A New Chapter

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A New Chapter Page 19

by Susan Coventry

  Emma let out a long sigh. “I can’t talk about it right now, Kell. Please. Will you just do this for me?”

  “Ok, fine. But you owe me. Big time!”

  “I know, and I promise to make it up to you when I get back.”

  “What about Zack? What if he comes into the store demanding to know where you are?”

  “Don’t worry about him. I’ll call him from the airport.” Emma glanced at the kitchen clock. “Gotta run.”

  “Call me when you land,” Kelly said.

  “Will do.”

  It was just before noon and fifteen minutes prior to boarding time when Emma called Zack. She had rehearsed her words at least a dozen times, but when his voice came over the line she wasn’t sure she could go through with it.

  “Hey, sexy lady. I didn’t expect to hear from you until later. What’s all that noise in the background?”

  “I’m at the airport.”

  “The airport? Why? What’s going on?”

  “Zack, I know this is going to sound crazy, but I decided this morning that I wanted to go to North Carolina and visit Phil. I found a last-minute flight deal, so here I am. But I’ll be back on Sunday.” She hoped her last sentence would pacify him, but she should have known better.

  “Emma, are you all right? You sound kind of… frazzled.”

  “Yes, I’m fine, but I probably am a little frazzled. I had to rush like crazy to get here this morning.”

  “I don’t get it, Em. I thought we were going to spend the weekend together. Why the rush to see Phil?”

  “I guess I’m just feeling sentimental with the holidays coming and all. You have a big family that you get to see all the time, but I hardly have anyone, Zack. I rarely see my parents, and ever since Phil moved to North Carolina, it’s the same with him. Please, try and understand.”

  Zack was silent for a few beats. “Ok. But I wish you would have talked to me about this sooner. Maybe I would have been able to come with you.”

  Emma breathed a sigh of relief. It sounded like Zack was going to accept her explanation after all. “I know, and I’m sorry that I won’t be with you this weekend, but I really need to do this.”

  “I miss you already,” he said gruffly.

  “I miss you too,” she said just as an airport employee made the initial boarding call.

  “It sounds like you have to go. Call me tonight after you get settled, ok?”

  “I will,” she said, fighting the urge to cry.

  “This isn’t goodbye, Em. This is I’ll see you soon.”

  Did he sense her distress? “Ok,” she replied, and she hung up before she would be tempted to give her secret away.

  Emma’s mind whirled during the two-hour flight from Detroit to Charlotte. First, she questioned her decision to run away rather than to face Zack. She had jumped to the conclusion that he would be unhappy with the news, but maybe she was wrong. He was such a loving father to Gracie, so why wouldn’t he feel the same about their child? Their child. Wow. It was hard to believe that she was actually pregnant. She had packed the second test kit just in case, but she had already felt nauseous that morning, a telltale sign if ever there was one.

  When she thought of the possible reactions that Zack might have, she hoped that he wouldn’t feel obligated. He was such a responsible man, which was an admirable quality, but in this case, she didn’t want him to feel “responsible” for her and their baby. If they were going to have a future together, she wanted him to be in it all the way.

  Emma now understood why Zack was so protective of Gracie, because she felt the same way about their unborn child. She placed a hand over her belly and looked down with tears brimming in her eyes. There was nothing visible—her tummy was still as flat as could be—but she knew that there was a life inside her, and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world. If only Zack were there to share it with her.

  Chapter 39

  Emma found Debbie in the pick-up area at the airport, just as planned. She stepped out of her sporty Audi two-seater and greeted Emma with a warm hug.

  “It’s so good to see you,” Debbie said, and then she popped open the small trunk to stow Emma’s bag.

  “You too. It’s been too long,” Emma said, instantly relaxing in Debbie’s presence.

  Debbie and Phil had met in college and were part of a group of friends that had included Zack. Emma had always thought that Debbie and Phil made the perfect couple. He was energetic and spontaneous, while Debbie was calm and practical. They complimented each other beautifully.

