palpitations, 4
pancreatic enzymes deficiency, 21
pancreatin (porcine), 75
pancreative enzyme deficiency, 76
panic attacks, 4
papyas (Clean Fifteen list), 88
parsnips: Parsnip-Carrot Mash recipe, 102, 304–5; Salmon-Parsnip Cakes recipe, 113, 238–39. See also vegetables
peaches: Ginger-Peach Pork Tenderloin recipe, 276; Peaches and Steak recipe, 204–5
pea protein: as blood sugar-stabilizing food, 67; pea protein powder form of, 46; well tolerated by people with Hashimoto’s, 67
pears: Carrot-Ginger-Pear Soup recipe, 106, 186–87; Dirty Dozen list, 88
peas: Beef Fried Rice recipe, 242–43; Gnocchi with Peas and Pancetta recipe, 271–73; Paella recipe, 248–49; Polish Pea Soup recipe, 180; Shepherd’s Pie recipe, 103, 240–41; sweet peas frozen, 88. See also vegetables
pernicious anemia, 54
pesticides contamination, 88–89
pharmacological treatment: continuing symptoms even with, 5, 12–13; conventional medical model of, 12; synthetic thyroid medication, 4, 12
pharmacology: food, 1–2, 3; the study of, 1
phytonutrients, 41
pineapples: bromelain from, 75; Clean Fifteen list, 88; Grilled Fish and Pineapple Salsa Packets with Green Beans recipe, 262; Tropical Grilled Chicken Skewers recipe, 103, 236–37
Pizza Sauce recipe, 143
plantain: Chicken Plantain “Nachos” recipe, 285–86; Paleo Pizza recipe, 250–51; Plantain Crepes recipe, 101, 113, 328–29
plant-based proteins: animal vs., 80; Rootcology Organic Pea Protein supplement for, 35
Poached Trout with Beets recipe, 267
Polish Pea Soup recipe, 180
pork: Bigos (Polish Hunter’s Stew) recipe, 102, 218–19; as blood sugar-stabilizing food, 67; Ginger-Peach Pork Tenderloin recipe, 276; Hubby’s Carnitas recipe, 85, 103, 228–29; Liver Pâté recipe, 290–91; Paleo Meatloaf recipe, 266; Pork Chops with Balsamic Glazed Onions recipe, 268; Pork Curry Stew recipe, 42, 194; Pulled Cherry Pork recipe, 102, 269; US Wellness Meats, 92. See also bacon
postpartum thyroiditis, 49
potatoes: Dirty Dozen list, 88; Lentil Shepherd’s Pie recipe, 224–25
poultry. See chicken; turkey
pregnancy, 49
probiotics (“good bacteria”): fermented foods as source of, 39–40; Hashi-Mojito recipe to support, 63; to help with losing weight, 81
processed carbohydrates, 47
processed foods: flavors engineering to keep you craving, 93; hidden gluten in, 109; processed carbohydrates, 47; sending a “famine” signal to the body, 3
procine, 75
produce: Clean Fifteen, 88; Dirty Dozen Plus, 88; EWG’s 2018 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, 88; nonorganic, 88–89; organic, 86, 88–89; tips for saving money on, 93. See also fruit; vegetables
protein digestive enzymes: supplements to support, 79; understanding healing power of, 72–74
protein powders: Al Paleo Protein, 46, 101; hydrolyzed beef, 46, 67; hypoallergenic, 45; which ones are safe for Hashimoto’s, 46
proteins: animal vs. plant, 80; blood sugar-stabilizing sources of, 67; egg-white, 67; hydrolyzed beef, 46, 67, 91; hypoallergenic protein powders, 45; low stomach acid and difficulty in digestion of, 21; macronutrient deficiencies of, 20–21; in nutrient dense diet, 44–45; recommended daily protein intake, 45; as required nutrient, 43; Rootcology Organic Pea Protein for plant-based, 35
proteolytic (or systemic) enzymes, 74–75, 79
psoriasis, 19
Pulled Cherry Pork recipe, 102, 269
pumpkin: Pumpkin Maca Latte recipe, 160–61; Pumpkin Pie recipe, 330–31
pumpkin pie spice: AI Pumpkin Pie Spice recipe for, 95; Baked Coconut Bananas recipe, 103, 333; healing benefits of, 94
Pure Encapsulations’ Benfomax, 48
Quail with Grapes recipe, 270
raw vegetables, 77
reactive hypoglycemia, 21
reactive ingredients, 38
recipes. See Cookbook Recipes
