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Alex Page 19

by Sam Crescent

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is fine. I just want to get home, and be with you.”

  They made their way down to where Ned was waiting for them. He was waiting in the car with the motor running.

  “Was that Tiny I just saw?” Ned asked.

  “Yeah, he just came to tell me what was happening today.” Alex closed the door, resting his head on his hand.

  “What’s happening today?” Sunshine asked, leaning over the back of his chair.

  “Nothing, baby, you don’t have to worry about it.” He tapped her hand, smiling at her in the car window.

  Alex rubbed at his temple, hating the empty hole that had started up in his chest from Tiny’s visit. They were not even waiting for him to be present in the clubhouse.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I will be.”

  The drive to his house was a short one. Alex didn’t feel any happier about what was happening in the clubhouse. His entire life’s work was about to be taken away from him with the voting of a bunch of men around a large table.

  Ned pulled up outside of his house.

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” Sunshine asked, following him out of the car.

  “I’ve just, I’ve got to do something.” He didn’t give her the chance to stop him as he walked into his home, going upstairs to the attic. With his arm bound up, it was hard for him to move around freely. Sunshine joined him in the attic.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s time I burned this shit.”

  He shoved aside the boxes that had no meaning to him. Kicking them out of the way, he tried to pick up the box full of memories, full of the time he’d believed he was helping The Skulls.

  All of it, taken away because they didn’t know the truth.

  No, he didn’t wear a patch as he didn’t fucking need one. The Skulls was in his blood, it was beneath his skin. He did everything he could to keep the town of Fort Wills alive.

  “I need this gone,” he said, looking toward Sunshine. “It has to go.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of it.” She took the box from him. “I promise, I’ll take care of it.”

  Alex watched her leave, carrying down the box. Collapsing on the attic floor, he hung his head in shame for everything that had happened over the years.

  Rubbing a hand down his face, he stared straight ahead, recalling a conversation with Patricia.


  Twenty-five years ago

  “All he does is screw women, Alex. He’s a fucking monster.”

  Alex closed his eyes, listening as his sister started to go on and on about everything Tiny did wrong. Tate was on his lap, gurgling. She hadn’t even been weaned off the bottle yet. His sister refused to breast-feed.

  “Are you even listening to me?”

  “What do you want me to say, Pat?” He stared down into Tate’s beautiful eyes. “You’re married to him. You wanted this.”

  “Yeah, well, now I don’t. He doesn’t respect or care about me. I can’t stand this. I need it all to end now. I’ve had enough of being mistreated.”

  Holding Tate close, Alex clung to the little girl like a lifeline. He’d always wanted children, sweet children that he could devote his life to. Claire was gone. The woman he loved had run away at the first opportunity to get away from him. He couldn’t blame her. Alex hadn’t fought for her. The moment he saw the real danger, he’d sent her away.

  Claire, a family, hope, love, it was all gone. Now he was sat listening to his sister bitch and moan because she couldn’t get Tiny to stop fucking other women. Fort Wills was finally on its feet. Their enemies wouldn’t even dream of touching the town. Alex saw to that.

  “He doesn’t come home, not even for me or Tate. I want out. I want you to find a way of bringing adultery to the case.”

  “I’m not going to help you divorce Tiny. I’m not going to do it. This is what you wanted from me, Pat. You begged me to let you be with Tiny. I warned you, and this is what you’re doing?”

  “What kind of brother are you?”

  “I’m the kind of brother who gave up his own fucking dream so you could live yours, you ungrateful bitch. I really don’t know what Tiny sees in you.” He glared down at her, hating the very sight of her.

  Patricia laughed. “Do you really think Tiny’ll be grateful to you? He doesn’t even know you exist. You’re an idiot, Alex. The moment Tiny came into your life, you should have walked the other way. You’re involved now, and there’s no stopping it.”


  Alex came out of the memory with tears filling his eyes. His sister had been a complete bitch, and now, he hated the fact that it looked like she was right about everything.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I need you to take me to the clubhouse,” Sunshine said, carrying out the box that Alex wanted to be rid of.

  “What are you trying to do?” Ned asked.

  “I’m trying to give my husband everything he wants. The club, it doesn’t have a right pushing him out. He’s the very essence of that club.”

  “Sunshine, you’re not part of the club.”

  “I know, but Alex is. It’s time they had their eyes opened to exactly the kind of man he is.” She climbed back inside the car, already growing tired of being in metal cans, driving everywhere.

  Letting out a breath, she pressed the button to open her window a little bit. Her pregnancy wasn’t settling well with her right now. She was getting ill at the smallest thing. Ned sat behind the wheel, glancing over at her.

  “Are you really sure about this?” he asked.

  “I’m sure. Do you think Tiny should vote him out?” She stared back at the older man.

  “No, I don’t. He’s an asshole at times, but I happen to like him. Alex, I mean. He can be an asshole, but that’s it.”

  She chuckled. “Take me to the clubhouse, Ned. I need to do this for him.”

  Ned pulled out of the driveway, following the road toward the clubhouse. “You really do love him, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I really do.”

