Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2)

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Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2) Page 14

by Pamela Ann

  I sniffed. “Thank you. I might just do that. I have to think it through first.”

  “Chad—this has been a very good productive day. I will be back on Monday and we will continue then.” She stood up and they quietly left the sunny living room.

  I looked through the windows and studied the beautiful landscape but I couldn’t see a thing.

  My tears were unstoppable.

  When Chad returned, Toby was with him. “What the hell happened, Chad? Did someone hurt her? Why are you both crying?” his puzzled voice amused me but it was impossible to say so through my weeping.

  Toby sat next to me and cradled my head to his chest. “Hush now, love—there is no man on earth worth crying over like this.” Really, a man…is that the best he could do?

  “Now you’re just being an idiot,” Chad said. “Sienna joined me during therapy and ended up sharing her heartbreaking child abuse story. I’m so sorry Sienna—I didn’t expect for it to go that way.”

  “No—it needed to be out there. It’s about time,” I said in between hiccups.

  Chad sat on the other side of Toby and we all huddled together until Chad’s and my sobs subsided.

  The three of us prepared dinner together. During dinner my phone rang and I absentmindedly took it without paying attention to the caller.


  “Is this Ms. Sienna Richards?” A firm woman spoke. “Yes, this is she—”

  “Hello, Sienna! I’m Tina Goldsmith and I’m the lawyer for Edith Galley. My client used to work for Mr. Dante Brown. To get to the point, Mr. Brown physically assaulted and abused Ms. Galley two months ago. There are pictures to prove the incident did happen. We are building a case and we learned that you lived in their household until you turned eighteen. Now, Ms. Richards, I was hoping to see if you would be so inclined to help us and tell us exactly what type of a man Mr. Brown is? It would solidify the case and your testimony would mean a great deal to Ms. Galley. Mr. Brown needs help and by proving him guilty, he would exactly get that plus a great deal of punishment.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot of information to take in. I understand, I truly do—but I can’t do this right now. Is it possible for me to call you back later on next week? Right now really is not the right time for me.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Richards. That would be generous of you if you can truly help us. I will send you a text message with my information. Thanks again!” she said before ending the call.

  “Care to enlighten us about that odd call?” Toby waited for my reply as did Chad.

  “That was a lawyer for an employee who used to work for my uncle. She claims that my uncle physically assaulted and abused her. They are working up a solid case against him and have physical evidence to prove it. They need my testament to make it air tight with no chance in hell of my uncle running away with his violent tendencies.”

  “Amazing! Karma’s a bitch and your fucking uncle is up next!” Chad said haughtily.

  “Are you planning to give a statement?” Chad asked. “I know it’s none of my business but I do think you should really do this—for your own sake and for those people he abused as well. I know your Aunt and Uncle are both callous sadistic people and they both deserve to rot in the cellar. But if you can put your uncle there, why not do it? He certainly doesn’t deserve pity. Anyone who hurts women—let alone a small child—indubitably deserves punishment. You have to do this, Sienna. It’s supremely important that you do.”

  “I will—I don’t think I can allow him to hurt another person. If I don’t do this….how many children or women is he going to inflict harm upon?” I announced with conviction. That bastard deserves it and don’t I know it.

  After the eventful dinner, we all voted to watch Under the Tuscan Sun with Diane Lane to end our night. The thought of Toby obliging us with a chick flick was definitely a sign he felt badly for us. He usually grumbles and complains about the genre—but tonight—he was the perfect companion.

  Not once did Toby touch alcohol. I suppose our crying stint sobered him up quickly.

  After the movie, we all went straight to bed. I was exhausted from all the crying.

  Sleep couldn’t come soon enough.

  “Help…anyone….please,” my small defeated voice pleaded as I pounded through the thick oak door.

  It was Papa’s one month death anniversary.

  “Can you stop with the stupid loud pounding, you little rat? No one is letting you out. So, shut up and let me concentrate in watching my show!” my cousin Caroline hissed furiously against the linen closet door.

  My shirt was soaked with tears and it was starting to feel chilly inside the closet. I bunched up my tiny fists and slammed it against the door again. “I didn’t mean to be late waking up. I’m sorry! I promise I won’t do it again! My small fist pounded a little harder, until I had no more strength.

  After another hour of crying, my body started to furiously shiver.

  “Papa….why did you have to leave me with them?” I spoke in a whisper.

  “Papa, please come back. I need you….” my tiny voice pleaded.

  I immediately woke up startled and turned on the lamp beside my bed. I was freely crying. Papa….

  I haven’t dreamt about that damn tiny closet in almost two years. Why are the dreams coming back now? The therapy definitely opened unhealed wounds and now they’ve resurfaced.

  The only chance I have now is to brave it out and finally deal with it. Maybe Dr. Murray was right. It was high time I talk to someone about it. For almost thirteen years, I’ve bottled everything up. It’s no wonder I’m so messed up.

  I wanted to call Kyle, but I knew it wasn’t fair to bother him at this odd hour. I would save that late night talk for when I really need to.

