by C. S. Lewis
evolution, 504
Ewart, William Quartus, 132, 132 n.58
Existentialism, 633–34
Faith Healing, 518
the Fall, 504
Farquharson, Arthur Spenser Loat, 242–43, 260, 263, 282–83
Farrer, Austin, letter to, Love Almighty and Ills Unlimited, 642
Field, Walter Ogilvie ‘Wof’, 289 n.127, 294–97
Fielding, Henry, 594; Tom Jones, 289
Firdausi, 190
Firor, Warfield M., letters to, 13, 499–500, 508–11, 531–32
Fitzgerald, Edward, 43
Flecker, James Elroy, Hassan, 237
Foord-Kelcey, Edward, 377, 377 n.146, 393, 432
Former Pupil, letters to, 401–2, 439–43, 446–51, 458–60, 469–70, 473–74, 476–77, 485, 588
Forster, E. M., 572
Fowler, Alastair, 619 n.190; letters to, 619–20, 634
Fox, Adam, 372, 372 n.143, 433, 437
France, Anatole, Revolt of the Angels, 246
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 242
François de Sales, Saint, 423
Frazer, James, The Golden Bough, 273
Free-will, 545–46
Friend, letter to, 489
Galsworthy, John, 112, 115
Galt, John, The Entail, 431
Garner, Allan, The Wierdstone of Brisingamen, 631
Garrick, David, 167 n.87
Gaskell, Elizabeth, Cranford, 59
Gaskell, Jane, Strange Evil, 598–600
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 190, 487
Gibb, Jocelyn (‘Jock’), 6, 8, 10–12, 14; letters to, 566, 604, 648–49; Light on C. S. Lewis, 406 n.151
Gibbon, Edward, 227, 274, 572
Gibson, W. M., Oxford University Roll of Service, 67
Gilfillan, George, The Poetical Works of Armstrong, Dyer and Green, 313 n.130
Gilson, Etienne, 397
Gladstone, William, 153, 159
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 622
Goldsmith, Oliver, 54, 167, 167 n.87
Goodwin, Gordon, Memoirs of Count Grammont, 126, 126 n.55
Gordon, E. V., Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 364
Gordon, George Stuart, 262, 262 n.113, 329 n.133
Gore, Charles, 538; Philosophy of the Good Life, 443, 635; The Sermon on the Mount, 538, 635
Gounod, Charles, Faust, 100
Gower, John, 283–84; Confession Mantis, 364
“Graham”, “Mrs Sonia”, letters to, 526–28, 536–37, 539–41
Grahame, Kenneth, 644
Grail legend, 631–32
Granted, L. W., 443
Gray, Margaret, letter to, 634–36
Gray, Thomas, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, 237
Green, June L., 543, 604, 623–24
Green, Roger L., 623–24, 644; C. S. Lewis: A Biography, 624; letters to, 543–44, 547–48, 603–4, 617, 630–31, 637–38; Into Other Worlds, 603
Greer, Lynda, 619 n.188
Greeves, Joseph Arthur, 23–34, 75, 92, 96, 210, 349, 375, 594; letters to, 53–61, 365–69, 513–14, 588, 589, 629–30, 647–48
Grieves, John, 317
Gresham, David L., 587, 593, 603 n.184
Gresham, Douglas H., 587, 593, 603, 603 n.184, 647
Gresham, Joy Davidman (later Mrs C. S. Lewis), 45–47, 543–44, 587, 588, 590, 592–96, 600–602, 617, 623, 627–28, 639; Smoke on the Mountain, 593, 635
Gresham, Scarred, 603 n.184
Gresham, William L., 45
Griffiths, Alan Richard (later Dom Bede Griffiths), 369, 369 n.142; Christ and India, 611; The Golden String, 369 n.142, 579; letters to, 409–11, 429–31, 443–45, 454–55, 466–69, 474, 523–24, 541–42, 557–58, 559–60, 564–65, 579–81, 600–601, 611–12, 638–41, 644–45
Groves, Sidney John Selby, 162, 162 n.82
Guillaume, de Lorries, Romance of the Rose, 397
Gunnels, Hermann, What Remains of the Old Testament and Other Essays, 323 n.
