanes, I have almost spent it searching for you.”

  “No more, my love, for tonight at the stroke of midnight, I will break the spell and return to you… to Kirk Falls.” He said with longing, raising his arms and holding out his hands.

  “Oh, Rogan, hurry… hurry…” The voice began to fade away, leaving Rogan to desperately clutch at the air around him.

  “We have six hours before its midnight.” Julia glanced at her wristwatch as Rogan stumbled out of the pool, looking much disoriented. “What did you see, Rogan, was it her?”

  “Julia… Julia…” He gasped. “Aye, I found her… she is in great peril, I must return, there’s not a moment to lose.”

  “Yes, you will, Rogan… you will.” She gave him some support as he slumped down on the mossy ground. “Take it easy; it’s a while before midnight.”

  “Julia, you are the most kind… you have no reason to do this for me… your love is true…” He kept babbling and waving his hands about.

  “Hey, you took a bullet for me, Irish… it’s the least I can do.” She gave him a shrug. “If I can help you get back to the life that was taken from you, I’m happy.”

  “Julia, how can I say this… I cannot fathom it myself.” He sounded horribly dejected. “I love Alicia with all my heart and my life… and yet, I love you too… almost as much.”

  “Rogan, don’t make it harder on yourself than it is already.” She ran her fingers though his thick golden hair. “We had our time together and I am all the more better for it, now it’s time you set things right… for yourself, and Alicia.”

  “Julia, my heart is being torn asunder… forgive me for bringing this grief upon you,” The large man said, struggling with himself emotionally. “I have longed for this moment, to find my way back to my beloved Alicia… and yet now, when it is within my grasp… my heart longs for you. Is there no end to this cruelty?”

  “Yes, there is, Rogan.” She let the tears flow down her face. “Go back to your home, go back to Alicia… she has shed far more tears for you than I… she is yours, bonded to your soul even across the divide of time… don’t worry about me, dear Rogan… I have played my part in this, I am happy to know you will be reunited with the one meant for you.”

  Rogan threw his arms around her and drew her close, kissing her with more passion than he had ever done. She kissed him back as she wept; her hands caressed his hair and face possessively. She knew this was the last time she would be kissing him, as the little grove grew dark and the stars began to dot the sky.

  “Come sit by the fire, younglings.” The old crone said invitingly. “The chill of the night makes my old bones ache.”

  The two uniformed officers of the law huddled before the small fire the old woman has set up and gratefully accepted the little sticks with bacon skewered on them. Julia smiled at the woman, feeling some regret of being rude to her earlier. She flipped out her wallet and handed the woman a few more twenties which the hag accepted gleefully.

  Time wore on, Rogan and Julia grew even more impatient with anticipation. It was almost forty five minutes past eleven. The two of them left the dimming fire and walked up the pool. The old woman hobbled after them, carrying her crooked walking stick and some strange looking beads.

  “Is it time yet?” Julia asked her.

  “Yes, the time has come.” She nodded, parting the veil slightly to reveal more of her wrinkled face. “Step away from the pool, man of Vindarland, you need not enter it now… wait for the gateway to open.”

  Rogan did as she told him, stepping back and looking around him in awe. The pool had begun to glow along with the pendant on his neck. He glanced at Julia; she had a smile on her face. He turned away.It made his heart break. He wanted her and yet,
he wanted Alicia too and he knew that he had to choose what was natural.

  “It is time.” The old woman cried out, holding her bony arms up high and uttering words neither of them could understand.

  A shimmering light ejected upwards from the pool, illuminating the grove, making it as bright as day. Rogan shielded his eyes and took a step back. He grasped his amulet firmly, feeling its heat pulse through him. The water from the pool floated up and formed a circular orb in the air just above it, emitting a soothing hum as it gleamed brightly.

  “Go now, Rogan of Kirk Falls.” The old woman’s voice sounded much stronger than before. “Make haste before the portal closes.”

  “Farewell, Julia.” Rogan called out. “I shall never forget you.”

  “I love you, Rogan… forever and ever.” She whispered, clutching her hands just below her breasts.


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