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The Tycoon and his Honey Pot

Page 16

by Sabel Simmons

  She kissed his nipple and then flicked it with her tongue and his breath hissed in his throat.

  “I know, but I thought you would wait until after!”

  “Oh no, your tale is going to establish whether or not there even is going to be an after tonight …”

  She gasped and reared up to glare at him. He chuckled and rapped her on her nose. She fell back on his chest and continued stroking his muscled chest.

  “I was absolutely shocked when Lucas introduced you. The thought that went through my mind at that moment was … no bloody way … I want him … he can’t be my boss! I guess I was too scared you would not be interested in me anymore if I walked into your office a day later. I was not prepared to take the chance. I immediately started looking for another job. I couldn’t just resign. Baby, please understand. I needed to finish my Masters so that I could get an Internship. I needed the money.”

  “I would have helped you, honey! For that matter, Michael offered often. Why would you never allow him to?”

  “Pride, I suppose. He achieved so much and all because of dedication and hard work. I wanted to do the same. I wanted to achieve it on my own. Can you understand that?”

  He nodded and leaned down for a quick kiss. He frowned. “At what point did you decide to sell the Camaro?”

  “After we spend our first night together. I knew then already I could not continue to deceive you any longer. But we had to go to Cleveland and I didn’t want to tell you there. I intended to tell you the moment we returned, but you went to Australia. I was ready to tell you the moment you got back, but then Tiaan brought the meeting forward.”

  He lifted on his elbow and looked into her eyes; his face stern and earnest.

  “I can appreciate why you did what you did and that you feel you had justification. I am driven by integrity and honesty is very important to me. I will never lie to you … ever. Even if what I say will hurt you, but I will not lie. I expect the same from you, Brooklyn. Don’t ever lie to me again. You don’t know how close I was to throw you out the door when I realized you deceived me. That is how high I value honesty.”

  She nodded and hugged him tight. “I know and it was hard for me too. I don’t want to be thrown out the door, baby, so you can be assured I won’t ever lie to you again!”

  “All your punishment could have been prevented if you only told me that first night we were together.”

  She lifted her leg and climbed on top of him, leaning down until her nipples touched his chest. She kissed him lingeringly. Her eyes shone with desire when she smiled at him.

  “I guess so … but it was not all punishment … I actually enjoyed every moment of it … aahhh … Mason!”

  She shrieked when he flipped her on her back and entered her in one movement. He settled deep and growled sensually.

  “I guess I will have to think of another way of punishment for you then …”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brooklyn could not contain her excitement and replaced the receiver. The smile on her face was a sure sign of her happiness. She ran into the kitchen and hugged Liza who tsk’ed at her and shook her head.

  “I am going to surprise Mason at the office, Liza. I’ll let you know if you need to bother with dinner, we might have dinner in town.”

  She quickly dialed his office to confirm with Sally, his new Assistant that he was available. Sally was a lovely woman and extremely competent … and fifty one years old. Mason did not want to take any chances that Brooklyn might have any more doubts and gave clear instructions on her replacement.

  “He is free this afternoon, yes. What time will you be here so I can tell him?”

  “No, don’t. I want to surprise him. I should be there around one though.”

  She chuckled. “Hmm … not a problem. I’ll make sure he doesn’t disappear before then.”

  Brooklyn dressed in a short black mini dress with white gold earrings and black high heeled pumps. She walked into his office just before one. She hesitated when Sally was not at her desk and his door was closed. Knowing that he was free, she decided to walk in anyway and opened the door with a happy smile on her face.

  The sight that met her eyes solidified her blood and her whole body froze. The smile died on her lips and she went pale as a sheet. The shocked gasp that sounded in the room broke the couple on the couch apart and her eyes met Mason’s.

  She did not even register his vicious curse and swung around and ran as fast as she could. Her vision blurred with tears that coursed down her cheeks. She heard Mason calling her name behind her and she desperately shot around a corner and slammed through the first door that would open. She closed the door softly and clamped her hands over her mouth to keep the gasps and sobs inside.

  Mason shouted her name just as he ran past the door and she closed her eyes. Her heart slammed against her chest and she listened to his receding footsteps. She looked around and realized she was in one of the archive rooms and stumbled between the shelves to huddle against the wall at the back of the room.

  She wrapped her arms around her waist and sank down on the floor, desperately trying to force the tears and sobs back. When she closed her eyes she saw the vision as if in a snapshot and cried in pain; the exquisite redheaded actress, his ex-non lover as he claimed, Clarissa Barrows, lying on top of him. She rubbed her hips against his and they kissed passionately, with his arms caressingly around her.

  Her phone started ringing inside her handbag and she grabbed it to switch it off. She could not face him now, she was too angry. She rose and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Peeping around the door she made sure there was no one around and sighed with relief when she noticed the staircase was directly opposite from where she was. She managed to reach the foyer without bumping into anyone, least of all Mason.

