Titan Rising 1 (Syalantian 1)

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Titan Rising 1 (Syalantian 1) Page 1

by Bobbi Ross


  Titan Rising

  Copyright © 2015 Bobbi Ross

  © Bigstockphoto.com/ Conrado

  © Bigstockphoto.com/ Yeko Photo Studio

  © Cover Art by Cora Graphics

  All rights reserved.

  First Digital Edition August 2015

  A Smexy book.



  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Titan Rising: Part 1

  I always dreamed of traveling the stars as an ambassador to mysterious and exciting alien worlds. When the Syalantian Empire made contact with earth, I jumped at the chance to make my wish come true.

  But reality threw me a curve ball, and here I am, mopping floors and cleaning toilets in the honeymoon resort of Saturn’s largest moon, while couples from all over the Sol System glow with happiness before my lonely eyes. My only joy comes in my sleep, in midnight encounters with my hot, hunky, luscious-lipped and emerald-eyed dream alien.

  If only he were real…

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  The prince growled in frustration. He twisted, and turned… but it still wasn't right. Who hated him so much, to replace the chair in his private office with this…torture device?

  It wouldn't drop down far enough, so his large muscular thighs were subjected to repeated stabbings by the bottom edge of the offending table. He kicked and pushed at it in vain. When he finally leaned back, his broad shoulders once again felt unsupported by the chair's narrow back. He blew air out in a dejected sigh as he pushed the mountain of paperwork away from him. He itched for something to hit. Maybe he should call a few of his personal guards to the exercise room for a sparring session rather than suffer behind the massive landscape of paperwork threatening to overrun his desk. But it wasn't really the wicked chair, or the menacing desk or even the oppressive dark walls that threatened to squeeze all the air out of the room and drive him insane. It was her.

  His attempt to swivel the chair spun him wildly. Cursing, he baby walked in the infernal contraption until he was face-to-face with the vast expanse of black space beyond the circular window. For the last few days he wrestled to rein in his thoughts and keep his mind focused on his work. Not an easy task when he knew his Asanti was out there, somewhere.

  His fingers absently found his lips, as thoughts of tasting her swept through his mind. Why hadn't he been able to find her?

  A shrill chirping sound pulled him back to the present. One of his aides, a small man just on the south side of rotund entered his office, wielding a stack of colored folders several inches thick. In his usual fashion, he led with a faux smile meant to disarm then attacked with the stack of paperwork before the prince had a chance to object.

  "Your Highness we need each of these signed and stamped with the royal seal. You'll notice inside each folder I summarized all the main points for your convenience," the jovial aid sang.

  "How much longer until we are there?" asked the prince, already signing paper after paper.

  "20 minutes at most Your Highness," the small man waved as he exited the room.

  The prince settled back into his work. True to his word, his aide had made the arduous job that much easier. He found himself signing papers and tapping his fingers. Signing and tapping. Tapping. Soon the rhythmic tappings turned into a minor concerto as he struggled with images of her dancing in front of him.

  Paperwork soon forgotten, it wasn't until the door chimed again that the prince was shaken out of his revelry. Gowan entered - his trusted guard and longtime friend - and stood before him, hand gripped in a sharp salute over his heart. Large, toned and bronzed Gowan could have easily passed the prince's younger, smaller brother. Years away in the Syalantian military had afforded him the opportunity to earn his rank as Quassari and thus qualify to be a royal guard. Unfortunately both time and the change in the prince's rank of ascension had driven a formality between them that deeply saddened the prince.

  He ignored the guard on purpose, hoping to push the man into action, and find his old friend.

  "Sir, may I have a moment of your time?" The guard muttered.

  The prince's smile was warm and welcoming when he spoke, "For you my friend, always." He gestured to the chair next to his desk. "Please Gowan, unburden your soul."

  Much to his dismay his welcoming tones didn't have the desired effect. Gowan fidgeted nervously in his seat, wringing his hands together apparently at war with his conscience. The prince stepped from behind his massive desk and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "It's okay, you can tell me," he coaxed.

  The guard kept his head down and spoke in somber tones, "Sir, you know I would never bother you unless the matter was grave." Gowan kept his gaze lowered, his flushed cheeks the only clue to his embarrassment.

  "I know my friend and you can always come to me no matter how serious the situation. I hope you know that," the prince intoned.

  The guard nodded in agreement and continued, "It's about my sister-in-law, and her children. Sir, they live on an agricultural colony in the Antares sector. A massive planet wide quake destroyed much of the food reserves and damaged the colony's stasis units, allowing a rampant fungus to take hold of what little was left of their supplies. People are starving Sir."

  It took Gowan a moment to marshal his resources before continuing, "I sent a shipment of Syalantian burst seeds but the winters on this planet are extremely harsh Sir, and I'm afraid it may not be enough. Is there any chance that the Syalantian government would be able to subsidize the planet's food resources for this year?" He pleaded wide-eyed.

