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Alex Page 8

by Sam Crescent

“It’s getting bad,” Miles said, pulling her away, and closing the door.

  They were in their bedroom, and once the door was closed, no sound could be heard from the shouting adults.

  “Uncle Alex has made them mad,” Tabitha said. “I heard Uncle Lash telling Aunty Angel.”

  Miles nodded, sitting in the center of the room. She watched her twin brother, and she wrapped her arms around her middle. Whenever her parents started shouting she missed Simon the most. He was in Piston County, and she couldn’t get to him.

  “Dad will sort it out. He deals with everything.”

  Sitting on the floor she noticed her mom’s bag in the corner. Walking over to it, Tabitha took out the cell phone. Miles wasn’t paying attention, and she walked into the bathroom. Sitting on the floor beside the bath, she scrolled through the numbers recognizing Lexie’s name. She’d watched her mother using this phone so many times that she remembered how to make a call. Her mother had also showed her how to use it in case they were ever in danger. Tabitha knew how to call her father, the clubhouse, and the police.

  Pressing call, she placed the phone against her ear. She really hoped Lexie didn’t answer. Sometimes Lexie answered, and she wasn’t allowed to hear Simon. Other times, he answered.

  “Hello,” Simon said.

  “Simon.” She was relieved the moment he answered. “You answered.”

  “Mom is ready to give birth. Snake’s watching us, and he’s not good at it at all.” Simon was a little older than she was, only by a year, but he always sounded much older.

  She chuckled.

  “Are you okay, Tab?”

  Closing her eyes, she nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  “If Mom catches you, you’re going to be in trouble,” Miles said, entering the bathroom.

  “I’ve got to go,” Tabitha said.

  Simon said goodbye, and she moved toward the bedroom to put the cell phone back in her mother’s bag. Sitting on the bed, Tabitha watched the cartoons on the television wondering why her stomach was twisting. Hours seemed to pass when her mother entered the bedroom. Tabitha could see she’d been crying, and opening her arms, she waited for her mother to pick her up.

  “It’s going to be okay, baby.”

  Closing her eyes, she inhaled her mother’s scent that always calmed her down.


  “She’s pregnant again,” Tiny said, gripping the back of the chair. Eva had just left that bombshell with him to deal with. She’d gone to deal with the kids upstairs. He didn’t know how to deal with this shit. Alex had brought some new threat to Fort Wills, and he was already scared for his twins upstairs.

  “You better not upset her,” Ned said.

  “I didn’t mean to upset her. Now is not the time to be having kids.”

  “Tate’s ready to drop. Your club is fuckin’ ripe with pregnant bitches. Alex and I, we can handle this shit with Preston. You keep my girl safe.”

  Tiny rounded on Ned Walker. Ever since he’d learned Eva was the daughter of this man, he’d been put through the test of not killing him. He’d done the drug and gun runs for this man, put up with all of his shit, but the last thing he was going to put up with was Ned ordering him around as if he had the right to. This was his town, Tiny’s, and no one was going to take care of business here.

  “Don’t even fucking think to tell me what to do in my town with my club. I don’t give a fuck if you like Alex or not. You’re the one who has done the most business with him.” Tiny gripped the back of the chair, closing his eyes as Eva’s tear-filled ones stared back at him. She was pregnant again and over two months along. He was angry that he couldn’t be happy about this. Eva deserved for them both to be happy with this kind of news, and yet he was terrified.

  The ringing of his cell phone annoyed him even more. Picking it up, he answered without even checking who was calling.

  “Hello,” Tiny said.

  “What the fuck is your daughter doing phoning my son?” Devil asked.

  “Wait? What?”

  In the background he heard Lexie and Simon, who were both arguing with Devil.

  “No, I’m sorting this out. They’re kids. They shouldn’t be on the phone to each other.” Tiny didn’t wait to finish listening to Devil’s tirade. He made his way toward the bedroom where he found Tabitha curled in her mother’s lap.

