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Club Dishabille (Apprivoisé)

Page 7

by Aoide, Arden

  Dahlia finally made it down around eleven. She had talked to Callie for a good while. She’d made it sound as if she and Alex had known each other a couple months. She didn’t want her daughter to know that she’d fallen hopelessly within seventy-two hours and that she’d not deny him anything. She also knew that once Callie was home, she’d want to set a good example. The lines were blurred in her head right now because being without him for even a night, seemed impossible.

  She grabbed her work from her desk and moved a chair, so she could sit in front of Nick’s desk. He raised his head from the mound of papers in front of him. “How is Callie this morning? I didn’t talk to her too much yesterday.”

  “She’s fine. She’s having so much fun.” Dahlia looked at him. “I told her that Alex and I have been talking for a while. A couple months.”

  Nick nodded, working his pencil over the paper. “Where did you tell her you met?” He grinned a little at this.

  Dahlia rolled her eyes. “I said that his sister is a business acquaintance of mine and she introduced us. She didn’t inquire further. She was more interested in me actually having a boyfriend.”

  Nick smiled a little wider. “How are you going to handle sleepovers?”

  “For now, we’ll do them when Callie is at a friend’s. Maybe you can take her to the beach for the weekend a little more often.” Dahlia shrugged.

  “Maybe.” Nick looked up at her. “Callie will see straight through that since you usually go, too.”

  “Oh, I know. She’ll indulge me for a bit.” Dahlia smirked at him. “Besides, all she’s going to want to do is set you up with someone now.”

  Nick sighed heavily. He hated this subject.

  Dahlia said gently, “I still think you should see a doctor. If your hormones check out as fine, I’ll leave it alone forever. I really will. I promise. I'll let you stay a hermit.” She knew she should leave it alone, but she wanted him to be as happy as she was.

  “I did go,” he said quietly. “You were right all along.”

  “Nick.” She looked at him, concern visible. “What made you go?”

  “Remember a few months ago when I felt like I'd been coming down with something?” At her nod, he continued. “Well, a few weeks ago I realized that I still felt like that, and I didn't remember what it felt like to feel good.”

  If Dahlia hadn't already forgiven him, she would have thrown something at his head. As it was, she was a little bit irritated. She'd begged him for years to go see someone. She'd told him one night before she'd filed for divorce that he either had low testosterone or he was gay. If he wouldn't get checked, she would assume he was gay. Not her finest moment, but she was at the end of her rope. She would try to be supportive. “I'm glad you got checked.”

  “They gave me a shot that I have to have once a week. I had my first one yesterday. I'm scared that I'll start humping furniture or become addicted to porn.” Nick was more serious than he wanted to be. “Apparently, it was really low, really really low, and she said that it may take a few months to get the dosage right.”

  “I guess I'll try to watch where I sit, then,” Dahlia teased. “At least until I can hook you up with Alex's very hot sister. So, what do you think of Alex?”

  Nick let her comment slide for now. “When I saw you two together this morning, I realized that you had wasted too much time with me. I’m happy that you found him. He seems to really like you.”

  Dahlia was tearing up again. “Do you think so? I really like him.”

  Nick gave her a ‘who are you kidding’ look and shook his head.

  “But it’s fast, isn’t it? Really fast?” Dahlia asked, not hiding her anxiety well.

  “It is.” Nick looked at thoughtfully. “I think–I don’t know.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I think that you liked his sister and trusted somewhat that she wasn’t going to let you get eaten alive by some guy in a gimp suit. He being her brother only gives her motives credibility.”

  Dahlia snorted. “What I wouldn’t give to go through your Internet history.”

  Nick smiled, but didn’t look her in the eye. “I think that combined with him being so attentive, you were able to let your guard down a bit.”

  He sat up and looked at her. “Just from the little bit that I saw this morning, I think that you both feel things very passionately. I don’t think either of you stood a chance once you got to talking.”

