by Sandra Kynes
spiral shell)
Rune: Beorc
Elements: Earth, Water
Personal Power
Colors: Blue, Red
Tarot: Em press
Day: Sunday
N um ber: n
Trees: Elm, Laurel, Palm (date)
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Trees: Acacia, Apple, Oak
Herb 0{ Garden: Colum bine, Hyacinth, Jasm ine, Raspberry
Metal: Gold
Anim als: Cougar, H orse
Misc. Plants: Black
Cohosh, Ginger, Grain
From the Sea: Coral
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Aventurine (reddish brow n), Carnelian,
Garnet, Malachite, Unakite
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Hematite,
Howlite, jasp er (red), Lapis Lazuli, Lodestone, Moonstone,
Quartz (clear, rutilated), Rose Quartz, Sard
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Brigantia, Brigid, Diana, Freya,
Ishtar, Macha, Sekhmet, Xochiquetzal
God: Khnum
Angel: Gabriel
Birds: Dove, Owl (burrowing), Stork
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Hippopotam us,
Solar System: Jupiter,
Reptile: Frog ( tadpole)
Zodiac: Leo
Insect/M isc.: Snail
Directions: North,
Day: Sunday
Color: Orange
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Num bers: 3 , 8
Tree: Cedar
Herb (% Garden: Carnation, Lily (tiger),
Misc. Plant: High
Goddesses: N em esis,
G em stone/M ineral: Carnelian
Anim als: Camel, Elk,
Gods: Balder, Indra, Zeus
Leopard, Lion
Birds: Grosbeak, Peacock
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Moon Phase: W aning
Goddesses: Astarte, Badb, Brigid, Cerridwen, Coventina,
Demeter, Freya, Frigg, Gaia, Hecate, Hera, Inanna, Ishtar, the
Full M oon: August
Day: Monday
Morrigan, Rhea
Celebrations: H unting o f the
O gham : Ifin, Muin
W ren, Im bolc
Gods: Angus, Apollo, Arav /n, Balder (dream s), the Dagda,
Faunus, H erm es, Lugh, IV lanannan, Marduk, Mars, Mimir,
Rune: Feoh
Color: Purple
Njord, O din, Ogma, Prorrletheus, Thoth, Zeus
N um ber: 12 (dreams)
Misc. Plants: Reed, Thornapple
M agical: Fates
Angel: Auriel
Trees: Acacia, Alder, Beech, Laurel, Oak, Poplar (black), Rowan,
Anim als: Boar, Cattle, Dog, Elephant, Fox, Giraffe, Hare, Weasel
Walnut, W illow
Birds: Albatross, Blue Jay, Condor, Corm orant, Crow, Dove, Ibis,
Garden: Dandelion, Dill, Grape, Lilac, Marigold, Sage,
Kingfisher (weather), Kite, Magpie, Owl, Parrot, Raven,
Woodpecker, Wren
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Amethyst, Aquam arine, Emerald, Lapis
Reptiles: Lizard, Snake,
Lazuli, Peridot, Ruby, Sapphire, T iger’s Eye
Insect/M isc.: Praying M antis
Zodiac: Capricorn
Solar System: Jupiter, Sun
Gemstones e[ Minerals: Agate, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite
(green), Citrine, Dioptase, >H erkim er Diam ond, Jade, Jasper
Full Moons: August, December,
Days: Sunday, Thursday
(red), Lodestone, Malachite, Opal, Peridot, Quartz (green),
June, March
Pyrite, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire (star sapphire/attract), T iger’s Eye,
Celebrations: Com pitalia, Im bolc
Rune: Jera
Topaz, Tourm aline (green), Turquoise, Zircon
Element: Earth
Directions: East, Southeast
Metals: Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver, Tin
Colors: Blue, Gold, Green, Turquoise, Yellow-Green
From the Sea: Abalone, Cowry, Mother-of-Pearl, Oyster (attract),
Tarot: Pentacles
Pearl, Scallop
Trees: Acacia, Ash, Beech, Cedar, Chestnut, Elder, Fir,
Goddesses: Aine, Anat, Artio, Brigantia, Danu, Demeter, Epona,
Hawthorn, H orse Chestnut, juniper, Laurel, Maple, Myrtle, Oak
Fortuna, Freya, Hathor, Inanna, Juno, Kupala, Lakshmi, Maia,
(white), Olive, Pine, Pomegranate, Poplar
Rhiannon, Sarasvati, Venus
Herb (% Garden: Basil, Bergamot, Blackberry/Bramble, Bluebell,
Gods: Belenus, Cernunnos, the Dagda, Freyr, Ganesh, Hades,
