A New Chapter

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A New Chapter Page 5

by Susan Coventry

  “Divorce sucks.” Zack said firmly, and Emma’s lips twitched at his childlike expression.

  “I agree. All we can do now is move forward and try never to make the same mistakes again.”

  “I don’t know about you, but marriage is the last thing on my radar right now. Hell, it’s hard to imagine having any relationship with a woman at this point.”

  Emma flinched and pulled her hand away. “Hey, I’m a woman.”

  “I know, but that’s different. You’re my friend, so there’s no pressure.”

  “What about the other stuff? You know, what you said the other day about guys wanting…”


  “Yeah, that.” Emma found herself inching a little further away, which caused Zack to chuckle.

  “Oh, I still want that,” he admitted, and he gave her the most devilish grin she had ever seen.

  “So having sex doesn’t count as having a relationship with a woman?” Emma was constantly amazed at the inner workings of a man’s brain. She obviously had a lot to learn, and who better to teach her than this man—the king of panty melters.

  “Not necessarily. Remember when you said that sex and romance make a perfect combination? Well, sex and relationships don’t have to go together. Sometimes we like sex just for the sake of sex.”

  “Hmm, and you believe that this is unique to the male species?” Emma set her hands on her hips and quirked her eyebrows at him.

  Zack was obviously enjoying the turn that their conversation had taken. He adjusted his position to face her full on, their knees almost touching on the sheets. “I guess it’s possible for a woman to want that too, although I’ve never known one.”

  “Well, I’ll have you know that women enjoy sex just as much as men. Some just might be too shy to admit it.”

  “Which one are you?”

  Oh God, what have I done? Emma was stuck. She couldn’t move back another inch, or she’d fall on the floor. Zack looked at her like he was about to pounce, and her heart started beating double-time. To top it all off, she felt her cheeks heat up, which meant she was probably a lovely shade of beet-red!

  “Um, this is not an appropriate conversation for friends to have.”

  Zack leaned a little closer, to where she could feel his breath on her skin. He rested his weight on his hands, which caused the muscles in his biceps to bulge. Great, now I’m looking at his muscles!

  “Emma, let me just say that if you ever feel the urge to have sex just for the sake of it, I’m your man. No need to pick up a stranger at a bar or anything like that. It’s not safe, and I can promise you I would never hurt you.”

  Emma almost melted under his intense gray-eyed gaze, but suddenly her conscience kicked in, and she stood up from the bed, putting a safe distance between them.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said flippantly. “Now, let’s get back to work.”

  Chapter 10

  Emma didn’t hear from Zack for the next few days, and she decided that it was for the best. Their last interaction had been a little too close for comfort, and a break was just what she needed. Besides, she had a particularly busy schedule at A New Chapter that week. On Tuesday, there was a local author coming in to do a book signing, and on Thursday, Emma was hosting the store’s first ever book club meeting.

  Emma was constantly generating ideas on how to keep her store alive, and reaching out to the community was one of them. She had advertised in all of the local papers and participated in a live interview on Clarkston’s independent television channel to encourage people to join the new book club. Anyone who joined would receive a discount on that month’s book selection. This month’s book was The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, which was one of Emma’s favorite reads of the year.

  Emma and Kelly were setting up chairs at the back of the store when Emma’s cell phone buzzed in her pants pocket. She was annoyed at herself for carrying the darn thing around instead of leaving it in her purse. Before Zack, her phone hadn’t been blowing up with personal calls so she had let it be, but now…

  “Hey, Em. What are you up to?”

  “I’m in the process of setting up for a book club meeting at the store, so I only have a few minutes.” Emma held up her index finger to Kelly, who was attempting to move a large table by herself.

  “I won’t keep you, but I have a favor to ask. Now, I’m not sure where this appears in the friendship handbook, but… “

  “Just get to the point, Zack,” Emma said, suppressing a smile while she rolled her eyes.

  “Ok. A coworker of mine invited me to his wedding reception on Saturday. I know it’s short notice, but I wondered if you would go with me. I hate going solo to weddings, and we wouldn’t have to stay long, unless we’re having a good time… “

  Emma turned her back on Kelly, who was making obnoxious hurry up faces at her. “I don’t think so, Zack. Sorry.”

  “Why not?”

  She should have known that he wouldn’t give up that easily. The bell chimed at the front of the store, and a couple of women walked in toting their book club books. Emma motioned to Kelly to greet them.

  “Zack, I really don’t have time to talk about this right now. I just don’t think it’s a good idea, that’s all.”

  “Even if I promise to be on my best behavior? No repeats of the last time we were at a wedding together. I swear.”

  Say no, Emma, just say no! “Oh, alright, but I’m holding you to your word.”

  “Cool, thanks. You’re the best!”

  “Yes, I know. Call me tomorrow with the details.”

  Emma put all thoughts of Zack and weddings aside when she began the book club meeting. She gave a brief synopsis of the novel and then initiated some discussion questions, and the group took over from there. Emma felt right at home among the lively group of women and one brave guy, who shared her love of reading. During the meeting, Kelly went around with a tray of punch, cheese, and fruit. At the end of the hour, Emma announced the book selection for the following month and passed out a store coupon for twenty percent off.

