A New Chapter

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A New Chapter Page 21

by Susan Coventry

  “I think you’re in my seat,” burly man stated with a voice to match his gruff exterior.

  Emma had to suppress a laugh when Zack stood up, presumably to give up the seat.

  “Excuse me, sir, but I wondered if you’d be willing to trade seats with me? You see, my lady is pregnant, and she’s been suffering from morning sickness. I’m sure you would rather have her vomit on me instead of all over your good-looking vest.”

  Emma’s eyes widened as she waited for burly man’s response. He looked around Zack to Emma, seeking confirmation. She nodded her head and laid her hand over her belly for added effect.

  “Yeah, sure, no problem. What seat is yours?”

  After burly man left, Zack threw his hand up in the air for a high five, which Emma reluctantly gave him.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” she said.

  “Why not? It was the truth.”

  “No, I can’t believe you called me ‘my lady.’ That’s so… outdated.”

  Zack chuckled. “Well, it worked, didn’t it? Let’s just be happy.”

  She leaned over and gave him a brief kiss. “I am happy,” she said.

  Two hours later, after an uneventful flight (no vomiting!), Zack and Emma were forced to part ways. They said their goodbyes and got in their separate cars at the car park, with a promise to talk later that evening. Zack was off to pick up Gracie from Alicia, and Emma was off to the bookstore to check in with Kelly.

  When she arrived at the store, she was pleased to find the place hopping. Christmas was only a few days away, and the shoppers were out in force. Kelly and Brett looked a little frazzled behind the counter, and there were several customers in line waiting to pay. Emma hurriedly set her purse in the office and jumped in to help.

  Once the line abated, Kelly turned to Emma with her hands on her hips. “It’s about time. It’s been crazy in here all weekend!”

  Brett must have felt an argument brewing, because he looked between the two women and hurriedly slipped out from behind the counter.

  “I’m sorry, Kell. I shouldn’t have left you like that.”

  “You’re damned right! What was so urgent that you had to see Phil this weekend?”

  Emma glanced around the store to see if anyone was within earshot. “Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight, and I’ll tell you then?”

  “No can do. I’m meeting Damian tonight.”


  “Yes, again. He’s only here through the holidays, and I want to make the most of it.”

  Emma was flooded with concern for her best friend, even though Zack had advised her not to be. “Kell…”

  “Don’t Kell me. Tell me why you flew off to North Carolina in such a hurry.”

  “Ok, let’s step into the office.” Brett was nearby, straightening the new release shelf, so Emma called out, “Brett, can you watch the counter for a few minutes?”

  “No problem,” he replied.

  Emma and Kelly sat next to each other in the cramped office while Kelly waited expectantly.

  “I’m pregnant,” Emma blurted out.

  Kelly’s expressive eyes bulged, and her mouth gaped open. “Get out!”

  “I’m serious. I took the test on Friday morning, and it was positive. I was afraid of Zack’s reaction, so I took off to see Phil. But then Zack showed up and…”

  “Damian said that Zack went after you. What was his reaction?”

  Emma choked up at the memory of it. “He told me that he loves me and he’s happy about the baby.”

  Kelly’s expression morphed into one of pure joy. “Yay! I can’t wait to be an aunt!”

  Emma almost exploded out of her chair.

  “Relax. I don’t mean literally. I meant like an honorary aunt. Someone she can call aunt, even though I’m technically not one.”

  “You just called the baby ‘she.’ Funny, I did the same thing.”

  “I’ve got about a ninety percent success rate with predicting the sex. I’m pretty certain there’s a girl in there.”

  “Speaking of girls, we’re not going to tell Gracie until after Christmas. Besides Phil, you and Damian are the only two who know.”

  Kelly made the motion of zipping her lips. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “We better get back to work,” Emma said and stood up.

  Kelly put a hand on her arm and then pulled Emma into a bone-crushing hug. “If you need anything, anything at all, and I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night or early in the morning and you’re puking your guts out, you can call me. I mean it.”