Broom, Cham om ile, Clover (red), Comfrey, Dill, Fern,
Inari, Jupiter, Marduk, Mercury, Mithras, Njord, Pluto, Ra,
Goldenseal, Gorse, Grape, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle, Iris (blue),
Jasm ine, Lily (tiger), M arjoram , Peony, Periwinkle, Poppy, Sage,
M agical: Gnom es, Lares
St. John’s Wort, Snapdragon, Sweet Woodruff, Vervain
Anim als: Boar, Buffalo/Bison, Cattle (cow), Leopard, Lion
M i sc. Plants: Allspice, Blessed Thistle, Cinnam on, Cinquefoil,
Birds: Dove, Eagle, Kingfisher,
Clove, Cow slip, Cum in, Flax, Galangal, Ginger, Goldenrod,
M arine Life: Carp, Goldfish
Magpie, Peacock
High John, Mandrake (Am erican), Mistletoe, Myrrh, Nutmeg,
Patchouli, Saffron
Insect/M isc.: Bee
Mythical: Dragon
Solar System: Earth, Moon,
Herb e/ Garden: Agrimony, Am aranth, Anem one, Angelica
Zodiac: Cancer, Taurus
Neptune, Sun
(divine), Basil, Blackberry/Bramble, Broom, Carnation,
Chrysanthem um , Clover, Comfrey, Daisy, Dandelion, Dill,
Moon Phases: Full, Waning,
Full M oon: January
Fennel, Fern, Feverfew, Foxglove, Geranium (red), Gorse,
Heather, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Jasm ine, Lavender, Lilac, Lily, Lily of
Days: Monday, Saturday,
Season: Sum m er
the Valley, M arjoram ,M onkshood, Pennyroyal, Peony,
Periwinkle, Prim rose, Raspberry, Rue, Snapdragon, Solom on’s
O gham : Fearn, Tinne
Rune: Elhaz
Seal, Spearm int, Sweet Woodruff, Thyme, Valerian, Vervain,
Violet, Yarrow
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water | Direction: South
M i sc. Plants: Aloe (from evil influences), Asafoetida, Bamboo,
Colors: Black, Blue, Brown (o f fan lilia rs, pets), Gold, Green,
Bittersweet, Black Cohosh, Blessed, Thistle, Bloodroot,
Purple, Red, Silver, Violet, White, Yellow
Burdock, Cinnam on, Cinquefoil, Clove, Coltsfoot, Coriander,
Num bers: 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 9
Cow slip, Cum in, Fairy Wand, Flax, Ginseng, High John,
Trees: Acacia, Alder, Ash, Beech, Birch, Blackthorn, Cedar
H orehound, Lady’s Slipper, Mandrake, M ustard, O rris Root,
(lightning), Cypress, Elder, Elm (slippery), Fir, Hawthorn, Hazel,
Pepper, Reed, Sandalwood, Thistle, Thornapple, Water Lily,
Holly, Laurel, Linden, Locust, Magnolia, M esquite, Mimosa,
W orm wood (from enchantment)
Oak (divine), Olive, Palm, Pomegranate, Rowan (by fairies),
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate ( banded, black,
red), Amber,
Spruce, Sycamore (shelter), W alnut, Willow, W itch Hazel, Yew
Amethyst, Angelite, Apache Tears, Aquam arine, Aventurine,
Beryl, Calcite (orange), Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, Chrysoprase,
Citrine, Diam ond, Emerald, Garnet, Hematite, Herkimer
Diam ond, Jade, Jasper (red), Jet (financial), Kunzite, Lepidolite,
Lodestone, Malachite, O bsidian (snowflake/against draining
energy), Onyx, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Pyrite, Q uartz (clear,
yellow), Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Serpentine, Spinel,
Staurolite, Sunstone, Tanzanite, T iger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourmaline
(black, watermelon), Turquoise, Zircon
Emotional Protection
Spiritual Protection
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Obsidian,
Colors: Gray, Lavender, Silver,
Misc. Plants: Mistletoe,
Herb (% Garden: Rose
From the Sea: Sand Dollar
Anim al: Arm adillo
Herb 0{ Garden: Hyacinth, M arigold, Rosemary, Thyme, Yarrow
Maternal Protection
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Angelite, Calcite, T iger’s Eye
Anim als: Bear, Cat, Polar Bear
Reptiles: Alligator, Crocodile
Protection fro m Theft
Psychic Protection
Trees: Aspen, Juniper
Herb e[ Garden: Garlic
Colors: Gray, Silver
Tree: Palm ( dragon's blood)
