All Roar and No Bite

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All Roar and No Bite Page 12

by Celia Kyle

  “I don’t know if I can.” She trembled, but he didn’t taste the sour tang of fear on his tongue. “We just met and,” she huffed and pulled her head from him, propping her chin on his chest so they could gaze at one another. He’d been right, her face blazed a bright red from her blush. “I don’t know how far I can go. I don’t know what I can do with you. It takes a lot of trust to let you inside me that way and we just met each other. But I do want to belong to you. If—” She paused and sucked in a breath, releasing her next words in a rush. “If you still want me.”

  Van’s bear growled, snarling at their mate’s unease and questioning their desires. The animal pushed him into motion, urged him to take action, and he listened. With a low rumble, he bent down and grabbed Lauren below her ass. He manhandled her as he desired, spreading her legs while easing forward and placing her on the porch rail. He eased his way between her thighs.

  She squeaked and squawked, but he sensed no fear or fight in her. Simply surprise.

  Pressed against her heat, the warmth of her pussy bathing him, his cock snapped from half-hard to rock solid. He pushed firmly against her, rocking his fabric-clad dick along her cleft.

  “Does that feel like I don’t want you, Lauren?” He flexed his hips. “I want you, baby. More than anything, I want you.”

  “Van,” she whispered.

  Then her mouth was on his, lips soft and supple while she slid her tongue into him. His bear reacted in an instant, roaring in approval, reveling in her aggression.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and he did the same, encircling her with his arms while pressing their bodies together. Not an inch separated them, her lush breasts against his chest, her hard nipples teasing him. The seductive flavors of her arousal permeated the air, covering him with her desire.

  He wanted to sate her need, her craving.

  He let his touch shift to her ass, cupping what he could and kneading the areas he reached. The globes were full and soft, begging to be nibbled and maybe someday… spanked. He’d love to see her butt flushed red for him.

  His cock pulsed in his jeans, a shudder of need racing down his spine, and he fought back the urge to come. Damn. He needed to leave those thoughts for after he’d taken the edge off with an orgasm.

  Lauren tightened her legs, squeezing him while digging her heels into his ass.

  Fuck. Maybe ten orgasms.

  Van caught the hem of her shirt and dug his hands beneath the fabric. He needed skin, needed to touch her without a barrier. He wrenched at the garment and finally… ah, his fingers slipped over her silken flesh. He stroked and petted her as their kiss continued. He refused to give up his prize.

  He let his touch wander along her spine, tracing the delicate line until he got to her bra. Damn it. He didn’t want any barriers. He allowed one finger to shift and transform into a sharpened claw. It took one slice and then the back of that bit of fabric fell away.

  Lauren pulled away from him, sucking in a harsh breath. “Van.” She shuddered, panting against his lips, imbuing him with her scent. “We-we should go inside.”

  He wanted to say, “Fuck yeah.” Instead, he simply said, “Yes.”

  No sense in scaring her with his intensity before they were tied together for eternity.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lauren trembled from head to toe, her legs shaking. She allowed Van to help her down from the railing, didn’t protest as he led her through his home. They passed the familiar walls, decorations she’d traced with her fingers not long ago, and the places that held new, frightening memories.

  And yet, with Van at her side, it meant nothing. No matter what, he wouldn’t let anything scare her or allow anyone to hurt her. He was hers, lock, stock, and big scary teeth.

  Even knowing about his inner-bear, she wasn’t afraid of him. He’d already proven he held control over the animal, that it wouldn’t hurt her when it came out. It’d taken her petting pretty well.

  He was also ready to fight for her, going claw to claw with another bear to keep her, keep her safe.

  So, he got a little furry now and again. So, what?

  Van led her into his bedroom. He released her hand and reached around her to softly close the door. Her gaze drifted over the massive, wood-framed bed and other furniture that matched. She ignored the discarded clothes and carelessly dropped towel. Considering the state of the room when she’d last seen it, she figured he must have thrown everything aside to hurry to her. Her attention swayed to the open bathroom door, hints of the gleaming tile visible.