  She did not take into account his determination however. He instructed the security team to search the whole premises’ video cams and was informed of her whereabouts the minute she entered the Reception area from the staircase. She heard him shout her name just as she reached the revolving doors. With a burst of speed she ran outside, hailed a taxi down and shouted at the driver to go moments before Mason’s hands could reach for the door handle.

  Brooklyn’s first thought was to go to the race track, but realized Mason knew her well enough by now and it would be the first place he would go to look for her. Her heart throbbed with pain and desolation inside her. She could not believe what she had seen. Just last night he made love to her more than once and again this morning in the shower and to see him with another woman in his arms, totally devastated her.

  So much for needing only her! She should have known better than to believe she had a future with a man such as him. He was just too attractive, too successful, too much of a temptation for women such as Clarissa Barrows!

  She ended up at Michael’s house and let herself in with her key, remembering the last time she was in his house gobbling down ice cream; also due to the same woman! Today she did not even crave the ice cream; she was completely devastated and wandered through the house listlessly.

  Her mind was totally blank, the joy of being told she passed her Masters Cum Laude totally forgotten. No thoughts of at long last achieving her dream even, just emptiness. She swallowed back the sobs and grabbed her handbag. Michael’s Porsche 911 GT was parked in the garage and she bit her lip. Knowing how sacred he was about it, she hesitated at first but took the keys anyway and drove away carefully. The windows were open and blew through her hair, drying the tears on her cheeks.

  She took to the road and drove for hours until the fuel light went on and she had to stop for fuel. Luckily she had cash with her and sighed in relief when she noticed a fuel station down the road. She had no idea where she was as she just drove aimlessly and was shocked when asked, to realize she was in Gettysburg and the sun was setting already.

  She checked in at General Lee's Headquarters, a quiet Inn on Buford Avenue. She realized she needed to phone Michael and tell him she had
his car, in case he reported it stolen. To be locked up for theft would be the last straw to a dreadful day!

  “You what!”

  “I’m sorry Mickey. I should have asked you first, but I didn’t think.”

  “Mason is out of his mind with worry, Bee. Where the hell are you?”

  “I don’t know why he would be. It is very clear that he intends to move on. I should have known there was more to getting me out of his way at the office.”

  “Bee, everything is not always as it seems. In this case, I am sure it is not.”

  “I have eyes, Michael. I saw him myself!”

  “What exactly did you see? Or were you so upset that you did not take in the full picture?”

  “He … forget it. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

  “Where are you, Bee?”

  “I’m in … he is there with you, isn’t he? Dammit, when did your loyalties change?”

  “Bee, I am just as worried. We all know how you get when you are upset and angry. And … you have my car … a very fast car at hand … please tell me where you are.”

  “Forget it Michael. I promise I will look after your car. I just need a few days … please.”

  He sighed and avoided Mason’s hard glare. “Very well, but phone me every day.” He ended the call and threw the phone on the table in frustration.

  “She won’t tell me.”

  He glanced at Mason and noticed that the angry lines around his mouth edged deeper. He was more than angry at this stage, he was absolutely livid. When he shouted and talked he was just angry, but when he went quiet, he was dangerous.

  “She is adamant about what she saw, but she is hurting. I could hear it in her voice.”

  Mason cursed viciously and ran his hands through his hair.

  “Bloody woman! I could kill her!”

  “She is upset, Mason. You can’t blame her!”

  He barely glanced at Michael. “I meant Clarissa. If Brooklyn walked in two seconds later she would have found the bloody woman being thrown out.”

  His eyes were haunted when they met Michael’s.

  “We have to find her Mickey. I can’t lose her!”

  Michael saw the love and concern in his friend’s eyes and knew without doubt that he really loved Brooklyn.

  “Maybe a few days for her to calm down …”

  “No! With Brooklyn a few days would be the worst thing to give her.”

  He walked back and forth in front of Michael where he sat behind his desk, his body strung tight. He swung to him with a frown.

  “Don’t you have a tracking system on your car?”

  “Yes! Damn, why didn’t I think of that?”

  He reached for his laptop and opened the tracking system link. Mason stood behind him, impatient for the search to complete.

  “Holy cr … she is in Gettysburg! What the devil is she doing there?”

  “Address, Mickey. I need the address!”

  “It’s stationary on Buford Avenue … it’s … let me see … must be the General Lee’s Inn. Wait! Do you really think you should …”

  The glare Mason threw at him had him throw his hands in the air.

  “You better come with so you can drive your car back. I am not leaving her there tonight and we’ll fly back home straight away.”

  “We’re going with … your chopper?”

  “Michael … I am an excellent pilot. I promise you will be safe.”

  He sighed heavily, locked up the office and ran to catch up with Mason who was already halfway to the helipad next to the race track.

  The flight to Gettysburg took less than an hour and having made arrangements on the way for car rental they stopped in front of the inn before eight. Mason nearly grabbed the reception attendant by the throat when he refused to supply him with Brooklyn’s room number. Michael tried to pacify him and requested the shaken young man to call the owner.

  Bill White listened to Michael who decided to give a little background to the chubby Inn owner. He was a grandfather already and was at the desk when Brooklyn arrived and remembered thinking that such a beautiful young woman should not be that sad. He glanced at the brooding man next to her brother and saw the desperation flash in his eyes.