Hadfield, Alice M., Charles Williams: An Exploration of His Life and Works, 416 n.155
Haggard, Henry R.: The People of the Mist, 379; She, 531, 580
Hail Mary’s, 543
Haldane, John B. S., 473; Possible Worlds and Other Essays, 474 n.165
Halmbacher, Mrs, letters to, 514–15, 521
Halvorson, R. E., 582–83
Hamber, Aldyth Werge, 148 n.74
Hamilton, Anne Sargent Harley, 140, 140 n.65, 177–94
Hamilton, Augustus Warren, 135, 140, 140 n.65, 177–94, 223, 285, 317, 356
happiness, 520
Hardie, William Francis Ross, 279, 279 n.122, 283
Harris, Percy Gerald Kelsal (“Pogo”), 85, 86, 86 n.25, 86–87 n.25
Harwood, Alfred Cecil, 24, 203, 203 n.96, 207, 224, 232–33, 289 n.127, 289–97, 370, 422–23, 428–29, 486–87
Harwood, Daphne, 486–87
Harwood, John, 423
Havard, Robert E., 425–26, 426 n.159, 432–33, 455, 467
Heinemann, William, 105, 108, 111–12, 115, 131, 164
Heracles, 59
Herbert, George, 443, 636
Herodotus, 137
Hezekiah, 623
Hichens, Robert, 111; A Spirit in Prison, 107
Higgins, James E., letters to, 644, 647
Hill, J. R., 91
Hilton, Walter, Scale of Perfection, 430
Hitler, Adolph, 438, 445, 455, 642
Holst, Gustav T., Planets, 490
Homer, 236; Iliad, 124; Odyssey, 600
Honorius III, Pope, 242
Hook, Mrs, letter to, 608–9
Hooker, Richard, 332
Hope, Edward, 383
Hopkins, Gerald W. S., 424, 424 n.157, 432, 488
Horwood, Frederick Chesney, 373, 373 n.144
Hughes, Thomas, Tom Brown’s Schooldays, 126
Hume, David, 334
Hunt, Leigh, 454
Hunter, William B., Jr., 567, 568
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 286
Ibsen, Henrik, 327
Icelandic Society, 316
Ignatius, Saint, 576, 578
Immaculate Conception, 526–27, 637
James, Henry, 331, 548
Janet, C. S. M. V., Sister, 463
Jeffrey, John Mrs, 134
Jenkin, Alfred Kenneth Hamilton, 145 n.72, 145–46, 162–63, 173, 199, 217
Jesus Christ, 59, 221, 367–69, 387, 388–91, 410–11, 445, 465–66, 491–93, 527, 537, 542, 548–49, 573–74, 608–9, 610, 623
Joan of Arc, Saint, 225
John, Gospel according to, 492, 535, 550, 571, 589
John the Baptist, Saint, 550, 614
Johnson, Laurence Bertrand, 91, 101 n.38
Johnson, R., 87 n.25
Johnson, Samuel, 71–72 n.12, 102, 151, 152, 194, 253, 278, 352, 400, 424, 447, 573; Lives of the Poets, 326–27; Rambler, 326–27
Jones, Frank L., 491–93
Joseph, 437
Jowett, Benjamin, 73, 122, 260; “The Interpretation of Scripture”, 73 n.14
Julian of Norwich, Lady, 445, 452
Kant, Immanuel, 253, 453
Keats, John, 23, 161–62, 243, 454; The Fall of Hyperion, 162 n.82
Ker, William Patton, 170, 170 n.89
Keyes, Roger, 166
Kierkegaard, Søren Aaby, 634, 635
Kilby, Clyde S., 2, 6–7; Brothers and Friends: Diaries of Major Warren Hamilton Lewis, 6; letters to, 591–92, 609–10, 613–15; Till We Have Faces, 591–92
King, Paul, 14
Kinglake, Alexander William, Eóthen, 250–51
Kingsley, Charles, Water Babies, 644
Kipling, Rudyard, 207, 257, 650; Barrack Room Ballads, 425; Puck of Pook’s Hill, 245
Kirkpatrick, Louie, 154 n.78
Kirkpatrick, Louise Ashmole (Mrs W. T. Kirkpatrick), 54, 97, 154 n.78, 155
Kirkpatrick, William T. (“Knock”), 5, 19, 19–20, 21, 89, 97, 121, 124, 130, 154, 165
Knight, G. Wilson, 622
Knox, Ronny, Enthusiasm, 578
sp; Kunz, Herr, letter to, 628–29
Lamb, Charles, 145, 297, 370, 383, 594
Lancaster, Joan, letters to, 576–77, 584–86, 597–98
Lang, Andrew, 71, 153
Langland, William, 225, 364, 396
