Home > Other > WED TO THE DOM > Page 24

by Zoey Parker

  “Do you think I’m crazy, honestly?” Anya stared into my eyes, searching my face. “I mean, I know I just met the guy. But this is real. I can feel it!”

  I laughed. “I think it’s your biological clock ticking,” I said sweetly. “But no, you’re not crazy. I love you and Troy together.”

  “You’re not mad that I’m getting married before you?” Anya looked at me anxiously. “I know that was something that used to bother you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m only twenty-seven! There’s loads of time.” For Dante to come to his senses and propose, I finished in my head.

  “I’m really proud of you,” Anya said. She pulled me into a tight hug. “You’ve really grown up a lot, Katia. It’s really impressive. I know you don’t believe me, but you’ve really started showing everyone your best colors, not just me.”

  I blushed again. I’d heard that so frequently in the past few weeks that I was almost starting to get sick of being complimented. A first, I know.

  “Well, I’m just glad you picked me to be your maid of honor,” I said. “And I love this dress. Thanks for not making me look like a hag. I was a little worried about that.”

  Anya rolled her eyes. “Please,” she said stiffly. “Like you could look like a hag in anything. Katia. I could have picked a paper sack, and it would have been flattering on you.”

  I glanced down. The strapless pink dress was just flattering enough, and I liked that all eyes wouldn’t be on me for once.

  “Are you ready?” I raised my eyebrows. “This is a big commitment, you know. You’re going to have to live with someone.”

  Anya nodded. “Katia…” She trailed off, her hands fidgeting in front of her body. “There’s one other thing. I’ve been dreading telling you this, but after I get married, Troy says that he doesn’t really want me working anymore.”

  I stared at her. “Are you sure?”

  Anya nodded. She blushed and licked her lips. “I mean,” she added, leaning in. “I’m pregnant,” she whispered in my ear. “And Troy doesn’t want me working with the baby on the way.” She pulled away and straightened up, brushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear. “Not that I think you’re in any more danger, but you know, Troy was a little spooked.”

  I nodded. I felt tears coming to my eyes, as much as I didn’t want to cry and ruin my professional makeup job.

  “I understand,” I said gently. “And I think you’re making the best possible decision for your family.”

  “Oh, Katia,” Anya gushed. “This is going to be the happiest day of my life!”

  “Five minutes, ladies!” The wedding planner, Cheryl, said. She breezed past me in a spray of expensive floral perfume. “Anya, are you ready?”

  Anya nodded. Her cheeks were red, and her breath was coming in damp little pants. I could tell she was thrilled. I’d rarely seen her so happy, except maybe for the night when she met Troy for the first time.

  Reaching down, I squeezed her hand. “You’ll be awesome,” I told her. “I know you can do this, babe.”

  Anya smiled nervously. She picked up her bouquet and walked out of the room. At Cheryl’s request, I followed her and then positioned myself in the nave of the church.

  “You go first,” Cheryl whispered. “And then Anya follows behind you, in about five seconds. Remember to walk slowly; you’re not on a runway.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I know; I’ve been a bridesmaid before.”

  Cheryl glared at me. As the music started, Anya gave me a little swat on the ass. Turning around, I blew her a kiss as I started to walk down the aisle.

  The church was filled with Hollywood elite. I recognized lots of talent agents, models, and their plainer personal assistants. I couldn’t help but grin when I realized all eyes were on me. It had been a long time since I’d done pageants, but a part of me did miss the spotlight.

  The music was a classy jazz arrangement of a classic piece, and I swayed down the aisle gracefully. Dante was at the altar, standing on Troy’s right-hand side. When he saw me, his eyes practically bulged out of his head. I smiled chastely at him as I continued my way down the aisle, swaying my hips gently from side to side.

  As soon as I was in place, Anya began her walk down the aisle. Everyone turned to look at her, and there was more than one audible gasp amongst the crowd. I had to grin; she looked so beautiful and happy. Tears came to my eyes, and I gently dabbed them away with a tissue. It was so hard to believe that a little over a month ago, I’d been in the back of Ryan’s van, praying for God and Dante to come help me and save my life.

  Anya reached the end of the aisle. The priest reached down and took her hand, placing it inside of Troy’s. When I saw the way Troy looked at his new bride, I realized that true love was possible in the world, and not just for people like Dante and me. My heart filled with joy as the priest began his monologue, and by the end of the wedding, I was sobbing along with most of the other people in the audience.

  “May I escort you?” Dante raised his eyebrows and his elbow towards me, smirking all the while. “I believe you are the maid of honor, are you not?”

  I stood as tall as I could in my four-inch heels, smiling placidly. “I am,” I said sweetly. “And you’re the best man?”