  She placed a hand over her stomach thinking about the life she had growing inside her. It was part of her and Alex. A beautiful child they were growing together.

  “You may not get into the church where it’s all taking place.”

  “Ned, just get me to the clubhouse. I really don’t care about anything else.”

  Staring out of the window, her heart beating wildly, Sunshine held the box close to her chest. This was what people did for the men they love. Alex, he needed someone who was prepared to stand up and fight for him. From what she learned over the last couple of days, everyone had turned their back on Alex, letting him deal with the problems.

  The Skulls, they were his family. He was the father they didn’t know about. The man who made sure there was money and support. She pushed some hair off her face, and her heart rate didn’t slow down as they arrived inside the compound.

  The sight of all the bikes didn’t ease the tension. The mechanics shop was set up with several cars jacked up in the lot.

  “Are you sure about this?” Ned asked.

  “Oh, I’m sure all right. I’m not going to let any of them get away with hurting my man and casting him out.” She climbed out of the car, holding the box close to her chest.

  Letting out a breath, she walked up to the clubhouse. Several of the women stopped to look at her. The prospects that were not full members were sitting out in the main part of the club.

  Adam, Baker, and Fighter she recognized.

  “What are you doing here?” Adam asked.

  “Where’s church?” She held her head high. No one was going to make her stop what she was doing.

  Adam glanced toward the first door on the far wall. “I don’t know.”

  “I don’t need you to know.” She headed in that direction, determined to make the club see sense. Without knocking, she opened the door. “Gentlemen, am I interrupting? I hope I’m interrupting.” She ki
cked the door closed, smiling at all the men. Wow, it was a room filled with sexy men. Sunshine paused as she took in the sight of all the men. It really was amazing, leather, muscles, gorgeousness. Still, none of them matched up to her man, Alex.

  “You’re not a member, Sunshine. You need to leave,” Tiny said.

  “Actually, I don’t need to leave as I’ve got a little issue with all of you. It’s not a little issue. It’s a big issue. A huge one.” She moved to Tiny’s side, staring at him. Dropping the box on the table, she opened it up, and started to take out everything Alex had sacrificed for the club. “You’re about to vote out a man who is better and more devoted than any of you to this club.”

  Nash snorted. “Please, honey, you’re fucking him so you’re bound to see a good side to him.”

  “First, I resent that, and second, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  Alex had wanted to throw the box in the trash. Upending the whole of the box, she tossed it away. Out spilled all of Alex’s dreams and documents that were associated with the club.

  “The man you all hate, the man you’re planning on voting out today, is the very reason you’re sitting at this goddamned table. I can’t even believe none of you see it. Alex had dreams. He had ambitions that didn’t include The Skulls or Fort Wills. He loved this little town. Loved it so much that he ended his dreams.” She tossed the file of his perfect home down for all to see. Next, she pulled out the documents for the club, the money he’d invested.

  “Do you have any idea the lengths he has gone to just to make sure this town is yours?” She stared at each man in turn. They were all looking at the stuff that Alex had tried to throw away. The photo album with Claire, Tiny, and Patricia was also there. “You went to him with a plan of keeping Fort Wills alive and safe. He wanted that for you. Patricia, his sister, she fell in love with you. He was doing everything he could to protect his little sister.” She bit her lip as Tiny leaned forward to snag a piece of paper. It was the deeds to Tiny’s house. “He made sure you were taken care of, Tiny. Alex has always been there for each and every one of you. Your hospital bills, the repairs, he’s even got a blackmail list on agents working for the cops to keep away from you. The guy you all despise because he doesn’t ride with the crowd or wear a damned leather jacket. Alex is devoted and loyal. He doesn’t wear that shit because The Skulls, it’s in his veins. This club is his life’s work.” She stopped talking as tears sprang to her eyes. “Don’t vote him out just because you don’t get him or understand him. Vote him out because he has turned his back on the club, gotten you killed, or even yet, ratted on you. Alex, he’s not done any of those things.”

  Ned burst through the door.

  “He can agree with everything I’ve told you. Ned knows the truth.”

  “Alex loves the club,” Ned said. “It’s his life, and the only reason he stayed in Vegas was to make sure you guys were never a target. He put a target on his own back, not the club’s.”

  “I’m going to leave now. I thought you should all know the truth.” She nodded at each of them before making her way out of the club. Climbing back into the car, she let out a breath. Minutes passed before Ned joined her. “Back home please.”

  “I hope Alex realizes what a lucky guy he is?”

  “He knows.”

  “Good. If he didn’t, I’d have to kick his ass.”

  She chuckled.


  “Did you know about this?” Lash asked, pointing at the pile of stuff Sunshine had just upended on the whole table.

  Tiny’s world had turned upside down, and no one knew why. He’d gone to Alex all of those years ago because he’d known, he’d help.

  Looking through everything, tears filled Tiny’s eyes.

  “I can’t do this. I can’t vote on Alex. You want him to leave, then you can cast him out. I won’t vote,” Tiny said.

  “All of this is true?” Whizz asked.

