Justified Love (The Southern Gentleman Series Book 1)

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Justified Love (The Southern Gentleman Series Book 1) Page 8

by Hite, Nicole

“Thank you, Colt. That was really sweet,” I responded honestly snapping out of my haze.

  To fill the awkward silence, I piped in, “Wow, looks like it’s gonna be a hot one today,” I said reaching down to grab my suntan lotion from my bag.

  “Can never be too careful,” I said squeezing the bottle of suntan lotion. Not looking at what I was doing, I squeeze the bottle all over Colt’s chest. Shit!

  “Oh shit. I’m so sorry. Here, let me get that,” I said trying to rub off the suntan lotion from his chest. Holy Moley. I’m touching his chest. I’m touching his chest, and I can’t stop myself. Let go, Carr. You look like a damn moron at this point, and you’re embarrassing yourself in front of everyone.

  Laughing under his breath, I could feel his eyes burning a hole straight through me.

  “Might as well put this lotion to good use. Need me to get your back?” asked Colt. Keep it together Carr. Don’t freak out. He’s only going to be touching your body for Christ’s sake.

  “Suuure. That would be great.”

  Pulling my hair to the side, he placed his hands on my back, rubbing in the lotion. Immediately, I started to tense up.

  “Carrington, you can relax. I’m not going to hurt you,” he leaned over whispering into my ear. Feeling his breath on my neck made me weak in the knees. Rubbing my shoulders, he said, “You are super tense girl, you need to loosen up.” Shit, he could feel and sense my apprehension. Inching down my back, I swear I could feel his arousal against my leg. Was I really having this kind of effect on Colt?

  “Want me to get the back of your legs?” he asked.

  “If you wouldn’t mind,” I said hesitantly.

  As his hands worked their way up my legs, I couldn’t help but feel the wetness start to build between my legs. This man will be the death of me. As he inched up my inner thigh, his fingers accidentally grazed my sex, and I about lost it right there and then. He massaged the lotion into my legs slowly methodically driving me crazy. I think he was doing it on purpose. Sneaky little devil.

  The six of us spent the day just being kids again; not caring about the world, not caring about life or worries, but just being. I had missed this in New York. I may have made a living in New York, but I didn’t have friends or someone I loved to share it with. Lounging in my inner tube, I glanced to my right at Harley and Skye and smiled. I missed these girls so much. I looked to my left and saw Colton, Wyatt, and Chuck splashing around. I couldn’t help but smile at the possibilities.

  I had been head over heels for Colt even before he knew my name. When I was six, Mama took me on our annual trip to Martin’s Department Store. Mama always made sure I had a new pair of shoes before starting school. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, so a new pair of shoes once a year was a big deal. Mama and I walked hand-in-hand through the department store doors, and suddenly nothing else mattered but mama and me. It was our day.

  When Mama took me out to get new shoes, she always made sure we had fun. We would run around the store and play tag while going up and down, and up and down, the escalators. Mama’s favorite; trying on the fancy hats. Sometimes, we would dress up and pretend to have a tea party in the home goods section. It was one of my favorite times of the year.

  This particular year was different. This year was special. I had just stuffed a debutant hat on my head and was running up the escalator, when I ran straight into this blue-eyed boy. We bounced off each other, landing flat on our butts.

  “Ouch!” I proclaimed.

  “Ouchy. I’m Colt, ” he responded with a lollipop between his teeth.

  He had the cutest smile. Before we had a chance to get up ourselves, Colt’s mama, came rushing over and snatched him up by the wrist. Just as Colt was back on his feet, mama came barreling around the corner, out of breath and grinning.

  “There you are, Care Bear. You must’ve had a good hiding spot,” she said tapping her finger on my scrunched nose.

  “Hello, Mary Anne. I should have known she was your kid,” Wynonna said.

  “Why yes. Is something the matter?” Mama asked.

  “You need to keep a better eye on her before someone gets hurt. She just knocked my son down running up the escalator,” she growled.

  “I’m sorry…”

  “I’m sorry doesn’t cut it. Keep your kid on a leash,” she yelled dragging Colt by the arm.

  As they turned to leave, Mama looked down at me, smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “Some people just don’t know how to have fun,” she said winking, giving my hand a squeeze.

  Before he fled the scene entirely, Colt stopped, yanked his arm away from Wynonna, and handed me his lollipop.

  “I sowwy, Care Bear.”

  I’m not sure if Colton remembered our first encounter, but I will never forget it.

  Just as I was completely relaxed daydreaming and enjoying the warm summer heat, I was immediately flipped over in my inner tube. With a mouth full of lake water, I couldn’t help but erupt with laughter. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy. The culprits were few and far between. Skye was spotted with Wyatt, and Harley was giving Chuck a hard time, again.

  Staring Colt down, I charged at him. He wasn’t getting away with it that easily. This is war. Finally catching up with him, I jumped on his back attempting to dunk him in the water. To no avail, I stayed on his back wrapping my legs around his tight waist. He certainly had not neglected his body over the years. Unlike some ex-football stars who let their bodies go to shit after their golden years, Colt was the exact opposite. Circling my arms around his neck, I pulled him closer to me. I don’t think he minded my chest crushed to his back by the way he pulled my legs closer to him.

