Moving Day (Vamp Tales Book 3)

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Moving Day (Vamp Tales Book 3) Page 1

by Melony Paradise

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Vamp Tales Book Four Sneak Peek

  Alpha Reader/Editor:

  Danielle Romo

  Beta Reader/Editors:

  Benjamin Phillips

  Moving Day

  Vamp Tales Book Three

  Copyright © 2017 Melony Paradise

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Be sure to check out my other series, Discordant Earth.

  Broken is available for purchase at

  New Enemies is available for purchase at

  Descriptions (Blurbs) can be found in the back of this book…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Vamp Tales Book Four Sneak Peek

  Connect with the Author


  New Enemies

  Other Books by Melony Paradise

  Chapter 1

  The monotone, neutral colors of the lush bedroom reminded me of TV commercials touting expensive rooms at exotic destination resorts. I pressed my head into the plush, silk-covered pillow and closed my eyes with a soft sigh. An irritating pinch on my arm made me open one eye to give Kat Price, my sire, a half-hearted glare.

  “Get up, Mercy.” She spun on her heel and headed for the door. “The donors are waiting.”

  I watched her leave with her self-righteous nose in the air and rolled my eyes. Heather Hildenbrand raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow and smirked. A loud snort drew my attention to Benjamin Phillips where he sat in an overstuffed cream-colored armchair by windows covered with blackout curtains.

  Scuffed cowboy boots lay crossed at the ankles on a round ottoman as Benjamin reclined, his square jaw tucked so his long, black bangs hung over one eye. He looked at me with a crooked smile. Waiting for me to do something funny, I’m sure. He is easily amused.

  A red haze flashed over my eyes. My stomach growled viciously, doubling me over. So much for lounging around. I glanced at Heather. She winked before walking away on beige heels, her cream-colored pantsuit smooth and wrinkle-free.

  “Time to get up, buttercup,” Benjamin sang as he rose from his chair. His black jeans swished quietly as he walked over to the side of the bed. The crisp white shirt and black leather vest, along with his hair and silver eyes, made me think goth cowboy.

  I held my hand out to him and let him pull me out of bed. Still unused to vampire strength, I nearly flew up and bashed into the wall next to the door. Benjamin chuckled, so I tossed a glare over my shoulder as I stalked out of the room.

  Like a taut tether, my connection with Kat moved and tightened as she made her way through the large house. I could almost feel the length as if a measuring tape were attached to each of us. Her distance pulled on my inner core uncomfortably, but still tolerable.

  “Benjamin, how can Kat be so far away from me?” I stopped dead in my tracks. The bond tugged on me, pulling at my core, yet I couldn’t help but hold my ground in defiance. “It’s only been two days, but I can feel how far away she is, and it’s much farther than we could manage at the bar.”

  Benjamin looked down at the white carpet, his brows stitched in thought. “She didn’t sleep in the bed with you. She slept with Edgar down the hall. You didn’t feel any pain from it while you slept?”

  “No, not that I recall. I didn’t feel anything until she got to the floor below us. Wherever she is now, the distance isn’t pleasant, but it’s not yanking me around like before, and it doesn’t hurt so much as feel uncomfortable.”

  “Hard to say,” Benjamin said, piercing me with his silver eyes. “Edgar and I shared a room for more than a hundred years before our bond started to lengthen. Maybe it has something to do with how much you two dislike each other.”

  I let out a little irritated huff, scowling at the dim hall ahead of me. “I don’t dislike her. I just hate that I have no choices, and she’s so angry with me all the time. I certainly wouldn’t be upset if the bond gave us more space sooner.”

  “Might be something to talk to her and Edgar about. I’m not exactly the best person to speak to about the blood bond.” He looked away with his mouth pressed into a thin line. I patted his shoulder and glanced around.

  The hallway followed the same neutral theme. Rich witch posh. I giggled to myself, wiggling my toes in the thick carpeting. Pin-prick zaps played along the backs of my arms. I spun around to find Benjamin smirking with blue sparks spraying from his fingertips.


  “Get your ass moving, slow poke.” He winked, which just looked like he closed his eyes since the one was still covered by his bangs from him looking down at me. “There’s tasty necks waiting for us to nibble on.”

  “You haven’t fed yet?” I moved to the side to let Sparky lead the way, watching his hands the entire time.

  “Heather has arranged for us to eat as a family,” he said, widening his eye, “at a table, with crystal goblets and fancy napkins.”

  Benjamin peeked up at me as he clomped down hardwood stairs. His barely hidden grin made me want to punch him. I’m not awake enough for more sparkles.

  “I take it this isn’t your first time feeding this way.” I rolled my eyes as he imitated Kat’s haughty tone.

  “We only eat at the finest establishments. I refuse to drink my blood out of anything that isn’t crystal or gold.”

  This time I did punch him. He feigned insult, gripping his shoulder as if I’d hurt him or something. The glint in his silver eye told me the truth.

  When we reached the bottom of the semi-circular staircase, Chima greeted us with a curt nod. “Follow me.”

