by Sandra Kynes
there com es a point o f d im inishing returns if we use things that
as surrogates. This is particularly im portant when it com es to
are not interrelated. Keeping with the illustrated example o f the
poisonous plants, anim als, or things that are not available to us.
intention “ love,” I could use a handful o f gem stones that corre
In addition to magic and ritual, correspondences can be woven
spond with love, but they w ouldn’t create a web of interrelated
through our lives with sim ple everyday choices from the jewelry
associations. However, with a little effort I can choose correor colors we wear to our plants and other household objects. In spondences that are associated with each other and occasionally
this way we can keep our intentions strong and our m agic ever
com bine them into one object. In this example I could use a red,
present. I hope this book will encourage you to explore, experrose-scented candle into which I can carve the name Aphrodite iment, and discover unique ways to com bine correspondences to
and then place it in a swan-shaped candle holder. In this case
em power and support your m agic as well as enhance your life.
I’m using an element, a color, a plant, a goddess, and a bird,
which widens the scope o f energy I’m putting toward my inten
tion while keeping it focused. Behind the scenes, as it were, the
The first section o f this book is an encyclopedic listing o f issues,
correspondences for my intention are linked with each other: the
intentions, and powers along with their correspondences. The
element fire is linked with red; red is linked with roses; roses
subsequent sections are cross-references according to plants,
with Aphrodite; and Aphrodite with the swan.
m inerals, anim als, deities, astrological inform ation, and m iscel
This is not to suggest that we shouldn’t use more than one of
laneous. This kind o f cross-referencing provides flexibility for
the sam e type o f correspondence. In fact, using more o f one type
whichever way you prefer to work. W hile we may m ost often start
o f correspondence can often further the concept o f creating a
with an intent or issue for spellwork, there are tim es when we
web. Continuing with the example o f “ love,” if I add the element
begin from a different angle. For example, a house I once lived in
water I could create more interrelationships am ong the correhad a wonderful old willow tree in the front yard, and I wanted to spondences because not only is water associated with love, but it
base som e o f my energy work and rituals around this type of
is also associated with Aphrodite, the swan, and the rose. (The
tree. We may also find that using a web o f associated
correspondences may help us create a richer tapestry for m ani
• From the Sea: Although coral and pearls are usually co n sid festing our intentions, as in the example of the goldfinch. In this ered gem stones, I have placed them here with the seashells
way we can weave unique and powerful magic.
along with several non-seashell gifts from Mother Ocean, such
Each section o f the book is divided into subsections for ease
as the sand dollar and mother-of-pearl
o f use. Someone who wants to work solely with trees, or with
T h e A n im a l K in g d o m
herbs and garden plants, will find them separated in their own
T h is section could easily co n sist o f many more subsections, but
subsections. Because the titles o f som e subsections are abbre
I wanted to keep it sim ple. I hope that scientifically m inded Paviated within the listings, the following is an explanation o f them.
gans and W iccans will not take offense.
T h e P lan t K in g d o m
• Anim als: Land m am m als, m arsupials, and bats
The plants are divided into three subsections, and I adm it that
• Birds: ju st fowls here
som e categorization is based on my personal views and gar
• M arine Life: Fish, marine m am m als, and crustaceans
dening experience. If you are not sure in which category to look,
• Reptiles: A m phibians are listed along with the reptiles
the appendix provides an alphabetical list o f all the plants in this
• Insects e( Misc.: Spiders, bugs, scorpions, snails, and other
book and indicates where you will find them.
• Trees: Because o f their use in the Celtic ogham, I have in
• Mythical: Mythical creatures from classical civilizations, and
cluded holly and elder here, even though they are technically
Celtic and Native Am erican mythology
D e itie s a n d O th e r B e in g s
• H erb e[ Garden: Shrubs, herbs, flowers; typical plants that you
T h is section consists o f four subsections. M ost entries include a
would find at a garden center
brief description o f who the deities and other beings are, along
• Misc. Plants: Spices; over-the-counter m edicinals; agriculwith their country or location.
turally farmed, exotic, and wild plants
• Goddesses: ju st goddesses
T h e M in e ra l K in g d o m
• Gods: Although technically not gods, the Green Man and
T h is section has three subsections, one o f w hich is seashells be
Buddha are listed here
cause they are made o f m inerals.
• M agical: Magical beings and spirits, including the four ele
• Gemstones el Minerals: I have included petrified wood in this
m e n ta l
category because it is often tum bled and used like a mineral
• Angels: Because they have found their way into Pagan work, I
• Metals: Metals and alloys
have included four o f the more well-known angels
A s tro lo g ic a l a n d T im e R e c k o n in g
The ogham is included here because o f its relationship to the
• Num bers: 1-13. As previously mentioned, I had to stop som e
Celtic calendar o f trees. Runes are also listed because they have
where and felt that 13 has relevant sym bolism
designated half-months.
