Prince of Stone (Imperia)

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Prince of Stone (Imperia) Page 15

by Gena Showalter

  Erik offered a sheepish grin. “Okay. You got me there.” He was the peacemaker, a former army ranger who’d received an honorable discharge after sustaining a life-threatening injury. “Be as mad as you wish.”

  “Thank you. I will,” she said, but he’d taken the wind out of her sails. She sighed. “I will get you guys back for this, you know that, right?”

  “Oh, yeah. We know. You always do.” Denver crossed the room to dig his knuckles into her crown. “Jorlan is the first man you’ve shown an interest in. To our knowledge, that is. We wanted him to know we have your back. Always.”

  “Mistreating you is the same as mistreating us,” Gray said with a nod.

  Despite herself, Katie softened. Even though they drove her crazy and made her wish she was an only child, she loved her brothers with every fiber of her being. There’d never been a day, hour or minute that the five handsome, wonderful men hadn’t cared for and protected her in some way.

  “So,” she said. “What do you think of Jorlan? He makes an impression, right?”

  “Big-time,” Gray replied.

  “He’s different. In a good way,” Denver added. “I never knew a man could fight with a spatula.”

  Katie smiled. A polite way of saying Jorlan was weird as crap. “He may be different, but he’s mine.” For now, at least.

  Erik nodded. “Why don’t you bring him to Dad’s on Saturday? Give us a chance to make up for our behavior tonight.”

  “We promise we’ll be good.” Nick pressed his hands together, pleading, while displaying his infamous “if you believe that it’s time for a mental evaluation” grin.

  “How do we share the same parents?” she muttered, and he laughed outright.

  “I know, right?” He slung an arm around her shoulders. “It’s not fair that I got all the good genes and you got what was left over.”

  Loud guffaws rang out, until even Katie was grinning.

  “I’ll think about attending Saturday, okay?” Her time with Jorlan was limited, though, and she kind of wanted to keep him all to herself. “We have a lot to do before he leaves.”

  Jorlan…gone forever…

  Her chest tightened, panic surging through her, but she pasted on a happy smile.

  “The minivan is here,” Nick announced.

  They must have ordered an Uber before bringing the bag of condoms into the living room.

  Her brothers stretched out in front of her, back to chest. In assembly line fashion, they kissed her on the cheek one by one and moved to the door.

  “Love you,” she called as they exited.

  A chorus of “I love you, too,” fired off.

  Alone with Jorlan at last, Katie locked all of the doors to keep related and nonrelated predators out. Jorlan never woke. He didn’t even rouse when she settled at his side and leaned in to get a hit of his sandalwood scent.

  Sleep had relaxed his features, giving him a boyish aura she’d never before associated with him.

  Boyish. The word echoed in her mind. Though she tried, she couldn’t imagine this hard, strong (drunk) warrior as a boy. He was just so larger-than-life. His innate sensuality and commanding demeanor were so potent, as if they’d marinated inside him for eons. Often he evinced the patent stillness of a predator, as if he were more animal than man.

  She’d have an easier time believing some ancient mythological god had created him fully formed from a mix of blood, iron and the essence of seduction.

  He was life. He was war. He was sex.

  Yeah, a mythological god. Yessss. The description fit Jorlan to a T. His physical attributes were beyond exceptional, everything from the dark shadow that covered his jaw to the muscles and sinew that corded his entire body. The way he smelled. The way he tasted. The huskiness of his voice.

  Katie glided her fingers over his jaw, loving the rough texture. And oh, hadn’t she wished to slip her hands over warm flesh instead of cold stone only two days ago, when she’d stood before Jorlan’s statue?

  Sighing, she fit a downy blanket over him and kissed his brow. “What am I going to do with you, Jorlan en Sarr?”



  Sunlight streamed over him, scorching his eyes. He squeezed his lids tightly shut. Sunlight meant morning had arrived, yet he did not recall what had happened the evening before.

  Deep breath in, out. He opened his lids. Again, his irises got scorched, forcing him to squint. Why was the light so much brighter than usual? Why did his head pound so sharply he feared it might explode? And why did his tongue feel dry and parched, as if some creature had crawled inside and died?

