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Club Dishabille (Apprivoisé)

Page 3

by Aoide, Arden

  Hopefully we’ll be able to talk again tomorrow. :-)

  I’ll probably leave work around 6, but you can text me anytime during the day.

  Sounds good. I’ll text you tomorrow. Try to get some sleep.

  You, too. Goodnight, Alex. :-)

  ‘Night, Dahlia.

  Alex fell back on his pillow. He felt like a goddamn teenage girl. He read through all the texts. He exhaled heavily and looked down at the erection threatening to break free of his underwear. He was so aroused, but he couldn't picture her face or her body. He wasn’t in the mood to draw this out anyway. He pulled his cock out and jerked it roughly. And...done. God, he was pathetic.

  He picked up his phone and looked at the time. Almost three. He texted Miranda.

  I love you, Sis.

  Love you, too. Told you you’d like her.

  Alex shook his head fondly and went to sleep.

  Chapter 3

  Dahlia didn’t roll out of bed until ten. Usually Nick brought breakfast, but he had an account he wanted to get done by noon, so he went in early. Callie was probably on her laptop, chatting with her friends. She picked up her phone and smiled as she read through the conversation from last night. God, she was smitten. He'd completely charmed her. She wondered how foolish she was. She didn't care. She debated on whether she should text him first when her phone vibrated.

  Morning! I hope you slept well.

  I could use a couple more hours, but once I get coffee in me, I’ll be fine. And good morning to you, too. How are you faring today?

  I’ve got two cups down and finished my first job. It’s going to be a long day.

  I'm surprised I didn't ask last night. What do you do?

  I work in IT. Independent contractor.

  Really? Why did Miranda ask me about computers? I thought she needed help with something.

  LOL did she really? Girl I dated was seeing someone else while I was fixing her computer.

  Wow. Women are bitches.

  Indeed. What do you do?

  I’m a CPA. My ex and I co-own a business. We help with taxes, bank investments, auditing, and various other services.

  Flexible hours, then?

  Right now, yes. Tax time is a nightmare because we get small businesses that come in thinking we can do a whole year’s work in an afternoon. We can usually get them an extension, but it takes awhile to convince them that we need a constant stream of their paperwork and receipts. Nick had to put a premium rate on doing things on short notice, so that they would be more inclined to save money in the long run. It works some, but tax time is still crazy. We’ve even taught Callie to run some of the software and file for us.

  I think Miranda did her own this year, but she had to file an extension. In fact, I think she just sent it in. The business was smaller last year, but revenue has tripled since.

  Tell her to get her stuff together and I can have Nick go look at it. ;-) Seriously though, it’s best if we look at it now. That way we can have it done by the first of the year.

  What is your fee?

  Nothing for her. I imagine it costs to rent rooms at the club. In my case it’s a bit of a cheat, so I’m good with bartering. ;-)

  Will your ex be okay with that?

  As long as she’s halfway organized. :-)

  She's definitely organized.

  Good. I can set up something with her later. But, I need to get up and get dressed.

  LOL you’re in bed still? I’ll let you get to it, then. I’ll text you later. Don’t work too hard. ;-)


  Dahlia was behind her desk twenty minutes later, coffee in hand, computer on, and an ex-husband teasing her about her beauty sleep. Luckily, since he came in early, he was taking the rest of the afternoon off to spend some time with Callie, and she could work in peace. He wasn’t hard to work with usually. He was just a constant stream of sarcasm and general assholery. She was mostly immune to it, but some days, she wanted to stay in her own little world. Like today.

  Once he was gone, she was able to put her phone out and stare at it every five minutes. At one point she did change the ring tone, but decided to keep it on vibrate until she went upstairs. Hours later, she had just finished one account and was debating whether to start on another when she got a text. She thought that answered her question, so she grabbed her bag and made her way back upstairs.

  I was wondering if you’d maybe like to go out on a date a night or two before we do the club thing?

  Before Dahlia could answer she got another.

  I think it’s important to know each other outside of the bedroom if you’re going to trust me in my bedroom with a blindfold on.

  Blindfold? I can’t tell if you’re flirting or being serious. :-P

  LOL I guess I should elaborate. I’m thinking ahead. It’s a habit. I was thinking that anytime I asked for you to wear a blindfold, you’d know what it meant. That way we could do normal stuff like go back to mine and watch TV or whatever. I’d like us to keep communication very frank, so that we can learn each other's needs better.

  You’ve thought this out a whole lot more than me. It sounds like you want to try for a proper relationship.

  I do. It’s why I asked you out. ;-) I thought we’ve hit it off pretty good. I’ll be honest, though. I could do it this way, texts and getting together once in a while for a session, but I think that it’s not something I’d be happy with for very long. I'd still do it that way, if that's what would make you most comfortable right now. I know that some people like to stay a bit detached. You can get a feel for things to see if it's something you'd like to continue with. Whatever you want to do.