  “Thanks for leaving work early to pick me up,” Emma said.

  “No problem at all. Phil would have come too, but he had a meeting this afternoon. He’ll be home for dinner though.”

  Emma looked out the window for a time as the city of Charlotte gave way to the sprawling suburbs. Even though she was far away from Michigan, she couldn’t escape her thoughts of Zack. I wonder what he’s doing right now. Will he go out with Damian tonight or just stay in? Is he thinking about me too?

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Debbie’s voice broke through, and Emma turned to face her.

  “How much did Phil tell you?”

  “He told me that you were pregnant with Zack’s child and needed to get away for a few days. I’d guess by the look on your face that there’s a lot more to the story though.”

  Emma put her head in her hands. “I can’t believe I let this happen. I’m a grown woman for God’s sake. I should have known better.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, I can understand why. A man like Zack Kostas could make any woman lose her head—any single woman, I should say.” Debbie gave her a broad smile, and Emma emitted a soft laugh.

  “So Zack doesn’t know yet?”

  “No. We had agreed at the beginning that it was too soon for us to have a serious relationship. You know, after our divorces. Plus, there’s Gracie to consider. She’s been through so much already, and neither of us want to hurt her. We’ve been taking things slow, and now this happened.”

  Debbie sat silently for a moment as if she were weighing her words carefully. “Do you love him?”

  Emma didn’t hesitate. “Yes,” she replied, and her heart flooded with emotion. This was the first time that she had acknowledged her feelings out loud, and it felt amazingly good! “I love Zack Kostas,” she affirmed.

  “Well, then, I think you owe it to him to share your feelings. The only way you’re going to find out where he stands is by opening up to him like you just did with me.”

  “You make it sound so easy,” Emma said, nerves fluttering in her stomach.

  “Relationships are never easy,” Debbie replied as they pulled into her driveway. “But anything worth having is worth fighting for.”

  Emma’s eyes welled up, and a tear escaped. Debbie pretended not to notice when Emma swiped it away.

  “Come on in. Let’s get you something to eat and drink. You have to take extra good care of yourself now.”

  Debbie extracted Emma’s bag from the trunk and led her directly into the kitchen of the cozy red-bricked bungalow. While Debbie bustled around preparing snacks, Emma checked her phone and found two text messages: one from Kelly and one from Zack.

  Kelly: I know you had to have landed by now, yet you didn’t call me as instructed. Please call or text to let me know that you’re ok!!!

  Zack: I know I asked you to call me this evening, but I’d rather not wait that long. Will you please call me as soon as you get to Phil’s house? I miss you.

  Emma texted Kelly first. Sorry I didn’t call right away. I’m safely at Phil’s. Talk soon. Love you.

  Debbie set out a tray of cheese and crackers and poured a glass of iced tea for each of them. “Zack?”

  “He wants me to call him.”

  Debbie smiled knowingly. “First, eat. Then call the man. Once he finds out that you’re pregnant, he’ll understand.”

  Emma made a cheese and cracker sandwich and realized just how hungry she actual
ly was. “I don’t think I should break the news over the phone. I’ll be back in two days, so I’ll tell him then.”

  “Do you think you can keep it a secret for that long?”

  “I’m going to try. I want to be face to face when I give him the news.”

  Emma took a long swallow of iced tea and sat back. She felt much more relaxed now that she had made up her mind. She and Debbie moved onto other subjects while they nibbled on cheese and crackers.

  “Let me show you to the guest room,” Debbie suggested once they were finished. “I set you up in the spare bedroom that connects to a bathroom. Just in case you have to get up in the middle of the night!”

  How strange. Emma would have to get used to the references about her pregnancy. It still didn’t feel real and probably wouldn’t for a while yet. Debbie left her to freshen up and closed the door behind her. After using the restroom, Emma sat down on the comfy daybed, took a deep breath, and dialed Zack. He would probably still be at work, but she didn’t want to wait any longer.