  “The things he says to me–” Dahlia shook her head. “I just don’t know if they are completely sincere or just him trying to turn me on. Mostly it’s fine, but sometimes he’ll say something that anyone would wait their whole life to hear, and it just shatters me. I believe him when he says them, but it’s happening so fast.”

  “Don't you think he's thinking that, too?” Nick asked seriously.

  “Do you think he feels like I’m–,” she moved her hands around to make her point.

  “Expressive? Wordy?” It was going to be a long day, he thought. “I don’t think he’s wanting for anything when it comes to you.”

  That was the nicest thing Nick ever said to her and it really meant so much. She walked around the desk and gave him a quick hug.

  “I never said I was sorry to you,” he said when she pulled away. He looked sincere.

  She couldn’t stop the few tears that fell. She brushed them away quickly. She didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything.

  He looked at her for a long moment and smiled. “Let’s try to get a few hours in. I’m going out tonight, and I’m fairly certain your night is going to be a long one.”

  “Where are you going?” She was surprised.

  “Well, I’ve got to go pick up my gimp suit, then I need to get some groceries.”

  “Oh, we’d better get some work done, then,” Dahlia said, standing up, picking up her chair, and walking to her desk. One day, she'd brave his Internet history. One day.

  Some hours later she heard her phone. She hadn’t really stopped since she started, but she had eaten a half sandwich and chips that Nick pushed at her. The great thing about Nick's obsession with food was that she never did without.

  Hungry. What are we doing for dinner?

  Forgotten about our date so soon?

  I thought we were just cuddling this evening.

  Very intense cuddling. After you take me to dinner.

  I forgot the clothes I was going to wear tonight.

  After work, go home and change and then come pick me up.

  Well, aren't you bossy? I think there's been a misunderstanding about who's supposed to be the one in charge here. ;-) I get off at 4. Can I come see you for a bit first?

  :-D Sure. Maybe you can flog me on my desk.

  Gotta go find me a bathroom. Give me a few.


  Speaking of flogging, I want you to choose a safe word.

  Will I need one tonight!?

  I don’t know. Maybe.

  I didn’t know I could be both scared and intrigued.

  I don’t ever want you to be scared.

  Maybe not scared. Anxious?

  That's not much better. Pick a word.


  :-D That will do. I’ll see you in and hour or so. I’ve loved having you all over me today. I may not shower again for a week. ;-)


  Fine. I’ll shower. You’ll have to dirty me back up for tomorrow, though.

  You are disgusting and I think I might like it a little. Don’t tell anyone.

  ;-) I haven't asked, but do you have any concerns or questions? Are there things that you see as necessary?

  I just want to start out slow. I worry that I won't handle the pain well. I mean, that I don't handle it well enough to please you. I worry that while I want to submit that I won't be able to fully because of fear of the pain. I want the pain, though. I want to see how much I can take. The only thing I require is your praise when I've pleased you and your patience. What do you require?

  Oh, this
is exactly what Alex wanted to hear.

  I require your complete honesty and trust. I require your sincerity. Even if we don't get to a good flogging for months, it's your willingness to get there. With me. It's not about the pain to me. It's about us doing our best to get to the same place together. Your absolute submission and your absolute trust in me. My absolute pleasure and absolute devotion to you.

  God, he made something that sounded so dysfunctional, sound so appealing.

  We're on the same page, then. I'm looking forward to learning and growing with you. I'll do everything I can to make sure you're pleased.

  And I'll make sure you're taken care of. It's my pleasure.

  Dahlia was able to put in another good hour before she felt someone over her shoulder. Nick liked to do that sometimes to irritate her. “Don’t make me shank you with my pencil, because I fucking will.”

  The body immediately moved, which surprised her, but then she heard Nick speaking quietly behind her. “You just got off easy. Of course, I nearly always stay and the swearing gets more intense. I have a scar–right here–where she stapled me once.”

  Dahlia stood up rapidly and turned around. Alex looked a bit shell-shocked, and he was standing awkwardly, holding his bag in front of him. She’d never seen him look like this, not that she’d seen a lot.

