by Sandra Kynes
Colors: Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver,
Bittersweet, Blessed Thistle, Burdock, Cardam om , Cinnam on,
Turquoise, Violet, White
Cinquefoil, Clove, Coltsfoot, Coriander, Cowslip, Flax,
Frankincense, Ginger, Ginseng, Holy Basil, Horehound,
Trees: Alder, Apple, A sh, Aspen, Birch, Cedar, Cypress, Elder,
Mandrake, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, M ullein, M ustard, Myrrh,
Elm, Hazel, Holly, H orse Chestnut, Juniper, Laurel, Mesquite,
Nettle, Pepper ( white), Reed, Saffron, Sandalwood, Skullcap,
M im osa, Oak, Olive, Palm ( dragon's blood), Pine, Rowan,
Spikenard, Thistle, W ormwood
Walnut, Willow, W itch Hazel
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate (black, green, red, red banded,
Gods: Agni, Apollo, Asclepius, Baal, Belenus, the Dagda, Ea,
snakeskin), Amber, Amethyst (general, inner), Am etrine, Apatite,
Gwydion, H anum an, H orus, Khensu, Lugh, Manannan,
Aquam arine, Aragonite (b lu e / self), Aventurine, Azurite, Beryl,
Marduk, Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Thoth, Vishnu
Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite (blue, pink), Carnelian,
Anim als: Badger, Bear, Boar, Buffalo/Bison, Cat, Dog, Fox, Otter
Celestite, Chrysoberyl (support for), Chrysoprase, Citrine,
(with laughter), Rhinoceros, Sheep (ram)
Diam ond, Diopside, Dioptase, Emerald, Garnet, Hawk’s Eye,
Hematite, Herkim er Diam ond, jade (lavender), jasp er (green,
Birds: Canary, Chicken (rooster), Condor, Crane, Dove, Eagle,
Falcon (soul), Grosbeak (old w ounds), H um m ingbird, Ibis,
leopard skin, red), jet, Kunzite, Larimar, Lodestone, Malachite,
Moldovite, M oonstone, M oss Agate, Peridot, Petrified Wood,
Nightingale, Parrot, Raven, Swallow, Swan (psychological),
Swift, Waxwing
Quartz (clear), Rose Quartz, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire, Smithsonite,
Sodalite, Sugilite, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourmaline
M arine Life: Dolphin, Orca, Salmon, Whale
(brown/ s e lf), Tourm aline (green, pink), Turquoise, Zircon (red)
Reptiles: Snake (rattlesnake), Toad, Tortoise, Turtle
Metals: Bornite, Brass, Copper, Gold, Iron, Silver, Steel
From the Sea: Abalone, Clam, Cockle, Coral, Scallop
Herb e/ Garden: Lavender, Lemon
Tree: Laurel
Angels: Gabriel, Raphael
Goddesses: Aine, Artem is, Athena, Bast, Boann, Brigantia, Brigid,
Gemstones 0/ Minerals: Amber, Aventurine, Citrine, Emerald,
Coatlicue, Coventina, Cybele, Epona, Freya, Gaia, Ganga,
Malachite, Morganite
Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Kupala, Minerva, Nephthys,
Reptile: Frog
Herb e[ Garden: Heather
Misc. Plant: Lotus
G em stone/M ineral: Fluorite
heartbreak (to recover from)
hexes (to set)
Element: Water
Trees: Myrtle, Pine
Solar System: Moon
Element: Earth
Herb (% Garden: Am aranth, Feverfew, Gardenia, Lavender,
Color: Black
Trees: Blackthorn, Elder
Lemon Balm, Rose (white), Rosemary, Violet, Yarrow
Misc. Plants: Asafoetida,
Herb (% Garden: Dill
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on, Cinquefoil, Coriander, Myrrh
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Aventurine, Calcite (blue), Chrysocolla,
G em stone/M ineral: Salt
Metal: Lead
Chrysoprase, Garnet, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Morganite, Rose
Goddesses: Anat, Cailleach Bheur, Cerridwen, Hecate, the
Quartz, Topaz (blue)
God: Ares
Anim al: Dog
Hexes (to break)
Trees: Aspen, Cedar,
Colors: Black, Red
Herb (% Garden: Basil, Bergamot, Cham om ile, Garlic, Gardenia,