• The Tarot
• The Zodiac
• The Solar System
Because there is so m uch inform ation to convey, I had to work
• Phases o f the M oon: The four basics o f full, waning, new, and
out a way to note specific inform ation as sim ply as possible.
Many o f the entries in the "Issu e s, Intentions, and Powers" sec
• Full Moons
tion have verbs to clarify their m eanings. For example, you will
• The Seasons
see an entry heading like this: "Negativity (to avert, banish, re
• The Days o f the Week
lease).” Throughout the book where negativity is listed, it should
• Times o f Day: Four d ivisio n s o f dawn, midday, dusk, and
be understood to mean that som ething, such as the lavender
plant, can be used to avert, banish, or release negativity depend
• Celebrations: Sabbats, birthdays o f som e deities, and other
ing on how you want to deal wit
h it.
festivals o f note
In som e cases, a listing may differ from the stated verb(s), in
• O gham : The Celtic calendar and ogham characters
which case the derivation is noted in parentheses. For example,
• Runes: The N orse runes and their fortnights
you will also find this under the entry for negativity: "B rass (return to origin).” T h is m eans that the metal brass is useful when
M is c e lla n e o u s
you want to deflect negativity back to the person who sent it out
Although this is a catch-all section, its categories are no less
rather than sim ply averting or releasing the negativity.
im portant than the others.
Another example is loneliness and rose quartz. Under "Loneliness (to ease)," you will find "R ose Quartz (end),” which
• The Elements: The four elements
means that instead o f ju st easing loneliness, rose quartz is in
• The Directions: The four cardinal and four ordinal directions
• Colors
strum ental in bringing it to an end.
• Energy: Yin e[ Yang: I chose this term inology to avoid gender
For entries without specific verbs, it should be understood that
bias as well as to encom pass the fuller aspect o f each energy
the listings underneath them will help you to find, develop, build,
or support that particular issue, intention, or power. For exam
• Chakras: Although not particularly Pagan, this system of
w orking with personal energy has found its way into our
ple, rosem ary is listed under psychic abilities, which means that
this herb can be used when you want to develop a n d /o r support
these abilities.
find som ething like this: "F ir (silver/ spiritual).” Here, silver de
Like derivations for an issue, intention, or power, additional
scribes the type o f fir tree, while “ spiritual” provides specific
descriptive information such as a type o f gem stone or tree
information about the issue, intention, or power, which in this
species is also noted in parentheses. To distinguish these decase is "Awareness.”
tails, derivations from an issue, intention, or power are in regular
In a few instances you’ll find more than one listing for som etypeface while descriptive inform ation for an entry is in italics.
thing under a single entry. For example, under the entry "Love”
Following are examples and explanations to help guide you.
you will find “ Rose, Rose (red/passionate)." The first listing of
The listing "Agate ( red banded)" indicates that red banded is
"R ose” indicates that roses in general are associated with love.
the particular type o f agate associated with the entry under which
The second entry describes red roses as being associated with
it appears. In the “ Gem stones and M inerals” section, you will
passionate love.
find this stone listed under "Agate.” O n the other hand, because
This is another type o f listing that appears under the entry for a
o f the great popularity o f blue lace agate, this stone is listed
goddess: “ Magic (general, m oon).” It m eans that this goddess
separately and is shown throughout the book as “ Blue Lace
can be called on for help with m agic in general, but she is partic
Agate” rather than “Agate ( blue lace)." In the Gem stones and
ularly powerful for m oon magic.
M inerals section, you will find it with its own entry o f “ Blue Lace
The listings "Anim als: A ll” or “ Plants: A ll” are general nota
Agate” and not under "Agate.” This holds true for m oss agate,
tions used in several places but not detailed under each indirose quartz, Apache tears, and several others.
vidual entry. For example, "Anim als: All" is noted under "Animal
In a num ber o f cases, especially with gem stones, more than
Magic," but magic is not specified under each individual animal,
one specific type o f stone is applicable, and you will find entries
because it is assum ed knowledge.
such as this: "Tourm aline (red, watermelon)," which means that
Two final exam ples o f the types o f listings you will see are
both red tourm aline and watermelon tourm aline are appropriate
"Rose (attract)” and “Carnation (pink)," both o f w hich are under
for that particular issue, intention, or power. Similarly, here's an
the entry “Affection.” It makes sense that “ attract” refers to affecexample in which more than one specific power is applicable: tion, and pink describes the carnation. This method for adding
Under the entry for “Ash,” you will find “ Fairies (protected by,
and noting specific information should become self-explanatory
see),” m eaning that the ash tree can be used when calling on
after a brief browse through the book.
fairies for protection as well as when you want to cultivate the
ability to see them.