  He answered on the first ring. “Finally. I was about to contact the Charlotte Police Department to hunt you down.”

  Emma couldn’t help but laugh at his overprotectiveness. “Hello to you too.”

  “Are you at Phil’s? Are you ok?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. What about you? Still at work?”

  “No. I just picked up Gracie, and we’re on our way to meet Alicia.”

  Wait, what?

  Zack immediately cleared up her confusion. “Alicia has to work late tonight, so I offered to drive Gracie down to her office instead of waiting for her to get off work.”

  “Oh. Are you and Damian going out tonight?”

  “No. He’s hanging out with Kelly, so I’ll be on my own.”

  Emma picked up on the disappointment in his voice. “Sorry, Zack. I didn’t intend on…”

  “Don’t apologize, Em. It’s ok. You’ll be home in a couple days.”

  She might have been suspicious about his sudden change of heart, but she knew there was no way that he would drive down to North Carolina to see her. The drive from Detroit to Chicago was one thing, but Detroit to Charlotte… well, that would just be ridiculous!

  Just then, she heard Gracie’s voice pipe up from the back seat. “I want to talk to Miss Emma. Let me talk, Dad.”

  Emma smiled at the sound of Gracie’s cheerful voice. “Go ahead and put her on, Zack.” She heard the sound of the phone changing hands, followed by…

  “Guess what, Miss Emma? There’s only six more days until Christmas!”

  “I know. I bet you’re so excited.”

  “I hope I get a puppy!”

  Emma heard Zack’s deep voice in the background say, “No puppy until you’re at least ten!”

  How Emma wished that she were sitting in the front seat of Zack’s Range Rover at that very moment. Instead, she was hundreds of miles away, all because she had been too afraid to face him.

  “Are you coming to Nana and Papa’s house for Christmas?” Gracie asked.

  “Yes, of course. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Satisfied, Gracie said, “Here’s Dad.”

  At the same time, Emma heard Phil’s voice drift down the hall. She said, “Zack, I should go. Phil just got home, and I haven’t seen him yet.”

  “Ok, sure. Call me later.”

  “I will.” After Emma hung up, she realized that he purposely hadn’t said goodbye.

  That evening, after a delicious homemade dinner of pork roast and vegetables, Debbie suggested that Phil and Emma talk while she cleaned up.

  Once they were comfortably seated in the living room, Phil said, “So, you and Zack, huh?”

  “Quite a surprise, right?”

  “No, not really.”

  Emma’s eyes widened. “You’re not surprised?”

  “No. One, I never expected him and Alicia to last and, two, I saw how enamored he was with you at my wedding.”

  “Wow, Phil. You never said anything before.”

  “That’s because I couldn’t. You were both promised to other people, so what was I supposed to say?”

  “Why do I get the feeling that everybody saw the mistakes that he and I were making except for us?”

  “Probably not everyone, but maybe the people who were closest to you. I was in a unique position to see things from both sides, but it wasn’t my place to do anything about it. Who am I to interfere in someone else’s life?”

  “So what do you think about me and Zack now?”

  Phil leaned forward in his chair and clasped his hands together. He looked Emma directly in the eye and said, “I think that you’re perfect for each other.”

  Tears immediately sprang to her eyes. Emma blamed it on her pregnancy hormones. “Seriously? You’re not just saying that to make me feel better?”

  “No, Em. I mean it. I love Zack like a brother, and I love you like a... well, like a cousin! I couldn’t be happier that you two are together.”

  Emma let the tears flow freely now, and she flung her arms around Phil’s neck. He held her tight and waited for her sobs to subside. A minute or two later, she sat back and accepted the tissue he handed her.

  “It was wrong of me to run away from Zack. Not that I don’t love being here with you and Debbie, but I should be at home with him and with Gracie.”

  Phil reached out and took her hand in his. “Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re here now, so let’s enjoy each other’s company. I only get you for two days, but I have a feeling that Zack will have you for the rest of his life.”