Law, William: Appeal to all that Doubt, 369; Serious Call, 369; Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, 635
Lawlor, John, 406 n.151
Layamon, 190, 487
Lazarus, 492, 623, 650
Leslie, Richard Whytock (“Squeaky Dick”), 116, 116 n.47, 285, 341, 347
Lewis, Albert James (father): brothers, 354–56; Christmas visit from Warnie and Jack, 281; death, 44, 350–51; dislike of holidays, 16; funeral of Mr. Kirkpatrick, 157–58 n.79; illness, 338–41; letter to Warren, 108–9; letters to, 61–125, 126–28, 131–44, 154–56, 157–59, 163–68, 195–97, 200–202, 204–5, 208–10, 211, 218–20, 227–29, 230–32, 235–39, 241–44, 249–79, 285–88, 299–301, 308–10, 314–15, 317–22, 324–26, 329–32, 335–40; preservation of family letters, 2–3; pupil of Mr. Kirkpatrick, 154 n.78; quarrel with Jack, 130–31
Lewis, Clive Staples (“Jack”): in Acland Nursing Home, 10; annual seaside holiday, 16; annual walking tours, 36; application for Trinity Fellowship, 239–41; on art/literature, 444; at Ashton Court hospital in Bristol, 100–110; attends lectures by Gilbert Murray, 121; barriers between father, 26; begins University career, 24–25; being godfather, 500–502; birth, 15; ‘Boxen’, 16, 170, 362; brother edits his letters, 3–10; buys The Kilns, 364; at Campbell College, 19; changing his name, 17–18; Cherbourg House (“Chartres”), 19, 86; choosing pseudonyms, 108, 111; Christmas leave, 117–18; Clark Lectures, 531; concerns about father’s illness, 338–41; contempt for politics and politicians, 22–23; conversion to Christianity, 366–69; death, 48–49; death of Joy, 47, 627–30; death of Mr. Kirkpatrick, 154–55; difficult time at Wynyard School (“Belsen”), 18–19; discussion of old age, 13, 14; dream of Civil Service career, 198, 200; in ‘Duke Humphrey’s Library’, 320–21; in Eastbourne, 115–20; elected Fellow Magdalen, 261, 265; in Endsleigh Palace Hospital, 27, 94–100; evacuated children at The Kilns, 414, 417; fear of Oxford degenerating into a women’s university, 301–2; Firsts and prizes, 28–29, 209; food, 35–36; funeral of Mr. Kirkpatrick, 157–58; at Great Bookham, 21, 23; hatred of Malvern College, 19–20; honorary degrees, 41–42; in hospital at Etaples, 92–94; in hospital with pyrexia, 84–90; illness, 637–38, 641, 644–45; the Inklings, 32–33, 420, 457; installed at Cambridge, 45; involvement with Mrs Moore, 26, 30–31, 77, 79, 100, 125, 127–28, 134, 199, 208, 212, 226–27, 229–30, 240, 280, 284, 310, 361; joins cadet battalion at Keble College, 25, 68–75; joins Somerset Light Infantry, 25, 76 n.18, 78–79; journey back from Belfast with brother, 272–74; journey to Belfast with brother, 254–55, 281; journey to Oxford with brother, 246–49, 255; knowledge of children’s literature, 644; at ‘Little Lea’, 17–18, 22, 44, 196 n.92, 215, 222–23, 234, 281, 287, 332; love for one’s country, 524–25; marriage to Joy, 46, 590, 594; meets W. B. Yeats, 150–52; mother’s illness and death, 18; mounting problems, 513–14; nicknames, 144 n.71; Oxford O.T.C. training, 24–25, 63, 66; on Oxfordshire countryside, 171; at Perham Down Camp, 110–15; ‘Prolegomena’ lectures, 395–98; quarrel with father, 130–31; RAF travelling lectureship, 461–62; re-conversion to Christianity, 40–41; religious views, 58–59; Riddell Lectures, 479; scholarship to Oxford, 24; senses of ‘matter’, 429–30; sent to France, 26–27, 80–84; on spiritual