Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1)

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Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1) Page 14

by Livvy Aarons

  “It's not like I really have a choice in the matter. You heard your uncle, skimpy outfits are a part of the job.”

  “At least Pete was nice enough to make you a waitress. The last person who owed my uncle money had to work as a janitor. Trust me McKenna you do not want that job.”

  Feeling a cool breeze blow up my shorts, reality hit me hard—you could see my damn cheeks! And I’m not referring to the ones on my face.

  Julie burst into laughter, “Tonight is going to be such a riot!”

  Annoyed by her hyena laugh I crossed my arms and waited for her to finish. My patience was running thin. “Is it possible for you to wrap this up? I am kind of in a hurry.”

  “Oh lighten up McKenna, you look fine. Besides with all that booty you’re packing my uncle will be paid off in no time.” She wiggled her eyebrows in suggestion.

  “Thank you for such a beautiful compliment; I can see why you have so many friends in your life.” I was lucky my sarcasm never pissed Julie off. Normally we played this warped game for hours but right now, I didn’t have time.

  Julie laced her fingers behind her head then winked. “Don’t worry Beyoncé I’ll get you back for that little remark.”

  I couldn’t hold back my smile as I casually strolled out of Pete’s office—our friendship was on the mend.

  When I reached the bar, I found Pete talking to Cheri; slowly they both turned around. Pete smiled, “I’m glad it fits.” My cheeks flamed at his comment. Pete may have been fifteen years my elder but the man was still good looking.

  Cheri patted me on the shoulder, “Don’t worry honey, you’ll get used to it.” She ushered me around the room showing me the tables that were mine and introduced me to the other waitresses. There were only two others on Fridays, Amber and Sandy. Immediately I could tell the pair did not like me since both were friends of Tiffany and it was going to be such a blast working with that kind of love. After that, Cheri rambled on about the menu for the next thirty or so minutes and when I checked the clock again it was nearly six thirty; the band would be warming up soon. My skin prickled with goose bumps in anticipation just thinking about Aidan.. I was even more thrilled when Cheri left me alone and told me to clean my area. The woman was nice but she never shut up.

  Focusing on my task of wiping down my tables, I did not hear anyone approach until they cleared their throat. I whirled around and saw it was Aidan; my smile faulted when his jaw twitched. He looked angry. “What’s wrong?”

  Before Aidan could respond, Tristan walked up. “There’s the happy couple.” He gave Aidan a slap on the back then let out a whistle when his eyes wandered over me.

  Aidan finally stopped staring at me and shrugged Tristan’s hand off his shoulder. “Don’t start with that crap; she’s my girlfriend.”

  “Perhaps you should tell your girlfriend to cover up that sweet little ass of hers before she gets more than she bargained for.” That statement only made Aidan’s face three shades redder.

  I was grateful that Tristan took his cue to leave.

  Aidan squeezed his eyes shut, “That’s what’s wrong.”

  “It’s the uniform they gave me.” Aidan startled me when his eyes fixated on mine. My mind turned to mush.

  “McKenna, I know it’s the uniform…I just can’t help it. You are beautiful enough as it is and when other guys see you like this, they are going to take advantage of you. Then I’ll have to kick their ass for coming on to you.”

  It was twisted but his jealously made my hormones scream. “Well I guess I’ll just have to just take advantage of you before that happens.” Ever so gently I bushed my lips of his, teasing just a bit; Aidan had other plans. He squeezed me harder against his body and took control of our kiss. His tongue thrust fiercely in my mouth then danced playfully with my own. I could not hold back a whimper when he pulled away, “Darlin’ as much as I would love to continue I can’t, I have to go warm up.” He seemed to be struggling with something when he looked into my eyes.

  “What’s wrong Aidan?”

  He shook his head, “It’s nothing—I’ve just been feeling strange lately.”

  Right—strange, I thought dryly. “Maybe it’s because you’re getting to be an old man.” I said hoping that my humor would draw him away from thinking about his sudden strangeness.

  “Oh yeah, I am an old man to you.” He chuckled

  I rolled my eyes, “Go warm up, cradle robber.”

