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Executive Decision

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by Maggie Church

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  Executive Decision

  Copyright © 2012 by Margie Church

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-309-9

  Cover art by Fantasia Frog Designs

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Executive Decision

  A 1Night Stand Story


  Margie Church

  Chapter One

  Logan Carlyle lubed the anal plug then braced against the narrow stall’s wall while easing the flared toy between his ass cheeks. Perspiration dotted his forehead. His dick reacted instantly. He clenched his jaw tight to swallow a groan. That feels so…damn…good.

  When he felt more in control, he pulled up his underwear and fiddled with the fabric to ensure his snug briefs would hold his little toy in place while he walked back to his office. His belt buckle jingled softly as he drew his expensive slacks over his thighs. While washing his hands, he mumbled a few mindless comments to another colleague at the sinks.

  But all he could really think about was the hot sex he’d be having within the hour.

  The plug created fantastic friction against his prostate, arousing Logan more with every step he took. Hiding his erection while he walked through the busy hallways was always a challenge. A delicious one he looked forward to.

  A colleague from marketing stopped him in the hallway. “Do you think Kespers is going to accept another million pounds of Bis-A this year?”

  “Cold day in hell, I think.” He answered her with complete aplomb, while his mind did cartwheels over the erotic secret hidden between his ass cheeks.

  He closed his office door and hung his suit coat on the hanger. His cock pressed tightly against his zipper, and he hoped his lover, Hunter, wouldn’t be delayed. In fifteen minutes, the building would clear out for the day. By then, anticipation would be driving Logan into a sexual frenzy. He shifted in his seat, trying to ease the pressure in his crotch, but all that accomplished was delivering a zip of pleasure to his ass.

  The ticking clock was as torturous to his nerves as a dripping faucet. He wanted to rip the noisy timepiece off the wall and tear the batteries out. He answered a few benign e-mails and waited. Impatiently.

  A soft knock on the door made his stomach lurch.

  He glanced at the time. Perfect. He cleared his throat, intending to sound as authoritative as possible. “Come in.”

  His administrative assistant, Shelly, popped her head in the door. “Do you have a minute?”

  Logan hoped he’d masked his disappointment fast enough. Pretending to be in a rush, he glanced at his watch. “Just a few. What’s up?”

  “I have the confirmations for your appointments next week with Hunter. Some are overlapping or back-to-back with no travel time allotted. Do you want me to decide which to reschedule, or would you like to do the honors?”

  “How did that happen?” He didn’t keep the annoyance out of his voice, for he really was peeved over having to deal with lamebrain purchasing agents who couldn’t find their ass with both hands. “Please give me the itinerary, and I’ll prioritize them before I leave tonight. I’ll put it back on your desk to work on the rescheduling when you come in tomorrow. Hopefully we won’t have to add any more days. Hunter probably would like a private life, too.”

  While handing over the paperwork, Shelly nodded. “He sure isn’t home very often, but he’s lucky to be mentored by you. Most of the sales force would kill for an opportunity like his.”

  As if on cue, Hunter James walked through the door. “Did I hear my name?”

  The sight of his lean body always made Logan’s react. He couldn’t wait to get rid of his assistant.

  She smiled at the new arrival. “Hi, Hunter. Yes, I was just telling Logan your next trip has hit a few snags. You may need to shuffle things around a bit.”

  Hunter’s eyes gleamed for an instant. “Well, it’s up to the boss. If he says we stay out another day or two, then that’s what we’ll do.”

  Shelly gave them a lukewarm smile. “I’ll let you two discuss the arrangements. I’m leaving for the day. Have a nice evening.”

  Using the papers to hide the bulge in his trousers, Logan came around the side of the desk. Every step made him acutely aware of the pressure in his rear and against his dick.

  “Thank you. Please close the door on your way out.”

  As soon as she had shut the door, Hunter rested his hand on Logan’s ass.

  Let the game begin. Logan looked at the itinerary, but his eyes didn’t focus on the words. He resumed using a gruff, authoritative voice, asserting his role as supervisor.

  “I can’t believe how often this happens. Didn’t you think this through before you made all these appointments?”

  Hunter nuzzled Logan’s neck.

  His nipples hardened. He loved having his neck kissed and nibbled. “Obviously you haven’t learned the rudiments of simple planning.”

  Hunter slid his hand around to the front of Logan’s pants and caressed the length of his dick, now fully, painfully erect. “I’ll get this straightened out.”

  The double entendre sent a shiver up Logan’s spine. “Don’t fuck with me. I’m too busy to have to deal with parochial errors like this. If you can’t manage a travel schedule, how can you handle important clients alone?”