Recommended Daily Protein Intake, 45
Red Pepper Turkey Dip recipe, 92, 309
reduced-calorie diets, 43–44
reintroducing foods, 109
restaurants: Find Me Gluten Free app on, 105; suggestions for dining in, 106–8; when traveling, 110
rice: Beef Fried Rice recipe, 242–43; Gołąbki (Polish Stuffed Cabbage Rolls) recipe, 254–56; Paella recipe, 248–49
roasting pan, 86
Root Cause Approach: comparing standard of care vs., 25; dealing with unsupportive people, 103–5; eating a nutrient dense diet, 38, 44–45; eating out, 106–8; essential nutrients and supplements, 47–55; FAQs (frequently asked questions) about the, 109–14; Hashimoto’s: Root Cause on the, 3, 7, 8, 19, 23, 25; Hashimoto’s Protocol on the, 3–4, 8, 23, 25, 59–60; healing foods to eat in the, 39–42; health for the whole family using the, 99; kitchen organization for a successful, 84–86; Meal Plans (Week 1 and Week 2), 116–27; nourishment knowledge to help you heal, 71–80; success stories on Hashimoto’s remission through the, 23–24, 69–70; tips for an easy transition to a clean diet, 106–7; 2016 study on Hashimoto’s and diet similar to, 29–31; using quality ingredients for the, 86–93; what to know before you begin the, 56. See also Cookbook Recipes; Hashimoto’s treatment; lifestyle interventions
Root Cause Approach strategies: avoid autoimmune-unfriendly spices, 95; challenge of keeping your diet exciting, 93–98, 101–2; time-saving cooking, 96–98, 101–3; using spices to add flavor, 94–95; varied cooking methods, 95–96
Root Cause Autoimmune Diet: eliminating eggs, 67–68; eliminating nightshades, 68; excluded and included foods, 68; introduction to, 67; protocols of the, 57–58; recommended snacks for, 92; Step-Up Approach or Step-Down Approach to, 58; substitutions approved for, 90; Week 1 and Week 2 Meal Plans, 124–27. See also diet types
Root Cause Building Smoothie recipe, 81, 171–72
Root Cause Intro Diet: becoming sugar-free, 62; eliminating caffeine, 62–63; eliminating dairy, 60–61; eliminating soy, 61–62; foods excluded from the, 59; introduction to the, 59–60; protocols of the, 57–58; recommended snacks for, 92; Step-Up Approach or Step-Down Approach to, 58; substitutions approved for, 90; Week 1 and Week 2 Meal Plans, 116–19; withdrawal from foods during, 61. See also diet types
Root Cause Original Smoothie recipe, 39, 101, 107, 112–13, 166–67
Root Cause Paleo Diet: eliminating grains, 65–66; eliminating hot peppers, 66; eliminating legumes, 66–67; eliminating seaweed, 67; excluded and included foods, 66; introduction to the, 64–65; protocols of the, 57–58; recommended snacks for, 92; Step-Up Approach or Step-Down Approach to, 58; substitutions approved for, 90; Week 1 and Week 2 Meal Plans, 120–23. See also diet types
Rootcology AI Paleo Protein, 46, 101, 91
Rootcology Organic Pea Protein, 35
Rootcology supplements: Al Paleo Protein powder, 46; description of the, 4; Liver and Gallbladder Support, 76, 81; Organic Pea Protein, 46; origins and description of, 51. See also supplements
Root Veggie Bake recipe, 102, 302–3
rutin or rutoside trihydrate (bioflavonoid), 75
Safety Theory of Hashimoto’s: how to tell your body it’s safe, 3; introduction to the, 2–3. See also Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
salads. See specific recipe
salmon: as blood sugar-stabilizing food, 67; Citrus Salmon recipe, 103, 265; as excellent choice for eating, 86; Salmon-Parsnip Cakes recipe, 113, 238–39; SAM Salad recipe, 106, 113, 212–13. See also fish
salt: rethinking your selection of, 94; sea salt, 94
SAM Salad recipe, 106, 113, 212–13
sardines: as blood sugar-stabilizing food, 67; as excellent choice for eating, 86