  “From now on you make sure your bag is out of this room,” Tiny said, pointing a finger at Eva. “Don’t you dare call Simon again, Tabitha!”

  His voice had risen to yelling. Tabitha and Miles both looked terrified. Eva gently placed their daughter on the bed, getting to her feet. She snatched the cell phone out of his hand.

  “Devil, back the fuck off. They’re kids, and they’re best friends. You want to come between a friendship that’s fine, but don’t you ever make my man angry, and confront my daughter again.”

  Eva didn’t give him the chance to explain. She grabbed his arm and led him away from the room. She closed the door, and Tiny knew he’d fucked up. Snapping the phone closed, she handed it to him. “You really need to grow up, Tiny.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your daughter was terrified of you. So, she has a friend who happens to be Devil’s son. When you both get your head out of your asses, you’re going to see what time you’ve both wasted.” She took a step closer, getting in his space. “I’m pregnant with your kid. I’ve not had an affair or run my mouth off about the club. I won’t be afraid of you, Tiny. I’ll handle Tabitha using my phone.”

  She made to turn away from him. He grabbed her arm, dragging her back against him. Cupping her cheek, he slammed his lips down on hers. The electricity was as strong now as it was the first time they kissed. He couldn’t let her go. He didn’t want to let her go. “I love you.” He muttered the words against her lips. “I’m sorry. I’m scared of losing you. The club, we’ve got a habit of losing the people we love.”

  “I’m sorry, baby, but that’s not good enough. You’re president of the club. The boys look to you for guidance. If these fears are getting the better of you, it’s time for you to hand over the gavel.” She squeezed his hand one final time before walking away.

  Letting out a sigh, Tiny knew he had fucked up. He wished he could go back to when he had control of his shit. I’m better than this.

  Running a hand down his face, he entered the room with his kids. Taking a seat on the bed, he reached out and stroked Tabitha’s cheek. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “I love you, Daddy. I won’t call Simon again.”

  She crawled onto his lap, showing him all the love and trust in the world.

  Chapter Seven

  “That was amazing,” Sunshine said, panting for breath.

  Alex smiled, running his fingers along her dark skin. She hypnotized him in the most delightful of ways. He’d taken her virginity, washed away the evidence, and taken her again. Sliding his hand over her pussy, he pressed a finger between her lips, pushing his cum back inside her body. He’d not worn a condom, loving the feel of her naked pussy wrapped around his dick.

  “So, does this old man meet your requirements?” he asked, smiling.

  “I don’t know. You are old, so I better make sure you can keep up.” She chuckled then moaned as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, biting hard on the tip. “I take it back. You’re perfect.”

  Moving over her, he opened her thighs wider, staring down at her pretty little pussy.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “You’ve not seen nothing yet.”

  “How can you keep going?”

  Running his hands up her thighs, he gripped her dark flesh. He loved seeing their contrast, his pale peach hands, her dark skin. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. I’m making up for all of that time missed.” He opened the lips of her pussy, spreading her open. The best sight he’d ever seen was his cum spilling from her lips. His flaccid cock started to thicken at the beauty of her.

  “You’ve waited for me?”

  “All my life.”

  “Really? You don’t strike me as the kind of man who waits for anything.”

  An old memory struck Alex hard, making him pause with his hold on her.

  “Alex, what is it?”

  “Nothing, forget about it. Let’s just say that you don’t know everything about me.” He pressed his thumb to her clit, watching her arch back, screaming. “I’ve been waiting for you.” Sliding his fingers from her clit, he added a finger deep into her pussy. Turning his finger, he stroked over her g-spot, watching her start to get aroused.

  He’d not expected her to crave sex as much as he had, but she did, rivaling him in need. Her cunt was dripping with cream. The need for him to slam his cock in deep was strong.

  Pulling away, he flipped her so that she was on her knees before him. Her full curvy ass was on display for him to enjoy.