  Turning off the lamp, I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing. I pictured my happy childhood with my father—him putting me to bed and reading my favorite bedtime story—him singing while he cooked us a meal with a huge grin—or when he taught me how to draw.

  Memories of my father eased my troubled mind and put me back to sleep.

  Sleep tight, my sweet pea….be strong…I love you….my dad’s soft voice whispered through the darkened night.



  It was already eight at night when I left my grandfather’s estate just outside of London. Our conversation focused solely on Knightly Industries and where I plan to take it in the next few years. I’m ambitious and I like to invest my energy in various fields.

  William was impressed with what I envisage of the company’s future. Since I tapped the mining industry in Australia, I want to expand our casinos across Europe and the Caribbean. I also want to explore more options for expanding our investments with crude oil, and I’m toying with the idea of doing business with Barrington’s shipping. I knew that Clive will eventually start training very soon. I’d rather talk business with my notorious cousin instead of the pompous Henry. We own stocks in Barrington Shipping because my grandfather, William, married the glamorous Corrine Barrington. When she died, twenty percent of that stock went straight to my father. Corrine was the sister of Edward Barrington, Henry’s father. Thus, Clive and I are second cousins.

  Grandfather was pleased with the direction I have been leading our company. He knew I loved it as much as he did and wouldn’t jeopardize it anyway. He had a lot of reservations of making me a CEO at such a young age but my record proved I was worth the risk. I was born and raised to run our company and I take it personally when things do not go according to plan.

  In a week’s time, I will turn twenty five and grandfather will officially announce that he is stepping down as CEO and will officially appoint me as his heir and successor. This is not new news but this how it’s done in the business arena. Nothing is official until it is made official.

  Toby plans to have a huge bash in Spain to celebrate my birthday and I obliged his request. My best man has been out of sorts from his recent parting with Lucy. I cannot fathom how two lo
vely and very much in love couple can be separated from a mild interception of Toby’s parents. Rupert and Evelyn are ghastly and absurd. How can one feel threatened by that harebrained lot? Especially a sweet and strong-headed woman like Lucille Connelly?

  Pulling out my mobile, I made a quick call to my pilot that I will be ready to leave London for Spain in an hour’s time. The plan was for me to leave tomorrow morning but I feel restless from all the travelling I have been doing for the past few days. To be quite honest, I want to see Sienna even if she doesn’t plan to speak to yours truly. It’s pathetic and rather pitiful to resort to this unusual type of emotional torture but I did admit that I tend to me a masochist where Sienna is concerned.

  Robert was weaving through traffic to get to Luce and Sienna’s flat. She wanted to join me on the flight back to Marbella. I’m sure her delaying mechanism was to avoid Toby as much as she can. I don’t blame her, well not really. Break-ups are wretched and it becomes even more disconcerting when you run in the same circle of friends. I witnessed Lucy and Toby fall in love. They met a friend’s party in Knightsbridge and immediately were inseparable the day after. Literally the day after—they ate and made love for six whole days straight. I understand the whole concept of shagging a hot woman for six days straight but confine oneself with the woman for that long? It’s rather unprecedented—well I thought then—but changed my view of the particular subject once I met Sienna. They claimed it was love at first sight, but where is that everlasting love now?

  “Lovely, thank you.” She thanked the stewardess who placed a glass of white wine and an assorted plate of snacks before her.

  “You lost a lot of weight Luce. Have you been eating at all and not nibbling on your food?” Leisurely sitting across from her, I studied her gaunt looking face.

  “I do eat, you cavalier man! I’d rather not banter with you for the next two hours whilst being confined in an airplane. That would bloody make me demented. A gentleman would leave the subject alone.” She popped a grape in her mouth.

  “I need not broach the subject again if that pleases you but do pay heed. I do have another query if you will oblige me, dear Lucy.”

  “Well hell, do go on. My curiosity is rather piqued.”

  “What really happened with Toby? I do need you to come forth with honesty and not some fabrication of sorts. I trust we’re close enough that you will confide in me with confidence and certainty.”

  She took a sip of wine and shook her head. Luce looked vulnerable and conflicted. “I don’t want to be the reason to break Toby and his family apart. Or the reason—if there is any possibility for that matter—for them to go bankrupt. You of all people know that I love him—I love him like no other. But I cannot live with myself if I put him in a situation where he will be forced to choose. That’s quite a horrid position to be in and I do not want to be the person to do that to Toby.” She toyed with her glass and watched the golden liquid swish about.

  “Toby abhors his parents but does a proper job in concealing it,” I explained. “His father, Rupert, gambles on a daily basis. The losses can sometimes be covered with the family business earnings and most times—if the loss is too substantial, it simply needs to come out of their bank balance. Evelyn gets a generous allowance from her side of the family. But most of that goes directly to frivolous expenditures. Keeping up appearances can be exhausting, most especially when there’s not much money to go about to cover a gambling addiction and excessive spending by both parties.