  Was he dying, mayhap? Had he been ill?

  Slowly, the details hazy, his head began to fill with memories. Working for Katie, the trip to the store…drinking “lick her” offered by her brothers, and immediately regretting it as the world spun round and round.

  Ah. The four were responsible for his torment.

  Jorlan jerked upright. A mistake. His vision swam, and his stomach lurched. Slow and easy, he lay back down.

  “Lick her” was obviously a poison of some sort. There were many such poisons on his world and all were used for different reasons. Though he’d inhabited Katie’s world for centuries, he remained unfamiliar with its toxins. He suspected the delicious concoction was used for incapacitating an enemy.

  Next time, he would be more careful. His warrior instincts told him the four males would be his toughest adversaries to date. Even the weakest soldier could prove stronger than the mightiest when guarding something he loved, and those four loved their sister; the emotion had glimmered in their eyes every time they’d looked her way.

  A sharp pain lanced through his head, and Jorlan grimaced. He needed to get up and fight this sickness. He had much to do this day.

  As he stumbled from the couch, his stomach gurgled and lurched. He fought it, but soon realized it was a losing battle and raced to the bathing chamber, where he heaved into the toilet.

  After he’d emptied his stomach, flushed the toilet and scrubbed his mouth clean using a minty paste, he rinsed his teeth and tongue with some kind of green liquid Katie liked to use. He swallowed and grimaced. The burn! He nearly vomited.

  Rubbing the center of his chest, where the burn blazed hottest, he went searching for Katie, his steps slow and careful as he uttered a prayer that she possessed some sort of antidote. If not, the pain in his stomach and head might kill him before the day ended.

  He found her perched at the kitchen counter, tapping the device known as a “cell phone,” while sipping green liquid from a mug. Even with his senses dulled from pain, she was an incredible sight to behold. Sunlight poured through a nearby window, bathing her with an angelic glow.

  Breathtaking. Today she wore short, tight drocs and a blue top with thin straps, her shoulders bared. Both garments fit her curves like a second skin.

  He could gaze upon her exquisite loveliness forever.

  She nibbled on her bottom lip, drawing his gaze to her lush lips. A shaft of pleasure shot through him. This woman possessed a splendor beyond any he’d ever known.

  Beside her, a soft melody hummed from a black box. A magical box? His first instinct: attack. Then he noticed the way her foot tapped, keeping time with the melody, and he stood down.

  He must have made a sound, a groan of need, something, because she swiveled and met his gaze.

  “Jorlan! Good morning.” She raked her gaze over him, her expression clouding with concern. “Not feeling so well, huh?”

  He scowled at the reminder. “I long to impale your siblings onto a pike and watch as hundreds of ravenous animals gnaw upon their flesh.”

  “Why are you willing to go so easy on them?”

  She delivered the question with a deadpan expression, and he laughed. Of course, he immediately winced, his head pounding harder.

  After flashing her teeth in a wide smile, she said, “Call me morbid, but I like seeing you like this. You’re not quite so int

  He leaned against the frame. “When have I ever intimidated you?”

  “Uh, how about every second of our acquaintance? Now have a seat before you topple over. I’ll get you some coffee and aspirin. They’re miracle cures that have saved my life every time I’ve overindulged.” She hopped to her feet.

  Fast losing strength, he sank into the proffered chair. “Did those devils poison you, as well?”

  “No.” She chuckled, sending a ripple of pleasure along his nerve endings. “I did it to myself.”

  “Why would you purposefully poison yourself?”

  She poured steaming black liquid inside a cup and handed it to him. “It’s hot, okay? Just sip.” With deft movements, she opened cabinet after cabinet, searching inside. “The first time I got drunk, I was mostly curious and didn’t know when to stop. The few times after that, I made the mistake of drinking on an empty stomach.”

  He rested his chin in his hand. “I had no idea you were such a masochist, katya.”

  “You know, you have a big vocabulary for an otherworlder.”