  The prince frowned. A small vein pulsed on his forehead before he faced the guard and asked, "Why haven't I heard of this before?"

  The guard shrugged, and looked up at the prince with guarded suspicion. "I submitted the necessary forms to the home office and even told the sector's minister of agriculture, but I received no response and has been almost 2 months. Sir, her husband, my brother, died in an accident shortly after they arrived on the colony four years ago. She has two small children, my niece and nephew –," he choked out the words before his voice seized up completely.

  "At ease my friend. You've known me a long time haven't you?" The prince inquired.

  Still unable to speak, the guard only nodded vigorously in reply.

  "Then you already know the answer," the prince stated firmly.

  "Thank you Sir, I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay –."

  The prince raised his hand to silence his friend. "What's your sister's name?"

  "Nama, Sir."

  "Well then, tell your sister Nama that the next time I'm in the Antares sector, I'll be stopping by for dinner. But in the meantime, let her know that not only will I divert three cargo shipments full of organic food and seedlings to them, but I will send two land moving machines and a soil reclamation unit, so they can get a head start on their crops as early as possible for next year."

  "I will never forget you
r kindness and your friendship, Rohn," he proclaimed, his voice deep and genuine.

  The prince's heart warmed when his friend addressed him by his name rather than title or rank, for the first time since he had officially ascended from Prince to Crown Prince.

  A satisfied smile stretch across the guard's face from ear to ear as he spun around to exit the room.

  "Gowan," the prince called.

  The guard turned back only to be hit by the hard glint of fury raging in the prince's eyes.

  "What is it Rohn?" His voice tinged with concern.

  "On your way out, let my aid know that he needs to find out who did the survey for your sister's planet before colonization. Find out why they missed the fact that the planet was seismically active," he uttered through gritted teeth, "and have someone else do the survey again. If we need to stabilize the core, let's make sure we do it right this time, before anyone else gets hurt."

  The guard pulled his lips in tight and merely nodded before saluting the prince and walking out.

  After the man’s exit he once again was unable to find peace in paperwork. Tendrils of doubt crept into his mind and seized his soul. Without realizing how he'd gotten there, he found himself standing at the window and staring out in space hoping to see her.

  Before long the door chimed again. This time a tall beautiful woman slinked in and made herself comfortable on the sofa across from him. Her femininity disguised more than her strength of character. He noted the muscles in her legs tense and release as she settled into the couch. Often while they were growing up, he found himself on the receiving end of one of their powerful attacks. More often than not he deserved it. A trip to the gym with her would be a fantastic way to let off some of the steam. His hand felt for the dull ache in his ribs from last night's session with her. His wounded body argued against that line of thought.

  The princess wound her finger around the end of her long braid. When she saw he wasn't about to engage her in conversation, she took charge. "How are you proceeding with the finer details of the Zentarian peace treaty, my husband," she inquired, then winked at him which caused his shoulders to drop.

  "Look at this," he gestured to the offensive papers strewn all over his desk. Frustration wrinkled his eyes. "Most of the conflict seems to center around religious differences." By now he was tossing papers into the air, much to the amusement of his new bride. "They worship the same God, they cherish the same tenets and uphold the same ceremonies. The only difference appears to be the name of the God. Thousands of people have died for those names. This whole conflict is ridiculous." His heavy heart dropped him back into his seat; the ill fitting chair assaulted him and he blew out an exasperated breath.

  The princess leapt to her feet and glided around the table until she stood behind him. She kneaded his stiff muscles as she peered over his shoulder. She was able to make out the finer points of contention that flustered the prince.

  "Well my dear, you'll soon have enough power to wipe them from existence," she joshed, her face as deadly serious as she could make it.

  He was more than used to her wry sense of humor and halfheartedly agreed. "If only," he mused, brows furrowed and muscles tensing again. His eyes ignited, he looked up at her to make sure he had her attention and pointed at the two monitors that had risen out of his desk, before grumbling, "we can barely get the two sides in a room together, and yet if you watch the video session recordings of the diplomatic envoy we sent, both sides say the same thing almost word for word. It's maddening. And I'm tempted to let them fight it out, and annihilate each other, but the truth is it's truly only a small fraction on both planets who are leading this asinine crusade. The general populace doesn't care about such immaterial philosophical, nay, grammatical differences. Their only error was to follow these foolish, ego driven leaders of theirs, and they themselves are the ones suffering the consequences. Regardless, the people need to be protected. I cannot sit idly by and watch the innocent blood of millions be shed."

  The gorgeous woman held her hair back with one hand and leaned in and kissed the prince on his forehead. His hand found hers, and she squeezed, lending her strength to his while she reassured him, "You'll figure it out, you always do. Actually, if you think about it, you already have."

  Softly dancing back to the sofa, she plopped down onto the heap of cushions. She pulled the first book she could reach from the shelf next to her and read the title out loud, "Earth Mating Rituals: a guide to the cumbersome tangled web –."