  “Toby was asked to cover Liam’s private schooling expenses because his parents cannot be bothered with cutting their spending to benefit and educate their second son,” I continued. “Upon learning this, I offered to help but Toby wouldn’t have it. He’s a proud man and wouldn’t accept any handouts. When he sold his apartment, I stepped in and eased his burden. I hired him and proposed a better deal that would benefit us both.

  “The man is going through a blockade of hurdles one after the other, but what got him through unscathed was your unyielding support. Toby exalts in your love and support, Luce. Since you left him, he’s been obliterating his pain in alcohol. The man is desperate for you—he needs you. I implore you to bestow him again your unrelenting love and affection.”

  “That was a quite speech, Blake,” Lucy began. “How in the bloody hell did Sienna manage to leave such a man? But to answer your plea—at this point, I cannot cross that particular bridge yet. He needs to sort through this exceptional circumstance he and his family are in. I’d rather not be in a middle of a family feud—even if the man included in the equation is Toby Watson.”

  I do understand her stance and I respect that. A woman who doesn’t want to sway or intrude in a family’s affairs is someone to be respected, even if the consequence is losing the man you love.

  “I gathered a lot of the heated exchange you and your beloved spat about. You love her to distraction and yet…she keeps slipping off your manly fingers. What could a powerful man do?” She quirked a brow at me.

  “A man—powerful or not—cannot simply do anything about it. One should pay heed to what a noble man should do—quietly walk away.” I poured a glass of the rich burgundy wine that was being ignored for quite some time now.

  I feel rather celebratory tonight. Apart from my failings in the romantic department, everything else in my life is succeeding. That is something to be applauded and commemorate.

  “I guess a man of your stature and looks shan’t worry much. Flocks of women are always easily acquired without even lifting a finger,” Lucy said. “But I am not a soddy fool—you still love her. I see your blasted handsome face contort with agony each time I mention her name. You better take on a new mask, love because this one simply doesn’t work.”

  My face split in a huge grin. The woman has a shrewd eye.

  “I can’t force her Luce—and even if I still do, what does it matter? I do and do not want her. Her sexual stint with Kyle did not bide with me well.”

  She puffed and folded her arms. “Only a chauvinistic man would say such thing. Do you not recall that you shagged two different women on the same day, Blake? Because I certainly do. It was quite epic really and I didn’t even dare judge your character then. So what if Sienna did it—what? A day or two after? You dare crucify her for it?

  “Even if her intentions were not to go through with it, given the circumstances of her being surrounded with rock stars and alcohol—do you not think Kyle would resist having that chance to be with her? He’s in love with her too. If the roles were reversed, you would’ve done the very same thing. So, put aside your bigotry where I can’t see it.”

  She was starting to get heated but even if I argued my case, she would not have agreed with it. Instead, I applauded her performance with a standing ovation and a good chuckle.

  “Oh heavens do shut up with your stupid laugh!” Lucy exclaimed.

  For the rest of the flight, we enjoyed good laughs. It was rather refreshing to spend time with Luce again without her glaring or throwing daggers at me for a change.

  Her somber state resurfaced once the pilot announced our landing. This weekend is going to be rather interesting.



  A week later…

  My hands were shaking from what I had just done. But I couldn’t stomach it anymore. Watching him openly flirt with two women drove me mad and I acted out of instinct. When I found him with that arrogant smirk on his face, it angered me like no other. I didn’t even think twice but just went over to him and dumped my drink contents in his lap, to the surprise of all three of my gaping audience. The women threw horrifying shrieks but what stilled me was the look on Blake’s face.

  The storm was coming and I scampered for a place to hide. I ran back inside the villa. I was afraid of that look he had. It was different—he didn’t even look at me like that when I told him I slept with Kyle. That’s what scaring me….I certainly pressed the wrong button this time.

  This is his twenty-fifth birthd
ay! He was going to be beyond outraged!

  I couldn’t go straight upstairs to my bedroom because that’s where he’d start looking first. I pushed the heavy double doors of his study and walked over to where a small bar was located. I needed to calm my nerves. I poured half a glass of cognac and downed it in one gulp.

  “Have you had enough fun for one night, Sienna?” his voice totally caught me off guard. I jumped and the glass I held in my hand slipped and fell on the carpeted floor with a thud.

  Fuck! I didn’t hear the door opening.

  My heart was lurching out of my chest. He trod lightly and I knew he was close behind me. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to breathe. My exposed back tingled and the hair on my nape stood out as I felt him so near, only a hairsbreadth away.

  My body was on high alert and I almost fainted when his hot breath touched my sensitive ear. “Why were you jealous? Can’t stand seeing me want another woman or women for that matter?” My breathing hitched.

  His hateful voice made me shiver, goose bumps spread all over my body. “I didn’t know what came over me—” I wanted to apologize, but he knew my apologies were empty.

  “Yes, you do. Need you spout more lies? We both know what it is you want. You’re always libidinous and carnal when I’m around. You threw hysterics because you felt threatened when you saw me cavorting with those two women. You decided to sabotage any chance of a celebratory threesome shag because…you wanted me for yourself.” Hot, heavy breath tickled my ear. I clamped my legs tighter when I felt a shot of wetness seep out of my over excited mound.


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