Seti's Heart

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Seti's Heart Page 7

by Kiernan Kelly

  Suddenly the water in the fish tank began to bubble, then swirl, rising out of the tank in a twisting waterspout. The fish, along with a plastic castle and a few fake corals, spun dizzyingly in the watery funnel as it rose a full five feet into the air above the tank.

  With a splash, the funnel collapsed back into the tank, water sloshing over the sides onto the floor. The fish teetered in the water before slowly beginning to swim again.

  “Holy shit!” Jason cried, jumping up. He ran across the living room to the tank. With obvious fascination, he examined it from all angles. “How the fuck did you do that?”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Jason. He’s an Egyptian king—and evidently a sorcerer—who was cursed and mummified five thousand years ago. His sentence was up as of today, and he’s rejuvenated,” Logan said tiredly. He looked up at Seti. “Thanks, Seti. That was perfect.”

  Seti grunted, but there was a strained look in his eyes.

  “Did that hurt you, Seti?” Logan asked, suddenly concerned. He hadn’t thought whether or not it was painful for Seti to use his magic.

  “No. I am just weak,” Seti replied. “It will pass.”

  “Okay. Okay,” Jason mumbled, coming back into the kitchen and taking his seat. He watched Seti with wide eyes, as if he were awestruck and waiting for Seti’s next impressive trick. “That was fucking awesome! Have you thought about doing Vegas?”

  “Yeah, he’s the next David Copperfield,” Logan said dryly, refilling his glass for the third time. The vodka was going down smoother now, and his head was starting to buzz pleasantly. “Our problem, in case you were wondering, is that Perry knew about Seti. He had him squirreled away in a locked room.”

  “Why? What good would that do the museum?” Jason asked. “If he’s authentic—”

  “He is. He’s the real deal, Jason,” Logan repeated tiredly.

  “If he is authentic,” Jason continued stubbornly, “then why not have him on display?”

  “I don’t think the museum knew about Seti. His sarcophagus looked as if it were made of pure gold. I figure Perry was counting on selling it on the black market when he retires at the end of the year. Since I was the last one in the dungeon, Perry must think I broke into the sarcophagus and stole the mummy. He’s already sent a couple of security guards out after us.” Logan cast a sideways look at Seti. “We had a little trouble at The Bones.”

  “Shit! That sucks, Logan. You didn’t do anything wrong! Goddamn Perry. The good news is if he was really hiding that sarcophagus without the museum’s knowledge, then he’ll never be able to go to the police with it. Look, you both need to stay here for a while, until things cool off,” Jason said, smiling. “Seti here can entertain us with his prestidigitation and feats extraordinaire.”

  “Thanks, Jase,” Logan replied, downing another shot. “I knew I could count on you. It’ll just be until I can figure out what to do.” His eyelids felt heavy, and his head and the room were spinning pleasantly. “I think I need to lie down now.”

  “No prob. Take my room. I’ll bunk in with Leo,” Jason said.

  Logan tried to stand up, but his knees didn’t want to cooperate. He teetered then fell back into his chair.

  “Jesus, Logan. You need to drink more. You’re such a fucking lightweight!” Jason laughed. “Come on. I’ll help you—”

  “I will help him,” Seti growled. He stood and picked Logan up bodily, scooping him easily into his arms, cradling Logan like an infant. “Where is the room in which we may rest?”

  If Logan hadn’t been three sheets to the wind, he might have had the presence of mind to inform Seti that they would not be resting anywhere. He would take Jason’s room, and Seti would take the couch. But as it was, he could barely keep his eyes open. His head lolled against Seti’s bicep.

  Jason pointed the way to the bedroom, and Logan’s head bounced against the hard muscle of Seti’s arm as he carried him through the living room. Once inside the bedroom, he found himself staring at the ceiling as Seti laid him down carefully on the bed.

  He heard the door lock and felt someone tugging at his clothing. A thick comforter was pulled up over him, and he snuggled happily into its warmth.

  The last thing he remembered was a weight dipping the mattress at his side before his eyes rolled back in his head and Logan passed out.

  Chapter Eight

  LOGAN DREAMED that he was making love.

  Strong hands that knew their way around a man’s body slid over his flesh, leaving trails of tingling warmth in their wake.

