How to Bake the Perfect Christmas Cake (Home for the Holidays - Book 2)

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How to Bake the Perfect Christmas Cake (Home for the Holidays - Book 2) Page 14

by Gina Henning

  “I thought you said there was no money here?” My eyebrows are stretched up to my forehead, I force them down and smooth out the sand dune formation.

  “There wasn’t.” Jack’s eyes are staring at the computer screen. It’s almost as if he is Superman and reading past the screen and trying to withdraw the balance through telekinesis.

  “Here, can I drive?” Jack scoots my chair to the right and slides in front of the screen. He moves the mouse to the statement screen and there it is, a deposit for five million dollars, the date of deposit is from two days ago.

  “Who made the deposit?”

  Jack maneuvers the mouse over the numbers and clicks the highlighted area. No further information is provided other than it was a wire transfer from Miami, which doesn’t mean anything. It could be the headquarter bank of where the wire transfer happened.

  “I can’t tell. But I need to put a hold on these funds, just in case Sherry has any type of access.” Jack pulls out his cell phone from his pocket and dials quicker than a teller could disperse a hundred dollars in twenties.

  I push back my chair and walk back over to the table and take a sip of my coffee. Yuck. It’s lukewarm. I despise lukewarm coffee. I head for the coffee station and dump my cup and refill it with steaming hot coffee and few drops of cream. I’m glad they keep real cream here.

  As I push the door open to the office, Jack is sliding his phone back into his pocket.

  “Well?” I ask to break the silence.

  “They are doing a trace on it, but they have put a hold on the funds until I get there. I want to move the money into a different account, and I want to put your name on it. Will you stay and help me get this place in order? Lauren, I promise you we can make it profitable.” Jack grabs my hand and pulls me in close. I barely miss spilling my coffee on the two of us. I place the cup down on the table.

  “I have to be back in Maryland in January.” I bite the inside of my cheek.

  “Okay, we can work together until then and see if we can figure out a solution.” Jack kisses the knuckles on my hand.

  “Are you sure?” I purse my lips to the side.

  “More than anything.” His eyes are clear all blue, the flecks of green are absent and so is my list. I’ve scratched off number two.

  “More than pie?” I smile.

  “It depends, what kind of pie are we talking about?” Jack pulls me in close to him and tips my chin up to him.

  “Well, I only know how to make one kind, Jack.” I bat my eyelashes with flair.

  “Hmm…this makes for a tough decision but, Lauren, I would choose you over any pie.” He runs his finger along the side of my face.

  “That’s nice to hear, Jack, knowing that I win over pie.” I roll my eyes and lean back from his embrace, we need to get a move on.

  “Lauren, you win over anything or one.” He grabs me and pulls me into a deep kiss. I’ve lost my sense of balance. But I’m not falling…on the floor. But I think I’ve already fallen in a deep way, the way where you know no matter what happens, you’re with the one you are supposed to be with and if anything happens to that person or to your lives together, it will break you. Yup, that’s how I’m feeling and it scares me.


  The building is covered in red and yellow rectangular blocks with old-timey stagecoach stencils along the banners, it has a modern yet classic look wrapped into one. I guess when you are the oldest US bank, you can afford to pay for the type of image that promotes encompassing both the past and future, loyalty and change. Jack pushes open the glass door and I follow him. He is striding with determination towards the teller window when a middle-aged woman cuts in front of him and offers her hand. “Jack Walker?”

  “Yes?” Jack squints his eyes as if he is trying to remember speaking with this woman before.

  “Hi, I’m Eleanor Callan, we spoke on the phone.” Her eyes are wide, and there’s a large smile plastered across her face. I’m not trying to be mean, but her expression is singing “Money, money, money, give me money”.

  “Oh, okay.” Jack shakes her hand. “This is my…” He stops and stares at me, almost as if he is stopping himself from saying something further. “Partner, Lauren Hauser.” He puts his hand on my back, it’s firm and he leaves it there, as if he is at one with me.