Geranium , Honeysuckle, Lilac, Pennyroyal, Rose, Snapdragon,
Vervain, Violet
Misc. Plants: Bamboo, Blessed Thistle, Cinquefoil, Clove,
Ginger, G inseng, High John, Horehound, Mandrake, Myrrh,
O rris Root, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Thistle, Thornapple
Metal: Silver
M agical: Brownies, Lares, Penates
Zodiac: Aquarius, Sagittarius
Colors: Brown, Indigo
Anim als: Badger, Beaver, Caribou, Cat tie (cow), Fox, Kangaroo,
Tarot: Swords
Tree: Palm ( dragon's blood)
Prairie Dog, Rabbit
Herb e( Garden: Basil, Honeysuckle, Rosemary, Thyme
Birds: Blackbird, Crow, Goose, H um m ingbird, Oriole, Pigeon,
Misc. Plants: High John,
Metal: Gold
Moonwort, Mullein
Insects G( Misc.: Cicada,
M arine Life: Carp (protect)
Gemstones G( Minerals: Amber,
Gods: Anubis, Thoth
Clear (o f anything unwanted)
Goddesses: Fides, Maat
Anim al: Boar
Trees: Hawthorn, Laurel, Pine
Misc. Plant: Myrrh
Bird: Peacock
Insect/M isc.: Cicada
Prevent Evil from Entering
Tree: Hawthorn
Herb e[ Garden: Fennel
Misc. Plant: Nettle
honor (to bestow, receive)
Solar System: Jupiter
Days: Thursday, Tuesday
Zodiac: Aquarius
Solar System: Sun, Uranus
Celebration: Samhain
Full M oon: November
Season: Spring
Rune: Tyr
Day: Sunday
Time o f Day: Dawn
Element: Fire
Colors: Blue, Pink, Rose
Celebrations: Im bolc, New Year’s
O gham : Huath, Onn
Trees: Apple, Cypress,
Herb e( Garden: Ivy
Laurel, Pine, Spindletree
Colors: Blue, White
Tarot: Star
M i sc. Plants: Frankincense, Myrrh
Trees: Fir (silver), Hawthorn, Olive, Palm (date), Pomegranate,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amazonite, Jet, Zircon (red)
Pine, Poplar (white), Spruce (Norway)
Metal: Cold
From the Sea: Pearl
Herb 0{ Garden: Gorse, Violet
Goddesses: Aine, Fides,
Minerals: Amazonite, Blue Lace Agate, Malachite,
Gods: Arawn, Jupiter, Mithras
Justitia, Kore, Maia
M oonstone, M oss Agate, O pal, Tourm aline (green)
Angel: Raphael
Anim al: Buffalo/Bison
Metals: Gold, Tin
Birds: Crane, Crow, Raven (elders, ancestors), Stork, Turkey
From the Sea: Angel W ing
Goddesses: Hecate, Kore, Parvati
M arine Life: Dolphin
| Insect/M isc.: G rasshopper
Birds: H eron, Nightingale,
Angel: Gabriel
M arine Life: Carp
Insect/M isc.: Firefly
Mythical: Phoenix
illum ination
Solar System: Moon, Sun, Uranus Moon Phases: Full, New
Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces
Solar System: Moon
Season: Winter
ys: Monday, Sunday
Element: Air
Direction: West
Celebration: Im bolc
Runes: Ken, Peorth
Colors: Gray, Yellow
Chakra: Brow
Element: Fire
Directions: East, South
Num bers: 2, 3, 6, 7
Tarot: Cups
Colors: Gold, Orange
Chakras: Brow, Crown
Tree: Rowan
Herb 0{ Garden: Jasmine
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on,
Tarot: Herm it, High
Misc. Plant: Belladonna
Frankincense, Lotus
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Alexandrite, Aventurine, Calcite (green),
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber, Fluorite, Jet, Opal, Tanzanite
Garnet, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Tourm aline (blue)
Metal: Gold
From the Sea: Pearl
From the Sea: Abalone, Coral, Mother-of-Pearl, Whelk
Goddesses: Hecate, Kuan Yin,
M agical: Fairies, Gnom es, M uses
Angel: Gabriel
M agical: M uses
Anim als: Antelope (active), Hare, Morikey, Otter, Sheep (ram)
Gods: Buddha, the Dagda, Mithras , Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Surya
Birds: Goose, Loon, Meadowlark,
M arine Life: Seal
Anim als: Coyote, M oose
Birds: Eagle, Hawk
----------------------------------------------------- L
Reptile: Lizard
