Crimson Midnight (A New Adult Dark Urban Fantasy Series) (The Crimson Series Book 1)

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Crimson Midnight (A New Adult Dark Urban Fantasy Series) (The Crimson Series Book 1) Page 25

by Amos Cassidy

  “You lucky thing, I’m so jealous. Now if only I could get some of that action. The vampire males around here are either all taken, gay or way too old. Maybe I need to trawl interspecies. Has Roman got any friends?”

  Thistle chuckled. “None that are available. You should try Mystique, though– very hot in there, plus loads of foreign fang.”

  “Thanks, I might just do that.”

  Jeremiah interrupted them. “Good evening, Thistle.” The head of the vampires entered her flat and embraced her, planting a fatherly kiss on her cheek. He turned to Emily. “Good evening, Emily.” He kissed her cheek too. “What a moon!”

  “It’s certainly beautiful.”

  Emily excused herself, leaving Jeremiah and Thistle alone.

  “And not long now before the Samhain,” Thistle said.

  “Ah yes, the Midnight Sunset. What a celebration we will have that night!” He smoothed down his royal blue robes and regarded her from under his brow for a moment before speaking further. “Gabriel is a little old fashioned for one so young, but he means well. Try and, how do you say it? Cut him some slack.”

  “You’ve been hanging around with the newbies again, haven’t you?” She smiled fondly up at him.

  He shrugged looking slightly bashful. “Well, everything is changing. If we are to survive as a race then we must move with the times. Gabriel understands this, but he is very proud of our culture, our ways, and our heritage. It will take some getting used to but with someone like you by his side, someone to challenge him and make him think twice, he may just be the best leader yet.”

  “You know I would do anything for you, Jeremiah. You’ve been like a father to me.” He reached out and patted her cheek. “You’re a good girl, Thistle.” He stepped back distancing himself and putting on his work face. “Well, I must go and do my rounds. I need to take Gabriel with me to visit every vampire here and welcome them all to the new night, show him how it is done properly. Anyway, see you in a little while.” And with that he left.

  A buzzing sound caught her attention and she turned to see her mobile phone skittering across the coffee table as it vibrated to a call. She snatched it up, flipping it open. “Hello?”

  “Hello, baby.” Roman said on the other end.

  “Hi there.”

  “Just wanted to call and say Happy Harvest Moon.”

  “Thanks, baby.” She giggled.

  “I wish I could see the wedding.”

  “Vampires only is the rule.”

  “I bet you look smoking hot.”

  She giggled again. “Indeed I do. I’ll replicate the look for our reunion next Friday.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  “Goodnight, Roman.”

  “Happy Harvest Moon.”

  “Happy Harvest Moon.”

  “See ya.”


  She hung up and checked her hair and makeup once more before leaving her flat to sing some more praises with the rest of the colony.



  It had been two whole days since Rose had registered as part of the supernatural community, and they were no closer to figuring out what she was. It was a little daunting not knowing because until she knew for sure she couldn’t possibly control her abilities, and there was no telling what she might do unintentionally.

  Mick had deduced that the best thing to do would be for her to meditate and try and remain in control of her emotions at all times.

  “Extremes in emotion like anger and fear can cause a warlock to lose control, and it may be the same for you. From what Maxwell has told me, the only times your powers have manifested themselves have been under attack and then in my office under threat.”

  He was right, she knew that, but it didn’t make her feel any better. She felt like a ticking bomb and had grasped the concept of meditation like the life line she felt it was. For now it would have to suffice. The warlocks were ‘hitting the books’ to try and determine her nature. And Bob, whom she had yet to meet, was even looking into her family tree. In the meantime she had been instructed to wait. They would need to train her, but training could only commence once they knew what they were training. It would be driving her crazy if she hadn’t just stepped into a luxurious bubble bath. Yeah, this was the kind of meditating that she did best. In accordance with her new, calmer lifestyle she had sandwiched a challenging morning at work with a calm frivolous lunch with Faye, who had thankfully agreed not to bring Catherine along. She frowned. She and Faye really had little to talk about. Well, little in common that is. Faye was all about Harold this and Harold that and Catherine this and…and so on. Rose had to spend her lunch hour biting her tongue to stop herself screaming, “Harold’s a big hairy werewolf!” and “Catherine’s a big hairy bitch!”