  They stared at each other for a moment until Nick lowered his shirt, cleared his throat and said uselessly, “I’ll just be in here then.” He closed them in together.

  A split second later he had her pressed against her desk, bag dropped, and he was opening his pants. “Touch me and do it quickly,” he said with a tremor to his voice.

  She wrapped her hand around him tentatively, but he wasn’t having any of it. “Harder.” He wrapped his hand around hers and showed her.

  He was serious about the hard and quick part. It was less than a minute later when he spoke in a rush, but the voice held an edge. “Get on your knees. Don’t make me ask again.”

  Her eyes were wide, but she lowered herself to her knees. She looked up at him and he groaned. “Put your mouth around the head. Quickly!”

  She complied instantly and after it was all said and done, she was glad they’d had so much sex because it was quite a different experience to have a mouth full of come for the very first time. It was actually nice that he’d done it this way the first time instead of a full on blow job, she thought wryly.

  “Swallow it,” he whispered roughly, putting his hand softly around her neck.

  As soon as she did, he pulled her up and kissed her sloppily. He pulled away slightly and rested his forehead against hers while he did up his pants. He chuckled. “I apparently wasn’t kidding about your dirty mouth.”

  Dahlia was a little breathless, and a little bit more confused. And quite aroused. He pulled back further and looked at her with concern.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Let’s go upstairs.” She had only one thing on her mind.

  He was still looking at her when he reached down for his bag. “Was that okay?” He pointed to where she was standing.

  She nodded.

  “What is it, Dahlia? I’m sorry if I crossed a line.” He looked stricken and she immediately went to wrap herself around him.

  “I’m trying to figure out if I should apologize for threatening to shank you with my pencil, or threaten to shank you with my pencil more often,” she said, barely audible against his shoulder, but he heard her.

  He laughed breathlessly. “You certainly don’t need to apologize. Like I said,” he punctuated with kisses and nips, “I–” nip, “really–” kiss, “love–” he kissed her deeply, tongue caressing hers, “your–” nip, “dirty mouth.” He finished with a loud peck.

  “You’re still in for it. I'm not quite done with you, yet.” He pulled her toward the elevator. When they stepped in, he pressed the button and pulled her toward him, kissing her slowly like a lover. She sighed when the elevator opened and followed him out, her hand firmly in his.

  As they got to the door, he stood behind her and kissed her neck, distracting her greatly from finding her keys, that she was sure had fallen to the bottom of her bag. She decided to try something. “If you don’t back the fuck off, I’m going to make you fuck me here. And if you make me come, I’ll let you fuck my face.”

  He put his full weight on her and pressed her roughly against the door. “You are so going to pay for that.” He reached under her dress, spreading her thighs, then he plunged two fingers into her roughly, making her cry out. She felt him tear at her panties, but she also heard the elevator ascend. Alex must have heard it, too. “Find the keys.”

  She reached toward the bottom of her bag and fished them out. They were just in the door when Alex dropped to his knees and reached under her dress to pull her sodden panties down. She felt his mouth cover her pussy and she staggered backward. His head appeared from under her dress. “Couch?” His mouth was wet.

  She nodded and he stood quickly, and pushed her toward the sofa. He got to his knees and pulled her legs towards him, so that her bottom was right on the edge. Then he looked her in the eye and slowly pushed one thigh upward so that her foot was flat on the cushion. He moved his mouth, applying tiny closed-mouth kisses down her thigh toward her pussy, eyes glued to her. Once he made it to the junction of her inner thigh, he closed his eyes, opened his mouth and inhaled. Dahlia thought she might pass out.

  He opened his eyes, looked up, and pushed his tongue inside her. She nearly came unseated. As he fucked her slowly, he raised the other thigh so that it was identical to the other one. The deeper he went, the more he squeezed her inner thighs and she was sure that she would have fingertip bruises. She would cherish them.