sauces: Hashi-Mayo recipe, 142; Pizza Sauce recipe, 143; Tomato Sauce recipe, 150–51
sausage (Paella recipe), 248–49
�ed Rapini recipe, 294–95
scientific research: on impact of vegan and vegetarian diets on Hashimoto’s, 34–35; on iodine supplements, 32–33; on people with Hashimoto’s with antibodies to Neu5Gc, 34; Seventh-day Adventist Church members vegan diet survey, 33–34; 2015 diet survey of 2,232 people with Hashimoto’s, 29; 2016 dietary study of people with Hashimoto’s, 29–31, 32
seafood: Paella recipe, 248–49; Shrimp Ceviche recipe, 220. See also fish
sea salt, 94
seeds: as blood sugar-stabilizing food, 67; Root Cause Autoimmune Diet eliminating, 69; Sweet and Salty “Granola” recipe, 113, 288–89. See also specific recipe
selenium, 49–50, 63
Seventh-day Adventist Church members vegan diet survey, 33–34
shark, 86
Shepherd’s Pie recipe, 103, 240–41
shopping: avoid food additives and preservatives, 89; read the labels when, 89; shop the perimeter of the grocery store, 89; tips and strategies for saving money, 92–93; where to shop for quality ingredients, 91–92
shrimp: Paella recipe, 248–49; Shrimp Ceviche recipe, 220
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), 37, 54, 63, 76
Sjogren’s syndrome, 19
skin problems, 4, 15, 75, 81
Sloppy Joes in a Heartbeet recipe, 260
Slow-Cooked Chicken recipe, 274–75
slow cooker: Bone Broth recipe using, 135; cooking with a, 85; recipes for using with a, 102
smoothies and beverages: Green Juice recipe, 42, 152–53; Hashi-Mojito recipe, 154–55; Hashi-Mojito Smoothie recipe, 170; healing benefits of green smoothies, 39; Hot Chocolate recipe, 172–73; hot lemon water, 40–41; Maca Latte recipe, 158–59; Mason Jar Hack recipe, 102; Mint Tea, 62, 156–57; Orange Cream Smoothie recipe, 101, 162–63; Pumpkin Maca Latte recipe, 160–61; Root Cause Building Smoothie recipe, 81, 171–72; Root Cause Original Smoothie recipe, 39, 101, 107, 112–13, 166–67; Spa Water recipe, 63, 168–69. See also water
snacks: ideas for healthy, 92; Paleovalley Snacks, 92; when traveling, 111. See also specific recipe
soups and stews recipes. See Cookbook recipes
soy-free diet: cheating on your, 111; healing benefits of, 29, 37, 61–62
soy sensitivity, 114
Spaghetti Squash Sauté recipe, 301
Spa Water recipe, 63, 168–69
Specific Carbohydrate Diet, 36
spices: adding flavor using healing, 94; autoimmune-unfriendly, 95; pumpkin pie, 94, 95, 103, 333; recipes that provide flavor using, 95
spinach (Dirty Dozen list), 88
spiralizer, 86
Splenda (Sucralose), 63
Squashghetti and Meatballs recipe, 252–53
Standard American Diet: description of, 34; healing diets are more nutrient dense than, 38; micronutrient and macronutrient deficiencies in, 20–21
Stevio rebaudiana Bertoni (“honey lead”), 63
stiffness symptom, 15
strawberries: AI Very Berry Pie recipe, 338–39; Dirty Dozen list, 88; Spa Water recipe, 63, 168–69; Strawberries and Cream Dream recipe, 334–35
stress, 23
Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms recipe, 257
substitutions for ingredients, 90, 113
success stories, 23–24, 69–70
sugar-free diet, 62–63
sugar substitute recommendations, 63, 68, 90
sulfur toxicity, 78
supplements: advice on using, 50–51; fat digestive enzyme, 79; ferritin, 54–55; four safe (without testing) thyroid, 48–52; iodine, 32, 50; magnesium, 51–52; protein powders, 45, 46; selenium, 49–50, 63; specific symptoms and recommended, 81; that require lab testing, 52–55; thiamine (B1), 48; vitamin B12, 53–54, 55; vitamin D1, 53, 55; zinc, 52. See also nutrients; Rootcology supplements
“survival advantage,” 2–3
survival theory, 2
Sweet and Salty “Granola” recipe, 113, 288–89
Sweet and Sour Chicken Skewers with Broccoli Salad recipe, 103, 221
