Beauty and the Billionaire Bad*ss

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Beauty and the Billionaire Bad*ss Page 2

by Nicole Elliot

  “Please, Scarlett,” Rocco begged, grasping her hands as he bent forward. “I’m too old to start over completely. You’re only twenty, and I’m not asking you to sacrifice your life. It’s only a few months, and you’ll be well cared for.”

  Carter watched as she sat up straighter with resolve. “I’ll do it.” He was impressed. Loyal to a fault.

  “Go pack,” Carter commanded, not asking. “And hurry back. I want to leave this Godforsaken mausoleum as soon as possible.”

  “If you hate it that much, why did you buy it?”

  “I have my reasons.” He saw her lips purse as she stormed from the room.

  Rocco paced nervously, finally saying in a rush, “I need more money to cover my debts. I’m still almost a million short. How can I possibly get that much together and still have enough to buy the house from you?”

  “That’s your problem.” Carter’s voice was as cold as his heart. “I’m definitely not giving you the money, if that’s what you’re thinking, and I’m not extending the time limit either.”

  A sly smile contorted the other man’s features. “She’s worth it, I’m sure.”

  Carter gave him a blank look. What the hell was he going on about now?

  “What she assumed—well, it is a logical assumption that a man like you would expect that. She’s still a virgin. I’m sure of that. She hasn’t been allowed to date many boys, and the approved ones all feared me. Wouldn’t that be worth a substantial amount?”

  Darren coughed suddenly, and Carter sat there in shock, disbelieving what he was hearing. He didn’t even know how he’d found himself agreeing to this, but he hadn’t purchased a sex slave for the next six months. Her own father was trying to sell her virginity to him. His hatred of Rocco intensified, and Carter swore to himself that he would completely destroy him. “I’m not interested,” he said with admirable control.

  With a furtive leer, Rocco directed a glance at Darren. “Perhaps your tastes run to other areas?”

  Already grim, Carter’s mouth compressed even more. “I don’t happen to find the idea of a virgin sacrifice particularly appealing. Even a man like me has standards,” he said with a mocking inflection.

  Rocco’s shoulders slumped. “Do you promise not to impede my attempt to get the money?”

  “As long as it has nothing to do with my company,” he stressed, “Or this house, then I agree.”

  Carter was saved from having to make further conversation with Rocco by the arrival of Lecy, avenging Carter. Her countenance was frozen and her eyes glittered as she snapped, “You aren’t taking her, you—” She seemed to struggle to find a word before settling for stomping her foot. “It’s barbaric and medieval. I won’t allow this to go any further.”

  “We have no choice,” Rocco said firmly. “Save the theatrics, Lecy, and be grateful he didn’t choose you.”

  She screamed in outrage before turning storming from the room. Darren covered a laugh with a discreet cough, but Carter grinned unabashedly. Thank God he hadn’t chosen that one, he thought.

  Scarlett, cold and fiercely proud, came back into the room, lugging a heavy suitcase. “Will you send more of my things, Father?”

  “Don’t bother.” Carter and Darren rose to stand beside her. “As she is my responsibility for the next six months, I’ll provide for her.”

  Darren took the suitcase from Scarlett with a soothing smile. Carter envied how he could do that, he had never been the warm type, and then the scars. They certainly made things more difficult for him.

  Carter followed behind him, saying to the still-motionless Scarlett, “Come along before I have to carry you.” She started walking immediately, without even a goodbye for her father.

  As she walked all that Carter could think about were her full lips and the way her hips sashayed as she moved.

  Scarlet was a spit fire beauty.

  And for the next six months, she was all his.



  At the door, Scarlett took her coat from the maid before following the two men, practically kidnappers, from her home. She looked back wistfully, seeing her sisters waving from Lecy’s balcony. She raised her hand in a brief wave before she was urged into the town car.

  The man who had taken her sat down next to her, shadows playing on his chiseled features. He was a large man, muscular underneath his jacket. The one thing she couldn’t deny was how sexy he was.

