Dark Possession

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Dark Possession Page 5

by Aja James

  Surely, she hadn’t expected him to take one drink and fall upon her like a savage, lusty brute, seduce away all her prudish reservations and take her body so rough and hard and deep and thoroughly that her mind would forever be silenced in its feeble protestations?


  Perhaps that had been exactly her wish.

  What would it feel like to lose herself in sexual euphoria? To be mindless with lust for another person? For that particular male? To relinquish control, to decimate boundaries, to become the possession of another? And yield unconditionally to his every whim?

  Eveline sighed.

  It was all for the best that Ramses had only been playing a game with her. Maybe he’d take it easy on their Contract too and not demand much of her. Perhaps they could agree upon a schedule for blood consumption—three times a day, ten minutes each time, sounded reasonable.

  She should be happy that she’d managed to avert disaster. As a bonus, she was looking forward to taking a peek inside the Cove’s enviable archives. Two birds with one stone.

  And, she wasn’t without friends here. Though she didn’t know the Chosen well, she’d interacted enough with Ava and Ryu to be comfortable around them. She’d had brief virtual meetings with Devlin and Grace as well, though they’d never exchanged more than a few words.

  From Jade and Inanna, Eveline had heard enough to feel safe and secure at the Cove. These were not your average bloodsuckers. The Chosen were fierce, just, honorable Dark warriors. Even though they now supported Ramses, in many ways they were still loyal to Jade. Or at the very least, they counted her as a friend. That meant Eveline could count on them too.

  She hoped.

  All this was to say: The frustration she felt was childish and stupid. Maybe after a good night’s rest, she’d regain her equilibrium.

  She’d sent a short message to the Shield earlier on a wrist-com that Ramses had given her in the car ride to the Cove. She told the Dozen not to worry, that she’d give them a thorough debrief tomorrow morning.

  Seth had immediately replied with a succinct Take care. To which his Mate added, Don’t let Ramses push you around. He only respects those who stand up to him. But be careful to read his limits. Remember that the bear responds better to honey than vinegar.

  Too bad Eveline didn’t have a clue about the “honey” part. She wasn’t the “vinegar” sort either. She was rather bland and tasteless.

  Like water.

  And not even the fizzly, sparkling, carbonated kind. Just lukewarm, unfiltered, unbranded tap water.

  Most definitely, that’s why the sex-on-steroids Dark King didn’t bother to seduce her.

  Eveline made a face at her own ridiculousness and determined to shift mental gears, focusing back on surveying her surroundings.

  Her room (if one could call a one-thousand square foot split-level space a mere “room”) within the Cove was far more luxurious than her private quarters in the Shield. Though her chamber back home was equipped with all the necessary conveniences, and she made it her own with thoughtful touches like decorative pillows, throw blankets and her favorite paintings on the walls, it was rather simple.

  This apartment, however, was extravagant. With its marble floors covered in strategic places with the thickest, lushest sheepskin rugs, hand-made solid wood, iron and stainless-steel furniture. A waterfall ten-foot white quartz kitchen island that also served as a dining area. And whimsical bubble-glass chandeliers dangling from almost invisible strings from the eighteen-foot ceiling.

  Shelves filled with books, stacked from floor to ceiling, took an entire length of one wall. Beside it rested a rolling ladder that led to a small alcove ten feet up, situated right over the bedroom and en-suite bath.

  Eveline climbed up to investigate.

  The entire space was covered in some kind of fur. She couldn’t tell what kind, just that it was soft, plush and silky too. There was a large round table carved out of a solid slab of acacia in the middle of the area, surrounded by large floor pillows stitched out of the same fur. A built-in desk sat along one wall, and the other two walls were also lined with shelves, though these were mostly empty.

  She leaned over the finely woven, almost nonexistent railing that overlooked the open apartment below.

  The kitchen was fully stocked and fully equipped. The guard who showed her to her room (because Ramses left her to her own devices the moment they set foot in the Cove) demonstrated how she could use the panel by the door to order anything she wanted—food, things, people. There was a small lift with a rotating door that brought everything to her automatically.

  She hadn’t checked her bedroom and bathroom closets yet, but she’d wager that they were fully stocked too. Probably even with clothes and shoes that fit her perfectly.

  Vampires certainly knew how to live large.

  The apartment used to belong to the traitorous ex-Keeper of the Chosen. Eveline was able to finagle this bit of information out of the stoic guard before he left her alone again. There were no reminders of the previous occupant, however. No personal effects. The décor was fashionably modern, elegant and neutral. It felt more like a gigantic hotel room than anyone’s home.

  Good thing Eveline had no intention of staying long.

  She went into the bedroom and lay across the wide, pristine expanse on top of the comforter with all of her clothes on, only kicking off her shoes. She hadn’t eaten in about forty-eight hours, though she’d had a few sips of water. She hadn’t showered in longer. But she was too exhausted to tend to either basic need. She’d deal with it all tomorrow.

  Tonight, all she wanted to do was sleep.

  *** *** *** ***


  Ramses didn’t look up from the retractable, paper-thin video screen on his desk, though the entrance of the Commander of the Chosen, and his Mate and partner, into the throne room should have been more interesting than the image of a Pure female passed out diagonally across her bed.

