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Alex Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  Sunshine screamed as Alex pounced, slamming his fist against Adam’s face. He wasn’t done there. Alex slammed Adam into the nearest wall, punching him to the gut. Baker pulled Sunshine behind him as with another shove, Adam went crashing against the coffee table.

  “You don’t know shit about me, you little fucking prick.”

  “I know the club fucking hates you.”

  “You’ve got to make him stop,” Sunshine said, pressing her hands to her cheeks. This was a nightmare.

  Alex advanced. There was a cut down his arm, but it didn’t stop him. He wore fancy suits, put on the play that he was a businessman. What Sunshine saw was a cold, hardened killer.

  “You’ve been with the club a couple of weeks. I’ve been there fucking years. I’m there when you fuckers don’t even know I’m there.” Alex slammed another fist to Adam’s face. His nose broke, and blood spurted out.

  No longer able to take the mess, she ran in front of Alex, putting her hand around his bloody fist.

  “Stop, this is not the way.”

  She turned back to look at Adam. “We’re sorry. Last night, we didn’t think.” Holding up her hand, she showed off the wedding band. “We got married. It was impulsive and something we didn’t think to tell you.”

  “You’re Alex’s old lady?”

  Alex snorted.

  Glaring at him over her shoulder, Sunshine nodded.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” Adam spoke in garbled speech.

  Alex walked away, grabbing a card out of his wallet. “Call her. Tell her to take it out of my fee and get his nose looked at.” The card was handed to Baker.

  “Congratulations, man,” Baker said.

  “You’re the first to know.”

  “You’ve not even told Tiny.”


  “Or the club?”

  “I guess not seeing as I’ve not told anyone,” Alex said. Sunshine went to him, and he wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t see the point in telling the club I’m not going to be a member of for much longer. I know you’re voting it the moment this Preston shit is done.”

  Sunshine had come to notice his tell signs. He was hurting at what they were doing to him. There had to be something she could do for the club to see reason.


  “Don’t even fucking dare to pity me, Baker. Get the fuck out. I’ll be spending the next couple of days here with my wife. Stay the fuck out.” Alex let her go to storm toward the door. He opened it up, glaring at them. “Get the fuck out.”

  Both men walked out. Adam held his head back, trying to stop the flow of blood. When they were gone, Alex slammed the door closed.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said.

  “I’m not.” Sunshine shrugged. This was the man she married. He wouldn’t hurt her, and seeing his anger hadn’t sent her running.

  “This is not what I had planned for our night together.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve never been one to live up to expectations. I’m happy waiting for it all to come naturally. I think you took Adam by surprise though. His nose is pretty broken.”

  “I’ll pay for all the repairs.” He ran fingers through his hair.

  Untying the belt that held her robe together, she let the fabric fall to the floor.

  “Can I take your mind off what just happened?” she asked, stepping closer to him. She swayed her hips as she approached.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  She took his hand, leading him toward the bathroom.

  “You’re going the wrong way.”

  “We’re not doing anything until I clean your cut up.”

  He glanced down and cursed once again. “I didn’t even feel it.”

  “It’s okay.” She made him sit on the edge of the bathtub while she grabbed the first aid kit out of the cupboard. “This is the room where you lived?”

  “Yes. This is where I conducted a lot of business. How could you tell?”

  “It reminded me a lot of your house. You don’t make your space very personal do you?” In the house back in Fort Wills there were not any signs of pictures. It was bare of anything that showed his love of The Skulls, yet she’d seen the boxes full of photographs. She took out a sterile wipe and cleaned the small cut. It wasn’t bad, and there were no signs of glass.

  “I’ve never really settled down.”

  “You’ve lived here most of your life.”

  “After the shit went down with Claire, I couldn’t bring myself to actually settle down completely. When your home is invaded and pictures are seen by the enemy, yeah, it doesn’t exactly make you want to sit down and put your life all in one place.”