  The door hissed open without any signal. A stern faced and battle-scarred guard who happened to be the prince's head of security strode in without any ceremony or pretense. His voice was deep and commanding, but showed just enough deference to the man who was once his pupil and would soon be his King, "Your Highness I have word –."

  The old guard whom the prince looked up to as a man of great strength and wisdom, reeled himself in when he realized they were not alone. He coughed to give himself pause and allow the prince to signal him to continue. "Sir I have an update on that… matter you asked me to look into," he stated formally and glanced sidelong at the princess as his posture stiffened. She knew the old guard, and she liked him, but she couldn't hold in a giggle as he pulled nervously on his collar, and wiped the sweat trickling down his furrowed.

  The prince's eyes lit up, his anticipation palpable.

  "The five colonies you've had us scan, along with the Terran's home world have all come up empty," he reported.

  “Minteth!” He cursed under his breath.

  Dejected, the prince dismissed the guard and slumped back over his paperwork. The princess leaned over the desk and took his hand. She stared at him until she caught the brilliant emerald of his eyes. "Have heart Your Highness, trust that everything will work out as it should," she reassured a tender smile painting her stunning face.

  By the time he favored her with a smile in return she was already partway out the door. His princess was beautiful, intelligent and strong, but… A gleam from out the window caught his eye. The opalescent jewel Titan, Saturn’s largest moon crested into view, illuminating his entire office in a soft orange light. Standing, he approached the window once more. He knew she was out there.

  Chapter 1

  We both enjoyed it more when it lasted longer, so I fought my building urge and painstakingly made sure to take my time. I traced my long fingers along his sculpted stomach then lingered over his defined pecks.

  "Asanti," he breathed. His eyes darkened with a desire that I knew only I could fulfill. The word certainly sounded Syalantian, but not one I'd ever come across. And yet it felt right coming from his lips.

  Every doubt, every stress from the previous day melted away as he leaned his head down, a feverish look to his eyes. He held my chin gently in his fingers, drawing his mouth closer to mine. His tongue teased my lips asking for permission and I gasped with anticipation granting him entrance. He hungrily explored my mouth. Our tongues twined with a mounting sexual desire. His strong but gentle hands drifted down my spine, pulling me closer to him, to his growing need. I shivered in the cool night air with a craving for this alien unlike any man before.

  "Come inside me," I mewed. He clung to my waist with a ferocity that was beyond need. Slipping my panties around my ample curves, he purred with a possessive satisfaction as he knelt before me. I was his.

  I raked my fingers through his forest green locks, while he laid soft kisses on my belly stoking the fire that blazed between my legs. I groaned with need, and rolled my hips urging him on toward my heated sex. He growled, sending tendrils of pleasure from my spine to my fingers and toes. Sliding his heavily muscled bronze arm under my thigh, he lifted my leg on to one broad shoulder. He cupped my ass and fiercely pulled me closer to expose my swollen and moist entrance to him. He gazed hungrily at my femininity, causing my body to ache with desire and anticipation. He looked up, a mischievous grin brightening his beautiful face. Ravenous emerald eyes flashed at mine for the briefest of moments before hi
s tongue delved...

  Beep – Beep – Beep.

  The noise startled him. His features twisted into a deep frown and his pleading eyes glimmered with despair. He frantically tried to hold on to me as a dark unholy force tore us apart.

  Everything went black.

  Well, except for the stupid blinking blue light of the stupid alarm clock. I slapped it hard to shut it up. How could a clock have such bad timing? 5:20 AM was an ungodly hour. I huffed, and blew a tangled mess of hair from my face. I hated my life.

  * * * *

  Saturn crested on the horizon, bathing the prison cell sized room provided for me, by the management in an orange haze. Night after night my dreams were filled with intoxicating images of my mysterious alien with the green mane and emerald eyes. At first they were just glimpses; stolen glances of a handsome chiseled face. Welcoming ripples of a tightly muscled and extremely bitable posterior, which was, to my great satisfaction, always completely naked. In the last month the dreams had gotten more, let's say... intense. Almost real. Hell, I've had more action in my sleep the past few months than I've had in my whole life.

  Never before had I felt this deep a connection and such powerful craving for intimacy. Never before had I felt so utterly wanted, so complete. Tonight I was so close to finishing, that I was still wet and sensitive as I tried to maneuver myself around in the cramped, lumpy bed which was considered to be one of the high perks of my job. As if my hand was no longer my own, being controlled by the delectable dream alien, it slid down between my legs, longing to finish what he started.

  It was then that my eyes betrayed me. Bastards! Opening my eyelids just a hair had been enough. A single metallic chair sat at the foot of my bed. Strewn across it and most definitely mocking me lay my work uniform. Clearly illuminated by the rising planet's now blinding display, the uniform was a painful reminder I had to get out of bed if I wanted to remain employed. I take it back about my life, I hate my job.


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