forces, 233; taking up residence in wartime Oxford, 63–64; travel with Hamiltons, 175, 177–94; tributes and reminiscences, 37–40; trip to Greece, 623–25; visit to Cambridge, 140–42; visit to Cornwall, 189–93, 310–13; visit to Dunster, 182–85; visit to Lichfield, 194; visit to Salisbury Cathedral, 256–58; visit to St. Albans, 246–47; visit to Wells, 180–81; visit with brother in Colchester, 245–46, 251–52; visit with brother in Oxford, 213–15, 228; visit with brother on way to Belfast, 221–22; on Vorticist poetry, 138–39; walk on Berkshire Downs, 289–97; War Office’s ‘tricks’, 113–14; wounded in Battle of Arras, 27, 91
Lewis, Clive Staples (“Jack”), Books: Abolition of Man, 479; The Allegory of Love, 42, 324, 395, 398; Arthurian Torso, 545 n.174, 567 n.175; Beyond Personality, 514; Boxen, 170 n.88; Broadcast Talks (U.S. title Case for Christianity), 472 n.164, 473, 474, 514; Christian Behaviour, 581; Chronicles of Narnia, 558–60, 568, 622; The Discarded Image, 395, 602 n.183, 638; Dymer, 42, 197, 198, 203, 215, 221, 280, 281, 368; The Earthly Paradise, 403; English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, 531, 572 n.176, 619 n.191; Essays Presented to Charles Williams, 34, 416 n.155, 488, 494 n.167, 587; The Four Loves, 625, 636; George MacDonald: An Anthology, 635; The Great Divorce, 486, 566, 636, 646; A Grief Observed, 47; The Horse and His Boy, 514, 558; The Last Battle, 514, 622; Letters to Malcolm, 648, 649; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 514, 621, 647; The Magician’s Nephew, 514, 622; Mere Christianity, 566; Miracles, 377, 486, 616; “Open Letter to Dr Tillyard”, 401 n.149; Out of the Silent Planet, 403, 411, 628; Perelandra, 464, 474 n.163, 475, 477–78, 482, 608; The Personal Heresy, 401 n.149, 406 n.151; The Pilgrim’s Regress, 42, 408, 419, 551; Prince Caspian, 514, 622; The Problem of Pain, 420, 424, 445, 458, 461, 467, 528, 571; Reflections on the Psalms, 604 n.185; The Screwtape Letters, 13, 42, 455–56, 463, 465, 479, 529, 565, 568; The Silver Chair, 514, 543, 622; Spenser’s Images of Life, 619 n.190; Spirits in Bondage, 42, 105, 109, 111, 123 n.52, 124 n.52, 124 n.53; Surprised by Joy, 7, 19, 20, 21, 25, 31, 40, 86 n.25, 101 n.38, 123 n.51, 132 n.58, 136 n.62, 199 n.95, 199 n.96, 204, 365 n.139, 369 n.142, 566, 579, 583; That Hideous Strength, 486, 487, 490, 545; Till We Have Faces, 42, 591, 629; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 514, 622
Lewis, Clive Staples (“Jack”), Diary, 202–4, 205–8, 210–11, 212–18, 220–27, 229–30, 232–35, 237, 239–40, 244–49, 276, 279–84
Lewis, Clive Staples (“Jack”), Essays: “De Descriptione Temporum”, 45, 562, 575 n.179; “Donne and Love Poetry in the Seventeenth Century”, 400 n.148; “Hamlet: The Prince or the Poem?”, 471; “Optimism”, 142, 144, 155, 159, 163, 165, 169, 171 n.90, 196, 196 n.93, 201; “The Personal Heresy in Criticism”, 401 n.149; “Willing Slaves of the Welfare State”, 607 n.186
Lewis, Joseph ‘Joey’, 338–39, 340–41, 346, 347, 354 n.137, 354–56, 358
Lewis, Mary Taggert (wife of Joseph Lewis), 358
Lewis, Richard, 339, 340, 354 n.137, 354–56