  So, you’d help me if I were just wanting to try this for a bit, without any other attachment, but you’d rather like to see if there could be more. Is this correct?

  Dahlia needed him to be clear. She thought that he sounded like he might be panicking a bit. He'd asked her out, but started to backtrack when he considered that she might say no. She had no intention of saying no.


  Well, then.

  Sorry if I sound short. I just don’t want to misunderstand.

  No problem. I just wanted to be perfectly clear.

  In that case, I would love to go on a date with you.

  His relief was staggering.

  :-) I was thinking Wed. night. Have you ever been to Moonshine’s?

  I haven’t. Wed. sounds fine. Is it a dressy place?

  I think it’s pretty casual, maybe business casual, but I’ll probably wear a button-up long sleeve shirt. Not a tie, though.

  That sounds fine. I’m looking forward to it.

  So, can I assume you’d like to see where this goes outside of the bedroom?

  I would. Reading that question was something out of the Twilight Zone. :-D

  I never in my whole life thought I’d ever ask a girl that. *makes sure no one is reading over my shoulder*

  :-) I’m glad it was me. I thought that it would be too difficult to find a relationship like that.

  Me, too. :-)

  Alex had only just got home when he’d asked Dahlia out. He had always had the problem of not quite thinking things through and he was worried that he’d regret asking. He was more worried about regretting the opposite. He hadn't been able to get her off his mind all day. He did have a tendency for preoccupation, but it was almost guaranteed that he'd get to be with her in some intimate fashion by the weekend, but for some reason he wasn't quite satisfied with just that. He hadn't analyzed why, but he was very relieved that Dahlia was agreeable.

  What if I’m not very good at submitting?

  He was surprised by the question. He needed her to know that this was something that they'd learn together. And that he would be very patient.

  I don’t want or need constant submission. Mostly I’ve only ever wanted it in the bedroom, but it can spill out into other areas of life. For me, it’s a kink, not so much a complete lifestyle, like it would be for some people. The thing is, I have
n’t been able to explore it with one person for very long. That’s why I want a relationship to explore this. It’s not a one or two time thing. But I’m essentially a beginner. And I’ve just realized that may not be what you wanted at all. You might have wanted someone more experienced.

  Not at all! I’m more than comfortable with it. I like it. And I forgot to put a winky face after my last text. I was totally trying to flirt, but it came up as more doubtful. Sorry about that. I really like the blindfold idea. Would it work the opposite way? Could I put it on when we hadn’t had anything planned?

  Good God. There went the rest of his evening.

  After picturing the winky...hmmm, well, we’d be having a lovely conversation with you turned over my knee. And I can’t even *function* picturing a scenario where I walk in with you wearing a blindfold. I guess that would be an emphatic yes. Please do it. A lot. Like yesterday. It’s probably good that I don’t know what you look like, yet. I’m ridiculously visual, and distractible. It’s a wonder I’m gainfully employed.

  LOL You were on Ritalin as a kid, weren’t you?

  Still am. It’s how I can keep a job.

  I guess I’d better wear low cut things to make sure your eyes stay on me when we go out. ;-)

  I’m not that bad, I don’t think. Better play it safe, though.

  I think I’ll go shopping.

  You don’t need to go buy something.

  I have a man to impress! Besides my cleavage might look awesome if I did something with it.

  I think that he will try his best with intellectual stimulation.

  That’s very noble of him. But the last time someone looked at my breasts in excitement was a long long time ago and that was only because I was lactating. So, he’d better make an effort. ;-)

  When you say things like that, it makes me want to come see you now. And make an effort.

  I’m very tempted to let you. I have dinner with Nick and Callie in an hour, though. Callie’s going to NYC tomorrow morning with her theatre troop for 2 weeks and we’re going to spend some time with her. But God, I’m very tempted.

  I’m glad that you’re tempted. Tomorrow is going to be a very rough day.

  It is. If I were to see you now, what would you do?

  He thought for a moment. He wondered if he should be honest or cautious. She obviously wanted something from him to be asking such a question. He hoped his honestly didn't terrify her.

  I’d give you instructions to follow, then I’d come over, and if my instructions were followed, I’d make sure that you’d never want for anyone or anything ever again.

  Oh, that was very cruel.

  Smitten, yes. Completely and utterly...smitten. Smitten was safe, right? Fuck safe. She was falling hard and didn't have the first clue on how to stop it. She didn't think she wanted to stop it anyway.

  You did ask. I answered to the best of my ability. What did you expect? :-)

  The stuff I was picturing was really quite tame.

  I can try to be tame if you’d like.

  Try it. :-D

  I’d come over and kiss you sweetly on the mouth while I lovingly stroked your hair.

  I’m sorry I asked you to do that. :-D

  Hey! I thought it was very good! Women.

  I’m afraid you’ve ruined me for normal sweet talk.

  In that case...While stroking your hair, I’d grab a handful and yank your head back. I’d work my way down your neck, biting and sucking.

  *is vaguely interested* Continue.