  Dante nodded. I could tell he was fighting off giggles, and after a moment, so was I. I linked my arm with his, and we began the slow stroll down the aisle together, trailing after Anya and her new husband. Troy was still limping slowly from the gunshot wound to his thigh, which the doctor had told him might never recover, but it was the happiest I’d ever seen him look.

  Outside of the church, we all posed for pictures. Anya and Troy kissed for the cameras as I threw birdseed at them, cheering and clapping and waving my bouquet in the air.

  “You’re a friend of the bride’s?” Dante grinned at me. I rolled my eyes, wondering how long we were going to keep playing this silly game.

  “I am.” I licked my lips. “And you’re a friend of the groom’s?”

  Dante nodded. He reached for my hand and squeezed. Feigning shock, I pulled my hand away.

  “That’s a bit fresh!” I gasped. “After all, we only just met!”

  As Anya and Troy turned to stare, Dante and I burst out laughing. When he pulled me into a tight embrace and kissed me on the lips, the tears returned to my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks.

  It was the happiest day of my life. As Anya and Troy danced their first dance, Dante and I watched from the bridal table.

  “You know,” Dante said. “If I’d had a date, she’d be awful jealous of you.” He raised his eyebrows. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the room, and you know it.”

  I blushed. “That’s not true,” I said, pointing towards Anya. She was wrapped in Troy’s arms, slowly swaying to the beat of an instrumental take on a popular song. “She’s the bride; she’s the most beautiful. That’s how these things work, duh.”

  Dante rolled his eyes. “You girls and your chivalry,” he teased. He pulled my chair closer, then planted a delicate kiss on the side of my face. “I can’t wait to dance with you. I bet we’re gonna have everyone staring at us.”

  “And just what makes you think I’m going to dance?” I pouted. “After all, we just met.”

  For a moment, Dante and I stared into each other’s eyes. The moment was completely serious, and the sounds and the laughter of the wedding fell away as I searched his face. This is the man I love, I realized as Dante leaned closer. And this is the man I’m going to love for the rest of my life.

  Dante squeezed my hand. “Don’t worry. I know you, Katia. I know you can’t stay out of the spotlight for too long.”

  Somehow, I had a feeling he was talking about more than just dancing.

  When the time came for the best man’s toast, I watched lazily as Dante stood up and praised Troy. He said some truly heartfelt emotional things, and I found myself tearing up for the umpteenth time that day as Troy and Dante pulled each other into a tight

  “I’ve known Anya for years,” I said into the microphone. Everyone clapped, and I smiled, waiting patiently for the applause to die down. “And she’s always been a wonderful friend to me, even when I didn’t deserve it.”

  As I talked about all of the good times and bad times that Anya and I had gone through, I started to cry. Dante handed me a tissue, and I actually had to blow my nose before the end of my speech.

  When Anya came up to hug me, she was sobbing, too. Her mascara had pooled under her eyes, and there were tear streaks down her face, but she’d never looked happier or more beautiful. I pulled her into a tight embrace.

  “We always have to stay friends,” I whispered into her ear. “This isn’t the end of that, you know?”

  Anya nodded. “Katia, I’m so thankful to have you. Thank you for being my maid of honor.”

  My heart swelled as a fresh wave of sobs washed over me. “I’d have been seriously offended if you’d asked anyone else.”.

  “Come on,” Anya said. She tugged my hand. “Time for the bouquet toss.”

  “Oh, no.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not fighting with a bunch of women to get your bouquet. I don’t do that.”

  “Please?” Anya made puppy eyes. “For me?”

  # # #

  Ten minutes later, I was standing in a group of other girls, fighting and shoving my way towards the front of the line. As Anya stood in front of us with her back turned, she threw the bouquet over her head. I leaped into the air, pushing and shoving my way past Anya’s cousin and some other Hollywood assistants. When my fingers wrapped around the gauze-covered stems, I let out a wild shriek of delight.

  “Dante’s going to freak,” I told Anya cheerfully as I handed the bouquet back to her. “He’s not going to know what hit him!”

  Anya burst out laughing. “Please, knowing him and Troy, they probably had a bet going.”

  Dante and Troy appeared. As Dante wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into a kiss, I watched Anya and Troy cuddling together on the side of the stage.

  “Come here,” Dante said. He wrapped his hand around mine and pulled me close. “I wanna talk to you.”

  “Uh-oh,” I said softly. “That’s never good.” I rolled my eyes. “You’d better not break up with me at my best friend’s wedding. She’ll kill you.”

  Dante gave me one of his heartbreaking, crooked smiles. “Nothing like that.” He tugged me over to the corner of the room, and we sat down at one of the tables. The dance floor was packed, and everyone had eaten, and now they were busy working on the cases of excellent champagne that a friend had sent to Anya and Troy as a wedding gift.