  Aidan’s mood seemed improved and gave me a light kiss on the forehead before he left.

  Shortly after the band warmed up customers began to file in, sitting mainly in groups to the back. Those tables are what Cheri called “the pit”; she named them that because that was where most of the people sat to talk or eat. She went on to say that the tips were really good in “the pit” but only if you could keep up with all the orders. I was a little relived when Cheri gave Amber and Sandy that section. Cheri of course gave herself the best section, which didn’t surprise me; she was the head waitress. The tables that were in her area are the ones right in front of the stage. Apparently, the regulars sat up front and mainly came to listen to the band. The only section left was called “the battlefield” by Cheri. She explained that “the battlefield” was the area that normally contained the heavy drinkers and the shitty tippers. Great! I thought silently—it would take me forever to pay back Pete.

  “Good luck with that section sweetie—those used to be my tables. I still have bruises!” Amber added.

  Before I could stop myself I asked, “Where are the bruises at?” I winced when Amber hiked her shorts up then pointed to the pinch marks on her ass. Wow, tonight was going to be a barrel of fun. When I saw Julie sitting at the bar, I thankfully was able to escape hearing Amber’s wonderful war stories. Julie didn’t hide her amusement with my seeing Amber’s work badges. After chatting with Julie for a bit, I checked my watch again—seven eighteen; Aidan’s band would be going on at seven thirty and the bar was at full captivity. I was almost giddy when I didn’t see Tristan or Tiffany. One could hope that they were together; maybe Tristan would even take some of his charming nature out on Tiffany. Some people turned to stare at me when I burst into laughter. The vision of her face when Tristan unleashed his inner demon had me in tears I was laughing so hard. My blissful bubble burst when I spotted Tristan walking to the bar with a beige money box. Damn! I trudged on and started to take a few drink orders. When I looked at the bar to see if Tristan was gone, I sighed in relief—he was gone.

  After delivering my drink orders, I heard Pete go on stage and make the band’s introduction. Seeing Aidan come on stage gave my stomach butterflies; the lights magnified his beauty. Slowly he adjusted the microphone, “How’s everyone doing tonight?” The crowd responded with various claps and yells. “That’s good we’re all on the same page and mine is all due to a very special girl.” Aidan winked at me, “So here’s to my southern girl.”

  The band began to play my favorite Incubus song, Southern Girl. It was perfect but perfection never lasts and all too soon I heard Tiffany’s annoying voice in the background. “Ah, that’s so sweet; the skanky tramp has a theme song. Now get over here and take my order before I tell Pete how rude you are to customers.”

  Slowly I turned around; taking a few deep breaths so I didn’t do something justified like hit the bitch. Tiffany’s smirk was echoed throughout her groupies by the time I pulled out my notepad. Pete was far too close for me to remind her just who landed on the table so I had to play nice. “What can I get for you tonight?”

  “Two Coronas and one Appletini.” Tiffany snapped.

  I eyed the other two girls but neither spoke. Mute cronies—maybe she should recruit for the mob. “Be right back.”

  When I came back to deliver the drinks, Tristan was sitting at the table talking with wicked bitch of the north and her two monkeys. Quickly I sat down the drinks and walked off before anyone could stop me. Even better it worked.

  The band had been playing for nearly an hour and
would soon take a short break before playing another set. I was hoping to take a break with Aidan but that was going to be impossible. My section was definitely named appropriately; at the rate my customers were drinking it was going to be Bull Run all over again.

  “Back so soon, McKenna?” Pete asked curiously.