  After the last person left the store, Emma and Kelly turned and gave each other a double high five. If only I felt this elated about going to the wedding with Zack, Emma thought while she drove home.

  Emma had just crawled under her covers and was about to switch her phone off when it rang. She glanced at her bedroom clock—nine thirty—and then back down at Zack’s name on the display. Why is he calling me now? She debated about whether or not to answer for all of five seconds before she tapped the green button.


  “So, I was lying in bed thinking about you and decided I had to call.”

  Oh boy. “Why were you thinking about me in bed?” Emma asked as she pulled the covers up to her chin. She pictured him lying under his new brown and blue plaid comforter that they had made his bed with on Saturday. Would he be wearing boxers, briefs, or nothing at all?

  “Well, knowing how women are, I thought you might want a little more information about the wedding on Saturday. In case you need time to buy a new dress or get your hair done or whatever.”

  Wow, he really did know women! “Ok, why don’t you start with the reason you were invited to this wedding on such short notice.”

  “The invitations went out long before I started working at the company, but Justin—he’s the groom—didn’t want me to feel left out. Most of my coworkers will be there, so I feel like I should at least make an appearance.”

  “And you didn’t want to go alone.”


  Emma heard him rustle around and tried not to picture him bare-chested with his defined biceps, wavy black hair, and devilish grin. “I usually work until five on Saturdays, so what time do I need to be ready?”

  “Is seven o’clock ok?”


  “Oh, and Alicia is going to pick Gracie up after story time and have her overnight, so I don’t have to worry about a curfew. You know, in case you want to
keep me out late… “

  Flirty man! “Zack,” Emma warned.

  “Sorry. Even though we’re friends, I am still a man after all.”

  Don’t I know it. “I’m well aware, but best behavior, remember?”

  “Define best behavior.”

  “Goodnight, Zack.”

  “What are you wearing right now? Just curious.”

  “Goodnight, Zack,” Emma repeated, even though a giggle erupted unbidden.

  “Hmm, a nightie or sweats? Or maybe, none of the above…”

  “I’m hanging up the phone now.”

  “I’m thinking tank top and skimpy underwear.”

  Emma erupted into full-out laughter. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “But only in the best way, right?”

  “If I agree, will you let me go this time?”


  “Well, then, I agree.”

  She heard the rustle of covers again and then, “Goodnight, Emma.”

  “Goodnight, Zack.”

  Chapter 11

  The next day, during a lull at the bookstore, Emma lamented to Kelly, “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “You’re welcome to borrow something of mine, but I still can’t believe you said yes.”

  “I know, I caved. He caught me at a busy moment, and I was just trying to get him off the phone.”

  Kelly shook her head. “Yeah, right. I think that subconsciously you really wanted to go with him, and that’s why you said yes. I’ve been reading about the power of the subconscious mind, and…”

  “Not helping, Kell. I don’t need you to psychoanalyze me; all I need is for you to find me something to wear!”

  “Fine. When Brett comes in to relieve us, we can go to my apartment, and you can dig through my closet.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But I still say you’re in for big trouble tomorrow night.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because weddings are romantic, and when two good-looking single people attend a wedding together, well, you know what can happen.”

  “Yes, but when the two people are friends…”

  “Friends, schmends. Call it whatever you want, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Kelly’s closet was like a gold mine. She was a self-proclaimed “serial dater,” and she had clothes for every occasion. Emma was a couple of inches shorter than her, but they still wore roughly the same size. Emma rifled through the dresses, which Kelly had aligned neatly in one section of her closet, and held them up one by one.

  “Too flashy,” Kelly said about a short silver-sequined number.

  “Too boring,” she said about a black shift dress.

  Emma pulled out a deep purple dress and was just about to put it back without asking for Kelly’s opinion when…

  “Wait, that one’s perfect,” Kelly blurted out.

  The dress was sleeveless with a deep vee in the front and the back. The skirt portion was simple and draped nicely to the knee, but there would be a lot of skin showing up top, and that made Emma nervous.

  “I don’t think so, Kell. The top portion is a little too breezy for my liking.”

  Kelly giggled. “It won’t show as much as you think, Em. Try it on, and you’ll see. The color is perfect for you.”

  Some friends were good for the ego, and Kelly was definitely one of them. They had met during their senior year in college and had been inseparable ever since. Kelly had been there for Emma’s wedding, through her divorce, and at the opening of A New Chapter. She had been working for a marketing firm prior to the opening of the bookstore, but she hadn’t been happy there. When Emma had offered her a job, she had jumped at the chance. Emma had put her in charge of marketing and promoting the store, and she attributed much of its success to Kelly’s sales skills. Emma was the true book lover, who excelled at interacting with the customers, giving book recommendations, and choosing the inventory, while Kelly promoted the shop from behind the scenes. They complimented each other perfectly, and Emma couldn’t imagine her life without Kelly in it.