  :-D I can’t wait to see you. I’d change our date to tomorrow, but I’ve got a full fucking day. The bulk being after 3.

  We could play it by ear.

  We could. I just don’t want to disappoint you if work runs too late. I don’t want to be too tired.

  Too tired for what? You’re not expecting me to put out, are you? ;-)

  I expect you to react naturally to whatever I say.

  I should probably wear a dress, then. *sigh*

  :-D I’ll make sure we get a secluded booth.

  Dahlia wondered if she should chill with the sluttiness. He seemed to like it and she was reacting naturally. Considering the circumstances of their phone meeting, it probably wasn't an issue. It still worried her.

  I hope my easiness doesn’t eventually turn you off.

  If you were easy, you wouldn’t have emailed my sister. Besides, didn’t you say you hadn’t had sex in months?


  I don’t think you’re easy at all. Quite the opposite.

  You’ve talked me into bed within 24 hours!

  Our circumstances are a bit different. You’ve dated since your divorce. How come you didn’t sleep with any of them?

  I wasn’t remotely interested. As lonely as I was, I felt nothing.

  But for me...?

  Lots of feelings. Lots of interest. I guess it’s the time frame that concerns me.

  It doesn’t concern me. I just think we were instantly compatible. Sex was already on the table, so we didn’t have to tiptoe around that. I’ve always wanted someone sexually uninhibited, but who was also interested in monogamy. I know there are women out there like that, but you’re the first I’ve come across that I’ve wanted to pursue. I consider myself very lucky to have found you.

  I promise to try not to have fits of insecurity very often. Your mouth is going to be my undoing. I’m a sure thing and yet you still continue to charm me.

  Wednesday can’t come soon enough.

  :-) Can you text me a little later?

  I intend to, but someone kept me up late last night. I might fall asleep. You can text me when you’re free.

  I wouldn’t want to wake you.

  I normally don’t hear my phone if I’m out, but I’d like to wake up with a text from you.

  Then I will text you. I’ll probably try to get a decent night’s sleep tonight. We’ve got to get Callie to the airport by 9. Nick and I are taking her to Annie’s in the morning for breakfast first. This is the first time I’ve spent this long without her. :-(

  I shall endeavor to distract you properly.

  I’m sure you will be successful.

  I’ll miss you tonight.

  Miss you more. :-)

  Alex lay in his bed wondering if he should chance catching a glimpse of her at Annie’s. He felt a bit like a stalker, but maybe–he pushed himself quickly out of bed and walked to his closet. He reached up and grabbed a medium-sized black case from the back and brought it to his desk. He opened the box with the included key that was still affixed to the handle and reverently picked up a small box that was off to the side of the other items in the box. It was a perfect replica of the box it came in, but it didn’t need a key to unlock it. It had two indentations that needed to be pressed simultaneously.

  Back when Dishabille opened, he and Miranda, after realizing that she could have quite a successful little side business selling adult novelty toys, would sift through wholesale catalogs with a few of the staff members. One of the catalogs had something that Alex was particularly interested in. It was a kit of bondage supplies, but it differed from some of the other sets. It wasn’t cheap plastic products in a flimsy box, but a nice leather case with a place for all the supplies inside. There was a leather cat whip, a spool of leather cord with several pre-cut pieces, a ball gag, a single-lash whip, a beginner’s flogger, a small heavy wooden paddle, a small box with crystal vials of healing ointments, and inside the small black box was a long silk scarf, the color of smoke.

  He had bought the kit hoping he’d find the one who would appreciate it. He pressed the indentations in the box and slowly pulled out the scarf. He stared at it for many moments before coming to a decision. He wasn’t going to stalk Dahlia. He was going to woo the pants off her. He folded the scarf gently and placed it back in the box. After digging in his desk for a small notepad, he wrote a succinct note.

  To bind your eyes.

  To bind your hands.

  To bind your heart.
r />   He wanted her to know what this scarf symbolized for him. It seemed an unimportant piece of material, but his intentions were passionate and sincere. Since he was going to give it to her in a public place–somehow, he decided he’d need to put something more inconspicuous in the box. Chocolate. He’d run by the market in the morning to get a gift box and a chocolate bar. He wrote at the bottom of the note.

  And chocolate, just in case you have a curious audience.

  Yours, Alex.

  Satisfied with his plan, he went to bed, setting his alarm so that he had plenty of time to get his errands done before he would need to be at Annie’s. He sighed. He'd have to take care of his erection first. Pathetic.

  Chapter 4

  Alex woke up with a bit more energy than normal, particularly since he was able to catch up on some much needed rest. He checked his phone. Dahlia had texted him around eleven.

  Going to bed now. Hope you’re sleeping well.

  He checked his email for any new job appointments and there were two that needed him before noon, and his afternoon was booked solid through that afternoon and into the evening. He would be tired, but tomorrow was looking to be a slow day. He hoped they could get in some conversation tonight.


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