  Sunshine paused and stared down at him. “I’m going to want to settle down.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ll be happy wherever you want to settle down. Here, Fort Wills, England, Australia, wherever you go, I go.”

  “Baby, when all this shit blows over, we’re going to settle down. I promise you.”

  She smiled. “I want you to have everything your heart desired all of those years ago.” Putting the plaster on his arm, she smoothed over the sticky tape so that it stuck. “There, good as new.”

  Alex stood, cupping her cheeks. “We’re going to have a good life. I promise you.”

  “Do you want to stay in Fort Wills?”

  “It was the place I always wanted to go. If I’m voted out, I’m not staying.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Let’s not talk about the town. I’m only interested in you, baby.”

  “Okay.” She couldn’t see him hurt. There had to be something she could take to Tiny.

  Alex started moving her back toward the bedroom. “Now, I seem to recall you wanted to distract me.” He slammed his lips down on hers, taking the kiss.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, Sunshine moaned as he plundered her mouth with his tongue. His hands gripped her ass, moving down until a finger slid deep into her core.

  Breaking from the kiss, she cried out at the sudden hit of pleasure his touch created inside her. “Your pussy is all mine.”

  Pushing her hand into the front of his sweats, she gripped his cock and started to work the length of him.

  He shoved her hand away, pushing her to the bed. She fell with a little yelp.

  Sunshine watched as he pushed his sweatpants down his thighs, standing before her. He started to stroke his cock. His gaze was on her, and he didn’t look away.

  “Do you want this, baby? Do you want my dick?”

  “Yes.” He gave her everything she’d ever wanted. Alex could be dirty or loving. She got the best of both worlds.

  “Come here and get on your knees.” She walked toward him, sinking to her knees. Opening her lips, she took the tip of his cock into her mouth, sucking him down. He released a growl, pumping his hips so that he went a little deeper.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  No, she intended to be the reason he wanted to live again.


  Her mouth was perfection. Alex had never been with anyone quite like her. She made him want things that he’d given up on when he pushed Claire away. Sunshine was his answer to the life he always dreamed about. The women over the years had simply been holes for him to use in order to sate his need to fuck. Sunshine, she got under his skin, making him see the world how he originally wanted to, without all the bad shit.

  A couple of months ago, he wouldn’t have attacked Adam for questioning his loyalty to the club or his role within The Skulls. He’d grown used to being hated. The anger that he kept locked up was bursting inside him, desperate to break free and demand to be seen. Tiny, the club, all of them didn’t have the first fucking clue what he did for them. Ned Walker, he knew, which was how they’d remained friends all these years. Their animosity for each other had changed into friendship. Ned had given up the same kind of things that Alex had. He’d killed Eva’s crack-whore of a mother and refused to have any woman come into his life. Ned wouldn’t get clos
e to anyone but the men he trained to be hardened fighters in the ring. The fighters and Eva were his family, no one else.

  Stroking Sunshine’s hair, Alex forced everything out of his mind and simply focused on the woman on her knees before him. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He would do everything in his power to protect her, which meant finding Preston and destroying him.

  “That’s it, baby, take more of me inside that sweet little mouth of yours.” He groaned as she sucked him into the tight warmth of her mouth. When he hit the back of her throat, Sunshine held him there for a second before pulling away from him.

  He watched her suck his dick. Her saliva coated the shaft, making it glisten. There was no way he was going to last with watching her go down on him. Her hair spilled down her back, tempting him to touch. Every time he was near Sunshine all he wanted to do was touch her, fuck her, be with her. It was more than sex. He liked being around her. Tonight having dinner with his son had been fun. Sunshine brought the best out in him, and he didn’t want to lose that. Tapping her head, he stepped away. “Get on the bed.”

  She moved to the bed, lying down.

  He followed her, crawling between her thighs. She stopped when she was at the pillows.