  “You’ve returned early,” he observed, his focus still on the screen.

  In slumber, Eveline Marceau looked a lot less composed than when she was conscious.

  Her clothes were rumpled, her auburn waves strewn about, her mouth slightly open, her limbs flung haphazardly in every direction.

  He much preferred her in this state. Soft and warm. Malleable. Mussed up.


  “We came as soon as we could,” Maximus said, standing at attention just before Ramses’ enormous oak desk.

  Ariel, in her black panther form, was just barely visible, sitting on her haunches at her Mate’s side.

  In most cases when the two went on missions together, she preferred her animal form. Because it allowed her the utmost freedom and ability to harness the full extent of her powers. Because people often underestimated her as an animal. And because Maximus in his Dark One form and Ariel in her feline form complemented each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

  But most of all, she just loved to get away with stuff—like not having to stand at attention with respect before the Dark King as protocol dictated.

  Ramses clicked a button to slide the screen back into his desk and faced his second in command.

  “The Pure Ones’ Seer is ensconced in Simone’s old apartment. She is physically weak, but mentally strong from the past couple days of ordeal. No harm has come to her beyond poor nourishment. She has already communicated with the Shield, so there will be no rescue squad coming to storm our castle. But I have yet to respond to the perpetrators of this abduction.”

  All this Ramses said with maximum efficiency. Something he had in common with the Commander, for Maximus tracked his summary perfectly.

  “Do you know who is behind this?”

  Ramses arched an eloquent brow.

  “Right,” Maximus grunted. “Ariel and I will look into it immediately. What do we need to know?”

  “Mind-controlled vampire soldiers were the Pure female’s guards. They merely carried out orders and knew no
thing about the wherefores. I received a hand-written message to retrieve my ‘gift’ at a well-hidden location in the Catskills. My Sentries have the exact coordinates. The note itself was written in calligraphy script. Here.”

  He retrieved the missive from his desk drawer and handed it to Maximus.

  “Work with Devlin to see if there is any forensic evidence. I doubt it, but still.”

  “What else?”

  “Eveline Marceau is a member of the Dozen. The perpetrators must know this. They raised the stakes by targeting her instead of an unknown, common Pure One.”

  “They want to force you into action.”

  Ramses smiled grimly.

  “They obviously don’t know me very well.”

  “It is a bold and reckless move,” Maximus observed. “In of itself, the abduction and enslavement of a Pure One is a serious concern, given our laws. But worse, they have alerted other hives of their actions.”

  Ramses simply stared meaningfully at Maximus to expound.

  “The Great Plains Queen did not overtly state her knowledge of this event. But upon our early departure, she said, ‘Give the Dark King my well wishes. May his health be Nourished by the purest blood.’”

  It was a common farewell among ancient Dark Ones, but the typical saying was “May your health be Nourished by the strongest blood.” Both Ramses and Maximus knew that the one word difference was significant, especially if the adjective began with a capital P.

  “I did not mark her words when they were spoken, but now that I know what has happened…”

  “She is testing us, Queen Anya,” Ramses murmured reflectively. “They are all watching.”

  “What will you do?” Maximus asked the obvious but difficult to answer question.

  Ramses steepled his fingers, resting his elbows on the desk, and leaned forward.

  “I have a three-month agreement with the Pure One. She will stay here as my Blood Contract for that duration.”

  Maximus inhaled audibly through his nose. Ariel’s whiskers twitched, and she let out a sound that might be interpreted as “oh, shit,” in panther speak.

  “But not a Blood Slave,” Ramses added significantly. “She is bound to me, as I am to her, but she is still free.”

  “Ingenious compromise,” Maximus noted.

  Ramses quirked his lips, half in respect, half in chagrin.

  “She’s the one who proposed it.”

  Maximus’ heavy brows shot up at that.

  “What was your alternative?”

  Ramses met his Commander’s rather intimidating, scrutinizing gaze full on. They agreed on many things, but not on the alliance between Dark Ones, Pure Ones and humans.

  “Obviously not as attractive as the option she presented,” he answered without really answering.

  The Commander glared at him for a couple of long minutes, a silent communication flowing between the two males.

  “As to what I will respond to the Dark nobles who are tracking my every move,” Ramses finally said, breaking the staring stalemate, “I will play it by ear. They must know already that Eveline Marceau is here at the Cove. I think I shall invite a few select nobles to come and observe our relationship with their own eyes. Make of it what they will.”

  “An answer that keeps them guessing,” Maximus mused.

  “Knowledge without truly knowing,” Ramses confirmed.

  “You have a list of nobles in mind?”

  “Yes,” Ramses answered simply.

  “Nobles and Queens.”

  *** *** *** ***

  When Eveline next opened her eyes, it was sixteen hours later, give or take.

  Famished, she fried a fresh ribeye steak she found in her fully stocked fridge, put a salad together, and devoured her meal with unseemly haste.

  She didn’t usually eat red meat, preferring seafood and pork for her protein, but she figured some extra iron intake would be beneficial for her current circumstances—

  As a Blood Contract for the Dark King.