  “Very well, but be warned, I have her details and I will contact her to find out if all is well in the morning. If not … I will not hesitate to report her as abducted.”

  Mason glared at him, but Michael quickly agreed.

  “Thank you, Mr. White and please don’t worry, I won’t allow anything to happen to my sister either.”

  He nodded and went behind the desk to find her room number and showed them the direction to go. She was in one of the garden view suites that had an entrance from the garden.

  “She won’t open the door if she knows it’s us.”

  “She is not expecting us, so she has no reason not to open the door.”

  He rapped on the door the moment they reached it and waited impatiently, his hands in pockets. He looked ruffled with the top buttons of his shirt opened and his tie hanging loose and skew to one side.

  “Who is it?” Her voice rang through the door.

  Mason growled and said in a soft voice with a shrug in Michael’s direction.

  “Room service.”

  They heard the key turn in the lock and she opened the door.

  “I didn’t order room ser …” and promptly slammed the door shut when she noticed the two of them standing there.

  Mason kicked the door open before it closed and Brooklyn had to jump out of the way with the force it slammed back in. She swung around and ran for the bathroom, but Mason’s arms wrapped around her waist. He pulled her back against him and held her wriggling body close to his.

  “Let me go! No! Put me down!” She pushed at his hands clamping around her waist as he turned towards the door. Her eyes swung to Michael and she cried in desperation.

  “Mickey, help me!” He closed his eyes and stepped out of the way.

  “Grab her bag, Mickey … ouch dammit!”

  Mason growled when she dug her nails in on the soft skin beneath his wrists. His hands loosened enough for her to pull from his arms. She immediately took off through the door, with Mason cursing behind her when she slammed her heel down on his foot for good measure.

  Michael smiled and shook his head. Why she even bothered he didn’t know. She should know by now she could not get away from him, but it was a sight to behold when she tore from his arms. He grabbed her bag and followed at a leisurely pace, laughing when Mason caught her within a few meters and yanked her back in his arms.

  “Let me go! I don’t want you to touch me! If you don’t let me go I am going to scream!”

  He just drew her closer and hugged her tighter. Desperate to reach her heart with the heat and need of his body, but she was too upset and hurt and screeched loudly. He stopped her the only way he knew how and closed his lips over hers and kissed her, ignoring her struggles. Brooklyn hated the heat that rushed through her body when she connected with his and the need to return his kiss. She intensified her struggles and bit down on his lip and he cursed viciously.

  “I am not leaving you here, Brooklyn. You are coming home with me and we will talk there.”

  “I have nothing to say to you! I got your message this afternoon. Loud and clear!”

  He sighed and leaned his forehead against hers, his arms still wrapped tightly around her.

  “What was the message, Brooklyn?”

  “You … you … oh, I don’t believe it! You are going to deny what you did! Let me go!”

  He cursed when she tried to kick him on his shin. He flung her over his shoulder and strode to the rental car where Michael held the door open already. He placed her on the seat immediately and snapped the safety belt around her. She reached for the clip straight away and he snapped at her.

  “Don’t even think about it, Honey. My patience has run out and I wouldn’t think twice tying you up if need be.”

e slammed the door shut and waved at Michael.

  “I think I’ll stay over and drive back in the morning, seeing as the room has been paid for already. Mason … don’t …”

  He looked at him over the roof of the car, nodding briefly. “Don’t worry, Mickey. I have no intention of messing this up.”

  The trip to the airfield where he landed the helicopter was done in silence. Mason gnashed his teeth and Brooklyn stared blindly out the window. Because she settled back and appeared calm he did not expect her to jump out of the car at a busy intersection when he stopped at a red traffic light. By the time he managed to get out of the traffic and park the car, she disappeared. He got back into the car and drove around for over an hour looking for her. When he slammed on the door at the Inn he was more than livid. If he laid his hands on her at any time soon, she would not be able to sit for weeks!

  Michael looked at him and paled. He has never seen such quiet viciousness in this man as at that moment.

  “She ran again?” Mason nodded and walked past him to roam around the room.


  “Jumped out at a traffic light and disappeared. Of course she switched her phone off as well. I promise you, Michael, when I find her I will whip her first, before even talking to her! She will not bloody be able to sit for weeks!”

  “Calm down, Mace. She will go back eventually.”

  “I can’t wait for eventually, Michael!”

  “I know you are concerned, but I know my sister. She will calm down soon and then the anger will take over. Then you better be ready … she is just as bad as you when she fights for what is hers.”

  “She is already angry and I don’t see her fighting for me!”

  “No, my friend, she is very upset and hurt … the anger will still come! Let’s hope yours have simmered down by then. Both of you angry at the same time … not sure I am ready for that!”

  Both of them tried phoning her at hourly intervals, but her phone remained switched off. Mason phoned Charles who had a contact in the FBI and asked him to see if they could put a trace on her phone. Charles phoned back fifteen minutes later.


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