Justified Love (The Southern Gentleman Series Book 1)

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Justified Love (The Southern Gentleman Series Book 1) Page 11

by Hite, Nicole

  “Harley, it's a shame you can stick up for your friends, but you can’t stick up for your mama. I heard she tried to steal a bottle of booze from the liquor store last week. Mama said she got angry because the sales clerk wouldn’t take her food stamps. It’s a shame living in such poverty with no daddy to take care of you. That’s if you even know who your daddy is with the way your mama threw herself at every man in this town.”

  Just then, Sadie looked like she wanted to say something but decided to slink away instead.

  “Screw you, Paisley. Fuck you, and the plastic posse you rode in with. You don’t know anything about what I’ve been through, let alone what Carrington’s been through. Maybe, if you took the time to get to know either one of us you would realize we are real people. I guess when you have a silver spoon stuck up your ass; it makes it a little difficult. Go ahead, run home to mommy and daddy and tell them what a horrible, trashy, redneck person I was for telling you to go screw yourself. Maybe then, they can stroke your ego a little more and say what a cute little princess you are while they kiss your ass,” Harley said with such conviction.

  Just then, I heard Sadie giggle. Paisley slapped her and told her to shut up.

  “That’s nice. I’m surprised you have any friends by the way you treat them. Run home to mommy and daddy, Paisley. No one wants you here,” Skye added.

  As Paisley slipped out of Lucky’s, Harley and Skye crouched down beside me.

  “Are you ok, honey?” asked Harley in a weak voice.

  “Now I am. Thank you for sticking up for me, guys,” I could barely choke out.

  “What are friends for? Now let’s get you home, and cleaned up before Granny finds out we took her dress.”

  “I love you, guys.”

  “We love you too, Care Bear.”


  “Paisley is such a bitch!” stomped Harley around the room like your typical fifteen-year-old.

  “I can’t believe she pulled that bullshit at the diner. Holding up her index finger and thumb, “I was this close to punching that c-bag in the boob.”

  “Yeah, I’m not a violent person, but even I was about to clock that twat,” chimed Skye.

  “Wow, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say twat,” Harley projected.

  “Well, I felt it was warranted, don’t you think?”

  “Oh, hell yes,” Harley yelled. Partly shutting the bathroom door, I stripped away my milkshake soaked clothes and hopped into the shower. I let the hot water scorch my body as my tears were masked from excessive steam.

  “Maybe I deserved it for being so naive. I mean really; why would Colt actually want to go out with me?” I said in a defending voice.

  Harley peeked her head through the bathroom door.

  “Seriously, Carr? Are you really going to defend that bitch’s actions? You are way too nice for your sake,” Har said with disappointment in her voice.

  Poking my head around the shower curtain with shampoo running into my eyes,

  “What do you want me to do, Har? She detests me, and I don’t even know why,” I responded in a timid voice.

  “Does she really need a reason to be hateful?” Skye added.

  “Paisley is a girl that will always be bitter and angry. I partly blame her shitty parents and their obsessive need to make her a walking Barbie doll. But, then again, I think she likes that shit,” Harley inserted.

  “She has this obsessive compulsive desire to control everything in her life. I mean, look at her relationships with Reva and Sadie. Those girls always do her bidding. Sometimes, I wonder if they know how to think for themselves anymore,” Skye added leaning on the doorframe.

  Blindly reaching for a towel, Harley finally placed it in my hand. Stepping out, I caught a glimpse in the mirror. Yikes! I looked like a raccoon, the way my mascara was smeared down my face.

  “Come over here and sit,” Skye shoved me into the bedroom and directed me to my dressing table.

  “See this girl right here,” Skye said pushing the strands of wet hair away from my eyes, forcing me to look into the mirror.

  “This girl is not you. She is weak and lacks confidence.”

  Picking up a cotton ball and putting makeup removal on it, she began cleaning my face.

  “There,” she said presenting my clean face in the mirror.

  “Now, this girl. She’s a ferocious bitch. She’s a badass, who is vicious,” admitted Harley.

  Pulling a brush through my tangled hair, Harley added, “Baby girl, when you graduate, promise us you’ll get the hell out of here.”

  “But…” I tried to interject.

  “No buts about it! You don’t just leave Avery, you fucking run, baby.” Harley said yanking my hair.

  Climbing out of the chair and walking to my closet, I cupped my face willing myself not to cry. Slipping on clothes, I walked back into the bedroom.

  “You know what we need right now?” said Skye.

  “What?” I said in a weak voice wiping my nose.

  “Dance party…”

  “Yes! Yes! Dance party!” Harley agreed.

  “I don’t know…” I started to reject.

  “Fuck that, Mason,” Harley yelled.

  “Get your ass up and dance with us!”

  Cranking up the music, Skye and Harley grabbed my hands and started bouncing up and down. My once dejected expression sluggishly began to fade away as we began jumping and dancing in a circle.