  Without saying a word, he gripped his cock, pressing the tip to her pussy. He slid inside her, going to the hilt. Alex didn’t stop. He pulled out until only the tip remained. Staring into her dark brown eyes, he slammed in once again, fucking her hard.

  “I want you to get my dick nice and wet, Sunshine. Come all over my cock, and then I’m going to fuck your ass.”

  He reached between them, stroking her clit as he rode her pussy.

  “It feels so good,” she said. He pounded inside her cunt, feeling her inner walls gripping him tightly. Licking his fingers, he stroked her clit patiently waiting for her to come. He counted inside his head so he didn’t lose control.

  Tonight he’d own every inch of the woman beneath him.

  “You want me inside you, don’t you, baby?”


  “Do you want me to fuck your ass?”


  “I’m going to fill you with my cum. You’ll never think of anyone else.”

  “I don’t, Alex. I love you.”

  He knew she did. Alex was her husband, and she belonged to him.

  “Come for me.”

  Pinching her clit, Alex groaned, staying still within her as her pussy tightened around his dick. She was so tight as she came all over his cock. He stroked her until she started to shake, begging him to stop.

  He withdrew from her, moving her onto her knees. She moved into the position he wanted, presenting her ass to him. Alex slid his fingers into her pussy, bringing her cum to the puckered hole of her anus. He slicked her up with her own cum. His cock was already coated with it.

  Pressing a finger to her ass, he watched as she relaxed letting him slide inside. He stretched her with two fingers, working her ass so she would accept him.

  “I’m going to go slow, and I want you to relax to let me inside.”

  She murmured her agreement.

  He removed his fingers from her ass, and gripping his cock, he placed the tip to her stretched, puckered hole.

  Alex heard her gasp as he pushed in a little. He paused at her moan.

  “Talk to me, Sunshine.”

  “It’s … weird.”

  He chuckled. “If it’s painful and you can’t handle it, let me know.”

  Slowly, he took her ass inch by inch. Each time he pushed a little further inside her, he stopped to give her a chance to grow accustomed to him. He wasn’t a small man but a large one. This was her first time, and he wouldn’t fuck her hard.

  Gripping her hips, he continued to push inside her, and with a small thrust, he seated himself to the hilt within her ass.

  Sunshine cried out, holding her hand up. “Stop, please stop.”

  He stopped instantly. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Just stop.” She sounded breathless. Alex was about to pull out, when her hand gripped his leg. “I want to do this with you. I want you to own every inch of me, but just let me get used to it.”

  Holding still, Alex waited for her to tell him when she wanted more. Releasing her hips, he started to caress her ass, spreading her cheeks wide then letting them go. He didn’t know how much time had passed, only that Sunshine started to move on his cock. Alex stayed still, waiting for her to take the lead.


  “Yeah, baby.”

  “You can move now.”

  He withdrew from her ass, taking his time so that she could tell him to stop. When only the tip remained within her ass, he started to work inside.

  Sunshine groaned.

  “What is it?”

  “It feels good. Weird, but good.”

  “Have you seen this before?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ve seen it.”

  “Have you watched a lot of porn?”


  Alex leaned down, pressing a kiss down on her neck. He took his time, making love to her ass so that she grew to love it as much as he did. With time, she started to fuck back against his cock. He held onto her hips so she didn’t hurt herself.

  “Play with your clit.”

  Her hand moved to her clit, and Alex waited for her to squeeze his cock as she came. Alex followed her into orgasm, filling her ass with his cum.

  When it was over, he pulled out of her ass, lifting her up.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “This was your first time being fucked there. I’m going to run a bath so you’re not too sore.”

  “You’re actually a really sweet guy. How on earth did you get people to hate you?” she asked.

  Alex stared at her. “I’m only nice to the people I like.”

  He filled the bathtub with salts and warm water. Sunshine would always be different, and he’d make sure he protected her from the worst sins of his past.