  The werelion wore what I now thought of as his uniform. Black on black, from his shirt to his boots, and even the gear attached to his belt, blended with his nearly onyx skin. The stark color of his human form contrasted so dramatically with the tan fur of his lion form and the reddish crown of his mane.

  Chima led us through a large sitting room, set in the same boring monotone theme. A very long dining room lay beyond with an eloquent, white table big enough to seat an army. On the far end, Heather sat at the head with Edgar Martin, my grand-sire, and Kat on one side, and Julius Hartfell with Seer Danielle Rose on the other. My new clan… Such a strange thing. Especially after so many years as an introverted home-body.

  Chima positioned himself behind Edgar, the head of our clan, while Isabel, our other guard, stood at a set of French doors. Tall windows lined the wall, and I could see the expansive grounds beyond. A row of scantily clad young men and women knelt
on a buffet table against the wall behind Heather.

  I leaned into Benjamin and whispered, “Are they…?”

  “Tapping them like kegs?” He peered down at me, giving me that crooked grin. “Yes, they are.”

  “Okay, then.” I put my head down and went to sit next to Danielle. She smiled softly at me, her grass-green eyes searching my stony face. I glanced at her brown, pixie-cut hair, noticing golden highlights shining in the chandelier light.

  Beside her, Julius looked on protectively with his gold eyes, the only thing to remind me of his alternate form as a silver Maine Coon cat. His pristine, navy-blue suit jacket hung open so he could lay an arm across the back of Danielle’s chair. The way he dressed, and the cut of his dark hair reminded me of a swanky club owner from a TV show I used to watch.

  Edgar cleared his throat, and I swung my head his way. He scowled at me with furrowed salt-and-pepper eyebrows, and a twitching mustache to match. An older, distinguished version of Julius, Edgar wore his suit a little looser, sans the spiffy tie.

  He held Kat’s hand on the table as they both scrutinized me. I peered back. The lighting showcased the diametric differences between them. Compared to Edgar, Kat looked like someone who’d go to Julius’ club, with a crimson blouse open at the collar and leather pants. I knew a pair of sexy, stiletto boots hugged her long legs.

  “Mercy, your hair is…” Kat waved her hand at her own head before pointing at mine.

  I reached up and felt my black hair poking up in ways it shouldn’t, spearing Benjamin with a look that only made him laugh from his spot next to Edgar. Smoothing down my hair, I sighed, then tugged my corset down so my lilac blouse wasn’t bunched up around my boobs.

  Without a mirror or fresh clothes, this was the best they’re going to get. On a positive note, I no longer produced sweat, so no pit stains! Kat can take her snotty attitude and sh—

  “Mercy,” Heather said. My head snapped up from eyeing my cleavage. “Welcome to the Bainbridge coven estate.”

  Chapter 2

  “Uh, thanks.” I glanced at Benjamin out of the corner of my eye. He lounged in his high-backed chair, leaning ever so slightly toward Edgar. A sign of his close connection to his sire, even after so many centuries.

  “Heather is gracious enough to allow us to hide within her covens’ wards until we can find more permanent lodging.” Edgar nodded his head reverently at their hostess.

  “Yes, I live here full-time to maintain the wards that protect our covenstead and surrounding property. You will be safe from the hunters here.” She turned as a butler— in a penguin suit and everything —bent at the waist beside her, offering her a glass of wine.

  As another butler served my side of the table, the sweet, decadent scent of blood wafted my way. The red haze clouded my vision and my teeth lengthened as saliva filled my mouth. I swallowed hard, trying to keep the tenuous control on my overwhelming hunger.

  A blood-filled goblet floated into my line of sight and I felt my body start to lunge for the glass. Pressure inside my head clamped down on my mind, holding me back. A snarl rolled up my throat but Kat’s presence in my brain, coming through our blood bond connection, suppressed my animalistic instinct.

  My shoulders slumped, and I sent her a grateful look, as well as clumsily projecting a sense of gratitude. Danielle touched my hand, giving me a smile of encouragement. A wave of dizziness flowed through me as my face attempted to blush but couldn’t until I’d fed, giving my body the blood to send to my cheeks.

  “You did so well at the bar, Mercy,” Kat said. “You can do it again. I’ll help you maintain your control.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered, surprised at how kind she sounded. Our relationship had been full of contention since the minute I woke up as her fledgling. Can’t look bad in front of our hostess…

  A little, angry zing ran through the connection. I winced, glancing up to see Kat’s eyes narrowed just enough to get her point across. My shoulders rolled with a deep sigh, quickly cut off when a goblet appeared in front of me.

  My hunger reared, blinding me with red, and I nearly bit the butlers’ arm before he could pull it back. The pressure in my head clamped down tight, clearing my sight, but all I could see was that thick liquid filling the sparkling crystal goblet.

  A tiny, niggling bit of guilt sat in the back of my mind. Worry for the donor’s sitting like entrees on the buffet table, but the hunger squashed that pesky emotion as the smell of the blood filled my senses.