  I sighed, “Yep another round for Tiffany’s table.” Pete just smiled and shook his head, as he handed me the drinks. As annoying as it had been when I found Tiffany and Tristan sitting at one of my tables, the night was going fairly smooth. Neither of them had really spoken to me, other than when Tiffany ordered drinks; Tristan didn’t even look at me. Why it bothered me that he was ignoring me was very disturbing. Aimlessly I sat down the drinks, “Can I get y’all anything else?” The girls were too wrapped up in the bullshit Tristan was spouting to even acknowledge my presence. I rolled my eyes and left—grateful that I didn’t slip on the pile of shit that I just had to wade through. All of my customers were content at the moment so I took the opportunity to adhere to nature’s call. Of course, the women’s bathroom that customer’s used was packed and I was thankful that Pete had a separate bathroom for employees. Before I left the tiny room, I blotted my face and neck with a few paper towels; even in the skimpy outfit it was sweltering hot. When I opened the door Tristan’s large frame blocked my escape, it startled me. “Jesus you scared me!” I hissed loudly. Tristan did not answer me, only lifting one perfectly arched eyebrow. His smirk made me angry, “What the hell do you want? You’ve ignored me all damn night—can’t I even get one measly break.” I was starting to sweat buckets again and the sweat was trickling down my neck.

  Tristan’s eyes zeroed in on the bead of moisture, “Am I making you all hot and bothered peaches?”

  Immediately I wiped my neck with my hand. “No,” I snapped. “It’s more like a nauseating heat stroke.” Tristan took no offense to my play of words, I think he liked the cat and mouse game we played. “So is there a reason you’re stalking me or is the brainless bimbo posse too predictable for you?”

  The corner of Tristan’s mouth twitched slightly, “I came to tell you that Paul is going to kill your friend Aileen tomorrow.”

  His lack of emotion should not have surprised me. “Yeah I know.”

  Tristan snorted, “Yes well unless you need some consoling: I am going to get back to my dates.”

  “Please don’t let me hold you back from your dates.”

  “You see McKenna I can’t have who I really want so it will take at least three of them to make it worth my effort.” Tristan grinned and my cheeks flared to a scarlet. “Silly girl do not be embarrassed plenty of men want you; they are just not man enough to tell you. Even the boss man stares at the plump ass of yours.”

  “Move—I have to get back to my tables.”

  “One more thing pet, I need you to drive my car home.” Tristan’s breath grazed my ear, making my skin prickle.

  “Aidan is staying at my house tonight and I don’t want to have to drive to your house then back to mine.” I said not wanting to meet the demon’s black eyes.

  Tristan rubbed my arm, “Look at me McKenna.” His feather light strokes were electrifying to say the least; reluctantly I complied. Shockingly his eyes were not the black evil orbs I expected; they were a stormy gray color with tiny flecks of emerald. “Please larisitá do not fear me…it was never my intention to scare you.”

  Call me a sucker if you want but I gave in. “Fine, I’ll drive your car home.” The man behind the demon was irresistible.

  “Good” Tristan said then dangled a small black key pod in front of my face. “I’ll show you how to work everything before I leave.”

  “I don’t have any pockets so just hang on to it.” I shoved his hand away from me.

  Tristan pulled me against his towering body and shoved the key pod under the strap of my thong. “No worries—you can keep it here.” The heat from his massive hands burned through the materials of my shorts.

  I shoved him away, irritated. “Now that you have invaded my personal space, can I leave?”

  Tristan let go and stepped aside. “As you wish milady’,” he said with a heavy English accent.

  The thought had crossed my mind about questioning his strange behavior but I just didn’t have the time. To make my irritation worse was having Pete waiting for me when I got back to my section; he looked downright pissed. “Where in hell have you been?”

  “I went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face, it is really hot in here and I felt beyond sticky. Are we not allowed bathroom breaks?”

  “Of course you are McKenna. Just next time let someone know so they can watch your tables for you. Trust me when I say that nothing is worse for a business owner than to receive complaints and if you add alcohol to the mix it only magnifies the situation.”

  “Then don’t serve alcohol.” Tristan had soured my mood even worse.

  Pete’s lips thinned, “Get back to work and I’ll open a side door.”

  Seeing that the stage was empty, I scanned the room for Aidan. Damn—he and a few of his band mates were sitting at a table near his ex skank. He had yet to see me as I squeezed through the random tables and when our eyes met my heart fluttered, instinctively I kissed him upon reaching the group of friends. My heavenly daze was broken when someone cleared their throat; our audience was divided between amusement and annoyance. Aidan licked his lips then introduced his friends. “McKenna, this is Tyler…Jamie…and Rick.” They all nodded as he said their names.