  God, that was a thought! From the way Faye was harping on, anyone would think she was in love, and if the mating thing applied to Roman surely it applied to Harold too. So what the hell was he playing at dating Faye? She made a mental note to raise the issue with him as soon as possible.

  Despite the lack of common ground at the moment, Faye was still her best friend. She would have invited her to chill out this evening if she hadn’t already made plans with Catherine. Thistle had also been unavailable– she was attending a vampire wedding! How cool was that? Thistle had promised to tell her all about it in minute detail a week Saturday.

  So this was going to be her life from now on. Warning werewolves to stop dating her friends and going gooey over vampire weddings. Weird.

  A tiny tap on the door brought her to attention. “Who is it?”


  “What’s up, little man?”

  “Mum wants to know if you can watch me ‘til Roman gets home, she has to go out for a few hours.”

  “No problem.” She didn’t have any pressing plans. She eased her head back onto the balled up towel she had propped behind her.

  “Okay…” there was a pause. “She has to leave in ten minutes.”

  Great, so much for that long soak. “I’ll be out in a sec!”

  Hair still damp from the bath and dressed in an old pair of track suit bottoms and a ratty T-shirt, Rose presented herself in the lounge. Erin was already deep into a game on his X-Box. Flo was standing by the window, peering out and looking flustered. Sensing Rose’s arrival, she pulled herself away and picked up her coat, which was flung on the back of the sofa. “I’m sorry, luv. Roman was supposed to be watching Erin but he’s stuck at work, an automotive emergency, whatever that is.” She threw up her hands in mock despair. “He shouldn’t be more than an hour getting back but I’m expected at the local community council meeting. I opened me big mouth about putting on a charity gig for Halloween and they saddled me with it.” Flo was dressed in a deep purple trouser suit and her usually unruly hair had been set, looking glossy and elegant. A dash of blusher, a sweep of mascara and slick of lip gloss had completely transformed her.

  “You look lovely,” Rose said.

  “Oh, get away with ya.” Flo made a shooing motion with her hands, trying to dismiss the compliment. But from the blush that stained her cheeks, Rose could tell she was pleased.

  “It’s fine, I’ll watch Erin until Roman gets home. I didn’t have any plans, just a couple of magazines and a hot drink.” She smiled reassuringly.

  “You sure?” Flo was already inching her way towards the door.

  Rose hid her smile. “Absolutely.”

  A horn sounded outside the house.

  “Lift?” Rose raised a brow.

  Flo blushed again. “Um, yes. Mr McIntire. He’s going to the meeting too. He offered to drive me.”

  Oh my God! Flo had an admirer. “Mr McIntire? Is he cute?”

  The horn sounded again saving Flo from having to reply. “See you later, luv. And, Erin, in bed by half eight, no back chat!” With that she was gone.

  “So, Erin, what you want to do? You want to play a board game or something.” Well, she might as well get invo
lved in the whole babysitting thing.

  Erin, however, obviously wasn’t on the same page. He shook his head, eyes never leaving the screen. “I’m on level six! Only two more levels to complete the game! Yeah! I made the jump!”

  “Okay, I’ll take that as a no then.” Rose padded out to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea.

  It was nine o’clock when she heard key in the door. She had managed to coerce Erin away from the X-Box and into his bed fifteen minutes ago, and had only just sat down with a cup of hot chocolate and her trashy celebrity gossip magazine.

  “Shit, Rose, I’m so sorry.” Roman popped his head around the door. “I just need to wash up, be with you in a moment.” He waggled his oil stained hands in the air, careful not to touch any paintwork, and then retreated up the stairs to the bathroom.

  Fifteen minutes later he re-emerged dressed in his bedtime trackies, and a faded blue T-shirt. “Any more of that?” He pointed to her mug.

  She flicked her gaze to him then back to her magazine. “There’s some in the pan on the hob,” she replied, trying for distracted.