Protection during Travel
Herb (% Garden: Mugwort, Rosemary, Sage, St. John’s Wort,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Lapis
Herb e[ Garden: Garlic
Lazuli, Moonstone
Misc. Plants: Frankincense, Galangal, Myrrh, Nettle, Patchouli
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Angelite , Calcite, Carnelian, Salt, T iger’s
Anim al: Arm adillo
Bird: Chicken ( rooster)
Anim al: W olf
Reptiles: Alligator, Crocodile
Insect/M isc.: Scorpion
Zodiac: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces,
Solar System: Moon,
Misc. Plants: Anise, Cinnam on, Clove, Coltsfoot, D eer’s Tongue,
Eyebright, Flax, Frankincense, Galangal, High John, Lotus,
Moonwort, M ullein, M ushroom , Myrrh, Nutmeg, Saffron,
Moon Phases: Full, New, Waxing
Day: Monday
Sandalwood, Star Anise, Water Lily, Wormwood
Celebration: Beltane
Elements: Air, Fire, Water
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Amethyst, Angelite, Apache Tears,
Direction: West
Chakra: Brow
Apatite, Aquam arine, Azurite, Beryl, Calcite (blue), Citrine,
Num bers: 3 , 9
Tarot: Cups
Danburite, Emerald, Hawk’s Eye, Herkim er Diam ond, lolite, Jet,
Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moldovite, Moonstone,
Colors: Black, Blue (royal), Lavender, Purple, Silver, Violet,
O pal, Pyrite, Q uartz (clear), Ruby, Sapphire, Smoky Quartz,
W hite, Yellow
Sugilite, Tanzanite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz (blue), Tourmaline,
Trees: Acacia, Cedar, Juniper, Laurel, Magnolia, M im osa, Palm
(dragon’s blood), Rowan, Yew
Metals: Bornite, Iron, Silver
Gods: Marduk, M ithras, Odin
Herb (% Garden: Basil, Borage, Catnip, Comfrey, Dandelion,
Anim als: Antelope, Bobcat, Cat,
Heather, Heliotrope, H ibiscus, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasmine,
M arine Life: Whale
Jaguar, W olf
Lavender, M arigold, Marjoram , Mugwort, Peppermint, Rose,
Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Yarrow
Birds: Blue Jay (dabble), Eagle, Hawk, Owl, Peacock, Swift
Reptiles: Cham eleon, Lizard, Snake
purification (to cleanse*, make new)
Zodiac: Virgo
Solar System: Saturn
Gemstones el Minerals: Amber, Amet hyst, Ametrine, Apophyllite
(self), Aquam arine, Azurite, Aragon ite, Calcite (blue), Charoite,
Moon Phase: W aning
Full M oon: February
Diam ond, Fluorite (green), Garnet, 1 Herkimer Diam ond, Jade,
Season: Spring
Day: Tuesday
Lodestone, Moldovite, O bsidian (sn owflake), Peridot, Quartz
Celebrations: Beltane, Im bolc, Lupercalia, M idsum m er’s Eve,
(clear), Salt, Sapphire, Smoky Quart z, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz (blue),
Tourm aline (black), Turquoise, Zircc>n
Ogham : Beithe, Eamhancholl
Rune: Ur
From the Sea: Abalone, Clam,
1 Metals: Gold, Silver
Conch, Pearl
Elements: Air, Fire, Water
Directions: North, South
Goddesses: Boann, Chalchiuhtlicue, Demeter, Ganga, Hecate,
Colors: Blue (royal), Lavender, Purple, Silver, Violet, White,
Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Juno, Kupala, Pele, Sarasvati, Sedna,
Sekhmet, Venus, Vesta
Trees: Acacia, Ash, Birch, Blackthorn, Cedar, Elder, Fir,
Gods: Agni, Apollo, Belenus, Enki, Ganesh, Marduk, Mithras,
Hawthorn, Juniper, Laurel, Magnolia, M esquite, M im osa, Oak,
Olive, Palm (coconut, dragon's blood), Pine, Spindletree,
An/ma/s: Bat, Deer
| M arine Life: Whale
Herb el Garden: Angelica, Basil, Broom, Cham om ile, Dill,
Birds: Condor, Eagle, Owl, Seagull, Vulture, Woodpecker, Wren
Fennel, Fern, Feverfew, Garlic, Geranium , Heather, Hyacinth,
Reptile: Frog
Insects el Misc.: Bee, Worm
Iris, Jasm ine, Lavender, Lilac, Lovage, Marjoram , Mugwort,
Passionflower, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rose (white),