  “Aye. Many spans ago, a woman and her lover came to the garden every weekend for years. They would make love, then she would spend hours teaching him how to read.”

  “That’s wonderful.” She threw open the last cabinet and screeched. “I’m going to kill Nick.”

  “Not if I kill him first,” Jorlan muttered darkly. “But what did he do to you?”

  “Every time he comes over, he rearranges my cabinets so I can’t find anything the next day. I can’t find the aspirin or the sugar. I planned to give you a second cup of coffee with cream and sugar so you could do a taste test and figure out what you like.” She banged her fist into the counter. “Next time I see him, I’m gonna double kick his family jewels. Or rather, his cubic zirconias.”

  Jorlan almost laughed. The things this woman said sometimes failed to compute in his mind, but he thought he grasped her meaning now. And he was instantly glad he was not Nick James. A woman’s wrath was one thing; the wrath of Katie James was quite another.

  “Wait!” she exclaimed. “Found them.” She whipped around, clutching a small white bottle and a pink bag. Once she’d popped the top of the bottle, she shook two pink tablets onto her hand. “Here.” Palm outstretched, she offered him the pills. “Swallow them. Don’t chew.”

  He weighed the two in his hand, unsure how they could help him. Then, with a shrug, he tossed the tablets into his mouth and washed them down with a big gulp of coffee.

  Hot! Bitter! He swallowed, his tongue tingling, his throat blistering. Surely! “You drink this?”

  “I do.” She grinned and gave him a second cup. “Try this one. But sip this time, okay?”

  Sullen, he did as requested, expecting to hate it. The sugar had tempered the bitterness and the cool cream had lowered the temperature. This, he liked. He took another drink and realized it came with an instant jolt of energy.

  She took her place at the table and leaned in his direction, resting her elbows on the table. A dazed, dreamy look entered her eyes, as if she were lost in some sort of mental fantasy. Mayhap what she pictured was naked bodies and heart-pounding kisses?

  A fire kindled in Jorlan’s veins. He and Katie had come so close to coupling only yestereve. Did she crave more?

  His muscles knotted with eagerness. Yestereve, if he’d had two more minutes, he would have had her naked. Three more minutes, and he would have been inside her. Four plus an extra fifteen—because why rush a job you enjoyed?—and she would have shouted his name as wave after wave of pleasure hit her.

  He’d treasured the sight of her climax. In fact, his delight had been so powerful, he’d nearly spilled his seed like some untried youth. He’d never witnessed anything quite so sensual.

  Curse Nick James!

  In the next instant, Katie shook her head, wiping away her dreamy expression. Jorlan fought the urge to rail at the heavens.

  Earnest now, she slid a single sheet of paper his way. “Look here,” she said, oblivious to the riotous needs crashing through his body. Her fingertip brushed the side of his hand, and he sucked in a breath. “I made a list of every psychic in Texas, and read every posted review. I’ve called most of them and crossed off the ones that seemed duplicitous. We have time to visit three, maybe four this morning, before work.”

  Only one day ago, he would have snatched up the list and demanded they visit each location until they found exactly what he needed. Right now, he couldn’t think past bedding Katie. When did he not think about bedding her? Today, however, thoughts of bedding her led to another—worse—idea: making her his life mate.

  Married. To Katie. Excitement bloomed. Nervousness, intrigue and hope, too. Was this the answer to his problems?

  After Maylyn, he’d thought to remain mateless forever. Or, if he had to wed on behalf of his kingdom, he’d thought to pick a nice, biddable princess who would embrace an open relationship. Why settle for one woman when you could have all women? But…

  Such a life no longer appealed. Too well did he enjoy Katie’s jealousy, spirit and zest. If they bonded, they would feel each other’s emotions, and get to know each other faster. Which meant she would fall for him faster. Mayhap. Probably.

  They could live in Imperia and visit Earth anytime they wished. Together, they could have the best of both worlds. A business arrangement, with benefits.

  And when they tired of each other, an inevitable happenstance? What then? Mystical bonds were eternal, with few exceptions. Husband and wife could not live without the other. So, he would not be able to simply return her to her home-world, as previously planned.

