Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1)

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Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1) Page 23

by Livvy Aarons

  Forcefully he grabbed my shoulders, “I will never do that to you ever again. You have to believe me.”

  “Never is a strong word Aidan; do you think you can really keep a promise like that?”

  “Yes, I know I can.” His hands loosened and glided up until they held my head lightly between them. Then ever so softly his thumbs traced my lips, “When I saw you kiss that monster I felt my heart being ripped out; that image will haunt me forever. Please let me just hold you tonight. There are no strings attached, absolutely nothing. I won’t even gloat to that demon of yours.”

  With his sweet scent, flooding my senses I wordlessly climbed into bed then held the covers back for his invitation. He quickly stripped off everything but the gym shorts he wore. We held onto each other for what seemed like hours. It was early morning before we went to sleep. True to his word, Aidan did nothing but hold me. I should have known that my naïve diseased heart would infect my dubious brain causing me not to see the writing that was clearly on the wall.

  I was in deep shit.

  Chapter 15:

  Rehab Addict Relapse

  The next month was a blur of fists and swords as I soon found out just what Tristan called training. He should have called it inhumane torture. Here it was seven in the freaking morning, I was already sore from the workout he gave me the day before and he was late. He was probably doing this on purpose as a training exercise. Of course, Julie laughed her ass off at the whole situation. She said that it was ironic that a demon was teaching me how to kill a demon. Ah, yes irony…the little notion that keeps life a barrel full of good times. Aidan was a different matter; he loathed that Tristan was teaching me hand-to-hand combat. I did find it a little peculiar that Tristan knew so much about combat, swords and weaponry in general. The question constantly lingered in my mind. Despite my curiosity I knew that he would probably never tell me; he was becoming a walking mystery. After my weird incident with the fairies, I learned that one of the “things” he had to take care of was disposing the body of the now dead Paul. Perhaps it should have bothered me that I didn’t even flinch at the mention of Aidan and Tristan killing him. However, I will sleep better knowing the soulless bastard can’t condemn anyone else to an eternity serving hell. The bad news was that Paul’s fling Tabby had disappeared before anyone could capture her. I failed to see the danger until Aidan told me about how much she loved Paul and that Tabby would be out for blood for the killing of her lover. The crazy thing was that she blamed everything on my corruption of her two boys.

  REALLY? I corrupted them?

  In some ways Tabby was getting her revenge. I have never been as tired or sore as I was right now. On the positive side my once flabby body was shaping into a bikini worthy one. Shivering against the breeze, I checked my watch again—ten minutes after seven. Where was Tristan or even Aidan? They apparently did not realize how much lying these little lessons required. My father was gullible but I was certain my brother knew the truth. Ben somehow even knew that I was planning to leave Harper at the beginning of June after my finals. The lies I told myself about that situation were beyond ludicrous. Honestly, I couldn’t even think of how I was going to break the news my dad. “Listen dad I have to leave town with my ex-boyfriend and his kind of adoptive brother, both of which are not human, to roam the continental US to track down some of Tristan’s friends. Then when we find them, we are going to beat the shit out of them until they snitch or I am going to slit their throats with an angelical sword that I found in some sparkly tree. For how long you ask… well if I don’t die in the process of this whole mess, it will be a miracle. I sighed heavily; my father would have me committed. The melancholy mood had taken over and I started when a cold hand touched my leg, “Daydreaming sweetheart?” Aidan smiled gently then glanced over his shoulder where Tristan had emerged from the dense forest carrying large black bags.

  I scrambled off the large bolder I had been perched on, not wanting either of them to see just how tired I was. “No—y’all are late, I was getting bored waiting.”

  Tristan dropped one the large bags in front of me. “We were held up getting the supplies for today’s training. If it is so damned boring for you princess, then perhaps we will make this more interesting for you. Strip. Now.” The twinkle in his eyes told me that he was serious. What a freak I was but damn his bossiness was hot.

  Flickering a glance at Aidan I saw that he too looked predatory. “Um—why?”