  I started to raise my shaky hand, using every ounce of control to keep from pouncing on the table like an animal, but an irritated noise from Kat stopped me. Turning my eyes to her, I gnashed my teeth and smiled politely at Heather as a butler served her some fancy-pants meal with decorative garnishes and lots of empty space on the plate. Gah, no wonder she’s stick-thin.

  Heather raised her glass of wine and nodded at Edgar. He raised his goblet, peering around the table.

  “Here’s to good friends and safe harbor. Thank you, my dear Heather, for allowing us to seek shelter within your boundaries. May the hunters never find a reason to come after you.”

  “Here, here,” everyone else said. I kept my mouth shut tight, holding in the snarl of a hungry beast.

  As blood was sipped, and delicate food nibbled, I slowly brought my goblet to my mouth. The delicious scent filled my sinuses as I inhaled deeply. The crystal rim pressed against my lips. Warm fluid flowed into my parched mouth, coating my tongue and throat.

  My hands shook with the combined strength of my own will and Kat’s control, allowing me to drink my blood without looking like some sort of savage. Unable to stop, I hardly took a breath as I gulped the entire glass. Only the mental control kept me from swiping my fingers inside the glass to get those last few stubborn drops.

  “Edgar, darling.” Heather set her silverware— actual silver! —down, her meal hardly touched. “I’ve spoken to my priest and priestess, and I have some bad news.”

  Benjamin, Edgar, and Kat all went still. I didn’t look, but I assumed Julius and Danielle had the same reaction.

  “Go on,” Edgar said carefully.

  “They are unhappy with me.” She gestured for a butler who took her food away. Seriously, someone feed that woman! “They do not wish to attract the attention of Rowena to our coven, and have demanded I ask you to leave.”

  “Oh, dear,” Danielle muttered. Julius grabbed her hand, and I noticed he’d been served regular food as well. Duh, he’s not a vampire. Of course, he has to eat. I shook my head at myself, but promptly stopped when the giddy lightheadedness kicked in and I almost giggled.

  With waves of euphoria rolling through my body, I tried to be concerned with what Heather told us, but I just couldn’t. Instead, I savored the blissful satiation and the feeling of sinking into my chair. A goofy grin settled on my lips and I didn’t care.

  Kat sent me a glare before turning to Heather. “I’m so sorry. We did not intend to cause you any trouble.”

  “I will be fine, Katherine. I’m more worried about you, which is why I called Cassandra.”

  I thought I heard a hiss and glanced at Julius. He had a sour look but kept his mouth pinched in a thin line. The others either didn’t hear or chose to ignore it.

  “That’s fine, my dear,” Edgar said. “We are just grateful you rescued us from the hunters. I’m sure we can make some sort of arrangements with Cassandra and her coven.” His eyes darted toward Julius before returning to his half-full glass.

  A butler’s arm slid into my view, startling me. He took my empty goblet and replaced it with a full one. It was all I could do to not kiss him, and with my hunger sated, I enjoyed my second helping like I’d just gotten the last piece of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.

  Reluctantly setting my glass back down, I seized the moment. “Who’s Rowena?”

  “Unfortunately, we keep getting interrupted before I can explain the situation.” Kat glanced at Edgar before continuing. “Rowena is the reason we are being hunted, and
the reason you are now my fledgling.”

  “I got that much, but why?” Only sitting in an elegant dining room surrounded by vampires, donors, butlers, and a witch, kept me from snapping at Kat. Oh, and her lingering touch in my head. I’d held my patience long enough.

  “Rowena King runs a massive cosmetics corporation. She somehow has the idea that she can find the elixir to eternal youth within us, or our DNA, or something equally idiotic, so she hired hunters to capture us for her research.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, seriously?” I managed to blush for cursing at Heather’s beautiful table. “If she wants to be young and beautiful forever, why the hell doesn’t she just get someone to turn her?”

  “Well, Mercy,” Kat said, her patience running thin, “we haven’t yet taken the time to have a sit down with her to iron out such details.”

  “How did she find out about vampires?”

  “Michael.” Edgar huffed.

  “We can only assume.” Julius leaned forward to speak around Danielle, “that our old friend, Michael, contacted her. Possibly even planted the seeds of this asinine idea in her money hungry brain.”

  “If he was your friend, why would he do that?” I looked at Benjamin, knowing he was the oldest of Edgar’s fledglings, and the one most likely to tell me the whole truth. “He sure didn’t act like an old friend.”

  “He was,” Benjamin said softly. “As you have seen, we have a somewhat peaceful relationship with certain humans, mostly witches and their close relations. We have relied on the witches and trusted Otherkin to provide us with willing donors, and sanctuary in times of need. Michael’s wife was a witch, and his children were showing signs of the Craft.”

  “Michael’s wife, Angelica, was a part of a small coven in Bellingham,” Heather said. “The details are unclear, but there was some sort of falling out with the local vampire clan, which is much larger than your little clan. All we know is that, while the coven was gathered for a sabbat ritual, the clan slaughtered them.”


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