  I was just making Colt feel safe and sound, when I sprang into action dunking his head in the water. “Always expect the unexpected,” Jim always said. Launching off Colt’s back, I swam like lightening to get away before his retaliation. Just barely getting out of the water, Colt grabbed me and tried to throw me back in.

  “Truce, truce,” I yelled throwing up my extended palms.

  “Fine,” he said extending his hand. Going to shake his hand, he swept me up and dumped me back into the water. Somehow I should have seen that coming.

  After calling the truce for the second time, we finally came to a stop when I started to shiver.

  “Are you cold?”

  “A little. The sun’s going down, and it’s getting a little chilly,” I said through chattering teeth. Maybe I was colder than I thought.”

  Reaching into his bag, Colt pulled out a warm, fluffy beach towel. After wrapping the towel securely around my shoulders, Colt began to rub, trying to warm me up. You would think an action like this wouldn’t affect the average person, but seeing and feeling Colt do it, only made me shiver harder. After I was fairly dry, I walked over to retrieve my shorts and shirt. Looking down I hadn’t realized my shirt was soaking wet from our playing on the beach. Shit!

  “Here, take my flannel. I’ve got another one in the truck.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a huge smile.

  Slipping on the flannel, it was like hugging Colt himself the way it smelled. The warm fabric enveloped my body and gave me a strange sense of calm. Although I was swimming in his flannel, I decided to pull it up and tie it in a knot just above my belly button. Finishing my knot, I looked up to see Colt starring at my every move.

  “Are you good now?” he asked.

  “Perfect. I feel like you’re still touching me the way this shirt feels and smells,” not realizing what I had just said. Stupid! Way to go Carr. Now he thinks you’re the stalker.

  Chuckling under his breath, “You’re much funnier than I remember.”

  Huh? I’m not sure how I should interpret that.

  Just as we were getting further acquainted, Chuck roared, “Hey, fuck-face. Get your ass over here and help us build this fire.”

  Walking over to the girls, Harley wrapped her arm around me.

  “You’re lookin’ awfully chummy over their cham
p,” she whispered into my ear.

  “We’re just getting to know each other better, Harley,” I whispered back.

  I could still feel his warm hands on my shoulders. I could die happy just from that moment alone.

  Chapter 7

  Trudging back from the woods, Colt and Wyatt had their hands filled with firewood. After what seemed like days of trying, we finally got the bonfire up and roaring. It was a clear summer night, and all the stars were on display.

  “Pass me the marshmallows, Chuck,” Harley said poking Chuck in the butt with her stick.

  “Hey, hey, hey. We will have none of that missy. If you wanna get in these jeans so bad, all you have to do was ask,” he said with a sly grin on his face.

  Taking a marshmallow out of the bag, Harley tossed it right at Chuck’s head.

  “Direct hit! Yes!” she yelled. There was so much sexual tension between those two; they just needed to fuck and get it over with.

  Taking a seat next to Colt, he pulled out a bottle of beer from the cooler and handed it to me.

  “Thank you, Sherlock”

  “Anytime, Watson. Need any help getting the lid off?” he asked.

  “Naw, I’m good,” as I angled the cap on the edge of the stump and popped it off with a quick whack. I hope he doesn’t think I’m a Neanderthal. Taking a swig of my beer, Colt put a marshmallow on my stick to roast.

  “You looked like you had your hands full,” he interjected with a smile.

  “My hero,” I said in a deep southern accent like Scarlett O’Hara.

  “No way in hell! Troy Aikman took the Cowboys to three straight Super Bowls in ninety-four, ninety-five and ninety-six. He passed for over one hundred fifty yards in the last Super Bowl. You can’t deny he was the greatest quarterback to every come to Dallas,” Wyatt argued with Chuck.

  “Sorry boys. I hate to interrupt your little wiener war, but you’re full of shit. Troy played in the ninety-three, ninety-four and ninety-six Super Bowl, not in ninety-five. During his last Super Bowl against the Steelers, he passed for over two hundred nine yards. Troy’s one of only three quarterbacks whose every won three Super Bowls, aside from Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana….” I slowly trailed off assuming I just made a complete ass out of myself.

  “Holy shit! She told you, Wyatt!” heckled Chuck.

  “I wasn’t aware you knew so much about football,” Colt asked looking like he was impressed.

  “Well, you never asked. Now you know. When mama died, football was the only thing my Dad and I bonded over. I’m sure that’s why he stuck me into cheerleading too, but I’m glad he did, because I met these two hookers,” I said pointing my burned marshmallow at Harley and Skye.

  “Well, I for one am glad your father raised such a fanatical young lady. A girl who can spank my boys, including myself, in football knowledge any day is kind of cool to me,” he erupted in laughter.