  “This is how we do it….” Montel sang from the CD player. Climbing on the bed, we jumped until the springs felt like they were going to collapse.

  Tumbling to the mattress, “I love you bitches,” pulling them both in for a hug.

  “We love you too.”


  Harley was always my protector. Skye liked to handle things calmly while Harley would throw down anytime. Knowing Colt personally invited me on this date tonight, settled a small portion of my anxiety. Something tells me Paisley’s not going to go away that quickly.

  Releasing my hand from the lilac fabric, I heard a high pitch squeal from across the room.

  “Carrington Mason! Is that you? You better get over here and give me some sugar. Dear Lord, sweetie. You’re nothing but skin and bones, darlin’. I think Ralph’s got some combo meals that could help you out with that!”

  “Hi Sadie, so happy to see you,” I said timidly. I’m pretty sure this is the most Sadie has ever said to me. Aside from the giggle at Lucky’s, I honestly had never heard her voice before now.

  “I heard through the grapevine; you were in town. I’m so glad I got to see you before you slipped back up to the big city.

  “Yep, I’m just here for a little while. Just trying to enjoy my time while I’m here.

  “So, what can I get y’all ladies today? I got some new turquoise jewelry in and a couple new belts.”

  “I’m looking for something to wear tonight,” I said hesitantly.

  “What’s the occasion?” she asked.

  “Well, I have a date with Colton Wilson,” I said with a giggle.

  “No way! Oh, this is so exciting. You know, you’re all he ever talked about after we graduated. He was so bummed for the longest time. I saw him at the Piggly Wiggly this morning. I thought something must have been up. I’ve never seen him so happy, not since high school. “

  “Speaking of high school, I feel the need to apologize. Paisley was downright horrible to you. I wanted to speak up that day at the diner, but I was terrified…”

  “…that Paisley would make your life as miserable as mine? It’s O.K. I get it. I would never want anyone to be treated the way she treated me,” I said with genuine empathy.

  “I would take the insults, the nasty names, the milkshakes, all of it if that meant someone else didn’t have to go through the same,” I continued.

  “I know I can’t change the past, Carrington, but I’d like to change the future. I’m so sorry.”

  “Sadie, all you had to do was say, ‘I’m sorry’, and
I would have been ok,” I said giving her a giant hug. I knew my torment from Paisley wasn’t Sadie’s fault. She was caught in a catch twenty-two, and didn’t know what to do. When you have someone telling you what to do, and what to say for so long, you lose your identity. I’m just glad she decided to finally think for herself and get out.

  “Are you looking for something in particular?” Sadie asked with her big, doe eyes.

  “She’s looking for something that says, I’m hot, but not a slut, but I can be a tease, but not a hoe, but really I’m just the girl next door kind of outfit,” interjected Harley.

  “Wow, that was a mouthful,” Skye chimed in.

  “Colt will give her a mouthful,” Harley interrupted.

  “You walked right into that one, Skye. So, what do you have for us, Sadie?”

  After an hour in the dressing room, I decided I was officially taking up residence in Sadie’s shop. To be honest, it’s about the exact size of my apartment in New York anyway. I didn’t even need to leave when I had three ladies throwing in dresses left and right. I almost swallowed my gum, when the next item over the curtain was pink, lacey panties.

  “Let me guess. Harley?”

  “You know it, baby. You should never have told me what his text said.” I could see her smiling even through the curtain.

  Chapter 10

  Getting ready for my first official date with Colton, I was excited. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m scared shitless and want to back out. Finally taming the beast that is my hair, my mood started to improve. I decided to wear my hair completely down and curly. I figured if I was going to be uncomfortable on the inside; I might as well feel comfortable on the outside.

  I will admit I loved the outfit the girls picked out. The dress was a peach, eyelet sundress that fell just to the knees. Skye added the brown belt strategically around my waist, while Harley adorned my shoulders with a jean jacket to protect me from the chilly Texas night. My contribution was my trusty brown cowboy boots. Finally putting on the entire outfit, I stood back and looked in the mirror. Twirling like a little girl in the mirror, I was finally ready. I never went to prom, but somehow this seemed just as good.

  Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. Shit! He’s here! Don’t panic. You got this Carrington. Trying not to seem too zealous, I waited until Dad called up the stairs. “Carr, Colton Wilson’s here for your date.” Sweet Jesus, he said date and Colton Wilson in the same sentence. I honestly felt like I was in high school again. Turning the corner to the banister, I hesitated before taking the first-step downstairs. You can do this baby girl, one foot in front of the other. As soon as I saw Colt’s face, my anxiety subsided. I felt like I was floating down the stairs the way my toes glided over the wood.

  Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I planted my last boot on the wood landing. Leaning in, Colt kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear.

  “You look stunning, Carrington.”

  I couldn’t help but blush, while I took his hand in mine. Before leaving the house, I kissed Daddy and Granny on the cheek.