Rosemary, Sage, St. John’s Wort, Solom on’s Seal, Spearmint,
Sweet Woodruff, Thyme, Valerian, Vervain, Violet (white),
M i sc. Plants: Aloe, Anise, Asafoetida, Betony, Blessed Thistle,
Bloodroot, Burdock, Cinnam on, Clove, Cum in, Frankincense,
Lotus, Mistletoe, M ullein, M ustard, Myrrh, Nettle, Patchouli,
Sandalwood, Spikenard, Star Anise, Thistle, Water Lily,
W ormwood
purification (continued)
Em otional Purification
Solar System: Sun
Rune: Elhaz
Misc. Plants: Fairy
Elements: Fire, Water
Direction: North
Herb (% Garden: Rue
Wand, Lotus
Trees: Cedar, Hawthorn,
Colors: Silver, White
Gem stone/M ineral: Malachite
Inner Purification
Herb (% Garden: Carnation (pink, red), Gardenia, Iris, Jasmine
(white), Lily (white), Prim rose, Rose (red, white), Violet (white)
Trees: Elder, Walnut
Misc. Plant: Ginger
Metal: Silver
Herb (% Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Borage, Broom,
Colum bine, Dandelion, Heather
Misc. Plants: Frankincense, Grain (wheat), Mistletoe, Water Lily
M ental Purification
Gemstones e[ Minerals: Agate,
From the Sea: Pearl
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite
Goddesses: Athena, Demeter, Kore, Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Sekhmet
Ritual Purification
> Gods: Agni, Balder, Shiva
Anim al: Deer
Herb 0{ Garden:
Tree: Laurel
Lavender, Sage
Bird: H um m ingbird
Mythical: Unicorn
Misc. Plants: Frankincense, Myrrh
Spiritual Purification
Misc. Plant:
Trees: Juniper, Laurel
Cinnam on
Gem stone/M ineral: Lapis Lazuli
Bird: Albatross
Solar System: Mercury,
Zodiac: Scorpio (general,
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Alexandrite, Amethyst, Apatite,
Moon, Pluto, Sun, Venus
em otional)
Aquam arine, Bloodstone, Calcite (red),
Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Garnet (red), Hawk’s
Moon Phases: New, W aning
Season: Spring
Eye, Herkim er Diam ond,
O gham : Beithe, loho, Nion
Kyanite, O pal, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Quartz (clear), Salt (sea),
Celebrations: Birth o f Isis, H unting o f the Wren, Ostara, Yule
Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourm aline (green, red), Turquoise
Elements: Earth, Water
Directions: East, North, South
From the Sea: Cockle, Cowry, M oon Snail, Scallop
Colors: Black, Brown, Green,
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Badb, Cailleach Bheur, Ceres,
Tarot: Judgement
Indigo, Red
Cerridwen, Coatlicue, Cybele, Devi, Flora, Frigg, Gaia, Hecate,
Hera, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Macha, Nephthys, Nut, Ostara,
Trees: Alder, Apple, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Cedar, Cherry, Cypress,
Persephone, Rhea, Sedna
Elder, Elm, Fir (silver), Holly, Oak, Olive, Pine, Poplar (white),
Spruce, Sycamore, Yew
Gods: Adonis, Agni, Am un, Angus, Arawn, Asclepius, Attis,
Balder, Cernunnos, the Dagda, D um uzi, the Green Man,
Herb (% Garden: Carnation, Fennel, G orse, Honeysuckle, Ivy,
Khensu, Lugh, M anannan, Marduk, M ithras, O siris, Poseidon,
Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lovage, Poppy, Rosemary, Thyme
Ra, Shiva, Thoth
Misc. Plants: Frankincense, Grain (wheat), Lotus, Mistletoe,
Angel: Gabriel
Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood
M agical: Norns
Anim als: Bat, Bear, Cattle, Deer (fawn, stag), Goat, Groundhog,
Hare, Horse, Lion, M oose, Ocelot, Panther, Polar Bear, Sheep
(lam b)
M arine Life: Crab, Salm on, W hale
rebirth/renewal (continued)
reconciliation (to seek)
Birds: Blackbird, Chicken, Condor, Crane, Crow, Dove, Eagle,
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Goldfinch, Grosbeak, Owl, Peacock, Pelican, Raven, Stork,
Trees: Fir, Hawthorn, Hazel, Olive, Pine, Spruce
Swallow, Turkey, Vulture