  Rose stood at her bedroom window watching as Hardy put his jacket on, making his way out into the snow to the bike parked near her home. Ever since his last visit after Christmas, they’d fucked every chance they got. Had he signed the divorce papers yet? She shouldn’t be sleeping with him or giving him false hope. When it came to Hardy she’d always been weak.

  Leaving the bedroom, she found Fighter sitting in the kitchen.

  Her cheeks heated as he stared back at her.

  Not saying anything to him, she moved to the coffeepot.

  “You’re leading him on,” Fighter said.

  “He knows what this is.”

  “Really? I’ve not seen Hardy that happy before. I’ve not been part of the club a long time, but I see a difference in him.”

  “You don’t know our past. Don’t pretend to think you understand.” Her hands started to shake. It was hard for her to pour out the coffee.

  “I know he cheated on you. I also know it was a long time ago and you’re only now bringing it up. You’ve got to make a choice, Rose.”

  Turning to face him, she glared back. “What choice? What do I have to do?”

  “Either forgive him and put all this divorce crap aside, or let him go. You’re stringing him along for sex. No one deserves that, no matter what’s happened before. Hardy’s in love with you. Be kind and make your fucking mind up.”

  Fighter stood, moving away from the kitchen. As much as it killed her to admit, Fighter was right. She was using Hardy. There were times she wanted to kick him to the curb, then others when she couldn’t imagine life without him. She was so lonely.

  Leaving the coffee machine, she walked back upstairs. Staring at the rumpled sheets, heat spilled inside her pussy. Hardy’s cum was leaking down her leg, and she pressed her hand to her face. It was time for her to move on once and for all.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sunshine opened her eyes on the start of her new life as a married woman and groaned.
Last night she’d spent the entire night with Alex making love to her. They’d not gotten to sleep until three, and as she glanced over at the clock, she saw it was a little after seven. It wasn’t enough sleep for anyone.

  Groaning, she pressed a hand to her head. The banging wasn’t coming from inside her head, but from the hotel door.

  “Alex,” she said.

  “What is it, baby? Do you need me again?” His hand landed on top of her pussy, and much to her shame, she responded by thrusting up.

  The banging brought her back down to earth.

  “No, we can’t do this. We need to see who’s at the door,” she said.

  “Huh?” Alex lifted his head, listening. “For fuck’s sake. Don’t we ever get a fucking break? Even when I’m married they’re trying to destroy me.”

  Sunshine giggled as he dragged his ass out of bed. She climbed out, grabbing the robe that was on the floor.

  “What is it?” Alex asked.

  Walking through to the sitting room she saw Baker enter along with Adam. Both men had a bag each. “We’ve got to get back to Fort Wills,” Baker said.

  “What? Why?”

  “Last night Ned was walking Tabitha back to the clubhouse. He was attacked.”

  Sunshine gasped, seeing Alex’s mouth drop open in shock. “Fuck, is Ned okay?”

  “It’s not Ned we’re worried about. A couple of guys grabbed him, started attacking him, beating him. Tabitha tried to stop them. Someone threw her off them, and she hit her head against a concrete wall. She’s in the hospital and hasn’t woken up yet.”

  Alex went pale, deathly pale. The whole room went silent. The happiness of a few moments ago disappeared.

  “Tabitha, the little girl?”

  “Yes. She’s in the hospital right now.”

  Alex held his hand up. “I need to go, and I need to—” He moved past Sunshine, going to the bathroom. She stepped into the room, closing the door as he threw up into the toilet. Tears filled her eyes watching him come apart.

  Stepping close, she ran her fingers through his hair. “I’m so sorry, Alex.”

  “That little girl, she doesn’t deserve this. She’s sweet and—fuck.” He got up from the toilet, flushing the chain. She took a step back from the man she loved. He was like a caged lion. Alex washed his teeth, staring at his reflection. “He’s just made the biggest mistake of all.”


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