sweet bell peppers (Dirty Dozen list), 88
sweet corn (Clean Fifteen list), 88
sweeteners and sugar substitutions, 63, 68, 90
sweet peas frozen, 88
sweet potatoes: Bacon and Chive Scalloped Potatoes recipe, 85, 282–83; Barszcz (Polish Beet Soup) recipe, 176; Frittata with Ham and White Sweet Potato recipe, 113, 216; Gnocchi with Peas and Pancetta recipe, 271–73; Hashi Hash Hash recipe, 103, 113, 230–31; Maple Meatloaf Muffins recipe, 232–33; Polish Pea Soup recipe, 180; Pork Curry Stew recipe, 194; Root Veggie Bake recipe, 102, 302–3; Shepherd’s Pie recipe, 103, 240–41; Sloppy Joes in a Heartbeet recipe, 260; Sweet Potato Pistachio Pudding recipe, 332; Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes recipe, 300. See also vegetables
symptoms: blood-sugar swings, 21; customized dietary modifications for specific, 78, 80; digestive issues causing, 21; food and symptom journal to track your, 106; food sensitivities associated with, 22; Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, 15; intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”), 20, 22–23; normal TSH levels but continuing, 12–13, 15–16; toxic backlog causing additional, 22; what they are trying to tell you, 81
synthetic thyroid medication, 4, 5, 12–13, 25
systemic enzymes: supplements to support, 79; understanding healing power of, 74–75
T1 hormone, 25
T2 hormone, 25
T3 (triiodothyronine) hormone, 16, 19, 25, 54
T4 (thyroxine) hormone, 16, 19, 25
Taco the Town Salad recipe, 101, 211
tallow, 67
tests: Bacterial Overgrowth Breath Test (SIBO), 37; fine-needle aspiration cytology, 17–18; food-sensitivity, 38, 60, 64–65; free T3 and free T4, 16; GI MAP stool test, 37; gluten sensitivity, 60; low fecal elastase in functional-medicine stool testing, 75; measuring thyroid antibodies, 16, 17; thyroid ultrasound, 17; TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), 14–16; what you need to know about, 14
TG antibodies (thyroglobulin antibodies): diagnostic levels of, 16; 2016 study on people with Hashimoto’s and diet impact on, 29–31
Thai Beef Jerky recipe, 308
Thai peppers, 68
thiamine (B1) supplement, 48
thickeners substitutions, 90
three-legged stool of autoimmunity, 2
Thrive Market, 92
thyroid antibodies: author’s diagnosis and level of, 5; testing for, 16, 17; using lifestyle interventions to reduce, 6
thyroid directed autoimmunity, 2
thyroid disorders: hyperthyroidism, 15; as a “survival advantage” response, 2–3. See also Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; hypothyroidism
thyroid function: how goitrogens interfere with, 31; hyperthyroidism and, 15; hypothyroidism and, 2, 4, 12, 15, 21; nutrients required for, 47–55. See also Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
thyroid gland: danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) response by, 2; description of the, 11–12; five stages of Hashimoto’s and the, 19; the immune system’s connection to, 2; regulation of metabolism by the, 2, 3, 44; understanding limitations of nutrition for, 26
thyroid hormones replacement: continuing symptoms with, 5, 12–13; as conventional medical model of treatment, 12; Levothyroxine, 25; as not stopping Hashimoto’s progression, 4
thyroid ultrasound, 17
tomatoes: Chilly Day Chili recipe, 92, 102, 178–79; Cowboy Caviar recipe, 280–81; Dirty Dozen list, 88; Heirloom Tomato and Beet Salad recipe, 198–99; Taco the Town Salad recipe, 101, 211
Tomato Sauce: Eggplant Lasagna Stacks recipe, 277–78; Gnocchi with Peas and Pancetta recipe, 271–73; Gołąbki (Polish Stuffed Cabbage Rolls) recipe, 255; Paleo Meatloaf recipe, 266; recipe for, 150–51; Squashghetti and Meatballs recipe, 253