  Granted, she wouldn’t necessarily be his sole source of Nourishment, and she was also free to feed others (not that she’d ever volunteer herself, unless it was to save the life of someone worthy or someone she cared about).

  But in most cases, the exclusivity of a Blood Contract between the concerned individuals was implicit and upheld. Otherwise, the provider of blood could merely give their Consent and be done with it. No need to formalize the arrangement as a Contract.

  A Contract signified a sense of ownership, at least for its duration, if not forever. When Ramses had emphasized that she was his for the next three months and that she must behave “accordingly,” he was invoking his possession of her.

  Eveline’s lips turned down at the corners of their own volition.

  And yet, her “owner” had not bothered to check on her for almost a whole day. Guess she didn’t rank very high on the list of his possessions. A male like him must have countless “baubles” to choose from.

  Using her index fingers, she manually tipped her lips back up.

  His loss. Her gain. Good riddance.

  She wasn’t going to waste time waiting around for him to magically appear and suck her blood. She had more important things to do.

  After a long, hot shower and other ablutions, she put on a simple wool dress and cardigan. They fit, of course. And the clothes were new, she was grateful to note, not leftovers from the traitorous ex-Keeper, who got her comeuppance in a bloody, violent end.

  Feeling herself again, rested, clean and fed, she exited her apartment in search of the Cove’s fabled library. Taking a right turn down the hall seemed as good a direction as any.

  And almost smacked straight into another body as they came out of their own apartment.

  “Oh! Beg your pardon,” Eveline said with a start, pulling herself just short of a collision.

  “I’m sorry! Didn’t see you!” the other person said at the same time, catching their breath.

  They looked into each other’s eyes in concert.

  Both blinking owlishly as if they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

  “You look—”

  “Who are—”

  “We could be sisters!”

  “Or at the very least first cousins!”

  “Well, no, that’s not possible. Because you’re human.”

  “Oh! Are you one of the Dark Ones?”

  “No, I’m a Pure One.”

  The other woman, who bore Eveline an uncanny resemblance, scrunched her brow in much the same way Eveline did herself.

  “I’ve never seen a Pure One here at the Cove. Granted, I’ve only recently moved in, and I split my time between my art studio and here, but my understanding is that King Ramses isn’t fond of…”

  The woman coughed to cover up the rest of her sentence, as if she suddenly realized her words might be rude.

  Eveline smiled a little to reassure her.

  “Don’t worry. I know how the King feels about my Kind. He’s made that perfectly clear.”

  “Then…” the woman trailed off in question.

  “I’m here as his…employee, you might say. My name is Eveline Marceau. I am the Seer and temporary Scribe of the Pure Ones. I’m also King Ramses’ temporary Keeper for the next three months.”

  “Oh! How rude of me. I’m Clara Scott,” the woman said with a bright, welcoming smile, sticking out her hand to shake.

  Eveline dutifully shook it, smiling back, though hers was less exuberant. Not because she felt any less cheerful than Clara. It was just her personality.

  Eveline was always more subdued than the average person, at least in the way she expressed herself. She wasn’t shy, per se, she was simply reserved.

  “Not that I have ever visited the Cove before, but I was not expecting to see a human in residence,” Eveline pointed out the oddity.

  “I’m still adjusting to it,” Clara admitted. “My husband’s son is one of the Chosen. Ryu Takamura, if you know him. That’s why we’re he
re. As an added bonus, he—Eli, that is, my husband—is ensuring the security and safety of all of the Cove’s residents. He is currently in a training session with some of the Sentries. Our daughter Annie also lives here with us. She’s human too.”

  Eveline nodded, taking all this information in while thinking to herself that she hadn’t met someone as open, innocent and forthcoming as Clara in a long time. The woman was completely artless.

  She seemed to trust easily. Perhaps too easily.

  But then, Eveline rather liked that about her. It took strength and certainty to trust. A confidence in oneself. A belief in the goodness in others.

  “I am happy to meet you, Clara,” Eveline said sincerely, letting her small smile widen into a beaming grin.

  “Where is your daughter now? I was on my way to the Cove’s library. Perhaps we can all go together.”

  “How kind of you to invite us!” Clara enthused. “Annie is with Grace and Devlin in the tech center. She has always been a big fan of Grace, but ever since she met Devlin, I fear she’s fallen in puppy love, with the way she follows him around like an invisibly attached tail.”

  Eveline nodded. “The Hunter and his Mate. I’d like to meet them in person. I’ve only spoken to them virtually.”

  “I can take you to them if you like,” Clara volunteered.

  “Perhaps another time. If you wouldn’t mind pointing me in the right direction, I’d like to take a tour of the library now. If I am to perform the duties of a temporary Keeper, I’d best begin without delay.”

  “Here, I’ll take you to it,” Clara offered. “I’ve been meaning to spend some time there myself. You see, I’m an artist. The Cove has so many gorgeous scrolls full of calligraphy and artwork from ancient times. They inspire me. I want to integrate some of the symbols and styles into my latest work.”

  Chatting amicably, the two women made their way to the Cove’s massive library that took up three entire floors of space.


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