  “If y’all wouldn’t mind, I’m going to steal away the Jeopardy champ for a little while,” Colt said standing while looking down at me. “Ma’am…” he said reaching for my hand, as I buzzed with excitement.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “It’s a surprise. Just take my hand and follow me before I have to carry you over my shoulder,” he said with a grin. Sweet Jesus, take me over your shoulder!

  I placed my hand in his. His giant hands were callused, but warm compared to my petite fingers. He kept my hand warm, while I reached for my boots with the other.

  “You love those boots, don’t you, Watson?”

  “I do believe you’ve done excellent detective work, Sherlock,” I chuckled.

  “Granny gave these to me while I was in high school, and I can’t seem to get rid of them. Even working in NYC, I wear them sometimes. Maybe not as much as I would like, but I do wear them.”

  “I’m not going to lie, they look magnificent on you,” he sneaked out smoothly while squeezing my hand.

  Walking through the fields, you could hear the sounds of the cicadas and grasshoppers chirping away. Their sweet symphony sang to us while the lightening bugs lit our way through the trees. Where we were going; I wasn’t sure, but I also didn’t care. Anywhere with Colt was perfect.

  Pulling me closer as we walked, “I don’t want you to get lost out here. I would hate to have to send out a search party because you couldn’t hold my hand. That, or a bear could eat you.”

  “Bears, in Avery? You don’t say. I was unaware the rough terrain of Ole’ Man Johnson’s land was so highly populated with ferocious bears.”

  “You wouldn’t believe what sort of creatures are out here,” he winked.

  In the distance, I could see the old horse barn. As a kid, Mr. Johnson’s horse barn was the best place to get into trouble. He never actually kept any horses in his barn, but it was always filled with hay. The barn had a hayloft, where we used to swing on a rope out the loft window into a pile of hay. The barn has been abandoned for years, but some of the local farmers still used it to store extra hay.

  Getting closer, I noticed the barn’s exterior had warped and faded over the years. The once bright reds had faded to dull browns. It had so much character then, and even now. I ran my fingers across the boards hoping it would release some of the memories I had as a kid, bringing it back to life.

  “Wow, I can’t believe this old barn is still standing.”

  “I come here from time to time to get away from it all. Here, let me show you,” he said pulling me toward a ladder on the outside of the barn.

  As a kid, we were always warned of the dangers of going on the roof of the barn.

  “It’s not safe,” the adults would say. We were so tiny, our parents’ thought we would fly away from the breeze alone. This was the first time I would be going up there without an adult telling me not too. Grabbing for the ladder, I started to climb. Thankfully Colt was right behind me just in case I got scared or fell.

  “I see why you wanted to come here now. You just wanted to stare at my ass while I climb this ladder. I bet you’re not even following me up this old thing, are you?” I preached.

  “Oh, I’m following you alright.

  “I bet you are, Sherlock. Keep your eyes on the ladder mister, “ I scolded. He is staring at my ass as we speak. I hope it looks good from that angle at least.

  “How much further till the top,” I asked.

  “You’re almost there. Just over that ridge.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t just bring me up here to kill me like in those old horror movies? You know, the virgins always live until they have sex for the first time. That’s usually when some huge monster comes charging out with an ax and kills them all. I’m just letting you know right now; I’m not a virgin, so we’re kind of screwed in that department. You’re not an ax murderer, are you, Colt?” I asked nervously.

  “No, Carr, I’m not an ax murderer, however I’m thrilled you think I would be,” he said with a chuckle.

  Setting foot on the last step, I pushed myself off the ladder and laid flat on my back waiting for Colt to join me.

  “It’s gorgeous up here, isn’t it?” he asked as he finally made his way up the ladder.

  “This is incredible. I wish I had done this a long time ago. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out all this time,” I responded.

  Sitting up on our elbows, he pointed in the direction we had just come from, “Look, you can just barely make out the fire and smoke from the bonfire at the lake.”

  “Wow, it looks so far away from up here,” I responded.

  Laying back down I couldn’t help but look up at the stars.

  “If I’ve learned anything from living in New York the last couple of years, it’s that the stars will never look as good as they do here. In the city, you can barely see them with all the building lights. Looking at the stars used to be my favorite thing to do in Avery, aside from spending time with Bessie.

  “And why is that?” he asked.

  “Because, no matter where you look in the sky,
there’s always someone else looking at the same sky with you. You may not know them or maybe you do, but you hold this small kinship,” I proclaimed with wide eyes. “It looks like the sky could go on for days, and there will never be too many stars out. It’s beautiful,” I said turning my head toward Colt who was already looking at me.

  “Yes, you are,” he responded.

  I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and quickly jerked my head back to look at the stars.

  “So, whose this Bessie?” he interjected to ease the awkwardness I was feeling.

  “She’s my truck. I got her from Ole’ Man Johnson before he passed away. I loved coming over here as a kid. Mr. Johnson and I formed bond. He treated me as if he were the grandfather I never had. He would push me on that tire swing, and listen to me talk about everything and nothing in particular.”


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