  Roman quietly left the room and returned a few moments later with a mug of his own. He took the armchair opposite her and Rose sifted uncomfortably in her seat.

  Eyes on the magazine, relax, act nonchalant, she told herself.

  A few minutes passed, agonising in their intensity, the air hung with unanswered questions and unsaid things. She realised that she’d been reading the same sentence over and over again. Growling in exasperation, she flung her magazine onto the coffee table. “I can’t do this!”

  Roman plastered an innocent look on his face. “Do what?”

  “This! This pretending to be all normal and unaffected, pretending like nothing happened!” She hadn’t intended to be so honest, but she was on a roll. “Being in the same room as you makes me feel all screwy.”

  His lips twitched. “Screwy?”

  “Okay not the best choice of words, but you know what I mean. Look, you’re probably finding this a lot easier than I am. So, got any tips?”

  “Keep busy.”

  “Tried that.”

  “Take lots of cold showers.”


  “And get acquainted with your hand.”

  “Urgh, okay, too much info.”

  He chuckled. “Seriously? I don’t know. I guess we just have to take it one day at a time and remember that besides this…chemical attraction we have going on, we also have a pretty solid basis for a friendship.”

  “Yeah, I miss the banter.”

  “I lived for your insults.”

  “And I lived to deliver them.”

  They both burst out laughing. This was so much better. They were actually talking without getting all hot and heavy. “You know it’s good to know that even the usually unfazed werewolf playboy has a weakness,” she said teasingly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, your inability to control your lust for yours truly of course. It could be your Achilles Heel.” She bit her lip at the expression of total horror on his face.

  “That is a normal male response to a hot female, not a weakness. It’s where babies come from and that keeps the human race alive. It’s a strength. Besides, I have no weaknesses,” he finished smugly.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really.”

  Rose slid off the sofa and before Roman could raise a hand to protect himself, she was on him, her fingers digging into his sides as she tickled him.

  “No! No! Get off!” He was giggling, albeit in a totally manly way, trying to push her away.

  But she was having none of it. “I can see it now, the big brave wolf brought to heel by a group of vampires with a penchant for tickling.”

  Roman was almost breathless with laughter now. He twisted under her, sliding onto the floor. But Rose wasn’t going to give up that easily and she slid down with him. Suddenly he was on top of her, her hands pinned above her head, his face buried in the crook of her neck as he struggled to regain his composure.

  Fuck! She twisted her body from side to sided trying to loosen his grip. No way was she going to let him tickle her, last time she’d been tickled she’d almost wet herself.

  Roman moaned low in his throat, his lips inches from her jugular and she was suddenly very aware of his hard body pressing down on her from shoulder to hip. Legs entwined in an accidental caress. Hot on that revelation was the one where she realised he was also very definitely aroused.

  “Um, Roman?” her voice came out shaky.

  “Rose.” He lifted his head so they were almost nose to nose, his eyes heavy lidded with desire, his lips full and inviting.

  “Maybe we should…” she could feel her breasts pressing onto his chest. It felt good, the whole thing felt so good. She shifted under him, a slight movement that rubbed against his erection and elicited another one of those delicious groans.

  “Rose, what are you doing to me?” he said as if in wonder.

  She couldn’t help it. She did it again– heady with the power she seemed to have over him, heady from the sensations travelling through her body. She arched her back, and then pushed up with her pelvis. She was goading him. A small part of her knew this to be wrong but the other part, the purely primal part, revelled in the good vibrations.

  She licked her lips.

  Taste me, she thought, do it, just this one time. I want to feel you, I need to feel you. And then his lips were on hers, hard, almost punishing, his tongue invading her mouth, stroking her, taking her. His hands released hers and ran over her body, grasping and kneading– there was nothing gentle about what they were doing. It was desperate and wanton and she let herself go, pushing a hand into his hair and thrusting up with her pelvis so they were moving together, rubbing against each other. She could feel how wet she was.

  Damn all these clothes!

  He was kissing her neck, trailing his mouth and tongue over her clavicle then back up to her neck, teasing her earlobe then taking her mouth, bruising, almost punishing. Oh, God, it was so good even though it was so bad!