  She turned her eyes to the man across from her. It seemed ridiculous not to know their names if she was going to be spending the next six months in their company. “What’s your name?”

  “Darren, Ms. Terini.” He flashed her a bright smile.

  Responding to his kindness, she said, “Please call me Scarlett.” He inclined his head as she returned her gaze to the man beside her. “Who are you?” Her voice lost any shred of warmth.

  “My name is Carter. Carter Braxton.” He didn’t bother to look at her, and the conversation faltered.

  She knew she had heard that name before, but she couldn’t place it. And with his coldness towards her, she didn’t press him for more information. That would come later she guessed.

  Scarlett had been up late studying the night before, and she yawned. They had a two-hour trip ahead of them and she dozed off despite her attempts not to. She was barely aware of her head falling against Carter’s shoulder, and she didn’t see the slight softening of his eye. It wasn’t until she awoke within a few miles of their destination that she realized what had happened, and only because Carter had not moved her head from his shoulder.

  Embarrassed, she sat up quickly to peer out the window, knowing she wouldn’t see anything except the lights of San Francisco. When the driver turned off the road they were traveling, it was onto a steep driveway with a gated entrance. After a few seconds, the gate opened smoothly and Scarlett couldn’t help looking back as it closed, feeling as if she’d just been locked in forever.

  The house was several miles up the drive, and Scarlett gasped when it finally came into sight. Perched atop a cliff, the mansion was four stories or more. It was white and modern, unlike Terini Manor, and she liked it immediately. The chauffeur dropped them at the front, and Darren opened the door for them.

  She followed Carter and Darren up the steps in front of the house, counting them as she went—twenty-four white marble stairs just to get to the front door. The door was opened for them by a stiff man in a black suit, who inclined his head. “Mr. Braxton.”

  “Edward, this is Ms. Terini. She will be staying with us for a while. Will you please have a room prepared for her?” Carter handed the butler his coat and briefcase. As he took off his jacket Scarlett noticed just how muscular his was. Why the hell was he so good looking? He was a kidnapper. She tried to push the thought from her mind.

  “Which room, sir?”

  Carter cocked his head, clearly considering where to put her. Scarlett eyed him carefully before he responded. “The second room from the head of the stairs.” Edward inclined his head once more and disappeared from sight, taking Scarlett’s bag with him.

  “Are you hungry or thirsty?” Carter inquired, turning back towards her.

  She swallowed, briefly considering a hunger strike, but knowing she’d never stick to it. Food was her weakness, her safety net in times of trouble. With Rocco Terini as her father she spent many nights with her two favorite men, Ben and Jerry. “Yes.”

  “What would you like? Zira can make just about anything you can ask for.”

  “A turkey and bacon croissant with avocado, and an orange juice.” She knew it was oddly specific, but it was a test. To see how well he really would take care of her.

  “That sounds good. Darren?”

  “I’ll see to it.” He left Carter and Scarlett alone. She watched him closely, this was her new… roommate? That didn’t seem appropriate. She felt like owner was more of her choice of word. Her ridiculously attractive owner.

  Quickly he began to move away from her. Scarlett fo
llowed Carter into a sumptuous breakfast room decorated in neutral colors, with thick carpeting, and a sturdy rectangular table. The chairs were captain-style, and upholstered in the same beige color as the cloth wall hangings. “I think we’ll eat in here.”

  “What does Darren do for you?” Scarlett asked.

  “He’s my personal assistant and bodyguard.” Carter sat down with a small sigh.

  Scarlett quirked her brow. “Do you make a habit of pissing off people enough to want to kill you?”

  “It’s happened a few times,” Carter admitted with a small grin. “And believe it or not, I haven’t always provoked the person. Darren is just a precaution.”