Lewis, Warren Hamilton (‘Warnie’) (brother): called back into active service, 413–14; editing of his brother’s letters, 3–10; house in 51 Ringwood Road, 7, 8; journey back from Belfast with brother, 272–74; journey to Belfast with brother, 254–55, 281; journey to Oxford with brother, 246–49; last visit to ‘Little Lea’ before it was sold, 362; on leave from France, 22; on leave from West Africa, 213–15; leaves for Sierra Leone, 142 n.68; letter to father on Jack being safely home, 95 n.31; letters to, 62, 125–26, 156–57, 159–63, 168–94, 288–98, 301–8, 310–14, 315–17, 322–23, 326–29, 333–35, 340–47, 350–61, 369–87, 391–95, 414–19, 420–29, 432–39, 451–52, 454, 455–58; “Memoir” of brother, 15–50; “Optimism” essay, 196 n.93; retirement from Royal Army Service Corps, 394–95; sailing to Shanghai, 288; sent to Cardiff, 454; struggle with alcoholism, 6–9, 514, 630; unsuitability of Mrs Moore as companion, 31, 127–28; visit with father, 130, 215, 287; visits Jack in army hospital, 91
Lewis, William, 354 n.137, 354–56
Limbo, 408
Lindsay, David, Voyage to Arcturus, 482
“Lockley, Mrs”, letters to, 505–8, 520–21, 533–34
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Saga of King Olaf, Tegner’s Drapa, 282
Lorenz, K. Z., King Solomon’s Ring, 541
Lubac, Henri de, 523
Lubbock, Percy, 190
Lucas, F. L., 400; Decline and Fall of the Romantic Ideal, 402
Lucas, Mr, letter to, 588–89
Luke, Gospel according to, 377, 527, 561, 563, 592, 614
Luke, Saint, 614
Martin, 556
Macan, R. W. (“Mugger”), 120–21, 124, 163, 202
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 23, 166, 249, 273, 345, 364
MacDonald, George, 23, 365, 450, 453, 482, 525, 571, 644; Diary of an Old Soul, 398, 526; George MacDonald: An Anthology, 635; Lilith, 413; Phantastes, 53, 223, 413; Sir Gibbie, 413; Unspoken Sermons, 443
Macrobius, 602
Madeleva, C. S. C., Sister, letters to, 395–98, 594
Mais, S. P. B., Diary of a Schoolmaster, 298
Majendie, Vivian Henry Bruce, History of the 1st Battalion The Somerset Light Infantry, 87 n.25
Malory, Thomas, 23, 39, 61, 190, 487, 544, 575
Mannering, Guy, 309
Marcel, Gabriel, 633
Marcus Aurelius, 379
Mark, Gospel according to, 467, 574 n.178, 589
marriage service, 446–51
Martindale, Cyril Charles, 150 n.77, 150–52
Martlets Society (Cambridge), 140–41
Martlets Society (Oxford), 122, 144, 146, 169, 237
Marx, Karl, 436
Mary Rose, Sister, letter to, 512–13
Mascall, E. L., 463
Masefield, John, 123
Master and Fellows of Magdalene College, letter to, 650
Mathew, Gervase, 637, 637 n.196
Mathews, Vera (later Mrs Gebbert), letters to, 496, 521–22, 529, 565, 574–75, 623–24, 627–28, 633
Matthew, Gospel according to, 492, 527, 536, 548, 554, 561, 588, 589, 614
“McAndrew’s Hymn”, 425
McFarlane, Kenneth Bruce, 365, 365 n.141, 382–83, 385
McKittrick, Anna Margaret, Irene Iddesleigh, 33
McLay, Emily, letters to, 554–56
Mead, Marjorie Lamp, 6–7; Brothers and Friends: Diaries of Major Warren Hamilton Lewis, 6
Mendelssohn, Felix, 143, 143 n.69
Meredith, George, The Egoist, 401
Mermaid Club, 284, 315
Merritt, Percival, The True Story of the So-Called Love Letters of Mrs Piozzi, 289 n.126
Merton, Thomas, No Man Is an Island, 641
Meynell, Alice, 316
Milford, Theodore R., 443
Mill, John Stuart, 302; The Subjection of Women, 93 n.28
Milton, John, 39, 157, 169, 174, 466; Comus, 255; Il Penseroso, 163; L’Allegro, 163; Paradise Lost, 108, 194, 236, 328, 392, 455, 642–43; Paradise Regained, 174, 194; Samson Agonistes, 494
Milton Society of America, letter to, 568