Sacrifice of Mercy

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Sacrifice of Mercy Page 23

by Shannon Dermott

  “What orders and who?”

  “Who doesn’t matter. She’s being used. She struck a bargain, and although it didn’t pay off in her favor, she’s still responsible for the debt. You have the power to take her soul and free her burden. If you don’t, she’ll keep coming until she kills you.”

  “Why are you helping me?”

  I still didn’t get it. I’d stabbed him and sent him to hell. I didn’t feel like I deserved his help.

  He stopped us in the middle of the hall and turned to face me. “Like the other two, I feel bound to you, protective of you. You’re a succubus, created to be every guy’s fantasy.” His eyes fell to my chest before meeting mine again. “I say they were successful. You’re also intriguing. You go against your nature, your true instincts. You control the urges that exist inside you. You’re like me in a lot of ways.”

  His hand went in my hair and for a second, I thought he might try to kiss me. He stared at me with his vacant blue eyes.

  “You don’t love me.”

  “No,” he said. “I’m incapable of that.”

  “Really, what about Rune?”

  I saw it. His jaw tightened.

  “He’s a friend with misplaced feelings.”

  “Okay, so maybe you’re not into him that way. But you care about his well-being.”

  His hand dropped away. “He’s human.”

  “Which makes him more vulnerable than ever.”

  “He’s not my problem.”

  “So that’s it?” I glared at him. “He’s your friend. He’s lost in this world and probably has enemies or something. He knows about our world, yet he’s not a part of it anymore.”

  “You’re the only one I’m allowed to care about.”

  His words were final as he disappeared around a corner.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The rest of the day went by too slowly. I chewed on Sebastian’s words as I got the books I needed for homework out of my locker. Schoolwork just felt so foreign.

  “Hey, Butterfly.”

  Flynn rested his arm on the locker beside me and leaned in as if to kiss me.

  “Not here.”

  He sighed but quickly sprouted a smirk. “Later, in your room?” I rolled my eyes, which only made him chuckle. “Speed it up, I have to get you home.”

  “McAllister, you coming to practice?”

  I glanced over to see two guys from the baseball team. Flynn shook his head.

  “Yes, he’ll be there,” I said, answering for him.

  Flynn glared at me. But the two guys who had asked gave us a thumbs up.

  “Why’d you say that? I’m driving you home and to your room.” His brows lifted suggestively.

  “No, you are going to practice and enjoy being you. I can catch a ride with Maggie or take the bus.”

  Flynn stepped in closer as if to tell me a secret. His hand landed on my hip and gripped me in a way that sent tingles up my spine. “No girlfriend of mine is riding the bus when I can take her home.”


  He shrugged. “Girlfriend, Wife, Lifelong Mate, call it what you want. We’re stuck with each other.”

  His head dipped, and I leaned back. “I thought we said no kissing at school.” He straightened and eyed the ceiling as if it could grant him patience. I shooed him away. “Now go to practice, I can take care of myself.” Maggie came bouncing over. “Can you give me a ride home so Mr. Overbearing can go to practice?”

  She nodded.

  “Fine,” then he patted my bottom. “Later then.”

  “Wow,” Maggie said with an arched eyebrow. “PDAs between the two of you.”

  I glanced around. Had Luke been watching?

  “What are you looking for?”

  I shook my head not wanting to bring up Luke. I didn’t want to lose him forever. He couldn’t be a part of our world, not like he used to.

  As I finished getting what I needed from my locker, I said absently, “One thing I didn’t miss was homework.”

  “You and me both.”

  “Ready?” I asked when my backpack was loaded.

  She paused. “Actually, no. I forgot my math book. Meet me at my car.”

  I watched her over my shoulder race back towards her locker before she rounded a corner. When I faced forward, my path was blocked. I glanced up and found Paul standing there. We hadn’t exactly talked in ages.