Insect/M isc.: Firefly
im provem ent (to seek, make)
Solar System: Mercury, Sun,
Solar System: Sun
Moon Phase: Waxing
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
Direction: South
Moon Phase: New
Rune: Ehwaz
Colors: Blue (royal), Brown,
Num bers: 2, 8
Herb (% Garden: Garlic,
Gold, Pink
Tree: Hawthorn (mental)
Sunflower, Vervain
Tarot: High Priestess
Trees: juniper, Oak
Misc. Plants: Eyebright, Ginger, G inseng (mental), Vanilla,
Herb e[ Garden: Goldenseal, Rosemary, Thyme
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on, Cum in, Galangal, High John,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amazonite , Emerald, Fluorite, Lapis
Mandrake, Nettle, Nutmeg, Thornapple
Lazuli, Sapphire, Turquoise, Zircon
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Amber, Beryl, Calcite, Hematite, Peridot,
Metal: Silver
Rhodochrosite, Tourmaline
From the Sea: Cowry, Whelk
Goddesses: Hestia, Kuan Yin
Goddesses: Inanna, Maia
Gods: Ganesh, Herm es
Anim al: Badger
M arine Life: Dolphin
Anim al: Buffalo/Bison
Day: Wednesday
Tarot: Hanged Man
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Apatite (image), Rose Quartz (image),
Smoky Quartz
Full M oon: March
Season: Spring
Season: Winter
Day: Wednesday
Direction: South
Color: White
O gham : Coll, Luis
Colors: Lavender, Silver, Violet
Trees: Apple, Myrtle, Pomegranate
Chakra: Brow
Num bers: 2, l i
Misc. Plant: Grain (rice)
Trees: Apple, Cedar, Fir
Tarot: Star
Garden: Anem one (white), Aster, Carnation (white),
(silver), Rowan
Chrysanthem um (white), Daisy, Lilac (white), Lily (white), Lily
Garden: Angelica,
o fth e Valley, M arjoram , Peony, Rose (white), Spearmint, Violet
Misc. Plant: Eyebright
Cham om ile, Sage
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Aquam arine, Aventurine, Azurite, Calcite
Gemstone: Diam ond (blue)
(clear), Cat’s Eye, Emerald, Hawk’s Eye, Jasper (leopard skin),
From the Sea: Pearl
Goddess: Kore
Lapis Lazuli, Moldovite, O pal, Sapphire, Sodalite, Tanzanite,
T iger’s Eye, Tourm aline (blue, red)
Birds: Pigeon, Quail,
Gods: Balder, Mabon
From the Sea: Abalone, M oon Snail
Anim als: Coyote (renew), Deer, Horse (white), Porcupine,
Goddesses: Cerridwen, Kuan Yin | Angel: Auriel
Sheep (lam b), Squirrel
Gods: Am un, H anum an, Herm es, Marduk, Mimir, Ra
Insect/M isc.: Cicada
| Mythical: Unicorn
Anim als: Coyote, Gazelle,
M arine Life: Salmon
Panther, Rhinoceros
Birds: Condor, Osprey, Owl, Quail
Solar System: Mercury, Moon,
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Amazonite, Amethyst, Ametrine, Apatite,
Moon Phases: Full, Waxing
Aquam arine, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Celestite, Charoite,
Chrysocolla, Garnet (rhodolite), Jade, Jasper (picture),
Full M oon: October
Day: Monday
Labradorite, Onyx, Opal, Peridot, Quartz (clear), Selenite,
Celebration: Im bolc
O gham : Oir, Saille
Serpentine, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz (blue), Tourm aline (green),
Rune: As
Elements: Air, Fire
Turquoise, Zircon
Direction: East
Chakra: Throat
From the Sea: Whelk
Num bers: 1, 5, 9, n
Tarot: Hierophant, Star, Wands
M agical: Gnom es, M uses
Colors: Blue (light), Pink, Purple, Silver, Violet, W hite, Yellow
Goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Bast, Boann, Brigid, Cerridwen,
Coventina, Danu, Don, Isis, Parvati, Sarasvati
Trees; Acacia, Birch, Cypress, Fir, Hazel, Laurel, Oak, Palm
( dragon's blood), Pine, Rowan, Spindletree, Walnut, Willow,
Gods: Angus, Bacchus, D ionysus, Khensu, Mimir, O din, Ogma,
W itch Hazel
Ptah, Surya, Zeus