  He pulled his face back slightly and licked slowly upward to her clitoris and he squeezed her thighs harder. It occurred to her that he was pressing down because she’d probably try to suffocate him otherwise.

  As soon as his mouth closed around her, she cried out. He then proceeded to give her the most intense orgasm of her entire life. He raised his face and stared at her limp body, dress bunched up across her hips, and chest heaving. Her thighs had fallen to the side. He pressed his clothed erection against her.

  “I’m going to mess up your pants.” She tried to ineffectually push him away.

  “I want you to mess up my pants,” he said as he pulled the straps to her dress down. Once it was pushed down to her waist, he reached behind her to unclip her bra.

  “I had intended for this to be quick, but you make that difficult for me,” Alex said as he threw her bra to the other side of the sofa.

  Dahlia blushed, but didn’t say anything. She watched as he pulled his shirt over his head. She began to pull at his belt and he smiled lazily at her and helped her along. “What do you want?”

  “I want you inside of me,” Dahlia said instantly.

  He rubbed his covered erection against her and arranged her thighs back to the way he wanted. He ran his fingers over the forming bruises and she moaned.

  “I can make you come with my mouth again, if you’d like,” he said pressing two fingers into her wetness, and then another, filling her up.

  She moaned, and he continued. “I can fuck you with my fingers and eat you. If I do that, I’ll really want to fuck you after and I won’t be able to be gentle.” He removed his fingers and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out, then pushed it inside of her, thrusting at a snail's pace. He continued, “or I could just fuck you exactly like this.”

  Dahlia tried pushing her hips against him, but he pushed his fingers deeper into her bruises. “You fucked me hard last night. I think I managed just fine.” She arched her back to distract him, hoping he’d go faster and deeper.

  He bent down to tease her nipples with his mouth, but still kept up the maddening pace. “You did do just fine, but this time I’m going to turn you over and fuck you as hard as I can. Harder than I’ve ever dared to fuck anyone. I can’t guarantee that you’l
l enjoy it.” He sounded a little crazed.

  “Yes,” she moaned and tried to sit up, so she could turn around. Dahlia couldn’t imagine not enjoying it. She wanted it.

  Alex laughed lowly. “Not yet. Let me make sure you’re ready.” He pulled out, causing Dahlia to give a small distressed noise, but he immediately pressed three fingers inside her and latched onto her clitoris. He wrapped one arm around her thigh to hold her down.

  “Oh God, please. Oh fuck, please Alex. Please!” Dahlia begged, and Alex upped his pace. “Yes. Oh yes. Alex, so good. Don’t stop!”

  He felt her clench around his fingers and he let go of her leg, allowing her to move against him. He flattened his tongue against her and she was able to thrust against his face to control her own orgasm. It was even better than the first and she rode it out with a stream of low moans.

  Alex was trembling with need. He stood shakily and pushed his pants to the floor. He stepped out of them and before he lost his nerve, he looked into Dahlia’s dazed eyes. “Turn over. Now.”

  She complied immediately, but sluggishly. He roughly pulled her hips back and seated himself inside her. And he fucked her. It wasn’t that different from the night before, but in this position, he could go deeper, and he wasn’t going to get distracted by anything else. The sound of his groin smacking against her bottom was music to his ears and he looked down, mesmerized by her pale whiteness. Remembering that he was going to get to use the flogger on her tonight made him briefly lose his stride, but it didn’t matter. He started to come within seconds after.

  He maneuvered her onto her side and spooned up behind her, his softening cock, slipping out of her in the process, and messing them both up more, but neither seemed to care. Certainly not Alex.

  He placed small kisses between her shoulder blades and heard her sigh. “Thank you,” he mumbled against her.

  Dahlia tried to laugh. “I should be thanking you.”

  Alex was going to apologize, but Dahlia didn’t seem to be bothered at all that he’d just used her, and quite roughly. “So, it was okay? I promise not to–” Alex started, but was interrupted by Dahlia turning over to face him.


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