  “Hey,” I said softly, taking in his features. He looked older, and he was certainly growing cuter. He would be a hit next year on a college campus somewhere. That bothered me. I didn’t know for sure where he would be attending school.

  As we studied each other, his lips pinched making my smile falter. I guessed he hadn’t exactly intended on running into me. A split second later, a half smile bloomed on his lips.

  “Hey, Mercy. How’s everything?”

  His comment might have seemed random, especially from a guy that had sworn me off. But, he knew of my world.

  So, I put a lot more emphasis on the word, “Fine,” as it left my lips.

  He knew me far better. “I’m really sorry about Luke.” His hug surrounded me before I could react. “I came by a few times, but you weren’t home.”

  There was a time I might have shared everything with him. Things, however, had changed. He’d gotten invested in my crazy life and almost died, twice. I wouldn’t allow that to happen again. Especially since, he’d made it out like I hoped Maggie eventually would.

  “Needed to get away from everything you know?” I glanced up hoping he wouldn’t question the validity of my statement.


  I thought about the word and what it meant or didn’t mean if taken literal. I had a hard time with the impossibility of comprehending Luke’s death. “Exactly.”

  “Only you would know an ancient philosopher’s word we discussed in my AP English class.”

  I shrugged. Just because he was a year ahead of me didn’t mean I wasn’t well read. I didn’t say it though, and he noticed our usual banter hadn’t resulted from his comment.

  He nodded. “I know things are weird between us. But, I still consider you my friend. If you ever need anything, just let me know.”

  Gray eyes so familiar held onto mine as if to say more.


  Then it did get strange. We stood in uncomfortable silence for a minute before I finally said, “I should get going.”

  He only nodded as I walked around him. For the first time, I realized I didn’t need him like I used to. While I still liked him as a person, his absence from my life didn’t cause me the distress it would have months ago. He was a chapter that had closed, and it was okay.

  Maggie caught up with me. “I thought you’d be outside by now.”

  “I talked to Paul.”

  She stopped before pushing the doors open. “What? Really?”

  “No, it’s fine. He told me he was sorry about Luke.”

  “Oh. He doesn’t know?”

  I shook my head before met her eye. “And he won’t.” I held her gaze until she non-verbally agreed. “But it’s cool. We’re never going to be best friends again or anything, but we’re not enemies. And it’s fine.”

  Thrusting the door open, I stepped out into the sun, only to raise my arm to block the rays.

  We began to walk, and Maggie asked, “So, a fight with Nina, huh?”

  Just like that, all thoughts of Paul were gone.

  “She was asking for it.” I lifted my hand to show her my bruised knuckles.

  Maggie stopped, and Amanda stood there blocking our path. Great.

  “Let me give you some advice,” Amanda offered.

  I said nothing because she was going to have her say no matter what.

  “Flynn’s not like Paul and Luke. I know you have a history of taking guys that don’t belong to you. But Flynn will be your payback. He’ll dump you just like he’s done with the rest of us. You’re better off cutting your losses before you let him break yo
ur heart.”

  Amanda having announced her words like she had a megaphone to her mouth marched off with some of the other cheerleaders with her. It was Amber who followed in step with her that disturbed me most. All the lives I’d ruined.

  “Ignore her. Anyway, do you need to be home right away?”

  I wanted to overlook what she’d said, but her words hit too close to home. “No why?”

  I had to all but stop myself from running to Maggie’s car so no one else would offer me advice.

  “I want to stop by home first. Liam said he was coming by again today. I didn’t get to talk to him with Brent’s stalking the other night. And Tom said he planned to get Brent to practice after school.”

  “It’s fine. I’m not in a hurry to get home to Mia.”

  I hadn’t meant to sound petulant. However, Amanda had ruined my mood.

  “How long is she staying with you guys?”

  I let my head fall forward. “I have no idea. Who knows? David might enroll her in school.”

  My best friend obviously ignored my distress.

  “She seemed nice.”