  Soft lips and a hot, wet tongue tortured his nipples, flicking and pulling at the peaked buds, shooting bolts of pleasure into his groin. Logan’s nipples had always been sensitive, and his dream lover took full advantage of that fact, working them unmercifully until Logan moaned and writhed, whimpering piteously.

  His cock was hard, needy, his balls swollen and aching. Logan’s entire body thrummed with want, his fingers twisting in the sheets as every inch of him screamed for release. His every nerve ending sizzled, taunted and tormented by a tongue and hands that knew exactly where to touch, where to taste to drive Logan wild.

  His skin was exquisitely hypersensitive. He felt every touch, no matter how slight—fingers brushing through his pubic hair, skimming teasingly over the flesh of his erection, a rigid, red-hot shaft pressing against Logan’s hip, digging into his flesh as if trying to make its way inside his body, lips nibbling at the pebbled flesh of his nipple.

  Logan craved to touch, to taste, to devour, but was trapped between the mattress and a pair of relentless lips and talented hands. Instead Logan mewled with frustration, wriggling under a lover who was relentlessly burying him under waves of pleasure.

  He subconsciously fought against waking. This dream was so real. His dreams had always been ambiguous until now, gauzy sequences flitting one to another that would unerringly leave him awake and alone in his bed with an aching hard-on, unfulfilled. None had ever been like this. Nothing had ever come close to this. He could feel the heat and the trail of wetness that his lover’s cock left against his thigh, could hear his soft groans of pleasure, could smell his strong, musky scent.

  No matter how much Logan wished to remain tethered to his dream, he began to awaken. The cobwebs of sleep slowly cleared, but the sensations of being touched and licked did not.

  His eyes flew open as he realized he wasn’t alone in his bed, and that he hadn’t really been dreaming.

  Gasping, he looked down at the dark head that lapped at his nipple. “Seti? What are you doing?” he cried, tearing himself away from Seti’s warm mouth and teasing fingers. He scooted up until his back pressed against the headboard, staring with wide eyes at Seti, who slowly lifted his head and met his gaze.

  Seti’s pupils were dilated with lust, making his dark brown eyes look black. As Logan watched, the pink tip of Seti’s tongue lazily peeked out between his full lips, wetting them. “I am in need, Logan,” he said, his voice deep and rough.

  “You… we… don’t….” For the life of him, Logan couldn’t form a coherent argument. He swallowed hard, realizing his body was rebelling against him, ignoring the list of reasons that his mind was forming of why this was a very bad idea. His body wanted Seti. Needed him. Would have him, regardless of whatever reservations Logan’s mind might have. “Seti,” he said again, this time whispering his name almost like a prayer.

  Seti smiled at him, lifting himself up on one elbow. His dark gaze held Logan spellbound, unable to move, scarcely able to breathe. Seti’s head moved closer, until his lips smashed against Logan’s in a scorching kiss that curled Logan’s toes and hardened his cock painfully.

  He tasted of vodka and something else, something primal, as if Seti were made of the earth itself instead of flesh and blood. “Open for me,” he commanded, and Logan instantly obeyed, parting his lips to accept Seti’s tongue.

  Warm, soft, and wet, it invaded Logan’s mouth like a conquering army, sweeping it, testing and tasting unt
il Logan moaned and began to kiss Seti in return.

  Hungry. Logan was starving, ravenous for more of Seti’s taste. Greedily, he sucked on Seti’s lower lip, pulling the plump bit of flesh into his mouth. He wanted this man. Wanted to slide his body against Seti’s, feel every inch of Seti’s satiny flesh against his own. Wanted Seti inside of him, filling him up until he was ready to burst. Wanted. Needed. Now.

  Groaning, Logan’s hands slid over Seti’s flesh, trying to map it, to commit every inch to his memory. His fingers closed over the thickness of Seti’s cock, its sweet heat burning his palm. “Touch me, Seti,” he begged. He would have been shocked to hear the pleading in his voice, but he was too overwhelmed by the feel, taste, and smell of Seti to comprehend—or care—how needy he sounded. He wanted Seti, all of him, in every conceivable way.

  Seti’s moan was music to Logan’s ears. His lips laid a trail of love bites along the tender flesh of Logan’s throat, his tongue soothing the small hurts. His hand wrapped around Logan’s cock, squeezing it gently until Logan knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was going to come. There was no holding back. He felt his release boiling up, ready to rocket through his system like a runaway freight train, unstoppable. “Seti…,” Logan groaned, rocking his hips up into Seti’s fist.

