5 seconds
Causes a healing aura to appear around the subject within the given range. Healing that subject for, 1d6+luck mod Healing + Higher Prof, Biomancy/Light
Light Ball 1
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
School / Type: Light
1 mana / 60 seconds. 30 mana at time of casting.
3 seconds / 28 minutes before needing new mana source.
3 seconds
Creates a small ball of light out of pure mana that will stick to any surface you will it too, illuminating 30 feet around itself.
Force Bolt 1
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Force
5 Mana
1 second
1d6 + Modifiers damage. Will slightly auto-adjust to target, +3 to attack.
Damage: Intelligence, Emotional Stability.
Augmentations Available
Can overcharge bolt for +5 mana per second, dealing an additional dice of damage / 5 mana, max 4.
Acidic Augmentation
Hammer Augmentation
Drill Augmentation
Force Shield
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Force
30-1,000 mana cost initially, 30 mana / second maintenance
5 seconds / infinite with mana
1 min
Creates a handheld shield out of mana that grants an armor bonus equal to your Force Magic Skill Score, and alacrity with this spell. Currently this spell will create a shield as hard as Bronze, with nearly all of its characteristics.
Fire Jet 1
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Fire
30 Mana
Instant, variable
1 min 30 sec
Sends a cone of fire from the caster's fingertips for fifteen feet outwards, dealing 50 + 10 /second Fire damage. Sets anything caught in the cone a fire (damage effects already calculated). Save for 1/2 damage either Reflex or Insight check.
Damage: Intelligence, Rage Effects
Can sustain the flame for up to 10 seconds, for an additional cost of +30 Mana a second
Fire Ball 1
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Fire.
500 Mana
15 seconds / max 30 min (fire persists) Instant explosion upon impact
5 minutes
Sends a ball of sticky fire, fueled by mana, at your enemy. Explodes upon contact with any solid object, dealing 50+ 50 damage per second until the mana is expired (mana lasts 1d10 + fire magic skill score seconds). Lights subject a fire dealing 1d10 damage per second after mana expires until the fire is extinguished.
Flaming Stones 1
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Fire, Force
50 mana / stone
15 seconds per stone / Until used or 30 min expires
1 hour
Creates up to 5 tiny red pebbles, that upon command will be launched in a single direction. upon contact with anything solid, will activate, melting touched subjects for 1d20 + fire skill level fire damage, and any objects for the same in damage to durability.
Summon Lesser Fire Elemental
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Fire. School, Summoning.
500 mana summon, + 15 mana per minute of possession
30 seconds / 15 min
30 min
REQUIRED: Access to an elemental fire lay line or node. Summons 1 Lesser Fire Elemental from the elemental plane of fire that you can give 1 simple command. You can choose instead to "possess" the creature, allowing you to do much more complex actions.
Fire Trap 1
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Fire,
500 Mana
1 min / Indefinite
5 min
A derivative of the FireBall spell, this spell creates a thin triangular mana construct that will stick to any surface it is affixed to on one side, while the two other once activated by either the casters will or whatever mechanism the caster sets during the casting of the spell, will spew forth fire dealing 1d10 + fire magic skill level damage per second. This will last for 10+fire magic skill level, seconds. Trap does damage objects it is affixed to that are not some form of stone, for 1/2 fire magic skill level durability damage per second.
Time Lords Inferno 2
Casting Time / Duration
Cool Down
Type: Fire,
36,000 Mana
5 Min / Instant
1 week, will lesson with higher-ranked Enchanting skill.
REQUIRED: At least 1 rank in Enchanting skill. This spell creates a massive explosion of heat and fire dealing 100 D 4 damage + fire skill. Will 1/2 damage every 15-20 feet out from the explosion. The explosion will on occasion collapse in on itself in an implosion dealing 50 D 4 damage + Force magic skill.There is also the unlikely possibility that further effects will be manifested.
ADDITIONAL EFFECTS DISCOVERED: Glowing Sun: If enough material is consumed by the implosion, a small, nearly self-sustaining SUN will be born that will die over the next 24 hours.
General Augmentations
FIRE Augmentations
Devouring Flame
Devouring Flame: Can be applied to all aerosol fire spells. Flames are reduced to 1/3 size of any area effect and duration of the spell. The fire burns three times hotter. This prevents mana drain effects and increased damage by *3 for the spell.
Note From The Author
There are a lot of new authors in LitRPG and GameLIT. This makes sense as it’s a new and growing genre that crossovers with a lot of other genres, Post Apocalypse, Science Fiction, and my personal favorite Fantasy (and all the sub-genres that exist in each of those). So, to help my readers, and potential future authors connect with others I have listed several resources and places below that might prove useful.
Fan Resources
MeWe Group Page: I founded this group over at MeWe, an alternative social media site. If you hate Facebook and want to hang out with other fans/authors? Join here!
LitRPG Facebook Page: This page is run by Aleron Kong, the author of “The Land.” He has geared it towards fans and has rather strict behavioral standards for other authors. If you want to just chill with fans? Totally the place to go!
LitRPG Rebels: This page is run by several awesome writers. This is a bit of a rough and tumble group, but still very fun! Go give it a look see if you’re interested in “dank memes.”
LitRPG Books: Probably the most family friendly group where both authors and fans can freely interact. If you are interested in learning about new book releases directly from authors, or interacting with authors and/or other fans, then this page is for you!
LitRPG Forum: If you're interested in chatting about virtu
ally anything revolving around games, LitRPG, GameLIT or anything else really, I would head here. It’s a very chill environment over at the Forum.
Author Resources
LitRPG Authors Guild: This page is specifically meant for authors of LitRPG, or those who are working to become authors. Fans are typically welcome, but the vast majority of the posts have questions about the more technical details surrounding the publishing/business side of things. If you are looking to publish soon, this is the place you will want to field your technical questions.
Literature Devil: This is a YouTube channel that discusses and deconstructs stories in modern and classical literature. It does have some political videos, but you could watch his writing and story videos without getting too much into that if you like. His video titled “Can A Racist Character Be Heroic?” Is perhaps the best one on his channel.
Hello Future Me: This Youtuber makes videos on the regular about narrative, story, and every aspect of writing a good story. His favorite story is Avatar: The Last Airbender, so expect a lot of references to that. This is probably the most useful for writers who are pre-publication, as it will help you understand exactly what you should be looking for in your work.
"To learn more about LitRPG, talk to authors including myself, and just have an awesome time, please join the LitRPG Group."
Ethria- the Pioneer Page 58