  “Alex never put up a fight. He’s always been loyal. I had no idea what he’d … God, he was always there.” Tiny sat back, rubbing a finger over his lip. Guilt hit him hard. The whole week he’d been in the hospital Tiny hadn’t visited him. Tabitha wanted to visit him, and he wouldn’t let her. He was a horrible father. “I can’t do this anymore,” he said. Alex was right. His judgment with having a family had changed him. The man he’d been when he started The Skulls was not the same man now sitting at this table. “It has been an honor serving with you all but I’m done.” Tiny stood up, removing his leather jacket. The patch that identified him as president was stitched on. Patricia had stitched it onto his jacket years ago. It was time for it to be elsewhere.

  “Tiny, what are you doing?” Lash asked.

  “It’s time. I should have done this a couple of months back, but I didn’t.” Tugging the patch off, he stared around the room. “We already voted this, and now I’m handing the gavel to you, Lash.”

  “Wait, this was supposed to take a couple of years.”

  “Eva’s pregnant again. I ruined our alliance with Chaos Bleeds. Alex is right. I make poor decisions when I’m under stress. I’m now acting in the best interests of the club. This is not me, Lash. It’s time. You’re ready, and I’m not leaving the club. I’m simply handing it over to you.”

  He held out the Prez patch. Lash stared at it for several seconds, refusing to take it.

  “You’ve got to take it, Lash,” Whizz said.




  All around the table, their members all agreed. Tiny nodded at each and every one of them. Lash took the patch, and Tiny felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “You’re going to do great things for the club. I’m proud of you.” He moved around the table, pulling Lash in for a hug. Tiny had no idea that all of those years ago when he took Lash and Nash in when their parents were killed that he’d be looking at Lash like a son. In time Miles might step up to take over the club, but for the mean time, Lash was the perfect candidate for the patch.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “You’ve got to believe it.” Slapping his arm, Tiny turned toward the door. “My only request to you all, don’t vote Alex out.”

  “Wait,” Lash said, moving toward the head of the table. Tiny stayed by the door watching the next generation or as close to the next generation sit at the table. If Mikey was here, he’d be so proud. Lash blew out a breath as he lowered himself into the seat. Tiny recalled doing the same thing. The Skulls was in his blood just like it was in Alex’s. So many mistakes but it wasn’t too late to undo some of them. “All who vote in keeping Alex in the club, raise your hand.”

  Tiny looked around the table as each and every member held their hand up.

  “Then it’s voted. Alex will remain a member of The Skulls.”

  “Well done, Lash.”

  “Wait, Tiny. You may no longer be Prez, but you’re still a vote,” Lash said.

  Laughing, Tiny took Lash’s seat, sitting back and watching everything unfold.

  “Moving to vote in Baker, Fighter, and Ink? They’ve been here the longest, and I still want to see how the other three turn out.” Lash’s hands held onto the table tightly. Tiny knew exactly what he was going through. He went through it himself every time he sat at that table. It never went away or stopped being hard.

  He’d be here for Lash to give him the support he needed. The most important for Tiny, he’d be there for his family and that included Alex.


  Alex stared at the doorway. Sunshine smiled back at him. She rested against the wall of the kitchen.

  “You went to the club,” he said.

  He’d left the attic over half an hour ago to find the house empty.

  “I went to the club.”

  “You didn’t need to go.”

  “Yes, I did. Someone needs to stand up for you, and if it’s not going to be the club or Tiny, it’s going to be me.” She closed the distance
between them, running her hands up the front of his shirt. “I love you, Alex. I love you with all my heart, and I love the baby we’ve made together.”

  He cupped her cheek, loving her all the more. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “If I don’t who will? You’ve lived alone only ever depending on yourself. If you’re going to be with me—”


  “Then you’re going to have to learn that I’ve got your back and I’ll always have your back. Nothing is going to change the way I feel about you. I love you, Alex.”

  “I suppose I could get used to having someone watch my back.”

  “Not just anyone, me.”

  Sunshine smiled, and his whole world brightened.

  “What am I going to do with you, Sunshine?”

  “Well I was thinking we could spend the next fifty years married together. I know you’re a little older than me, but when your package doesn’t work anymore, I’m sure you’ll have found other ways to satisfy your woman.”

  “I’ve heard blue pills work just as well,” he said, smiling.

  She scrunched up her nose. “Sounds interesting.”

  Alex slammed his lips down on hers. Lifting her arms above her head, locking them together, he claimed her mouth, moaning as she pressed her body against his.

  “Please, Alex, don’t torture me like this,” she said, breaking the kiss.

  “You want my cock, baby?”

  “You know I do.”

  Pushing her jeans down, Alex released his cock from the confines of his. Lifting her up, he rested her against the wall and his body. Finding her entrance, he slammed inside going deep within her silken walls. Both of them cried out together.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so wet and tight.”

  “It’s what you do to me. Only you, Alex.”

  Moving inside her, Alex connected with her in the most primal of ways. Sunshine was his woman, the mother of his unborn child. He loved her with all of his heart. Making love to her against the wall, he kept her lips locked with his, thrusting inside her pussy to match the rhythm of their beating hearts. Deep inside Sunshine he didn’t care about The Skulls or his place within the biker world. The only thing he cared about was the love of his woman.


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