  “Ah, yes….” Seti’s voice was palpable, caressing Logan’s ears just as his hands stroked Logan’s flesh. “Give yourself to me, Logan. Mine. Say you are mine.”

  “Yours….” Logan grunted through clenched teeth as flames Seti had kindled within him exploded into a firestorm, sweeping through him at light speed. He cried out, his back arching, every muscle in his body seizing and contracting, growing as rigid as his cock had been. Pinpoint stars danced behind his eyelids, his breath catching in his chest as he rode wave after wave of ecstasy.

  Floating back down into himself, Logan opened his eyes, looking at Seti from under heavy lids. “Mmm,” he murmured, not quite able to speak. He felt complete, sated, boneless, warm, and lazy.

  Smiling, Seti’s eyes twinkled mischievously as he traced a finger through the thick laces of semen that coated Logan’s chest and belly. Lifting his finger to his mouth, Seti licked it clean.

  Logan felt his cock twitch as he watched Seti’s tongue curl with a pearly drop of come on its pink tip before disappearing into Seti’s mouth.

  “Mine,” Seti said again, firmly this time. Logan could hear the possessiveness in Seti’s deep voice, and his body responded to it, his cock stirring again.

  Seti’s strong hands urged Logan up, onto his knees. He looked over his shoulder at Seti, who was positioning himself behind Logan. A worry briefly teased at Logan’s mind. No condom. No lubricant. Then again, he reasoned, Seti hadn’t had sex with anyone for five thousand years. Chances were good that he was clean. As for the lubricant….

  Seti used spittle to slick himself. Nature’s Best, Logan thought wildly as Seti pressed the head of his thick erection against Logan’s asshole. He felt the burn as Seti began to push into Logan’s body.

  Logan was no virgin. True, he hadn’t taken a long-term lover, but he wasn’t a stranger to sex either. But he felt himself stretched as if he were, his body protesting the thickness of the cock that invaded it. Goddamn! He knew Seti was big, had admired his cock when Logan had first seen it after Seti had awoken. But now it felt as if Seti’s erection were enormous, as if it were a phallic stone fetish, freakishly large. As if it would split Logan wide open, into two neat halves.

  “Relax your body, Logan. Let me in.” Seti’s hands rubbed his lower back soothingly then smoothed slowly over the cheeks of his ass, cupping them, separating them.

  Logan bit his lip, consciously trying to obey Seti’s order. Slowly, he felt the tension he’d been feeling leave him, felt Seti slip deeper into his body until Logan was filled completely.

  Gasping, Logan felt an instant connection with Seti that went far deeper than his cock. It sparked within Logan’s core, his veins carrying it along with his blood throughout his body until Logan was utterly suffused with the feeling. It was as if he and Seti were no longer two distinct entities, but one, hearts beating in sync.

  “Mine,” Seti moaned, beginning to move within Logan’s body. Slowly, his cock withdrew and returned. Each time it left him, Logan was filled with remorse, with an emptiness that was difficult to bear. Each time it returned to refill Logan’s body, it renewed Logan’s sense of connection with Seti, permeating him with an elation that he’d never known before, a sense of belonging that he’d never tasted.

  Over and over the cycle repeated itself, Seti’s rhythm growing faster, his thrusts harder, until Seti’s roar rang in Logan’s ears and his seed filled Logan’s body to overflowing. Sweet pressure filled Logan’s channel with liquid heat and his cock with blood, another orgasm ripping unexpectedly through him, wringing a cry from his lips. Untouched, his cock painted the sheets with his seed, tangible proof of their lovemaking.

  He collapsed, Seti’s weight pushing him down over the cooling, sticky mess. Logan felt weightless, completely and utterly satisfied. He sighed then noticed how difficult it was to draw in another breath with Seti lying on top of him.

  “Seti. Can’t. Breathe,” he gasped, trying to wiggle out from under Seti’s heavy weight. The man must weigh well over two hundred pounds, Logan realized, and all of it muscle.

  He felt rather than heard Seti’s chuckle rumble in his chest as he rolled off Logan. One arm remained across Logan’s shoulders, his hand soothing over the tired and totally relaxed muscles of his back. “You are mine now, Logan.”