  The food was brought in by Darren, and he joined them at the table. Scarlett was a little surprised by Carter’s lack of formality with Darren, as her father maintained a stiff distance between himself and his staff at all times. She ate the sandwich amid almost continuous yawning.

  “Darren, will you show Scarlett her room? She looks exhausted.”

  “I’m not tired,” she countered, continuing to eat.

  “Scarlett, go to bed.” He paused and she rolled her eyes defiantly. “You won’t miss anything down here and I promise you can continue your inquisition tomorrow. Fair?”

  “Fine,” she huffed pushing herself back from the table. She didn’t like being told what to do, but now that she was his prisoner, she would have to pick her battles carefully.

  Darren led Scarlett from the room. They walked up a spiral staircase covered in pristine white carpet. He took her down the hall, stopping before a pair of French doors to swing them open. “This will be your room.”

  Scarlett surveyed the room, liking the warmth of the sand and peach coloring. It was no more or less impressive than her room at home, so she didn’t express any enthusiasm. “Thank you, Darren, and good night.”

  “If you need anything, four on the phone will connect you to me,” said Darren before leaving.

  Scarlett hefted her suitcase on the bed to begin unpacking. She’d brought a few clothes and toiletries, but the majority of the items were books. Books for school, and books she read for pleasure. She cleared a space on a standing shelf to display her books. After putting her clothes away, Scarlett looked around the room, feeling depressed that she’d already made her mark. She shouldn’t be here. This wasn’t right.

  She threw herself across the bed, wanting to cry, but refusing to give in to the tears. How could her father do this to her? How had she ended up here, agreeing to this madness? What was in it for Carter to agree to such a deal, anyway?

  Six months. With him.

  Six months to find out what made him this way.



  To Scarlett’s surprise, she slept like a baby in the huge four-poster bed. When she awoke it was after ten, and she thought she was late for World History before remembering the change in her circumstances. No more classes, no more school. The one thing she loved about her life was gone. The semester had barely begun, so she should still be able to withdraw without failing. But she wasn’t a quitter, it just wasn’t her style. Yet here she was forced to leave one of her most precious things behind.

  With a sigh, she lay in the bed, staring up at the ceiling and wondering how she was supposed to fill her time. She’d brought her favorite books, but couldn’t spend all day reading. She was about to force herself out of the sinfully comfortable bed when there was a knock at her door. Though she wore a modest white nightgown, Scarlett pulled the duvet up to her chin before calling, “Come in.”

  A maid dressed in a black dress with a white apron entered. “I’ve brought you some breakfast, Ms. Terini,” she said with a smile. “Mr. Braxton asked me to have a tray brought up to you.”

  “Thank you.” The maid set the tray on the table near her bed, then left. Since he’d sent a tray to the room, did that mean she wasn’t allowed to leave? Surely he wasn’t planning on confining her to this room for the next six months? There couldn’t be a more luxurious prison, but it would still be a prison, all the same. She also found herself wondering why he hadn’t come to see her himself. She wouldn’t mind digging further into the man that was her keeper.

  As her stomach growled, Scarlett turned her attention to the tray. There were fluffy pancakes topped with strawberries and cream, her favorite. Did Carter know that? Or a simple coincidence?

  After satisfying her appetite, Scarlett forced herself from the bed, anxious to know if she was allowed to leave the room. She would take a quick shower and get dressed. She needed to know the lay of the land.

  Scarlett just reached the front door when she heard someone behind her. Turning, she found Carter staring at her coolly. “Running away?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Taking a walk.”

  “Don’t get lost.” He continued his walk through the bottom level of the house.

  With a shrug, she let herself out of the house and walked into the hazy sunshine. The day was cool and crisp as to be expected for October, and there were fresh leaves on the ground that hadn’t received attention from the gardeners yet.

  Making her way into the dense growth of trees that surrounded the lavish home, Scarlett inhaled the scent of the woods. The tree growth wasn’t thick enough to be considered a forest, but it was still nice to be in here. For a short time she could pretend that Carter Braxton did not exist, and that she had not agreed to this crazy bargain. She could pretend that she was home once more, walking through their small patch of trees while trying to briefly escape the pressures of college.