  Okay, maybe the “so what” was a tad premature.

  Overwhelmed, she wobbled a little. “Van?”

  He pressed his front to her back, wrapping his arms around her waist, and she took the comfort he offered. “Right here. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

  Oh. Right. That’s what she was feeling. The tight chest, thundering heart, blood racing through her veins. Panic. A panic attack. Air heaved in and out of her lungs. The oxygen was there, but her body didn’t want to absorb it.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” Van murmured against her hair before dropping a soft kiss to her head. “You’re still—”

  Lauren shook her head. She wasn’t a child. She just needed… “I’m fine.” She turned in his arms, stared into his midnight eyes. It seemed his bear hung out close to the surface more and more. “Show me that you can love me. Take away the fear. I know it’s irrational—”

  “Baby, there’s nothing irrational about being afraid of a predator. Nothing. In a fight between a human and a bear, even a cub, the human isn’t the one winning. You should never look down on yourself for having a good dose of fear when it comes to us.”

  She weighed each word, saw the sincerity in his gaze, and nodded. She’d felt so stupid for freaking out over a child. A kid, she was scared of a kid. With super sharp teeth.

  “Claim me,” she whispered, begging.

  His skin darkened while a new heat burned in his gaze. “Mine.”

  Van backed her up, forcing her to retreat and shuffled across the room until her legs collided with the bed. Even then, he nudged her, sending her flopping onto the soft surface.

  “Mine.” He bared his teeth, his canines a hint longer and sharper than before.

  A shiver snaked down her spine. Of fear? Desire? Terror? Need?

  God, all of the above.

  He licked his lips and she recalled his taste, the warmth, sweetness and heat that came from his mouth. She took him in with her eyes, letting her attention drift over his muscular body. Starting at his shoulders, she slowly meandered until she got to the bulge between his thighs.

  Would his cock be as delicious?

  She ached to find out.


  A blush stole over her cheeks at being caught staring and she returned her attention to his face. “Huh?”

  “Are you sure?” Questions lurked in his gaze, inquiries that stretched beyond. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Are you sure you want me?

  Are you sure about belonging to a bear?

  Are you sure…?

  “Yes.” She nodded to punctuate her agreement. She moved her hands to the button of her shorts, toying with the button for a moment before un-snapping it. She lowered the zipper, easing it down and then spreading the two flaps. “I’m sure.”

  His eyes were pure black, nothing of the human half of Van visible in his gaze. He was all bear. He fisted his hands, uncurling and curling them, while his body remained still as stone.

  “Van?” She hooked her fingers in the waist of her shorts and nudged them lower. Not a lot, but enough to expose another inch of skin. She could go this far. She could bare part of herself to him.

  She wasn’t sure if she was ready for his penis in her vagina.

  Oh god, she mentally rolled her eyes. Had that thought really drifted through her mind? Lame.

  Lame or not, it didn’t remove the hint of fear at exposing herself that way. H
ands, mouths, they were intimate, but him being inside her was so much more.

  “Lauren.” He drew in a ragged breath. “I need you. Crave you.”

  She got her hands beneath her and wiggled toward the center of the bed. Sitting there, she reached down and grasped the hem of her top. She whipped it over her head, her destroyed bra going along with it. “Then claim me.”

  Breasts bare to the room, the cool air caused her nipples to pebble and harden in preparation of his lips.

  “Damn, baby.” He whipped his thin, worn shirt off as well, exposing his body to her gaze. Muscle after muscle drew her attention, the rippling strength holding her captive. She counted his abs, gaze sliding farther south with each rise and fall of his muscles.

  Carved lines at his hips disappeared beneath his jeans. That had her wondering what else lurked underneath the fabric. The bulge at the juncture of his thighs was large, hinting at the size of his cock, but that didn’t tell her if he was cut or uncut. Whether he was long and thick or long and thin. Fuck it, she didn’t care.