  His hands were pushing at her tracksuit bottoms, trying to pull them down.

  Yes! Yes!

  She wriggled to provide him with the leverage he needed, she wanted him inside her now!

  Almost there…

  Somewhere on the edge of her senses she heard the click of a latch.

  “Shit!” Roman cursed in a harsh whisper, launching himself away from her. “Mum’s home!”


  Rose sprang up off the floor, adjusting her clothes before grabbing her magazine and leaping onto the sofa.

  A moment later Flo popped her head around the door. “Hello, you two. Did Erin get to bed all right?” She looked flushed and happy.

  “Fine.” Rose smiled shakily, hoping that Flo wouldn’t notice the sexual undercurrent in the room. She needn’t have worried– Flo seemed to be in a little world of her own.

  Flo yawned. “Ah, well, I’ll be off to bed then. See you two in the morning.”

  “Er, night.” Rose waved weakly to the now empty doorway. Flo had gone.

  She turned her attention to Roman who was sitting stiff-backed on the armchair, staring at the television, which was showing an old black and white movie, the sound turned down low. He didn’t look at her. “Roman?”

  “Maybe you should go to bed,” he said tightly.

  “Roman…I’m…I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me?” And she meant it. She really couldn’t understand how she could have lost control so easily.

  “Yeah, well a few more minutes and it would have been me.” He sighed, closing his eyes briefly. “Just go to bed, Rose.” He ran his hand over his face tiredly. “It’ll all be better in the morning.”

  She wanted to stay and talk, to explain…explain what? That she had wanted him to lose control? That she had deliberately ignored common sense and gone for it anyway? He was right, they both needed to sleep, separately, not together,
and look at things afresh in the morning.



  Drinking A-Positive blood was akin to consuming the richest and naughtiest chocolate to vampires, and Thistle indulged happily with her fellow vampires on the roof. They were seated on foldaway chairs wrapped in the cold, sharp air, surrounded by a spectacle of glorious stars. Together they bathed in the silver light of the Harvest Moon, allowing the rays and the blood to rejuvenate them.

  Thistle turned to Marissa, a petite blonde with elfin features, who was seated opposite her in a wheelchair. Her gaze dropped to take in Marissa’s swollen abdomen, which she stroked almost absentmindedly while she sipped from her glass. Marissa was pregnant.

  Vampire pregnancies occurred once every two years in any given colony and they were a matter of great delicacy. In these modern times, a vampire wishing to sire a human would need to fill out an abundance of forms and jump through several legal hoops before the deed could be done, making the whole process a pain in the proverbial bottom. A natural pregnancy, however, was considered sacred, a holy gift from Diana, one which didn’t come along often. Mortality rate was high for both mother and child, so the mother had to be kept in bed and cared for every day to maintain a healthy and successful pregnancy. Marissa was in her eighth month of the eleven months a vampire is pregnant. She wanted to attend the wedding and after thorough checks by the colony’s three doctors, she was granted leave from her flat. Once the ceremony was over, she was to return.

  Gabriel was on the roof too but Thistle, as of yet, had not spoken to him. The only vampire who would not be attending was Vanessa Darling. She had not left her flat since the execution of her lover.

  The vampires talked about many things, each vampire reminiscing about their favourite memories or telling interesting little stories. When it came to Gabriel, he looked a little lost, stumbling through an account and losing the thread of his thought several times. Although this was the perfect opportunity for Thistle to bring him down a peg or two, she found herself biting back any derogatory comments about his memory or story telling skills. Much of this was due to Jeremiah’s words earlier. Although she hated to admit it, some of it was due to a small stab of sympathy for the vampire. His memories had probably succumbed to time and its ever cleansing hand, its ability to make some forget. Or maybe his memory was just crap, some vampires had terrible memories. In fact, Louisa-Marie from flat 23 was only 65 years old and her memory was as good as an ice cube being used to put out a fire. Louisa-Marie had to write everything down. And Gabriel was 188 years old – thirty years Thistle’s senior – so he had a little bit more of an excuse. But not much, as Thistle’s memory was absolutely fabulous.


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