  “Alex, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to show you everything I like, and you’re going to love it.” He spread the cheeks of her ass wide staring down at the puckered hole of her anus and the teasing glint of her pussy.

  Playing with her pussy, he watched his fingers disappear inside her cunt.

  “You know I’m going to own every inch of this body. This ass, this pussy, and your mouth,” he said.

  “Yes.” She gasped the word out, moaning when he pinched her clit.

  She was so responsive to his touch. Leaving her pussy, he wrapped his cum slicked fingers around his shaft, working the length until he was fully aroused. It didn’t take long before he was ready to fuck her again and take her hard.

  Crawling a little closer, he pressed the tip to her pussy, watching as she swallowed him up, her body growing attuned to his demands.


  Gripping her hips, he slammed his dick home, and that’s exactly what it felt like to him, home. This pussy was his home. Sunshine was his woman, and no one was ever going to take her away from him, not Tiny, her parents, the club, or Preston fucking Cooper. He’d protect her from the world to keep her by his side.

  Her pussy fluttered around his dick. Growling, Alex held onto her hips tightly as the need to simply fuck her was too strong. He wouldn’t hurt her, refused to hurt her. This was about taking his time.

  “Please, fuck me, Alex.”

  Those words were his entire undoing. Holding onto her hips, he pulled out only to slam right back inside. He didn’t allow himself the chance to enjoy each little squeeze of her cunt. Alex fucked her hard, ramming in deep. Slapping her ass, he released one of her hips to wrap her hair around his fist. Tugging on the length, he rode her pussy, wishing there were mirrors so he could watch her face.

  “You’re mine, Sunshine. My woman to fuck and enjoy.” He growled the words out, overcome with a possessive need to own her. Glancing down, he watched his slick cock reappear and disappear within her pussy. Her cunt tightened down on him making it hard for him to never want to let go.

  With his hold in her hair, he released her hip, still pounding inside her, to stroke her sweet little clit. Sunshine came apart within seconds of his touching her nub, crying out.

  “Fuck, baby. I feel your tight little pussy squeezing me. You want my cum, don’t you? You want me to fill your sweet pussy with my cum.”

  “Yes, please, yes.” She screamed out each word, and not one to disappoint, Alex slammed hard and deep, spilling his cum into her waiting pussy.

  He growled, shoving more and more inside her, never wanting it to end.

  Alex collapsed over her, trying to catch his breath. He locked their fingers together, and Sunshine snuggled against him.

  “I had no idea it would be like that,” she said.

  He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. His cock was still deep inside her. Alex didn’t want to leave the pleasure of her pussy. “It’s not always like that.”

  “I can’t imagine it being anything else.” She glanced at him over her shoulder. Her fingers tightened on his hands as he held her. “What is it?” she asked.

  “Why are you even letting me fuck you?” He held her tight against him. Sunshine didn’t look away from him.

  “I don’t understand?”

  “You know the truth about the deal I made with your parents. Most women would have gone out of their way to defy the deal or fuck it up. I know women. I’ve known a lot of women. They don’t stick around cleaning a guy’s home, waiting for him to arrive. They don’t let him fuck them, and after what I put you through, you’ve got every single right to hate me.”

  “You’re right, I do, but it’s not like that.”

  “Then what is it like?” he asked.

  She released his hands, pulling away so that his flaccid cock left her with a plop as it hit his thigh. Sunshine rolled over, staring at him.

  “When I first got this job, I was so happy. I’d not had a good paying job before and especially not one so great as this. The moment I found out the truth of why I got the job and what it was all about, I was pissed off, angry. I wanted to confront my parents, confront you, run, scream, curse, hate the world in general.”

  “Why didn’t you?” She really was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  “I was intrigued. Once I got past being pissed and plotting everyone’s death, I wanted to know you. I’ve seen you around Fort Wills with The Skulls. You’ve never struck me as the kind of man who’s a biker. You wore your business suits, and I always noticed you kept a little distance between you and the club.” She licked her lips, pushing some hair back off her face. “You always looked sad. You were part of The Skulls, and yet, you weren’t. There was something more about you. I was intrigued, so I kept the job working for you. When you came to the house, you always watched me and were silent.”