  Leaning forward, Hunter whispered into Logan’s ear. “I can handle you alone.” He unfastened Logan’s belt. “If you make a sound, I’m leaving. You’ll have to satisfy your deviant appetite some other way.”

  He almost whimpered. Nodding like a child ready to accept his punishment, he held the buckle clasp together while letting his pants fall to his ankles.

  “Bend over, Logan. You know I didn’t fuck up the travel schedule. You did.” He moved his hand, warm and firm, over Logan’s ass, then ran his index finger down the crease. “I see you put in the plug as I instructed. Sweet. You are such a bad bo
y, walking around with this nasty thing in you while the rest of us are toiling on real business.”

  He moved the toy in and out just enough to tease.

  “I’m such a horny son of a bitch, and I don’t care. I want you. Take that thing out.” Passion made Logan’s voice a hoarse whisper.

  Hunter growled into Logan’s ear, sounding demanding and in total control. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’ll fuck you when I’m good and ready, and if I feel like it.” He reached forward and took Logan’s shaft in his hand. “You’re dripping wet.” He rubbed the pre-cum over his cock.

  Logan fell into his submissive role. “Thank you. I need that so much. Whatever you want, tell me, and I’ll do it.”

  “Much better.”

  Logan heard him unzip his pants. Despite his desire to make this session last as long as possible, they were in his office; people were still milling around. His door was unlocked. The danger of being discovered heightened his excitement. “Please don’t leave me this way. I’ve done everything you asked.”

  Hunter turned the butt plug slowly, changing the angle of penetration.

  “That feels incredible.” Knowing something warm and bigger would replace the dildo soon made his entire body tense. His cock oozed again.

  Hunter’s warm mouth pressed against his low back. He removed the plug and set it on the desk.

  Logan couldn’t resist wiggling his hips to tempt him more. He bit the side of his hand, while his brain screamed every filthy version of stick-your-dick-in-me he could think of. The sound of the foil package opening sent a flood of relief through him.

  Hunter spat.


  “You have such a beautiful ass.” He pressed his cock into Logan.

  His voice and knees quivered. “All of it, please, now.”

  Hunter slid forward until his balls rested against Logan’s body. “I’m going to use you. Your ass was made for my cock.”

  “Please, yes, I want you to—”

  Hunter yanked Logan’s hair. “Shh.” He withdrew from the tight canal.

  No! Logan quivered in silence, waiting for that hard shaft to fill him over and over.

  And Hunter did.

  Snap, snap, snap. The soft sound of their hips meeting grew with the tempo of his strokes. Logan wished they were at his apartment or a hotel. He wanted to howl with pleasure, beg Hunter to use him even harder.

  The door opened. “Logan, I—Logan!”

  He glanced over his shoulder. The company’s CEO stood in the doorway wearing the most shocked and horrified expression Logan had ever seen.

  Hunter seemed paralyzed.

  Logan had no choice but to nudge him out of the way. He reached down for his underwear and pants. “Give me a minute, Bernie.”

  Hunter said nothing. He, too, reached for his clothing.

  The door slammed shut, with Bernie on the other side.

  Logan looked at Hunter and assumed their ashen complexions matched. His heart raced like a train coming off the tracks. With shaking hands, he straightened his clothes.

  Dressed, Hunter left without saying a word.

  Doom settled on Logan’s shoulders and shook hands with dread. What Bernie Dohlan just walked in on could be career-ending for him and Hunter. He picked up the butt plug. What had brought him so much pleasure many times over the years, now seemed wicked. The illicit danger he sought to build sexual tension and drive himself to mind-blowing orgasms, may have just shattered his professional life, like a wrecking ball on Waterford crystal. Sobering didn’t come close to describing his new reality.

  Chapter Two

  A year later, Logan strode on the moving walkway through Detroit Metro Airport. Sputters and hiccups peppered his morning, putting him in a sour mood. He glanced at the wall clock and picked up his pace. If he didn’t hurry, he’d miss his flight to Las Vegas.

  As he neared the end of his conveyor and his gate, a man going in the opposite direction caught his eye. He did a double-take, but by then, all he could see was the man’s back.


  He hadn’t seen Hunter since that fateful day in his office about a year ago. Embarrassing memories of the fiasco pummeled him. Though he’d phoned him many times, Hunter had never accepted the call, and eventually changed his phone number. Every attempt to see him had been a waste of Logan’s time.

  He was sorely tempted to turn around and go after the mysterious stranger with the shocking resemblance. Several other times, he thought he’d seen him, only to be embarrassed when the person wasn’t the one he wanted. And Logan still wanted Hunter.