  “Yes, there’s that. But, the last thing I need is another girl who’s pissed because I’ve got the guy she thinks she’s entitled to."

  She unlocked her car, and I got in tossing my bag on the back seat next to hers.

  “Another Nina?” she asked, as she drove out of the lot and headed to her house.

  “Exactly, but I don’t think Mia’s in the kill me stage yet.”

  She laughed.

  “I think you should just avoid girls with an A at the end of their name. Like Amanda.”

  I felt more and more depressed, barely listening to her drone in about the latest gossip. My thoughts circled back to Paul and Amber, even Nina as I considered Amanda’s words to me. I hadn’t intentionally ruined anyone's life, yet since Luke, I’ve been reminded how much of a role I’d played in the destruction of hearts, minds, and spirits.

  Maggie pulled to a stop in front of her house. I glanced up at it. It’d been forever since I’d last seen it. We walked up, and Maggie let us in.

  “Liam, are you here?” Maggie called. We’d seen his car parked out front. The house, however, was silent. “Maybe he’s out back.”

  I found myself lagging behind as I couldn’t put my finger on why I had a peculiar feeling in my gut. Maggie pushed through the back door and stepped outside.

  A sudden chill crept over me, and I shivered. I glanced up at the stairs but saw nothing. I moved to follow Maggie when the temperature in the room dramatically changed. A crackling noise caught my attention, and I glanced down. I slipped even though I hadn’t moved. Ice crept forward and rushed up the door.

  My feet felt frozen, and it took a few seconds for me to free myself and step off the icy path, and into the sunken living room where the carpet remained free of the frozen stuff. I glanced up and watched as Morgana descended the stairs.

  A banging at the door had me glancing at it.

  “Mercy, I think I got locked out.” Maggie’s voice was muffled coming through the door.

  I took steps in that direction.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  “Mercy, let—” Maggie’s voice cut off mid-sentence, and I knew it wasn’t by her choice.

  “What did you do?” I asked continuing my path.

  “I put her on ice so that we can talk. She’s fine for now. If you touch that frozen door, you will be in the same condition. And what incentive will I have to free you both, especially if I can’t get the answers I want.”

  My steps faltered because I couldn’t let Maggie be harmed because of me.

  “What do you want Morgana?”

  The ice princess shook her head. I had a moment to study her. She looked different in regular clothes not covered in lavished ball gowns. Jeans and a tank gave her a human look. Her hair was also different. It was cut to just below her shoulders. The unnatural white looked hip and purposefully done in a cool sort of way.

  “It’s Morgan.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes, but stopped myself. She was holding Maggie prisoner and possibly Liam and whoever else might have been home.

  “I want you to give me the scepter.”

  My features remained smoothed as I didn’t answer her.

  “Don’t play games, Mercy. Mother sent me here to gain leverage on you. Imagine my surprise when I couldn’t get through the portal home to give a report. Then I find you here back here. I think how could she be here, and the portal’s closed? Mother would never have let you leave willingly. Which means, somehow got your hands on the only means of shutting Fairy closed from the earthly realm.”

  “I don’t have it. Besides, how are you even here?”

  She stepped closer, but never once left the trail of ice that she’d created.

  “You’re a clever girl, Mercy. I mean how else do you put a spell on all these boys. I went to your high school, and being that you are a succubus…” She eyed me after saying the words. “I wasn’t surprised to find talk of you in the boys’ locker room, as you humans call it.”

  Hearing that I was the talk of boys at school wasn’t something I wished to know about.

  “And then when I followed the information trail to this house, I found Liam. And I have to tell you, getting registered in high school isn’t easy without paperwork. However, going to class on a college campus is easy as pie. Poor Liam had rather interesting thoughts about you. He wants you, but you’re too young. He’s biding his time until he met me. Don’t you think he’ll make a wonderful consort? Tristrom’s dad is getting far too old for the job.”