  “Nice to meet you as well, Lauren.” Eleanor flashes her off-whites at me. I can’t help but smile back at her. I want to sing ‘Mama Mia’, but refrain. We shake hands and she leads us into a small office to the side of the lobby. It has windows but they are covered by taupe-colored plastic blinds and are drawn open. Eleanor offers us a seat before she closes the door and sits down in her fuzzy fabric swivel chair.

  “So, were you able to determine where the money came from?” Jack asks.

  “Uh, let’s see.” Eleanor click-clacks on her keyboard, examining her screen with each keystroke as if things are changing with each click. Working in the finance industry, I know this not to be the case. But whatever, I sit quietly, letting her go through her routine.

  “Yes, it’s from Miami.”

  “Right, but do you know who sent it?” Jack’s eyebrows are furrowed, he is twisting the button on his wrist collar. His knuckles are white.

  “Ah, unfortunately, not at this time, Mr. Walker.” Eleanor cut her eyes away from her computer screen to give Jack an “I’m really working hard on this for you” look.

  “When will you have this information?” Jack pulls at the collar on his shirt. Wow, his behavior reminds me of my own pre-anxiety attack mannerisms.

  “Soon, very soon. But in the meanwhile, we have moved the money to a new account as per your request and we need to get the signature cards printed out.” Eleanor types some more on her keyboard.

  “Yes, I want to add Lauren to the account.” Jack glances at me with his eyebrows raised.

  “Sure thing, Mr. Walker, I just need your driver’s license and social security number, Ms. Hauser”

  I smile. “Could you excuse me for a minute, I need to run to the ladies.” I stand up.

  “Sure thing, dear, it’s outside my office to the right.” Eleanor points with her finger.

  Jack glances at me with wrinkled brows.

  I do my best to smile normally at him and head for the ladies room. I need a minute to think about this. I’m not sure if I am putting myself in any type of risk by co-signing this account with all of this money. I need to think about it or, at the very least, call Brianna.

  I pull out my phone from my purse and click on my green phone app. Brianna is the third number listed in my favorites. She used to be listed as number two underneath my parents. But now Jack’s number is there.

  “Brianna, I need your advice and quickly.”

  “Okay, I’ll bypass the telephone greeting, what is it?”

  “Jack wants to add me to a bank account with a large amount of money. I don’t see any risk in this but I’m unsure, what should I do?” I pace towards the back of the restroom.

  “So he wants to add you to an account with tons of cash and you are concerned about what risk it is to you?”


  Brianna laughs. “Whoosh, I’m sorry, honey listen you know what I always say…go with your gut.”

  “Okay. I’ll call you back later, I’ve got to go.” I tap the red end call button. I hang up without saying goodbye and though this is one of my biggest pet peeves, I’m okay with it in this moment.

  My phone vibrates in my hand. It’s Brianna. “BTW, totes L-O-V-E the elf costume, Owen and I took a screen grab from the news so we could frame it for you.”

  I roll my eyes and toss the phone in my purse. I shake my head and stride back into the office with a smile. I’m going to go with my gut. I run my hand along Jack’s shoulders as I sit down at the desk. I dig into my purse to find my wallet and fumble through the cards for the things Eleanor needs.

  “Now, Mr. Walker, by putting Ms. Hauser’s name on the account she will have full access to these funds.”
Eleanor glares at Jack as if she is warning him about me. Like maybe, I could steal his money. How does she know I didn’t wire those funds? I’m a little insulted.

  “Oh, did someone say shopping spree?” I giggle. Jack smiles at me and squeezes my leg.

  “Yes, thank you, Eleanor, I’m fully aware of what I am doing.”

  Eleanor prints out some papers and assures Jack she will call as soon as she has the information about the wire transfer sender. Besides waiting for this information, the money is fully secure in the new account with only our names on it. Jack didn’t even put the money in the name of Vintage Estates because he wanted to talk with a lawyer first to make sure Sherry wouldn’t have any access to it.

  The buzzing from my purse pulls me out of my semi-dazed daydream. It’s Megan. I’m torn about picking up. With the last ring before sending her to voicemail, I greet her. “Howdy.”

  “Howdy?” Megan asks.