  “Because princess you are not dressed properly. Kelilah will be here in fifteen minutes to help us today so I suggest you find a bush unless you want us to watch. You need to understand that in most circumstances you will not be dressed as comfortably as you are now. I believe that you can never be trained enough to deal with the unexpected in battle.”

  I hated it when the bastard made sense. As best I could, I hefted the bulky bag on my shoulder, flinching at the pressure on my back.

  “Let me get that for you.” Aidan tried to grab the bag but I avoided his attempt then scurried to find a thick bush. Once I found my sanctuary, I dumped the contents out of the bag, instantly my cheeks burned. The ground was littered with slinky tops, short skirts and impossible stilettos. Remembering that I only had fifteen minutes I sifted through the stripper wear praying for a pair of pants to appear. Someone upstairs must have been listening. On the very bottom of the pile was a single pair of black, leather pants. Without another thought, I yanked off my sweat pants then tugged on the godsend. Tugged was not a strong enough word for the battle I had to get them on. The selection in tops was not difficult since my boobs were on the small size. When it came to the shoes issue, I was dead set on telling Tristan to go fly a kite. Turning from the shoe array on the ground I nearly crashed into Kelilah.

  “Easy there little one,” her warm golden eyes were kind as they looked over my outfit. “The pants are an excellent choice but the top is not enough. The fabric could be caught on something while you are fighting. Also, do not fret about the shoes those idiots brought you.” She put down a backpack that I had not noticed her carrying then pulled out a pair of boots. “These were designed by a fellow member of The Order, she too is a guardian. Put them on as I look for a different top.”

  I took the wicked looking boots from her then sat on the ground to make it easier to push my foot inside. The leather was softer than it appeared, while the chains and metal adornments around the ankle part were surprisingly heavy.

  The “shirt” Kelilah picked out was nothing more than a black racer back tank top. “Aidan must have been in charge of the clothing. I cannot believe a man such as Tristan would make such foolish choices.”

  After changing, I glanced at Kelilah. “What does that mean, ‘a man such as Tristan’?”

  She grinned impishly, “This comes as a surprise that he has not told you. Under normal circumstances, I would tell you to ask him yourself but I fear that he would not give you the truth. You see, our friend Tristan was the commander of the Luxsurian army and since his father’s passing, he is the true king of Luxsuria. The night after a very heated dispute between Tristan and his father, Aso’s wife found him dead with his son’s dagger plunged into his heart. Tristan was sent to the Aknoela for murdering the high king. I firmly believe his innocence in the murder but he is pretty tight lipped about it.”

  “Wow—so he really does know what his doing.” I said quietly.

  Kelilah held out her hand to help me up. “Come little one, the commander grows impatient.”

  The last thing I expected when I jumped to my feet was for two knives to spring out of the heels of the boots. “Oh my god!”

  “Yes it can be a very useful tool when fighting a man stronger than you. When you press the trigger in the ball of your foot, two blades will come out of the toe of the boot. The chains and Chinese stars are also detachable.”

  I stared at her incredulously. “That is so badass.”

  “Perhaps I can snatch one of Daphne’s belts she has designed. You would really thin
k they are badass.” The mischievously glint in her golden eyes told me that she got the response she wanted for the gift.

  Once Kelilah and I returned from changing I noticed that both Tristan and Aidan’s moods seemed to have sharpened to a point. However, I wasn’t disappointed to find that neither had a shirt on either. Seeing all that skin made the moisture from my mouth drain to my panties. The ever so perceptive Kelilah made this public. “Perhaps the little one is not ready for the added distraction of your nakedness.”

  Tristan glanced at her for a moment before staring at me. His eyes leisurely caressed every inch of my body, leaving a trail of goose bumps behind. “I am sure that we will be on even playing fields with what you call ‘distractions’. Besides my friend, it will be you that McKenna trains with today, I am sparring with Aidan.”