Herb (% Garden: Angelica, Grape, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasm ine,
Anim al: Sheep (ram)
Birds: Eagle, Goose
Lavender, Lilac, Lily o f the Valley, Rose, Rosemary, Rue, Vervain
M arine Life: Carp, Eel
Reptile: Lizard (newt)
M i sc. Plants: Cinnam on, Cinquefoil, Clove, Frankincense,
Insects G[ Misc.: Butterfly, Caterpillar, Firefly
Ginger, Lotus, Reed, Sandalwood, Vanilla
Zodiac: Aquarius, Leo
Day: Tuesday
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio
Season: Winter
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Bloodstone, Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, Zoisite
Day: Wednesday
Celebration: Samhain
From the Sea: Periwinkle
I Anim als: Elk, Lion
Ogham : Gort, Muin
Runes: Is, Odal
Element: Water
Num bers: 2, 7, 11
Tarot: Herm it, Judgement
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gem ini
Solar System: Mercury, Sun
Colors: Lavender, Violet
(about past)
Day: Wednesday
Rune: Man
Trees: Cedar, Fir (silver), Hazel
Misc. Plant: Lotus
nbsp; Elements: Air, Fire
Direction: East
Herb 0{ Garden: Angelica, Cham om ile, Sage
Num bers: 2, 6, 7
Tarot: Magician, Swords
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate (tree), Aquam arine, Aventurine,
Colors: Blue, Lavender,
Trees: Hazel, Spindletree,
Calcite (clear), Carnelian, Fluorite (violet), Jasper (leopard skin),
Orange, Purple, Yellow
Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Moldovite, Phenacite, Sunstone,
Herb e[ Garden: Peppermint, Rosemary, Violet
Tanzanite, T iger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourm aline (blue), Tsavorite
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate, Aventurine (green), Chrysoberyl,
From the Sea: Abalone, Conch, Cowry, Moon Snail, Scallop
Emerald, Hematite, Jasper (green, red), T iger’s Eye, Topaz
Goddess: Kuan Yin
Gods: Brahma, Buddha, Krishna
Goddesses: Athena, Minerva, Sarasvati
Anim als: Aardvark, Bear, Coyote, Gazelle, Mole, M ouse, Polar
Gods: Apollo, Enki, Ganesh, Marduk, Mercury, O din, O siris,
Ptah, Thoth
Birds: Crane, Cuckoo, Goldfinch, Heron, Loon, Meadowlark,
Anim als: Chim panzee, Cougar, Coyote, Fox, Gorilla, Lynx, Pig,
Rat, Weasel, W olf
M arine Life: Seal
Insect/M isc.: Dragonfly
Birds: Crow, Magpie, M ockingbird, Raven, Starling
M arine Life: Dolphin,
Mythical: Thunderbird
O ctopus, Whale
jealousy (to avoid, deal with, release)
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus
Solar System: Moon
Days: Tuesday, Saturday,
Zodiac: Libra, Pisces
Colors: Green (dark), Yellow (green)
Direction: North
Solar System: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Sun
Trees: Acacia, Holly
O gham : Huath, Tinne (retributive)
Rune: Tyr
Garden: Garlic, Hyacinth, Marigold, Rose (yellow)
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire
Num bers: 4, 8
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Carnelian, Emerald, Sugilite, Zircon
Tarot: Judgement, Swords
Gods: Ares, Ea, H ephaestus, Indra, Mars, Perun, Poseidon, Set,
Colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Purple, Red
Shiva, Vulcan, Zeus
Trees: Cedar, Chestnut, Cypress, Laurel, Oak, Pine
Goddesses: Athena, Cybele, Durga,
Anim als: Cougar, Lion,
Herb (% Garden: Carnation, Cham om ile, Dill, Garlic,
Hera, Juno
Honeysuckle, Jasm ine, Lovage, St. John’s Wort, Vervain, Violet
Birds: Cuckoo, H um m ingbird (heal
Reptile: Snake
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on, Cinquefoil, Coltsfoot, D eer’s Tongue,
Frankincense, Galangal, High John, M ustard, Nettle, Nutmeg,