  When Kelly let her go, Emma raised her eyebrows with skepticism. “Early in the morning? The other day, I called you at eight o’clock, and you were still asleep.”

  “That was different. I had a warm man in my bed.”

  Emma watched Kelly’s face light up at the reference to Damian, and even though her first impulse was to warn her friend, Emma decided to keep her mouth shut. Zack was right; it was none of their business.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll get plenty of TLC from Zack. He’s already texted me twice this afternoon to remind me to eat. Like I need a reminder!”

  “He’s a good man, Em. You’re lucky to have him.” Kelly looked almost wistful, but then she quickly snapped back into fun-loving Kelly mode. “This is going to be awesome. I can’t wait to spoil my niece!”

  That night, Emma relayed the entire conversation to Zack over the phone. “How did it go with Damian?”

  “He grunted a few times and patted me on the back, so we’re good.”

  Emma laughed at his description. “Did he actually say anything?”

  “Yes. He said he can’t wait to teach his nephew how to work on cars.”

  “Well, now we have one vote for a girl and one for a boy. I have to admit it felt good to tell Kelly. It’s going to be really hard for me to keep my mouth shut until after Christmas.”

  “I know, but you haven’t even been to the doctor yet, which reminds me...”

  “I’ll call and make an appointment tomorrow.”

  “Oh, and I plan on going with you.”

  “You don’t have to do that. They probably won’t be able to tell me much anyway.”

  “I don’t care. I’m going with you,” he repeated emphatically.

  Even though Emma was secretly glad for his support, she couldn’t resist teasing him. “Are you going to be an overbearing, overprotective dad-to-be?”

  “No. Why would you think that?”

  “Well, let’s see. You texted me four times today to remind me to eat, and you left two voicemails asking if I drank enough water. If that’s not overprotective, I don’t know what is.”

  Zack had to chuckle. “Ok, fine. But I just want to take good care of you and our baby. I want you to feel like you’re in good hands.”

  “Those hands are what got me into trouble in the first place!”

  “Would you say these are magic hands?”


  “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. I love you, and I wish you were here right now.”

  “I wish that too,” she said softly.

  “Which reminds me, we need to talk about our living arrangements. I don’t like the idea of us living apart while you’re pregnant.”

  Emma sat up straighter in bed. “I only live a mile down the road.”

  “I know, but what if something happens and I’m not there.”

  “You’re being overprotective again.”

  “Maybe, but I also want you with me. With me and Gracie.”

  Emma’s heart squeezed, and she suddenly felt light-headed. She was afraid to bring up the m-word, but was marriage what Zack was alluding to? “Shouldn’t we take this one step at a time? I’m still reeling over the fact that I’m pregnant. I don’t know that I can handle any big decisions right now.” There, at least that was the partial truth.

  There was a brief pause before Zack replied, “Oh. I guess I thought you’d want to be with us too

  “I do. I just don’t want to rush things. I don’t want us to have any regrets.”

  “Funny, it used to be me who was afraid to move forward, but now it sounds like you might be the one who’s scared.”

  He said it matter-of-factly and without malice, but his words still managed to put her on the defensive. “Zack, I just found out that I’m going to have a baby. Forgive me if I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.”

  Something in her voice must have caused him to back off. “You’re right. Again. In fact, from here on out, you’re always right, ok?”

  He was back to teasing, but knowing him, he wouldn’t give up that easy. “Why don’t we table this discussion until after my first doctor appointment?”

  “Agreed. Now, you should probably get some sleep. You’ve had a long day, and you and Zeus need your rest.”

  “Zeus? You’re kidding right?”

  “No. My little boy should know his heritage, and what better way than to name him after one of the Greek Gods.”

  “We are not naming our child Zeus, unless you want him to be bullied for the rest of his life.”

  “Do you even know who Zeus was? No one will mess with a guy named Zeus. Believe me.”