  At hearing this news my heart picked up the pace. I had never met a were panther, much less fight with one. The fights I had encountered while in Savannah had been with a few vamps and only one werewolf. Unfortunately, the werewolf fight landed me in juvenile detention for a year. I have no shame admitting that she kicked my ass but at least I was able to give her a memento that reminded her to leave my brother alone. She will forever have burn marks of where I wrapped a silver chain around her neck. Shaking off memory lane, I turned towards Kelilah. “Come on Bagheera, show me what you got.”

  A deep growl rumbled from her chest then she smiled devilishly. “Just remember you asked for it.”

  * * * * *

  By the time Tristan called for a break around three in the afternoon, my body was screaming in pain. “I think y’all have picked the wrong girl, every one of you beat me in less than five minutes. The only reason it takes Aidan the longest is because he doesn’t want to hit me. Face facts guys I’m hopeless.” I tried to mask the flinch when I sat down too hard on the ground. “Sure I may have gifted eyes but what’s the point if the enemy cuts them out.”

  Kelilah silently sat down beside me. “You are not hopeless McKenna. It takes time to develop skill such as ours and do not forget that you are only a small human. Tristan is a very old demon, who was groomed from birth to fight and it is the same with myself. You do have some things on your side that will help defeating the enemy. Take for example your size; anyone who goes up against you will underestimate you and let their weakness show. You also have really talented trainers.” She teased.

  I smiled weakly then shifted my attention to Aidan, who was lounging in the grass a few feet away. “If skill comes from time, why does Aidan fight so well?”

  Her face grew grim, “I cannot say for certain but I have picked up a different scent when he is fighting with you; he smells of regret. Yet, when he fights with Tristan, it is disgust and rage. This also could be your problem. On the outside, you are fighting us and on the inside you have already accepted defeat. There is no greater weapon you have than that of your emotions. All of the pain, heartbreak and sorrow, turn those into fuel for anger. Every time we strike you with our fists and weapons, think of all the horrible things that will happen to your family if you fail. When Aidan tries to attack, remember how he left you, alone and broken. The same goes with Tristan just imagine how much he wants to use you, laugh at you and hurt you. Use this pain within you to build your fire, not extinguish it.” Kelilah patted my shoulder then got up and glanced at her cell. “I am sorry little one but I have a dinner date with a friend. Are you going to be alright if I leave?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just promise that you will come back soon.”

  Kelilah chuckled then silently sauntered into the thick woods, passing Tristan at the tree line. They nodded to each other without a word, continuing in opposite directions. I swallowed my tongue when his beautiful body came into full view. The firm lines of his upper torso were enough to give a girl heart palpitations. Neither the tattoos nor the pierced nipples detracted from the magnificently sculpted muscles of his body. In fact, the contrast made Tristan more of a work of art. His shaggy blonde hair was wet, dripping tiny rivulets water over his shoulders. With a will of their own, my eyes skimmed downward following the moist trail of a droplet over hard, bulging pecs, the washboard of his abdomen until it disappeared in his low-slung gym shorts.

  It was beyond wishful thinking that my ogling would go unnoticed. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Aidan hissed startling me then with inhumanly grace rolled to his feet and stormed off.

  Cursing myself, I slouched over, wrapping my arms around my knees then closed my eyes. Dammit! I had just gotten things were we could possibly be friends; this was seriously going to throw a wrench in things.

  I shrugged off the warm hand that touched my shoulder then as the frustration swelled, I sprang into action. Through gritted teeth I screeched, “Don’t you ever fucking touch me! This is all your fault!”

  Tristan’s face grew taunt. “Nay larisitá that”—he pointed in the direction Aidan took off—“is your fault. You lead him on, hell you lead me on. We may not be men in your eyes but trust me; we are in every essence of the word.”

  The pain that had been buried quickly came to the surface as rage, so much so that I was shaking from it. “Demon you are no man, you are a monster!” Hazy from the fury I grabbed Tristan and shoved him into the makeshift fighting arena. “You are no different than every other monster out there. Your kind can only find joy from destroying humans. Well here is your intervention Demon, put me out of my misery!”