  Scarlett ambled down the path for a short time before deciding to venture into the denser undergrowth. She tried to keep the trail in sight at all times, but lost it suddenly. Turning around in a circle, she desperately sought some trace of the path, but found none. Frowning, Scarlett walked the opposite way for fifteen minutes, knowing that she hadn’t strayed that far away from the path. She set off in a northeast direction, and came across a stream. Forgetting about being lost for the moment, she plopped down by the bank, running a hand through the delightfully chilly water. So this was her grand escape, sitting by a small stream enjoying a moment of freedom. How quickly her life had changed.

  There was a makeshift bridge composed of fairly flat rocks lined up within stepping distance of each one. Scarlett couldn’t resist the lure of the stone bridge, and she took a cautious step onto the first rock. It was firmly set, so she crossed to the next one. She was halfway across the shallow stream when the rocks became slippery. Solidly stuck in the middle of the makeshift bridge, she could either go forward or turn around and go back. There were two less stones if she went forward. Biting her lip, Scarlett decided to turn back, knowing that direction would eventually lead to the path.

  She negotiated her way around carefully and took a step, aiming for the next rock. Her foot slid out from under her, causing Scarlett to fall backwards into the creek, hitting her head on a rock. Shit. Her head ached and she was chilled from the water. This was not the grand moment of freedom she had planned.

  Eventually she tried to stand, crying in pain when her ankle refused to bear her weight. Dragging herself out of the water, Scarlett propped her back against a good-sized rock, and tentatively touched her head. Blood, not much, but enough that she knew a concussion was probable.

  Without thinking about it, Scarlett eased off her sneaker and sock to inspect the ankle. It was already an angry shade of purple and starting to swell. After regrouping her wits, she put the sock back on and reached for the shoe. Her ankle had swollen enough that the sneaker wouldn’t fit on properly. When she tried to force it, the pain was bad enough to bring tears to her eyes.

  Indulging in the tears, Scarlett let them flow for a few minutes before she wiped the moisture away. Assessing her situation, Scarlett realized she was stuck by the stream until someone came to find her. She couldn’t put enough weight on her ankle to walk and found the thought of traipsing through the woods without her shoe less than appealing.
  The ache in her head was also making itself known, and her vision was a little blurry. Even without the ankle injury, the head wound would have been enough to immobilize her, at least for a while.

  Would Carter send someone to look for her? Would he even realize she was missing?

  She tortured herself, imagining he’d forgotten all about her, and no one would realize she was missing. In six months her father would show up to collect her, and they would remember Scarlett Terini had briefly been with them. They’d find her dead body, near the stream in the woods.

  Okay so perhaps that was a bit dramatic. Even if no one at the house realized she was missing, she wouldn’t be here longer than a day at most. Surely within a few hours, her ankle would be okay enough to walk, and she would eventually find her way out of the forest.

  Dreading it, but knowing it was necessary to reduce the swelling, Scarlett removed the sock and swung her body around, plunging her ankle into the icy water. Shivering, Scarlett wished she knew how to build a fire. At least it couldn’t get any worse, she consoled herself.

  Not two minutes later, a huge bolt of lightning streaked across the sky. It was followed by a boom of thunder, as the sky let loose a torrent of rain, changing her from sodden to drenched in a matter of seconds. It finally abated to a steady stream, before tapering off to a trickle that did not stop.



  “Boss,” said Darren, leaning his head into Carter’s study.

  “Yes?” Carter looked up from his quarterly budget reports for Roche Electronics.

  Darren came into the room. “Sorry to bother you when you’re busy and all, but nobody’s seen Scarlett in hours.”

  Carter removed his reading glasses, and looked at Darren. “I saw her this morning around eleven. She was leaving for a walk.”


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