  Emma willed herself not to tear up again. Is this normal? Are all pregnant women this emotional? “Thanks, Phil,” she managed.

  They stayed up talking for a while longer, but Emma was exhausted from her long, emotional day, so she excused herself somewhat early. Truth be told, she was also anxious to call Zack.

  He answered in his usual style, by plunging right in with whatever was at the top of mind. “You know what I miss? Besides you, that is.”

  “What do you miss?” Emma snuggled further under the covers.

  “I miss the good old-fashioned TV shows like Friends and Seinfeld. What’s up with all these reality shows?”

  “You’re just now realizing this? You must not have turned on a television in a while.”

  “Actually, I haven’t, unless it’s to watch sports. Other than that, I’d rather read a book.”

  Emma smiled at their common interest. “So what were you doing when I called— watching TV or reading?”

  “I tried both, but I can’t seem to concentrate tonight.”

  “Hmm… and why is that?”

  “Because you’re too far away from me.”

  Emma’s hand automatically went to her belly, and she choked up.

  “It wouldn’t be so bad if you were just a mile down the road at work or at home, but you’re hundreds of miles away, Em.”

  When she remained silent, he gave a heavy sigh and continued. “Ugh. I promised myself I wouldn’t do this. I don’t mean to make you feel bad for leaving. I would just rather have you here—with me.”

  His heartfelt admission made her tongue-tied.

  “Damn. You’re not talking. Did I screw up again? I screwed up again, didn’t I?”

  Emma laughed through her tears. “No, you didn’t screw up.” I’m the one who screwed up this time.

  “Well, then, say something, Em, anything. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  Now it was her turn to sigh. “I want to, Zack, I really do, but now is not the right time. I want to wait until we’re face to face, and then I’ll talk. I promise.”

  “Ok, fine. I guess I can wait two more days.”

  “It’ll go by fast.”

  “I hope so, because I can only take so much bad television.”

  Emma giggled again. “Goodnight, Zack.”

  “I guess I could try to read again.”

  “Goodnight, Zack,” Emma repeated, unable to suppress her huge

  “Maybe I should try reading a different genre. I heard about this series. You might know it. Something about a rich guy who wears a gray tie…”

  “You don’t need to read that series.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you have plenty of moves without it.”

  “Ooh. Tell me more.”

  “Goodnight, Zack.”

  “Talk to you tomorrow.”

  Emma barely heard Zack say, “I wonder what he does with that gray tie anyway?” before he hung up the phone.

  Chapter 40

  The next morning, Emma, Phil, and Debbie sat around the breakfast table enjoying the eggs, bacon, and toast that Debbie had prepared. Emma chewed slowly, hoping she would keep the food down despite the twinges of nausea she had felt since she’d woken up.

  “I have an idea for what we can do today,” Debbie said. “The Biltmore Estate is all decorated for Christmas, and it’s only a short drive from here. What do you think?”

  “Sounds great! I’ve always wanted to go there,” Emma replied.

  Phil looked back and forth between them. “As wonderful as that sounds, there’s an important football game on today. Would you ladies mind if I bowed out?”

  “I thought you wanted to spend time with your cousin,” Debbie scolded.

  He turned his attention to Emma. “Do you mind, Em? We could meet up for dinner later.”

  Emma couldn’t blame him for wanting to watch a game rather than walk around an old mansion. Zack would probably feel the same if he were here…

  “That’s fine, Phil. I don’t expect you to change your plans on my account, but I will hold you to dinner later.”

  Debbie sighed, but she smiled at her husband. “I guess you’re off the hook. However, you’re on kitchen clean-up duty. Emma and I need to get ready to go.”

  Phil started to protest but thought better of it. He leaned over and gave Debbie a quick kiss instead. “Thanks, babe.”

  An hour and a half later, they drove through the charming town of Asheville and then down the long tree-lined lane leading to the Biltmore Estate. When the magnificent mansion first came into view, Emma gasped.


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