  He watched me, filling with surprise at the strength I had found to shove him twenty feet from where he had been standing. Slowly he got up, never taking his eyes from mine, then began to walk in a circle around me. “This is a side of you I like pet, ferocious and consuming.” Unexpectedly he wrapped his arms around me in a vise grip, pinning my arms down by my sides. I tensed, letting fear override fury and the power inside receded. Tristan chuckled as he gripped my hips, pulling them up to meet his own. “See lover you want me to dominate you. You want me despite knowing I am a monster.” The wheels in my head were spinning up a plan. What had Kelilah said, “anyone who goes up against you will underestimate you and let their weakness show.” As Tristan nuzzled my neck, I slid a reluctant hand to the bulge poking my back. With a hiss, he pressed harder against me, “Portá larisitá.” Gritting my teeth, I envisioned just what he wanted me to do and how much it would hurt when he would toss me aside as he had every other girl. The grip I had on him tightened until he grunted in protest then like a viper striking I bit his arm to get free.

  Before he could manage to stop me, my teeth broke his skin, his demon blood filling my mouth. In an instant, my body turned into a withering mass of euphoria. I sank to the ground then moaned when each blade felt like a hot tongue against my skin. Tristan tried to soothe me but even the innocent murmurs of his voice was erotic. “Shhh, pet it will be over soon. The pain will start to lessen.”

  Clutching his shirt I pulled him closer, enough were his breath sent warm shivers down my spine. “Not…ummm…pain.”

  The faint sound of someone running broke the barrier of the blood pounding in my head. “What in the hell are you two doing?”

  I was thankful that the orgasmic waves had quickly receded to the barest of tingles, which allowed me to sit up. Immediately I punched Tristan in the jaw, “You asshole! You baited me!” Still fuming I turned to Aidan and slapped him for all I was worth. “You are no better than him. You assumed the worse in me without any reason!” I looked back only once before I left and the sight was a pleasing one. They were both slack jaw with surprise.

  * * * * *

  For the next two weeks, I trained with Kelilah from sunrise to sunset, not even going into work for Pete on Fridays. I felt different after that day with Aidan and Tristan; stronger, faster and not human. Kelilah told me that I was finally embracing my inner guardian and that everyone has a different catalyst. I didn’t mention the demon blood to her; it was something I needed to discuss with Tristan. Of course that was impossible since I was informed that he
was unavailable and his cell was turned off. Tonight I was feeling especially lonely since Ben and my dad took an overnight camping trip, which left an eerie silence throughout the house. Even Julie was too busy for me, her and Patrick were on a date, leaving the temptation to call Aidan staggering. Texting was a better choice.

  “Are you busy?”

  Aidan: “Not really.”

  “What are you doing?”

  Aidan: “Sitting outside, drinking a beer. You?”

  I wanted to lie and say something cool like getting ready to go to a concert or partying with Avenged Sevenfold but he would know that it was a lie. Then I did something I was sure to regret.

  “Thinking about watching a movie, want to come over? Ben and my dad aren’t here so you can bring your beer.”

  Aidan did not even text me back. Disappointed and bored I went to bed to lick my wounds.

  I was asleep for what seemed like a matter of seconds before someone was shaking me to wake up. “Hell, you’re not asleep—more like comatose. Can you hear me McKenna?” It took a minute for me to recognize the voice as Tristan’s.

  “Stop shaking me!” I hissed, slapping at his hands on my shoulders. That caused chuckles throughout the room. Obviously, he was not alone and this was worse than throwing a bucket of ice water over me. After blinking a few times something dark inside of me sprang into action. I snatched a pencil off the nightstand then pounced on the vampire lurking in the corner. The monster didn’t even try to fight back when I jabbed his chest with my weapon. A satisfied smirk was replaced by confusion when the vampire didn’t turn to ash.

  “Good shot princess; next time though thrust with two hands.”


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