  “So,” I said, shifting in the chair. “What exactly did you want to say?”

  “Well, I want you to know that after I’m done working with the mayor’s daughter, I’m not doing any more body-work,” Dante said. He laced his fingers through mine and squeezed. “I don’t want you to be jealous,” he added. “I know that was bothering you the other night.”

  Relief gushed through my body. I blinked and swallowed. “Well, thank you. And I expect you couldn’t get out of that job because you’ve already given your word?”

  Dante shook his head. “Not exactly. They already paid me, and I needed the money for something important.”

  “Like a new bike?”

  Dante shook his head. “No… So, what are you going to be doing now?”

  I sighed and ran a hand through my blonde locks. “Well, I’m done with pageant work. I’m going to focus more on philanthropy. Anya even suggested I write a book, you know, about what happened. She said it would be a good role model thing for young girls going into showbiz since they have to deal with gross people like Ryan all the time.”

  “Are you quitting pageants because of Ryan?” Dante’s voice was low and serious.

  I could barely make out his features in the dim light of the room. Leaning over, I kissed him gently on the lips. Dante wrapped a hand around the back of my neck and pulled me in closer, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moaned softly and felt my nipples stiffen against the silk of my dress before pulling away.

  “No, I’m quitting because of you.” I sighed. “I’m quitting because I realized that I don’t just want to do meaningful things sometimes; I want to do them all the time. I want to spend more time at the hospital with my girls, and maybe even arrange to take some of them on day-trips to places around here. I think some of them would really love a trip to a theme park. At least, I know I would have loved that back when I was sick.”

  Dante squeezed my hand. He leaned in and kissed me gently on the temple. The sensation of his scruff against the delicate skin of my face made me tingle with desire.

  “That’s incredible, Katia,” Dante said. “I’m really proud of you.” His lapis lazuli eyes shone. “You’re such a good woman, and I know that whatever you do, you’re going to be amazing at it.”

  I snickered. “So you’ll read my book? Even the chapters on fashion? And shoes?”

  Dante crossed his heart with one hand. “Baby, I’d read anything you’d written.” Dante stood up and leaned over, grabbing two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter with a tray. As he handed one to me, we clinked and then drank.

  “So,” I said. “What exactly did you need that money for? Didn’t I pay you well enough?”

  Dante snorted. “You did,” he said carefully. “And, well…” He trailed off, suddenly looking nervous.

  “You can tell me,” I insisted. “What? What’s the problem? Did you use it to help Troy with his medical bills or something?”

  Dante chuckled. “No. I wanted to get you this.”

  I was breathless as I watched Dante reach into the pocket of his jacket and pull out a small velvet box in robin’s egg blue. My mouth went dry as he opened it and offered me the box. Inside was the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. It was a large, emerald-cut diamond flanked by two small round diamonds on each side set in platinum. The diamond reflected the low light of the reception hall, and I gasped, putting my hand to my chest as Dante reached for my left ring finger.

  “Katia Reynolds, will you marry me?” Dante whispered.

  Staring at him, I realized that while Dante wasn’t the kind of guy I thought I’d ever fall in love with, he was exactly who I wanted for my husband. He was loving, kind, sarcastic, and smart. He’d challenged me and surprised me, and I knew that he’d always be there for me.

  “Yes,” I whispered. Tears spilled from my eyes as Dante slipped the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly, and I couldn’t help staring down at it and moving my hand in the air to make the diamonds sparkle.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man on Earth,” Dante said as he leaned over and kissed me.

  “There’s just one condition,” I teased.

  Dante raised his eyebrows. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I said with a nod. “No more cheap motels.” I raised my eyebrows and laughed. “Or the marriage is off. And I mean that.”

  Dante grinned. When he kissed me, I felt myself swoon against his muscular chest.

  “I think we can manage that,” he whispered.


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  GIFT FROM THE HITMAN: The Petrov Mafia

  By Zoey Parker

  Chapter 1


  I slammed my foot on the gas, my tiny car leaped forward, and I merged onto the highway. I only had five minutes to make it to work on time, and I had at least an eight-minute drive there. Crap. I was never late until my mom’s diagnosis, and I hated being late. It was unprofessional, and I held myself to a higher standard…at least I tried to.

  Luckily, traffic wasn’t too bad, and I didn’t see a cop anywhere, so I just kept my foot down on the gas, the needle climbing and climbing, driving fast but not recklessly. I merged at the last second onto the exit ramp. The driver behind me honked, and I waved at him. “Yeah, yeah,” I muttered. “Running late. So sue me.”

  Okay, so maybe driving a little recklessly.

  Somehow, I parked right at eight on the nose. I grabbed my purse and dashed inside. Not late after all. Amazing.


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