by Sandra Kynes
God: Jupiter
Gods: Byelobog, Dionysus,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: astral realm, calm , divination, love
Goddesses: Arianrhod, Demeter
O siris
(attract), m agic (black, sex), the otherw orld/underw orld, skills,
sleep, witches/witchcraft
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: blessings (harvest), death, life,
purity, rebirth/renewal
high john
Ipomoea purga syn. Convolvulus purga and Exogonium
M arrubium vulgare— Also known as Com m on Horehound,
purge— Also known as High John the Conqueror, High John
W hite Horehound
Root, jalapa. This plant is poisonous.
Zodiac: Gem ini, Scorpio, Virgo
Solar System: Mercury
Solar System: M ars
| Elements: Earth, Fire
Elements: Air, Earth
Energy: Yang
Energy: Yang
God: Horus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attraction, bind, blessings, business,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: banish, clarity, energy, healing, hexes
challenges, community, consecrate/bless, courage, desire,
(break), the m ind, power
divination, em powerm ent, enmity, goals, happiness, hexes
(general, m ental), protection, strength, wishes
(break), honesty, increase, justice, life, love (attract), luck
(attract), lust, m agic (general, black, sex), money, negativity,
lady’s slipper
obstacles, peace, power (general, inner), pride, problems
Cypripedium pubescens syn. C. calceolus (Yellow Lady’s
(avoid), prosperity, protection, psychic ability, sex/uality, skills,
Slipper)— Also known as Am erican Valerian, M occasin Flower,
strength, success, support, wealth, well-being
Solar System: Saturn
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: authority, awareness, beauty,
beginnings, calm , energy, gentleness, nurture, protection, the
senses (touch), sleep
Filipendula ulm aria— Also known as Bridewort, Queen o f the
Viscum album , European Mistletoe; Phoradendron flavescens,
Am erican Mistletoe— Also known as All-Heal, Golden Bough,
Holy Wood. These plants are poisonous.
Solar System: Jupiter
Celebration: Beltane
Solar System: Mercury,
Elements: Air, Water
Energy: Yin
Zodiac: Leo
Goddess: Aine
Celebrations: Litha, Yule
Rune: Sigel
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, divination, favor/s,
Element: Air
Direction: East
happiness, harmony, healing, the home, love (encourage), luck,
peace, power, security
Energy: Yang
Magical: Fairies
Goddesses: Arianrhod, Freya, Venus
Gods: Apollo, Asclepius, Balder, Jupiter, O din, Zeus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, banish, beauty,
beginnings, blessings, business, calm, consecrate/bless,
creativity, death, defense, divination, dream work, energy,
fertility, friend/ship, goodness, healing, the home, life,
longevity, love (attract), luck, m agic (general, sex), marriage,
m essages/om ens, negativity, nightm ares, obstacles, the
otherw orld/underw orld, peace (peaceful intent), power (inner),
prosperity, protection (spiritual), purification, rebirth/purity,
rebirth/renewal, secrets, security, sex/uality (potency), sleep,
spirits, strength, success, weather (lightning), well-being,
w itches/w itchcraft (protect from)
Botrychium lunaria, Com m on M oonwort; B. campestre, Prairie
Verbascum thapus— Also known as A aron’s Rod, Jacob’s Staff,
Shepherd’s Club
Zodiac: Cancer
Solar System: Moon
Zodiac: Libra
Solar System: Saturn
Day: Monday
Element: Water
Day: Saturday
Celebrations: Sam hain, W alpurgis
Energy: Yin
Tarot: High Priestess
Element: Fire
Energy: Yin
Goddesses: Aine, Ariadne, Arianrhod, Artem is, Diana, Hecate,
God: Jupiter
Luna, Nanna, Rhiannon, Selene
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: anim als (protect from ), authority,
Gods: Khensu, Shiva
awareness, balance, banish, beauty, courage, danger, darkness,
defense, determ ination, divination, enmity, goodness, harmony
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: clairvoyance, divination, honesty,
(dom estic), healing, hexes (protect from ), honesty, longevity,
love, m agic (angel, m oon), money, power, psychic ability,
love, magic (general, angel, black), morality, negativity,
wealth, witches/witchcraft
nightmares, nurture, protection (spiritual), psychic ability,
purification, purpose, release, security, self-work, the senses
(inner), spirits, support, unity, well-being
; ;
; ;
Urtica dioica, Stinging Nettle; U. pilulifera, Roman Nettle
Myristica fro grans syn. M. officinals and M. aromata
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Solar System: M ars, Pluto
Zodiac: Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius
Solar System: Jupiter, Moon
Rune: Feoh
Element: Fire
Day: Thursday
Elements: Air, Fire
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Sacral
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Brow
God: Thor
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: authority, awareness, beauty,
beginnings, calm , clairvoyance, concentration/focus, creativity,
Issues, Intentions
Powers: banish, calm (em otions),
danger, divination, dream work, enchantm ent, energy, fidelity,
com m unication, confidence, courage, danger, defense,
hexes (break, protect from ), increase, justice, life, love, luck
em otions, enchantm ent, energy, fear, healing, hexes (break,
(attract), m em ory/m em ories, the m ind, money, power,
protect from ), the hom e (prevent evil entering), increase,
prosperity, psychic ability, release, sleep, stim ulation, strength,
justice, lim itations/boundaries, luck, lust, m agic (general,
visions, wealth, well-being
defensive), negativity, problem s (m ental/deal with), protection
(psychic), purification, security, stress, unity
orris root
Irisflorentina— Also known as Flower de Luce o f Florence