  “I’m a little rusty on Greek mythology, but I’m still nixing the name.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Emma sighed. “Goodnight, Zack.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something? It starts with an I and ends with a U.”

  “I love you.”

  “Aah. I like the sound of that. I love you too. You and Zeus sleep well!”

  Emma hung up and snuggled under the covers, the sound of Zack’s laughter still ringing in her ears.

  Chapter 43

  “It’s going to be fine Em,” Zack assured her.

  Emma’s parents had arrived in Clarkston two days prior to Christmas, and Emma had invited them, along with Zack and Gracie, to dinner at her house. She had decided that her parents should meet the father of her child prior to meeting his entire family on Christmas day.

  Zack and Gracie had arrived early so that Zack could help her prepare the food, but honestly, she needed him more for moral support. It had been almost one year since she had last seen her parents, and their meetings were always slightly awkward. She supposed that was normal for families who didn’t interact frequently, but it still put her on edge. Hopefully, Zack’s and Gracie’s presence would help lighten the mood.

  Zack tossed a salad while Emma ladled homemade meat sauce over spaghetti noodles. Gracie had been given the task of setting the table, which she assured them that she could do without help.

  “They should be here any minute,” Emma said nervously while she carried a steaming bowl of pasta to the table. “I hope I didn’t forget anything.”

  Zack looked up from the salad. “Gracie, I think Emma needs a hug. What do you think?”

  Gracie’s response was immediate. She wrapped her arms around Emma’s legs and squeezed. “Now you’ll feel better,” Gracie proclaimed.

  “Thank you, pretty girl. I do feel better now.” And she did. The comfortable comradery between the three of them warmed her heart. She could easily envision such scenes every night, although their dynamic would change once the baby arrived. Emma squashed the feeling of panic that rose within her whenever she thought about telling Gracie the news. Gracie’s reaction was more important to Emma than that of all of their other family members combined.

  The doorbell rang before she could think any more about it.

  “We’ll wait in here,” Zack said and gave her a reassuring nod.

  Emma answered the door. “Mom, Dad, good to see you,” she said and greeted each of them with a brief hug. “How was your trip?”

  “Fine. Uneventful,” her father replied. And Zack thought Damian was a man of few words!

  “We’re anxious to meet the new people in your life. Where are they?” Emma’s mother asked, peering around her.

  “They’re in the kitchen. Follow me.”

  When they entered the kitchen, Emma’s throat swelled with pride. Zack and Gracie stood side by side, the epitome of a loving father and daughter, spit-shined and polished, while they anxiously awaited their introductions.

  “Mary and Hank, I’d like you to meet Zack and Gracie.”

  Zack immediately stepped forward to shake her father’s hand, and then he gave her mother a quick hug.

  “Oh,” Mary said, obviously surprised by the gesture.

  Gracie stepped forward next, her smile as bright and joyful as only a child’s can be. “My name is Gracie Marie Kostas. I’m four years old,” she added proudly.

  If Mary and Hank had seemed a bit stiff before, Emma swore she saw them both soften.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Gracie. Do you go to school?” Mary asked, bending down to the little girl’s level.

  “I go to preschool, and I go to story time at Emma’s bookstore.”

  Emma smiled widely at that pronouncement. She was also happy that Gracie no longer referred to her as “Miss Emma.” She and Zack had agreed that it was time to drop the formal title.

  “It’s wonderful that you like books,” Mary said.

  Her mother seemed enthralled with Gracie already, and Emma breathed a sigh of relief while she ushered everyone to the table.

  They were quiet while the plates were passed around until Gracie blurted, “I get to say grace!”

  Zack shot Emma an apologetic look, but she just nodded. Everyone bowed their heads as Gracie began. “Dear God, thank you for letting Emma’s mommy and daddy come over for dinner. And I’m glad that we’re having noodles, because they’re my favorite! Amen.”

  Their heads popped up simultaneously, and Emma looked over at her parents, who were trying to suppress their laughter.