  He glanced at the gate status board. The flight was boarding. He took another look over his shoulder. Shit. The guy is leaving the walkway.

  For a split second, the stranger glanced backward at him.


  Logan needed to see him, to explain. To assuage my guilt and ask for forgiveness is more like it.

  “This is the final call for all passengers on Southwest 2147 to Las Vegas McCarran International Airport. Please come to the gate for immediate boarding.”

  The gate attendant’s announcement broke through Logan’s reverie. Though he wasn’t 100 percent sure the man he’d seen was Hunter James, he had that gut feeling.

  The mechanical-sounding voice banged on his eardrums again. “All passengers should be onboard Southwest flight 2147 for immediate departure. This is your final call.”

  Logan’s customer was picking him up at the Las Vegas airport. He had no choice but to rush to the gate and down the jetway.

  The airline attendant shut the airplane’s door behind him.

  Logan took his seat in First Class. Frustrated with this uncanny turn of events, he ordered a Bloody Mary and waited for takeoff.


  After a long, afternoon meeting, a tour of his customer’s plant, and dinner, Logan finally arrived at Castillo Resorts and Hotels, Las Vegas. He scribbled his name on the registration documents while the desk clerk ran his credit card.

  The attendant gave him two electronic keys and pointed on Logan’s hotel registration folder. “This is your room number. Take the elevator to the ninth floor.”

  “I’ve been here several times. I know where I’m going.” Logan figured his mechanical reply sounded as dry as the Vegas air felt.

  “Very well. Enjoy your stay with us, Mr. Carlyle.” The clerk signaled to the bellman.


  After unpacking, Logan hit the shower. The hot water eased the tension from his body, while his thoughts drifted back to the morning. Could the guy I saw have actually been Hunter?

  He’d fantasized about a reunion countless times. Though he experienced sublime physical release during those steamy fictionalizations, he doubted he’d ever have a chance to square things with him in person. Hunter had gotten the raw end of the deal that day, but Logan hadn’t come away unscathed either.

  He twisted the faucet to turn off the shower, and then reached for a plush towel on the rack to dry himself. A card fluttered to the floor. Logan gave it a passing glance, expecting it to be one of those environmental statements about what to do with linens you don’t want washed. He used a hand towel to wipe the fogged mirror. It, too, contained a card. He turned the paper over in his hand.

  1Night Stand. Discretion and results, guaranteed. Madame Evangeline

  Logan frowned, wondering whether there was some kind of Las Vegas-style scam hidden in the offer. He pitched the card in the bathroom trash, dismissing the idea.

  Wearing only a pair of briefs, he turned back the bed covers. A good night’s rest would do wonders. Tomorrow could be a beast if integrating his company’s resins didn’t go smoothly in the new manufacturing plant. He flipped through television channels until he found the news. While a series of commercials aired, he tapped the keyboard to awaken the laptop.

  While reading the mundane emails from work, his thoughts drifted to the business card he’d thrown away. Was it an escort service? He’d never tried one.

  Should I?

  Curious, Logan retrieved the card from the wastebasket and typed in the website address. Scanning the pages, clearly 1Night Stand was not an escort service by any stretch of the imagination. He breathed a sigh of relief. Much of what he read interested him. With his finger poised over the request information link, he vacillated between feeling downright dumb and really wanting someone in his life again.

  What could it hurt? He clicked.

  An instant message popped up from someone named Madame Eve. The message read: I know where Hunter is. If you’re interested, reply.

  Logan did exactly that. He typed: Who is this? He waited a minute or two, and got no response. “Must be a fluke.”

  His computer screen lit up with a new instant message.

  I can help you reconnect with Hunter. I know that’s what you want. Madame Evangeline

  Wary, he wrote back. How do you know me and Hunter?

  A reply arrived promptly. You wear your heart on your sleeve. Let me help you. Send me an email with your story. I will help you find the love you’re looking for.

  He responded, rapid-fire. I’m not sure I’m in love with him. It’s been a year. It ended badly.

  In answer, she wrote: You’ll never know until you look into his eyes.

  Logan thought their exchange was ludicrous, but something about Madame Evangeline made him think she knew something. Still cautious, he wrote to her again: I’ll sleep on it.

  The volley continued. Review the services detailed on my website. I look forward to helping you. M. Eve

  How did she know about Hunter? A little creeped out by Madame’s knowledge of his life, Logan sent a final message: Goodnight.

  There were no more mysterious instant messages texts from the person named Madame Eve.

  He turned off the lights and went to bed, but his brain wouldn’t shut off. Seeing the dead ringer for Hunter and getting the invitation from Madame Evangeline on the same day, seemed a bit contrived to him. Hours later, he made a decision to check out her website further.


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