  “Yes, howdy, what’s up?”

  “Uh, okay, whatever, where are you?”

  “Just leaving the bank, wher—”

  “The bank? Why?” Megan’s breathing is loud it’s like Puff-the-not-so-magic dragon is blowing in through the tiny speaker holes on my phone. I pull the phone away from my ear so no further damage can be done to my ear drums. Jack is watching me with a pensive stare. He probably thinks my family is nuts, well, they kind of are in a way. I motion to give me a second and walk away from the car and hopefully out of ear shot. I glance back at Jack, he is leaning up against his car, following me with his eyes. I turn back around.

  “There is a huge deposit in one of the accounts for Jack an—”

  “What? A deposit? From who? How much?”

  “Megan, your listening skills have really suffered, I hope you aren’t like this at work.”

  “Ha! Funny. Seriously, how much and who is it from? Better not be that Sherry, I don’t care for her.”

  “You haven’t even met her, but anyways, uh. We don’t know yet, they are tracing the money.”

  “Okay, but is it Jack’s for sure?”

  This time she pauses, actually waiting for a response from me.

  “Yes, he transferred it into a separate account from Vintage Estates so that even if Sherry comes back, she has no access to it.”

  “Good, that’s really good.” Megan sighs.

  “Yes! It is!’

  “Calm down, Lauren. I’m just thinking with my head, can you say the same?” Megan says.

  I wait before responding. I should be insulted but I’m not. I have been thinking all of this through and whether or not I am thinking with my heart or my head. Besides, which one is the right organ to choose in this type of situation? How can you really ever be sure of someone? You can hope for the best. And maybe the person you are with is being true and will always be true to you, but you can’t ever really know with certainty, because there are no certainties in life except, as my mom always quotes from Ben Franklin, “death and taxes”. Otherwise, I am all alone out there on my limb, with the leaves full or the leaves dropping one by one, maybe they are like my defenses letting go and being free. Maybe once my branch is completely bare, it’ll be when I am giving of myself in my entirety with no holding back, completely vulnerable having given it all and with everything to lose? This is what I am feeling about Jack. I feel like I’m on the branch and when I’m with him, the branch is full of beautiful leaves and with each moment longer another one of them falls from the tree and I watch it gently fall to the ground and I step out further. Building upon the confidence that I’m not falling, Jack is with me. And he is like the light from the sun shining on me, warmth and happiness surrounding me every minute that I am in his presence. My stomach clenches and little tingles scatter across my back.

  “Yes, Megan, I’m thinking with the right organ.” I push the end button on my phone.

  I’ve about had it with Megan and Aurora telling me how to deal with things. I rush back towards Jack and jump into his arms. He embraces me and our lips meet, pressing hard at first and then softer, our tongues connect and I’m dancing, twirling round and round in our own private dance studio. It’s a special place. One I haven’t been to in a long time. It’s called Love.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Lauren, I want you.” He licks my lip, like he is trying to get me to respond.

  “I think it’s pretty apparent that you’ve got me.” I say and motion my eyes towards his arms.

  “Lauren, don’t play coy with me. I know I’ve got you in my arms. That part is obvious.” He trails his fingers along my hairline with his eyes focused on my forehead, almost as if he is trying to speak to my brain as if it’s an inanimate object on its own. I let him have his conversation, or rather monologue. I’m not ready to respond.

  “I want you in my life as a permanent fixture. Not a weekend visit. I want you here every morning and I want you under my sheets every night.” He peers down at me, his eyes burning into mine. Waiting for a response, trying to pull one out, except this time he isn’t talking to an inanimate object, he is talking directly to me and he wants me to respond, right now. My arms are pinned down and his eyes are focused on one thing. Me. And my response. What I want. Do I want what Jack wants? I know what I want right now. But do I want that forever? Is this what Jack is asking? Well, he hasn’t really asked to be with me forever. He has asked for day and night. Which is nice and all, but it isn’t exactly a proposal.