  Rage was like a cannon ball that shot out of my mouth when I said, “Don’t you touch him.”

  “That depends on you. Bring me the scepter.”

  I responded quickly because I would do whatever it took to keep Maggie and her family safe. “When? Where?”

  “I’m sure you found my gift. Let’s meet there. Same time tomorrow. You have twenty-four human hours. And say nothing to Liam and his sister or I’ll be forced to dispose of them.”

  She spun on her heels and headed back upstairs. The ice receded with her. The door opened and banged against the wall.

  “What happened?”

  Maggie stared at me wide-eyed.

  I shrugged. “I think the door was stuck. You got it open before I could reach it.”

  Liam padded downstairs with Morgan in tow.

  Maggie stepped over to stand next to me. “Hi, I’m Maggie and this is my friend Mercy.”

  Morgana waved shyly, and it took Herculean strength not to roll my eyes.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Maggie dropped me off at home and didn’t hang out because her mother complained she hadn’t seen her daughter enough in the last several weeks. I couldn’t disagree because she had gone with us to Ireland.

  David and Mom weren’t home when I walk in. I heard talking downstairs, but I didn’t go speak to them, which was rude. However, I really needed some alone time. I had to trust Morgana wouldn’t do anything to hurt Maggie’s family until at least tomorrow.

  I set my bag down in the living room and headed for the kitchen. It was familiar even though we hadn’t lived there for a while. I was chopping vegetables when Mia came upstairs.


  I glanced up and used my forearm to push back hair that had come free of the clip I’d used to hold it away from my face.

  “Hey.” I tried to sound pleasant. Mia wasn’t a bad person, and she hadn’t been the one that had instigated her being with us. I couldn’t fault her.

  “Wow. You really cook from scratch.”

  “I do,” I said concentrating on not cutting my fingers as I chopped carrots.

  “What are you making?”

  There was a roast in the refrigerator, which was a clue what Mom or David wanted for dinner.

  “Pot roast with sautéed vegetables and potatoes.”

  “That’s pretty impressiv
e. I can’t cook anything. Did your mom teach you?”

  I laughed. “Not exactly. But, she was the reason why I learned. Mom isn’t so good in the kitchen, and I learned at a young age if I planned to eat meals better than the school lunches, I would have to teach myself.”


  I shrugged. “Mostly cooking shows, then YouTube videos. Now I wing it.”

  “When did you start?”

  “I think I was about eight.”


  “Yep. Do you want to help?”

  When she said nothing, I glanced up. She had a tight smile showing teeth and knew she was begging off that idea.

  “It’s okay. Has David talked to your father?”

  Her expression changed, and I wanted to ask what her life had been like, but it was none of my business.

  “He has. Dad told him that I was his to do with.”

  My mouth dropped, and I kept my eyes downcast, so she wouldn’t see.

  “I think David is going to send me to a boarding school.”

  “Oh,” That was surprising. “I bet I know which one. Sebastian took me to one the other day when we came back with those two guys.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Keller and Hudson?”

  I nodded. “It’s a school with supernaturals that are part human too. The campus seemed nice. I wasn’t there long enough to see everything, but it was impressive.”

  “Good to know.” She was quiet for a second. “This may sound wrong, but I mean it in the best possible way.”

  “Okay,” I said a little weary by her ominous statement.

  “Flynn is the greatest guy I know. He could have been a big douche during the annual meetings. All the girls chasing him, but he’s very nice. He acts cocky, but he’s a softy where it counts. You seem like you have your pick of guys. Don’t break his heart.”

  I stopped mostly because I was done and needed to wash the potatoes before I cut them up. “I appreciate you looking out for Flynn. But, you have nothing to worry about. I love him, and I would never do anything to hurt him.”

  Our situation was complicated. However, well-meaning or not, it wasn’t any of her business. Flynn and I were tied together for life, whether we wanted it. There was nothing she could offer him or do for him to get him out of it.


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