  “Don’t wait up,” I winked in Granny’s direction.

  “Fall hard,” she mouthed back, hoping no one could hear.

  Stepping off the porch and into the gravel driveway, I stopped dead in my tracks. “Is that the new Ford F150? Black, on black, on black?” I said enthusiastically.

  If I were ever going to upgrade my truck, this is the truck I would get. If a truck could be sexy, this truck was the epitome of sexiness. Only seems fitting Colton would own it.

  “Yes, ma’am. I worked hard to buy this baby.”

  Extending his arm out to me, “Your chariot awaits my lady.”

  Helping me into the huge truck, I think he just wanted a chance to check out my ass. Duly noted, Mr. Wilson. I’ll play your game.

  “So, what do you have planned for this date of ours? Should I be worried? Do I need a shot?” I asked with a giggle.

  “No, no shot, but I wouldn’t rule out that you should be worried,” he joked.

  “Shall we go on an adventure then?” I asked.


  We finally pulled up to our destination. As the stadium lights lit the Avery High School football field ablaze, I leaned forward wide eyed and stunned. This is amazing.

  “So, what do we do now?” I asked intrigued.

  “I thought dinner at a restaurant would be so impersonal. Who wants ordinary, when you can have extraordinary? Does that sound ok?”

  “That sounds wonderful,” I responded. I needed to keep my feelings in check and filter my emotions before I seemed like a fan girl gone wrong.

  “I’m so glad you think so,” he responded.

  The last time I had gone to a football game, the night didn’t exactly end as I had expected.

  “O.K. Soooo are we going to the football game or not?” asked Skye.

  “Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes,” I said indecisively.

  “Make up your damn mind, Carr.”

  “OK, yes we are going.”

  “Well, at least we know that Queen Bitch and the Insane Mean Girl Posse will be cheering. They tend to spend the entire game playing, “who can distract the most football players with our tiny skirts.” It’s the guys that pay them any attention that are the worse players. Decent players like Colt and Chuck were there for one reason and one reason only - to win.

  “We’ll be free to ogle Colt and Chuck,” Skye interrupted.

  “Chuck’s supposed to be starting tonight. I hope he doesn’t fuck up,” Harley said in her own sincere way. I perked up. I knew Harley had a thing for Chuck, and she wanted to explore that chemistry on her own terms.

  Harley was what you called a viper. She lured boys in with her bright emerald eyes, hypnotizing them to get what she wanted. As soon as she had them where she wanted, she made her move. STRIKE. In all honestly, the poor guys never saw it coming. She was the queen of manipulation and determination. When she set her sights on something she wanted, there was no stopping her.

  Charles was something different altogether. Charles a.k.a “Chuck” Norris, yes his parents named him Chuck, fucking, Norris. Who does that to their child? Although, Chuck’s personality matched with the Chuck Norris persona at times. Chuck was extremely loud, hyper and the comedian of the group. Although Harley wanted to control her prey, Chuck wasn’t having it. I honestly believe that their differences are why they work out. The fact that he was a rodeo cowboy didn’t hurt either. That, in and of itself was a huge turn on for Harley. I think she was into him for the ropes and spurs to be perfectly honest.

  Being in the rodeo was the perfect outlet for someone who was a ticking time bomb of ADHD energy. Chuck was extremely built from playing football for so many years and knew how to wrangle a steer. Harley swooned over Chuck and his riding abilities, but loathed the fact that she couldn’t control him. With them, Harley wanted to be the one wrangling the steer. He was persistent, but he also didn’t put up with her demanding bullshit. He may be a little off, but he wasn’t stupid. Eventually, someone would have to give in, or they just needed to have a good roll in the hay to release their sexual tension. Sometimes the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

  “Oh, come on Pete, you gotta make that first down,” I said tossing my hands in the air in disgust. “No college is ever going to pick him up if he can’t rush for more than thirty yards a game. Colton’s doing his job, but Pete just needs to get his ass down the field and cut a hard right. Its no wonder Coach Cal ever gives him any playing time.”

  Harley, Skye, and Wyatt all stared slack-jawed at my knowledge and passion for football.

  “What? I was raised by a passionate football Dad.”

  It's a good thing I was a football fan. Someone might mistake my enthusiasm for being a super stalker watching Colt. Anyone who’s ever grown up in Texas knows that football is our way of life. We live, breath and sleep football and not just on the NFL level. Parents draft their kids at a young age and groom them to be all stars before their even
five. Some parents even move districts to be a part of a state championship team like Avery. If you want to be the best, you gotta play with the best. Kids would claw their way onto the field just to say they played with our team.

  The Avery Spurs won 57-7 and were well on their way to the State Championship game. Standing next to Skye waiting for Chuck to come out of the locker room, I felt a presence standing next to me. Feeling tense I turned around meeting face-to-face with Mrs. Wynonna Wilson; Colt’s Mama. Awesome!


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