  She wanted….

  Crap, she had to decide what she wanted. A taste? A touch? More? Less?

  He toyed with the button of his jeans, fingers flicking the small bit of metal. “Baby?”

  She tore her gaze from his groin and back to his face. Trepidation, worry, and desire warred for dominance, but she focused on his need. “You’ll stop? If I say…?”

  “If you even hint at saying the word ‘no,’ I’ll stop. It’ll always be at your pace, baby.”

  She recognized the sincerity in his gaze and nodded. “Strip for me.”

  She didn’t recognize the hoarse voice from her throat. Didn’t recognize the low timber and sex filled syllables.

  “Anything.” And then he was bare, fully nude and exposed to her gaze.

  Note to self: long, thick, and cut.

  Those lines at his hips traveled south and framed his cock, presenting it to her on a metaphorical platter. Yum.

  Van stroked his shaft, fingers wrapping around the base, sliding over his skin to the tip. He repeated the caress, a gentle glide up and then down. When he neared the head, he gathered the droplets of pre-cum and used the moisture to ease his path.

  What would he taste like?

  The question had a shudder of want traveling through her. He’d be hot and tinged with a hint of salty, musky male. His other hand came into play, the palm cupping his balls and gently squeezing.

  She whimpered and shifted, her pussy silently begging for his touch. More of her cream escaped, slickening her lower lips and soaking her panties. She was so wet for him, so hot and desperate for him.

  Her mouth watered at the idea of tasting him, of running her tongue over every inch of his body and discovering every rise and fall of muscle.

  “Lauren, you can’t do things like that?”

  “Like what?” She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the seductive picture before her, of the way he stroked his cock and squeezed his shaft.

  “Like that. Makes me think you want more than a quick orgasm and a bite.” Another droplet of pre-cum joined the others.


  “A slow orgasm? With lots of touching? Just no…”

  Van released his cock and leaned over the bed, placing one knee and then another on the soft mattress as he crawled toward her. “Anything, everything, nothing. It’s all on you, baby.”

  She liked reaffirmation. Enjoyed the power she held.

  “I want to touch you.” She’d never been so brave, so ballsy, and stated exactly what she desired.

  His skin rippled, a hint of fur appearing on his arms and then just as quickly disappearing. “How?”

  “C’mere.” She eased over and patted the space beside her.

  He was there in an instant, his lean body spread alongside her. Lauren didn’t wait for an invitation. He’d said “anything” so she hoped he meant it.

  She reached out and stroked his chest, running her fingers over his warm skin. A wave of his bear’s fur followed her touch and immediately receded. Like the bear wanted to kiss her fingertips, but knew it was time for their human bodies to come together. She liked that idea—the bear knew how important this time was to them all.

  She stroked his pecs, fingers nearing his nipples, and the nubs hardened with her approach. This was it, her first “sexual” touch of his body and nerves assaulted her.

  If she did this, would he expect that? She froze, drifting into the abyss of “what ifs.”

  “Baby?” His warm hand covered hers and she shifted her attention to his face. “Whatever you want, however you want. Something or nothing. I want you to touch me any way you want, get comfortable with my body. And I won’t touch any part of you without your permission.” He settled against the mattress, his hands folded beneath his head. “I’m yours.”

  Lauren stared at him, weighing his words combined with his passive position and decided to take him at face value. He hadn’t done anything to earn her fear. Well, other than being a bear shifter.

  She began her travels once again, stroking his chest until she neared his nipple. The small nub hardened further as she circled it with her finger, drawing a tiny shudder from Van. She smiled, happy she’d drawn that reaction from him. Yes, she aroused him.

  Speaking of arousal…

  Lauren traced the ridges of his abdomen. With every inch down his body, her heart rate picked up, the muscle pounding out an unsteady rhythm. She counted the carved layers of muscle. One, two, three… Most men she knew had a “six pack,” but Van had eight that eventually led to a smooth expanse of hardened flesh above his cock.