  The silence was just getting awkward, “So can I get y’all something?” It didn’t surprise me when Aidan only ordered a water, Tyler and Jamie did the same but Rick ordered a beer. Before heading to the cooler to get the bottled water, I took a few more orders from my other tables; it was very thirsty crowd. I passed by Tiffany’s table snickering when I saw that Tristan looked bored.

  When I finally got back to Aidan’s table, he was sitting alone, playing with his phone. “Did I scare everyone off?” I asked playfully.

  Aidan did not share my humor. “Nah--they were just giving us space.”

  “Oh, okay.” I said putting down the waters and Rick’s beer. “I didn’t embarrass you by kissing you in front of your friends did I?” Please say no.

  His brows rose slightly, “God no! Trust me when I say that I am the envy of all my friends; unfortunately that includes Tristan. Now what I would like to know is how you got Tristan to let you drive his car home and why he agreed to it.”

  I knew where this was going and that it was too damned curious that Tristan was conveniently being nice to me. “Aidan it’s not what you think; Tristan asked me to drive his car home. He said that he was going home with more people than he could fit in his car. Hell I don’t even like him! I’ll to shove his key up his ass if that’s what you want.”

  Aidan sighed heavily, “What I want is trust in this relationship. I do have that trust in you but it’s him that I am worried about. The way he looks at you is just downright frustrating.”

  “Perhaps later I can help you with some of that frustration.” Straightening up I looked at Aidan whose eyes were blazing with rage. When I glanced over to see what he was staring at, I winced--Tristan.

  “I think I’ll pass. Maybe when you decide to wear longer shorts and stop wiggling your ass in front of my friends then we can talk about fixing my frustrations.” Aidan pushed away from the table, not even looking at me once. Before I could go after him, Tristan was quick on his heels. This night just kept getting better; I could only hope that Tiffany was too drunk to break any more tables. Nervously I waited for ten minutes before Aidan came back inside with Tristan. I wanted to smooth things over with Aidan but he didn’t even stop when I smiled at him. He got on stage then played the entire second set without so much as a nod in my direction.

  As the night continued on the crowd got rowdier; I was ecstatic to hear the last song played and I could have hugged Pete for announcing last call. After making rounds at my other tab
les, I stopped by Tiffany’s. It shouldn’t have surprised me to find all them obliterated…well everyone except for Tristan. He had not even touched the drink that he ordered earlier. He did seem amused by their drunkenness. “I guess you like them better this way; less fight and all.”

  Tristan sighed heavily, “You would say something like that.”

  “Hey—I just call’em as I see them. Birds got to fly, cows got to eat and demons got to be evil.”

  My jab didn’t even faze him. “Perhaps pet but I still would rather have some spunk to a fuck rather than a dead fish. Must I also remind you that not everyone has the privilege of seeing the things you see.”

  Tristan was wrong this was no privilege; it’s a curse. I would have gouged out my eyes years ago if I could stand the physical pain it would bring. “How did you calm down Aidan?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “I told him that we are friends. You were simply doing me a favor since my car had only two seats.”

  That seemed odd. I eyed him skeptically, “That’s all?”

  “No—your boyfriend found it remarkable that I was taking three girls home.” Tristan’s smirk vanished. “I told him that he was the lucky one and I would gladly trade every woman in the universe for the one that I really want.”

  I left when he refused to look back up at me. A part of me wanted him to continue but I knew that I needed to get away from him.

  One by one my tables emptied and I seemed like forever before I had all my tables cleaned off. Pete was waiting in his office for me to turn in my tip money.

  “Wow, a whole hundred and twenty-eight bucks.” Pete said sarcastically.

  Bastard! I wanted to punch him. “What the hell did you expect? You gave me the shittest tables in the place; not the mention the drunks who didn’t even remember to pay for their tab. Forgot a freakin’ tip!”


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