  “And you always held a fucking towel. I started to think it was some kind of security blanket. You couldn’t leave home without it.”

  She laughed. “Nah, nothing like that. I held onto that towel so I wouldn’t do something stupid.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like reach out and touch you. After finding out what happened, it was hard to be angry with you. Everyone thinks you’re some kind of cold, hardened, manipulating bastard, yet when I look at you, I don’t see that at all.”

  “What do you see?” He wanted to know every part of her, what she thought, what she felt. All of it. He didn’t want to miss a moment with her.

  “I don’t know what I saw. I only knew that I wanted to be the one to put a smile back on your face. I’ve never known anyone like you, and I guess that scares me.”

  Alex smiled, yet he didn’t feel the smile. It was more of an action than a feeling.

  “There you go again,” she said.


  “You rarely smile and mean it. When was the last time you were really happy?”

  Thinking back, Alex thought about Michael. “When I found out I had a son.”

  “It’s not an entirely happy memory though. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “The club was going through a lot of shit. Cheryl, Michael’s mother, I can’t stand her. It was a mistake even being with her, and yet we made a fucking son together. It’s insane.”

  “What other moment were you truly happy?” she asked.

  It took a long time for Alex to think of what moment made him truly happy. He’d never been happy, at least not happy in a long fucking time. “Holding Tabitha and Miles. Eva had given birth, and Tiny, he was fucking happy. He was drunk with love and happiness. I don’t ever recall him being that damned happy, but he was. Tiny took me back and said to me, we may not be brothers anymore but to him, we were brothers. I never had a brother. I only ever had Patricia. She was my sister.”

  “I know who Patricia is.” She reached out, touching his cheek.

  “He told me that I was an uncle. I’ll always be an uncle to all of his kids. At first I thought he was completely insane. I’m Tate’s uncle. I’m nothing to do with Eva and Tiny’s kids.”

hen what happened?”

  “He put Tabitha and Miles in my arms.” He showed her where they were, with their heads on either side nestled against his chest. “For the first time in my life, I felt like I was part of a family. I’ll protect those babies, and I’ll protect Tiny and the club ‘til the day I die.” It was the truth that he’d never admitted to anyone else. He’d never tell anyone else the truth. “I fucked it up like I do everything. The club hates me for a fucking lot. I cost Tiny his friendship with Devil or at least, I helped create a wedge between them. I fucked up, and there’s no way to repair that kind of damage.”

  “Why not?”

  “There are some things in this world that are just not meant to be forgiven. The club, it’s not mine, and I’ve been pretending I’m part of it for a long time. When this shit with Preston Cooper dies down, I’m going to Vegas, where I belong.”


  Sunshine groaned, rolling over as her body woke up to new aches and pains from last night. Alex had been an attentive lover and hadn’t let her get any sleep until he’d taken her a fourth time. She was sore in all the right places. Thinking about Alex reminded her of their conversation the previous night. No one else saw the pain that Alex went through.


  She reached out to touch the bed beside her finding it empty. Sitting up, she became aware of daylight shining through the windows. Glancing over at the clock, she saw she’d slept in ‘til ten.

  “Shit,” she said, about to rush out of bed.

  The door opened, and she quickly pulled her blanket up to cover herself.

  Alex stood there with a breakfast tray. He was dressed in a crisp white business shirt and pressed black pants. They were the kind of clothes businessmen wore, not bikers. After their conversation last night, she couldn’t help the lump that formed in her throat.

  “Morning,” he said.

  “Morning.” Her voice sounded croaky.

  “I thought I’d make you breakfast in bed for a change.” He closed the door, giving them more privacy.

  “You did all this?”

  “Well, Adam and Fighter kept telling me what a pussy I was to be taking breakfast in bed to my woman, but I told them to fuck off.”


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