  A worry for another day. Just how would she respond to the idea of getting married and relocating to another planet, anyway? Would she hate giving up her job? In Imperia, females were not permitted to work.

  Maybe the time had come to change the laws? Who ruled the land nowadays?

  Jorlan observed Katie, hoping to predict her response to a proposal. Instead, he got snagged by her beauty. Her hair cascaded down her back, thick and glossy, a crown of brilliance usually reserved for celestial creatures.

  Her expression was guarded as she observed him in turn.

  Slowly, so as not to alarm her, he pushed to his feet, and closed the distance. The closer he came, the wider her eyes. He positioned himself behind her, brought tendrils of her hair to his nose, sniffed. A hint of roses. As he caressed the strands along his cheek, he closed his eyes, savoring.


  “Hmm?” Tilting her head to the side, granting him access to her neck, she melted into him.

  Such flawless, silken skin. He kissed the hollow of her neck, then dabbed his tongue over her racing pulse.

  Little mewling sounds escaped her, delighting his ears.

  “I would like—” kiss “—you to go—” kiss “—to Imperia—” kiss “—with me.”

  “Mmm, yes. I—” She stiffened and swung around, gasping out, “What did you say?”

  If the outcome of their conversation had been less important, her incredulity would have been amusing. “Stay with me. Live with me in Imperia.”

  “But, but…”

  “I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me?”

  * * *

  KATIE REELED, A COMMON occurrence in Jorlan’s presence. He’d asked her to move to Imperia with him—to live with him—so matter-of-factly. As if hopping from one galaxy to another was the most natural thing in the world.

  More time with Jorlan…oh, the temptation. Plus, she’d get to explore alien homes, eat alien food and, best of all, sleep with Jorlan on his turf. Could she abandon her work, though, for such a vacation?

  “How long would you want me to stay?” she asked.

  His features shuttered, hiding his emotions. “However long you like.”

  Why hide his emotions?

  He propped his hip against the counter, then pinned her with his cool blue stare. “Weeks. Months. Years. The choice
is yours.”

  “Years?” Breathe. Just breathe. “You told me time passes differently on different worlds. What if I returned and my brothers were dead from old age? What if you turn back to stone while we’re there? How would I get home?”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I will not return to stone. You are already falling in love with me.”

  “I’m not.” I might be. Oh…crap. How did he feel about her? He must be falling, too, right? Why else would he invite her to his home?

  He arched his brows, his expression saying, Honey, please. “I’m afraid I can offer you no reassurances about the time difference.”

  So, she had to choose between being with Jorlan, whom she might be falling in love with, and her brothers, whom she already loved.

  If she did it, if she said yes, she might never see Nick’s mischievous grin. Never feel the warmth of Erik’s and Denver’s hugs. Never again know the comforting haze of Gray’s presence. Or hear Brian’s husky laugh over the phone. All to stay with Jorlan for a time.

  “Maybe I could go for half a day?” she hedged. “A sort of test run.”

  “We could do a test run, aye. We could also…wed.”

  First a visit home, now a wedding? What had gotten into him? “Why would you—oh. I get it. You’re still drunk from yesterday’s beer,” she said. Of course!

  “I am not drunk. I am serious.”

  “But, you can’t want to marry me.” And she shouldn’t want to marry him, even though he wasn’t the domineering chauvinist she’d first considered him. He’d turned out to be so much more than a dictatorial tyrant who liked to put women “in their place.” He was a total Prince Charming.

  “I can. I do.”

  “But why?” she insisted. A marriage made no sense. Unless he was attempting to manipulate her emotions, so that she would fall in love the rest of the way, freeing him from the curse?

  No, he wasn’t the type to manipulate. He was the type to issue commands and expect complete obedience. The fact that he’d asked rather than demanded spoke volumes. Unlike so many others, he had the capacity to learn from his mistakes.

  Finally he said, “Because I want you.”

  “But, you’ve wanted hundreds, maybe thousands of others and you’ve never married them.” She sucked in a breath. “Do you have other wives?”


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