toxic backlog, 22
toxicity: customized dietary modifications for, 78, 80; greening your kitchen to remove, 84; toxic backlog due to, 22
TPO antibiotics (thyroid peroxidase antibodies): diagnostic levels of, 16; how carbohydrates can increase levels of, 43; selenium to reduce levels
of, 49; soy sensitivity and increased level of, 114; systemic enzymes to help reduce, 75; 2016 study on people with Hashimoto’s and diet impact on, 29–31
traveling: food-sensitivity cards when, 111; strategies for eating when, 110–11; TSA Pre Check to avoid security scanner radiation, 110
trehalose sweetener, 63
tremors, 15
triggers turning on genes, 18
Tropical Grilled Chicken Skewers recipe, 103, 236–37
Truffled Veggies recipe, 80, 279
trypsin (porcine), 75
TSA Pre Check, 110
TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone): continued symptoms even with normal level of, 12–13, 15–16; during five stages of Hashimoto’s, 19; recent recommendations for changing reference range of, 16; standard of care of T4-centric and, 25; 2016 study on people with Hashimoto’s and diet impact on, 29–31; what you need to know about testing your, 14–16
tuna, 86
turkey: Bigos (Polish Hunter’s Stew) recipe, 102, 218–19; as blood sugar-stabilizing food, 67; Chilly Day Chili recipe, 92, 102, 178–79; Gołąbki (Polish Stuffed Cabbage Rolls) recipe, 254–56; Hashi Hash Hash recipe, 103, 113, 230–31; Paleo Meatloaf recipe, 266; Red Pepper Turkey Dip recipe, 92, 309; Squashghetti and Meatballs recipe, 252–53; Turkey and Pepper Avocado Boats recipe, 113, 226–27
turmeric: Chicken Tandoori recipe, 42; healing benefits of, 41, 94; Pork Curry Stew recipe, 42; Root Cause Original Smoothie recipe, 39, 101, 107, 112–13, 166–67
turnips healing benefits, 41
Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes recipe, 300
type 1 hypersensitivity reactions, 22
type I hypersensitivity reactions, 22
type IV delayed hypersensitivity reactions, 22
University of Wisconsin Thyroid Multidisciplinary Clinic, 16
unsupportive people, 103–5
US Wellness Meats, 91–92
varied cooking methods, 95–96
vegan diet: nutrient deficiencies of a, 35; research on impact on people with Hashimoto’s, 34–35; risk of vitamin B12 deficiency with, 54; Seventh-day Adventist Church members survey on, 33–34; study on people with Hashimoto’s with antibodies to Neu5Gc and, 34
vegetable digestive enzymes: supplements to support, 79; understanding healing power of, 72, 76–77
vegetables: Barszcz (Polish Beet Soup) recipe, 176; Beef Fried Rice recipe, 242–43; Bibimbap Bowl (Korean Mixed Veggie Bowl) recipe, 101, 202–3; Bigos (Polish Hunter’s Stew) recipe, 102, 218–19; cauliflower, 41, 88; Chicken Spring Rolls with Almond Dipping Sauce recipe, 284; Chilly Day Chili recipe, 92, 102, 178–79; Clean Fifteen list, 88; Dirty Dozen Plus list, 88; Fermented Vegetables recipe, 132; healing benefits of cruciferous, 41; Lentil Shepherd’s Pie recipe, 224–25; Mason Jar Hack recipe for salad, 102; Mizeria (Polish Cucumber Salad) recipe, 298–99; Mom’s Dill Pickles recipe, 133–34; Paella recipe, 248–49; Paleo Pizza recipe, 250–51; Polish Pea Soup recipe, 180; pumpkin, 160–61, 330–31; raw, 77; Root Cause Building Smoothie recipe, 81, 171–72; Root Cause Original Smoothie recipe, 39, 101, 107, 112–13, 166–67; Root Veggie Bake recipe, 102, 302–3; Sloppy Joes in a Heartbeet recipe, 260; Spaghetti Squash Sauté recipe, 301; sweet corn, 88; Tropical Grilled Chicken Skewers recipe, 103, 236–37; Truffled Veggies recipe, 80, 279; Zucchini Bread recipe, 313. See also broccoli; carrots; mushrooms; sweet potatoes
Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology Page 33