  “Yeah, you said that. A few times, as a matter of fact. Exactly what do you mean by mine, anyway? I’m not your slave, Seti, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “No, of course not. I would not have claimed you had you been a slave. Slaves are for temporary pleasure, not bonding.”

  “Bonding?” Logan repeated, the definition of the word dancing through his mind. It sounded permanent. Like something you’d need superglue to achieve.

  “Yes. You are mine. I have claimed you, and you have acquiesced. We are lovers now. We are bonded.”

  “Oh,” Logan breathed. He felt his cheeks heat, his belly warming with a sweet, tingly feeling. “You really want me? I mean, for more than just tonight?”

  “Yes.” Seti’s answer was simple but filled Logan with conflicting emotions, chief among them a giddy happiness that Seti wanted him and a razor-sharp fear of being hurt by him.

  “You say that now, but you’ve only been awake for less than a day, Seti. Wait until you see the guys running around this city. All hard bodies and six-packs, perfect faces, perfect tans… and they’re all going to be tripping over themselves to get to you. You might want to hold off with this bonding business until after you see what you could have. I’m nothing compared to them.”

  “Who has filled your head with such nonsense?” Seti growled, his hand cupping Logan’s chin. His gaze pierced Logan, searing him to the bone. “There can be no one but you for me. I knew the instant I saw you that I would have you, that you were born to be mine. I saw it in your eyes.”

  “My eyes?”

  Seti’s gaze softened, his lips tilting in a sad smile. “Yes. I knew someone once with your eyes. I can see a similar soul looking out at me through yours. He was much like you, gentle and sweet. I lost him. I will not lose you.”

  “I’m not anybody but myself,” Logan whispered. “You can’t expect me to be.”

  “I do not wish you to be anyone other than yourself. But know that I will not let you go, will not give you up. I would lay down my life to protect you, Logan. I failed to do that for Ashai, but I will not do so again.”

  “I don’t believe in reincarnation, Seti.”

  “I did not say that you were Ashai reincarnated. I said you shared the same gentle soul. That is enough.”

  Chapter Nine

  THE FOLLOWING morning found Logan and Seti sitting at the kitchen table that was covered in half-empty cereal boxes, bow
ls, a carton of orange juice, and coffee cups. Logan had eaten breakfast while trying to answer a barrage of questions from Chris and Leo, who’d arrived at the apartment with the sun, and explaining to Seti why meat was not always a staple at every meal.

  They’d showered after waking. Seti was enthralled by the shower, and spent a long time playing with the hot and cold knobs, twisting them in different combinations and testing the temperature of the water. Then he spent even longer experimenting with the showerhead and each of its functions—massage, rain, and power spray. The water ran cold before Logan could coax him out of the stall.

  Afterward, Seti sat on the bed. He was gloriously nude except for the torc, which he’d replaced immediately after showering. Using a borrowed comb, he brushed out then rebraided his hair, quickly twisting the long silky black strands into neat rows and fastening the ends with golden clips and beads. He didn’t even need a mirror. His movements were mechanical, as if born of long practice.

  Logan borrowed clothes from Jason, but none of his friends had anything other than a T-shirt that would fit Seti. Seti was forced to wear the same sweatpants Logan had bought for him at the museum.

  When they’d finished eating, they moved the discussion into the living room. Sitting on the couch, they went through a repeat of the day before, trying to convince Chris and Leo of who and what Seti was, including an encore of Seti’s Great Fish Tank Tornado trick.

  By the time they’d peeled Chris and Leo off the ceiling, both had been converted into true believers.

  “How lucky can one guy get, Logan? You get all the breaks! First, you land an assistant’s position, get put on the fast track to becoming curator, and then you get a hunk like him to cuddle up to at night. It’s not fair!” Leo whined.

  “Oh yeah. I’m a lucky bastard all right. In case you didn’t pick up on it the first time around, I’m a wanted fugitive. Chances are good that I’ve lost my position at the museum, and the only way I’ll see a curator’s office is on the guided tour,” Logan said, rolling his eyes. He felt he was lucky, up to a point, even if he wouldn’t admit it. After all, he did have some kind of a relationship blossoming with Seti—although what kind of relationship and how stable it would be was still up in the air. There was something uncomfortable about Seti’s assertion that Logan reminded him of his former lover, and that made Logan a little leery of any commitment.


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