1. W hitcom b, The M agician's Com panion, 5 and 24.
There are also tim es when it is necessary to convey both a de2. Bonewits, Real Magic, 7.
scription and specific information about an entry, and so you will
3. Dawson, M inds and Machines, 138.
4- Atkins, M em ory and Liturgy, 9.
Season: Autumn
Day: Thursday
IS S U E S ,
O gham : Ruis
Rune: Feoh
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Colors: Gold, Green, Orange
Chakra: Sacral
Issues, intentions, and powers is a general phrase to describe the
entries in this section; however, it is your individual magic that
N um ber: 8
Misc. Plants: Grain, Myrrh
shapes them. W hile “ Love" may be applied quite clearly as an
Trees: Chestnut, Elder, Maple, Mesquite, Oak, Olive, Palm, Pine,
intention, “ Beauty” may be understood as an attribute or quality,
although it, too, can serve as an intention (i.e., to becom e more
Herb (% Garden: Bluebell, Grape , Honeysuckle
beautiful or develop inner beauty). In addition, as an attribute it
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate (tree), Apatite, Aventurine,
can be associated with som eone or som ething. For example, we
Bloodstone, Chrysoberyl, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Dioptase, Jade,
can say that Venus is associated with beauty and call on her to
Malachite, M oss Agate, Peridot, Rhodochrosite, Quartz, Salt,
support our intentions concerning beauty.
Smoky Quartz, T iger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourm aline (green,
The links and associations that we create in our m inds are
watermelon), Zircon
unique and form the foundation for a rich tapestry o f ritual and
From the Sea: Abalone, Clam, Cowry, M ussel, Oyster
magic. U sing magical correspondences helps us to foster our
intentions and powers so that we can create a clear vision of
Goddesses: Aine, Artio, Astarte, Bast, Ceres, Cerridwen,
what we want to accom plish or how we want to handle an issue.
Coventina, Danu, Demeter, Epona, Fortuna, Frigg, Gaia, Ganga,
W hile som e o f the following entries,
such as “Creativity" or “ Suc
Hestia, Holle, Inanna, Isis, Lakshmi, Maia, Rhea, Rhiannon,
cess,” may seem general, it is how we perceive and shape them
that brings them to life within our personal circum stances. Using
the correspondences that resonate for us, and following the
threads that connect them, help us to visualize, build, and m anifest the outcom e we seek.
abundance (to attract, perpetuate)
Zodiac: Virgo
Solar System: Jupiter
Moon Phases: Full, Waxing
Full Moons: August, June
Cods: Cernunnos, the Dagda, Enki, the Green Man, Hades,
Elements: Air, Earth
Colors: Black, Green, Pink
Jupiter, Pushan, Saturn, Vertim nus, Zeus
Herb e( Garden: Angelica, Catnip,
Tree: Cypress
Anim als: Buffalo/Bison, Cattle (cow, ox), Chipm unk, Goat,
Clover, Iris
Horse, Pig, Rabbit, Reindeer, Sheep, Squirrel
Misc. Plant: M ustard (o f som ething difficult)
M arine Life: Salmon
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Angelite (self), Apatite, Aragonite, Beryl,
Birds: Chicken, Crane, Duck, Egret, Flamingo, Goose, Heron,
Larimar, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tiger’s Eye, Tourm aline (green),
Ibis, Kingfisher, Nighthawk, Osprey, Parrot, Peacock, Pelican
Zircon (green, red)
(use wisely), Sandpiper, Seagull, Turkey
Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Isis, Macha, Nanna, Nemesis,
Insects e( Misc.: Bee, Grasshopper,
Reptiles: Crocodile, Frog,
Moth (silk)
Gods: Hades, Loki, Pluto
Anim als: Coyote (o f transform ation), W olf (o f others)
Zodiac: Capricorn
Moon Phase: Full
Solar System: Mars,
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Moon, Sun
Season: Autumn
Day: Sunday
Moon Phase: Full
Days: Sunday, Tuesday
Runes: Feoh, Jera (rewards)
Lughnasadh, Mabon
Elements: Air, Fire
Num bers: 1, 3, 5, 13
Directions: North,
Colors: Green, Orange,
Tarot: Strength, Temperance,
Colors: Green, Purple
Red, Yellow
W ands
Num bers: l, 4, 7, 8, 9, io
Tarot: Sun, World
Trees: Apple, Cherry, Juniper
Trees: Cherry, Spindletree Gem stone/M ineral: Moonstone