  “So, Zack, what do you do?” Hank asked a few minutes later.

  “I’m a financial consultant. I work with people mostly on retirement plans.”

  “You do ok, then?”

  “Dad!” Emma scolded.

  “Yes, sir. I do very well,” Zack replied, and he squeezed Emma’s knee under the table.

  Satisfied with Zack’s answer, Hank returned to eating.

  “I’m done. Can I go play now?” Gracie asked.

  “Sure, honey,” Emma said, and they all watched Gracie scurry away from the table.

  Silence descended again, and then Mary asked, “When did you two meet?”

  “Well, now, that’s a funny story,” Zack began, ignoring Emma’s warning glare.

  “Tell us,” Mary encouraged.

  “We first met five years ago at your nephew Phil’s wedding…”

  “I thought you looked familiar,” her father piped in.

  “I was enamored with your daughter back then, but as you know, she was engaged to someone else.”

  Emma swallowed nervously and avoided eye contact with her parents. Why is he doing this?

  “So, I didn’t see Emma again until this past summer when Gracie and I moved here from Ann Arbor. Our love of reading led us to Emma’s bookstore, and the rest, as they say, is history! I like to think that we were destined to be together.”

  Emma wiped at a miniscule speck of spaghetti sauce on the tablecloth and willed Zack to stop speaking. But apparently, he wasn’t finished yet.

  “The bottom line is that I love your daughter, and Gracie does too.”

  “Does anyone want dessert?” Emma blurted, rising from the table abruptly.

  “Not yet, dear, but would you like help with the dishes?” Mary asked, seemingly looking for a distraction.

  “No. Zack will help me. Why don’t you and Dad go into the living room and check on Gracie?”

  As soon as her parents left the room, she turned on Zack and hissed, “Why did you do that?”

  “Do what?” he asked innocently.

  “Tell them all that stuff about us? You shared more information with my parents in five minutes than I’ve shared in the past year!”
br />   Zack took the dish out of her hands and set it on the counter before pulling her into his arms. Against her will, Emma melted against him.

  “I wanted your parents to know how much I love you. I didn’t want them to think that I was just some stranger who swooped in on their daughter.”

  Emma peered up at him through damp lashes. “You’re too good to me. Do you know that?”

  Zack kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you, Emma, and I will always be here for you and for our baby.”

  He laid his hands on her belly just as Mary and Gracie re-entered the kitchen. Mary’s hands flew to her mouth, and Gracie’s eyes widened with confusion.

  Emma felt the blood rush from her head, and she suddenly went limp in Zack’s arms. In a swift movement, he scooped her up and rushed out of the room, barking orders as he went. “Get her a cool washcloth and a glass of water. Quick!”

  Zack gently laid Emma down on the couch and instructed her to breathe. Seconds later, Mary and Gracie came in bearing the requested items. Hank stood in the center of the room, looking bewildered by all of the commotion.

  “What’s going on? What’s wrong with my daughter?”

  Emma was still fuzzy-headed, but the cool washcloth on her forehead helped, and she sat up to accept the glass of water from Gracie’s little hands.

  Zack rubbed his hands up and down her arms in a soothing motion. “Are you ok, babe?” he asked, his eyes full of concern.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Emma managed, feeling herself slowly return to normal.

  “Is someone going to tell me what’s going on?” Hank demanded.

  Zack gathered Gracie in close and gave her a reassuring squeeze. Emma looked between her mom, dad, and Gracie. Then she took a deep breath and said, “I’m going to have a baby. Zack and I are going to have a baby.”

  “We were waiting to tell everyone until after Emma’s first doctor appointment,” Zack added, concern still etched on his face.

  Mary opened her mouth to speak, but Gracie surprised them all by shouting, “Am I going to have a baby too?”

  “You’re going to have a baby brother or sister, but not for a little while yet,” Zack answered calmly.

  Gracie appeared to mull the idea over and then said, “It better not be a brother because I don’t like boys!”


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