  Having seen each other in all manner of dress and undress, Emma discarded her khakis and plaid button-down shirt and slipped into the purple dress. She turned in a complete circle in front of the mirror on the back of Kelly’s bedroom door and waited for her friend’s reaction.

  Kelly’s golden brown eyes sparkled, and her smile lit up the room. “You look beautiful, Em.”

  Emma had to agree. The color complimented her light skin and reddish-blonde hair, and the vee in the front didn’t show nearly as much skin as she thought it would. Of course, her breasts weren’t as ample as Kelly’s, so there wasn’t as much to show, but she still felt sexy nonetheless.

  “All you need is your black patent pumps, and you’re good to go,” Kelly said.

  “I love it, Kell.”

  “You’re going to knock Zack’s socks off tomorrow. And maybe the rest of his clothes too!”

  On Saturday morning, Emma felt surprisingly calm about attending the wedding with Zack. She was even looking forward to it. She’d convinced herself that it would be a fun night out with a friend and that was all there was to it! She had just finished setting up for story time when she heard Zack’s voice. She went toward the front of the store to greet him and Gracie, and stopped dead in her tracks.

  Emma’s eyes swung from Zack to Gracie to Alicia and back to Zack again. She recalled him telling her that Alicia was going to take Gracie home after story time, but she didn’t expect her to come in the store. It was probably the norm for divorced parents to present a united front for their child’s benefit; however, it caught Emma off guard to see them all together. Gracie looked like the picture of happiness as she clasped both of her parents’ hands.

  “See, Mommy. This is Miss Emma, the lady who reads me stories,” Gracie said sweetly.

  Alicia gave Emma the once-over and granted her a cool partial smile. “Nice to see you again, Emma.”

  “You too,” Emma managed, and she looked to Zack to fill in the blanks.

  “Gracie wanted her mom to see where she comes for story time,” he explained with an unreadable expression on his face.

  Emma got the impression that he wasn’t thrilled with his ex-wife’s presence, but he was forced to tolerate it for the sake of their daughter.

  “Will you be staying?” Emma asked, adopting a neutral tone.

  “Yes, I think so,” Alicia replied.

  “Well, then, all of you can take a seat, and I’ll begin in a few minutes.”

  The three of them walked away, and Emma slipped behind the counter where Kelly had stood and watched the entire interaction.

  “Well, that was awkward,” Kelly said.

  Emma took a few sips from her water bottle and shrugged her shoulders. “That’s an understatement. I wish Zack would have given me a heads-up that she would be here.”

  “Maybe he didn’t know until the last minute.”

  Emma glanced at her watch. “I’ve got to get back there. Wish me luck.”

  As she walked to the back of the store, she squared her shoulders and took a couple of deep breaths. Why should I be nervous about her being here? Zack and I aren’t together, so it’s no big deal. She was determined to ignore Alicia’s presence and concentrate on the kids, which turned out to be easier said than done. Whenever Emma glanced up from reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, she noticed that Alicia was studying her intently. While the kids looked at each other or at the illustrations in the story and the other parents looked discreetly down at their phones, Alicia’s eyes stayed focused directly on the storyteller.

  Emma felt a surge of relief when the story was finally over and she could move away from Alicia’s penetrating gaze. Emma was bent over the craft table when she overhead Alicia tell Gracie that they had to leave.

  “But, Mom, I want to do the craft,” Gracie complained.

  “Why don’t we ask Miss Emma if you can take the craft with you?” Zack suggested in a
n attempt to keep the peace.

  “That’s a good idea,” Alicia said.

  Alicia and Gracie drifted off to look at books while Zack approached Emma. “Can Gracie take the craft to go?” Zack asked and rolled his eyes.

  Emma’s discomfort slipped away when she saw that Zack was obviously more distressed than she was. “Sure,” she said and handed him the craft items.

  “I’m going to walk them out. Be right back,” he called over his shoulder.

  Alicia and Gracie had wandered to the front of the store, but Gracie turned and ran back to Emma. She skidded to a stop and said, “Bye, Miss Emma. Thanks for the story.”

  “You’re very welcome,” Emma replied and smiled as Gracie raced back to her parents. Alicia gave Emma a brief wave and then they all filed out.

  Zack returned five minutes later and looked apologetic.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Emma said quietly. The store was still busy, and she didn’t want customers to overhear their conversation.

  “Tell me about it. When Gracie and I pulled up, Alicia was waiting in the parking lot. I had no idea that she would show up early.”

  “I’m sure that Gracie wanted her here. It’s really no big deal,” Emma said, although she still felt a little shaken from the encounter.

  “There might have been more to it than that. Gracie’s been talking about you quite a bit, and I think Alicia wanted to check you out.”

  “Why? She already met me at Phil’s wedding.”

  “I know, but that was a long time ago. Listen, I don’t know what her motivations were, but I’m sorry if she made you uncomfortable.”

  “I’m fine, Zack. She was perfectly… polite.”

  “Yeah, about as polite as a mother bear protecting her cub.”

  Emma smiled up at him. “She’ll ease off as soon as she realizes that I’m not a threat.”

  “You’re probably right,” Zack said, but he didn’t look convinced.

  Chapter 12


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