  I lean forward and meet his lips. I kiss him hard. Jack releases my hands and I run them through his hair, trying to pull him in closer to me. Trying to consume him, take in all of this. Everything. I want all of Jack. I want him every day too. But I don’t live here and there other things at stake. Are those things more important than this? My grandmother would say no. Eew, Lauren, this is not the time to be thinking about your grandmother.

  Jack breaks our passionate kissing and puts his hands over mine, he’s staring intently at me. Demanding a response of more than a kiss. But what am I supposed to say to this? He hasn’t exactly proposed and I don’t know if I want to live with him, or anyone, unless I am married. I’ve been on my own for quite a while, without any major type of commitment. This situation is one I only ever really want to consider one time.

  “What are you getting at?” I bite my lip and glare back at him. I can play the drag-out answers game. Jack’s eyebrows furrow. He releases me.

  “Come on, let’s go.” Jack stands up.

  I shake my head. This is a first. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out what just happened. If I was a gambling woman I would have put all my money on something more than passionate kisses a few minutes ago. But now I’m being asked to go, and to go where?

  I say nothing and slide off of the couch. Jack is silent. The floor creaks and I step across it. There goes the complete silence. Our eyes meet, I am in the dark. I don’t understand what happened.

  “We need to get a move on. Have you finished all of your shopping for your cranberries? You still want to make that for Christmas dinner, right?” Jack grabs my hand and rubs his thumb over the top of it.

  “My cranberries?” I’m confused. I’m still stuck in the previous two minutes where Jack and I were so close and now he seems far away, like in another state or place in his mind. We are standing within inches of kissing. But there is no kissing vibe happening in this room. No, it’s cold and harsh.

  “You said you wanted to make a cranberry recipe for your family’s Christmas dinner. Did you change your mind?” Jack asks, pulling me close to him. I instantly can breathe easy again. Closing the gap of our bodies brings on such a sense of relief.

  ‘Oh, yes. Of course I still want to make them. You have the cranberries, right?” I sigh, being this close to Jack is so, so comforting.

  “Yes. But the recipe isn’t only cranberries, right?” Jack pulls my chin up. Our eyes meet. His blue eyes are light with only tiny flecks of green showing. I’m melting.

  “Lauren, do you have the recip
e?” Jack’s eyes are flickering at me. I stand on my tippy-toes trying to reach his mouth. I want him to kiss me. Right now. I don’t want to talk about cranberries. Jack leans down and answers my request without words. All actions. He is kissing me deeply, with a hunger. A desire I’m returning. I wrap my arms around his back and knead his skin with my fingers. Jack pulls away.

  “Lauren, the stores will be closing early tomorrow. You do realize it’s Christmas Eve Eve?” Jack kisses me softly and I gently tug on his lip with my teeth. Why can’t we return to doing this? Nobody is going to care if we have cranberries or not. I mean really, who cares about cranberries?

  “We don’t have to make them.” I say and force a kiss onto Jack, he accepts it and our tongues dance for several minutes more. But each time I try to lead him back to the couch he holds steady, not budging. As if he is okay with deep kisses but won’t return to the couch. My eyebrows wrinkle. I’m confused.

  “Come on, let’s look at your recipe. Is it as special as the pecan pie one?” Jack winks at me.

  I shove his arm. “It’s from Tyler Florence so, um yes, I would say that it’s really special.” I raise my eyebrows at him.

  “I’m sure it’s a good one.” Jack kisses me once more and then leads me out to the kitchen, he drops my hand and grabs the basket of cranberries, placing them in front of me on the counter. I pull my phone out of my purse and hit the camera app to check out the recipe. I snapped a photo of the recipe from my cookbook, so I wouldn’t have to travel with the book or look it up. Smart planning on my part.

  “Here it is, cranberries, orange juice, Grand Marnier, orange zest, and sugar.” I glance up at Jack, he seems mesmerized by my reading the list.

  “Grand Marnier? Is that going to be okay with your parents?” Jack cocks his chin to the right.

  “Um, have you met my parents?” I toss my phone back in my purse. The vibrating sound makes me dig for it, I grab it. The screen is dark, but the vibrating sound continuing. Jack reaches for his phone on the back counter and picks it up. His back is turned towards me.


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