  Her gaze went with her touch, eyes following her path and finally settling on her destination.

  His cock was thick and long, hard and firm as it rose from the shortly cropped hair at his groin. She teased the beginnings of the light fuzz, fingers toying with the short strands while she pondered her next move. She spared a glance for his face and noted the restrained desire in his features. His entire body was tense as if he were on edge, waiting to be released from his self-imposed prison.

  “Whatever you want, baby.” The words were filled with his bear’s growl, but she understood him nonetheless.

  Refocusing on her task, she eased closer to him, pressing her curved body along his side. She wanted the added intimacy, the additional nearness as she touched him. Laying her head on his chest, she grew comfortable in her position.

  Breasts against his chest and waist snug against his, she let her touch wander once again. She sifted her fingers through the short strands and finally stroked the base of his cock. She teased a single inch of his flesh, rubbing back and forth.

  Van’s breathing increased to shallow pants, his chest heaving with every breath. Enjoying her power over him, she pushed further. She wrapped her hand around his girth, encircling him with her fingers, and then carefully stroked his shaft. She eased from the base, along his length, and finally paused at the tip before retracing her path.

  “Baby.” He growled the words past clenched teeth. His body was a study in tension-filled lines. “Lauren.”

  She sensed the need in him and it furthered her own. With each tug on his cock, her pussy clenched. With his slow slide down, it released more of her cream. Her body was prepared for him, slick and ready to have him deep inside her.

  But not yet. Soon.

  Van spread his legs and soon his hips joined the rhythm of her caresses. He thrust into the circle of her hand, increasing the force and tempo of her playing.

  He pushed harder and her clit twitched, he moved faster and her nipples hardened. Her body was a ball of need and want, and all due to Van.

  Luscious, gorgeous Van.

  She continued jacking him, enjoying the silken flesh as it slid through her fingers.

  She wanted him. Over her. In her. Filling her. Stretching her.

  And yet… yet some part of her said no. Said she should wait. Just a little longer. She didn’t know his favorite color or
his birthday or—

  “Baby, I’m gonna come if you don’t stop.” She hardly recognized the syllables as words, but finally deciphered his message.

  Slowing her attentions, she eased back to a gentle touch, fingers barely gliding over his skin. She let her hand drift to the base of his shaft, to the hint of curls there. She toyed with the strands, listening as Van’s heart rate slowed and panting breaths eased.

  Of course, she had to ruin his gentle calm.

  “Van?” She turned her head and propped her chin on his chest. His hands were tucked out of sight. Though she was sure she saw a hint of fur on his forearms.

  Midnight black eyes focused on her, his gaze intent, filled with sexual heat. “Hmm?”

  “Will you…?” She let the question trail off and she licked her lips, unsure of what she was asking while entirely sure at the same time. Screw it. “Will you touch me, too? Like I,” she swallowed past the nerves rising in her throat. Only the flare of heat in her gaze had her continuing. “Like I touched you?”

  His eyes burned her, the need and desire written across his features scorching her with their intensity. He eased to his side and then nudged her, urging her to her back. “Where am I touching you, Lauren?”

  A blush burned her cheeks. Why was this so damned hard?

  Because I have fucked exactly two guys in my life. That’s why.

  She brought a hand to her bare breast and brushed her skin, noting the heat of her flesh. “Here.”

  “Here?” He followed her path, his own fingers ghosting over her warm skin. He circled the nipple on her right breast, toying with the sensitive bit of flesh. He plucked the hardened nub, gently squeezing it between thumb and forefinger. “Right here?”

  “Y—” she cleared her throat. “Yes.”

  “Anywhere else?” His touch drifted to her left breast, treating her nipple to the same attentions.

  Each rub and pluck went straight to her pussy, causing her need and want to rise higher. She craved him, craved his touch, his possession.


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