Zodiac: Pisces
Solar System: Venus
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Hera, Iris, Isis
God: O siris
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: astral realm, attraction, authority,
com m unication, community, control, creativity, divination,
energy (creative), hexes (break), love (keep), m agic (sex),
obstacles, problem s, protection, relationships, romance,
sex/uality (s
exual attraction)
Pogostemom cablin syn. P. patchouli— -Also known as Pucha-pat
Piper nigrum, Com m on or Black Pepper; P. longum, Long
Pepper— Also known as Piper
Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio , Taurus, Virgo
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: M ars
Solar System: Saturn
Day: Tuesday
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Celebration: Samhain
Element: Earth
Chakra: Sacral
Chakras: Brow, Root, Sacral
Energy: Yin
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: banish, courage, defense, fear,
Goddess: Modron
healing (white), problem s, protection, release
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, the afterlife,
Black Pepper
aggression, attraction, balance, banish, business, clairvoyance,
community, consecrate/bless, creativity, defense, desire,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: bind, dream work, endurance,
divination, energy (sexual), fairness, fertility, grounding, growth,
justice, lust, the mind (alert), motivation, security, strength
happiness, harm ony (dom estic), hexes (break), the home,
justice, knowledge, love (attract), luck, lust, magic (general,
defensive, sex), manifestation, m em ory/m em ories, the mind
(peaceful), money, negativity, passion (sexual), peace, power
(m agical, occult), problem s, prosperity, protection (psychic),
purification, rebirth/renewal, relationships, release, the senses
(listening), sensuality, sex/uality, skills, spirits (banish),
success, wealth
Phragmites com m unis, Com m on Reed; Acorus calamus,
Crocus sativus— Also known as
Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio
Sedge— Also known as Norfolk Reed (Com m on), Myrtle G rass
Crocus, Karcom
Solar System: M oon, Sun
Day: Friday
Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Celebration: Litha
Element: Fire
Solar System: Mars, Pluto
Celebrations: Im bolc, Samhain
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Heart
O gham : NgetaI
Rune: Elhaz
Goddess: Eos
Elements: Air, Earth, Water
Energy: Yin, Yang
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: anger, calm, clairvoyance, desire,
Cods: Geb, M anannan, Pan, Poseidon
dream work, fertility, happiness, healing, love, lust, m agic (sex),
marriage, the m ind, m indfulness, money, m oods, passion,
Goddesses: Chalchiuhtlicue, Coventina, Inanna, the Morrigan,
power, prosperity, psychic ability, sex/uality (prowess), skills,
Rhiannon, Spider Woman
stim ulation, strength, wealth, well-being
Issues, Intentions
Powers: action, astral realm, awareness
(expand), concentration/focus, confidence, growth, harmony,
healing, the home, inspiration, loyalty, prophecy, protection,
spirituality, unity, willpower
Nardostachys grandiflora syn N .ja ta m a n si, Spikenard; Aralia
Cirsium syn. Carduus, C. altissimum, Tall Thistle; C. discolor,
racemosa, Am erican Spikenard— Also known as Nard, American
Field Thistle
Sarsaparilla (American)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Solar System: M ars
Solar System: Venus
Element: Water
Day: Tuesday
Celebration: Mabon
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Heart
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attraction, balance,
Tarot: Devil
Goddess: Minerva
concentration/focus, consecrate/bless, creativity, fear, fidelity,
freedom, harmony, healing, love, luck, the m ind, negativity,
God: Thor
Bird: Goldfinch
obstacles, purification, relationships, stability, well-being
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, banish, confidence,
connections, courage, defense, empowerment, faith, fear,
star anise
healing, hexes (break), independence, magic (defensive),
lllicum verum— Also known as
problem s, protection, purification, strength, trust
Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius
Chinese Anise
Solar System: Jupiter
Elements: Air, Water
Datura stram onium — Also known as Devil’s Apple, jim sonw eed,
Energy: Yang
| Chakras: Brow, Throat
Mad Apple. This plant is poisonous.
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: authority, awareness, banish,
Solar System: Saturn
consecrate/bless, divination, energy, luck, power, psychic
ability, purification, skills
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: astral realm, clairvoyance, deceit,
desire, divination, dream work, hexes (break), increase, magic
(angel), the mind (calm ), prophecy, protection, the senses
(sight), sleep, visions
; ;
Zodiac: Libra, Scorpio,
Artemisia absinthium— Also known as Absinthe, Madderwort.
Vanilla planifolia syn. V.fragrans
T h is plant is poisonous.
Solar System: Venus
Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer, Gem ini
Solar System: M ars
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Root
Moon Phase: New
Day: Monday
Issues, Intentions
Powers: attraction, balance (em otional), calm,
Tarot: Tower
Elements: Air, Fire
comfort, community, concentration/focus, desire, energy,
Energy: Yang
Goddesses: Artem is, Diana, Iris
happiness, the home, im provement, inspiration, love (attract),
luck (attract), lust, m agic (general, ;sex), marriage, the mind,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, anger, anim als, anxiety,
m oods, passion, peace, power (magical, m ental), sex/uality,
banish, bind, clairvoyance, courage, death, defense, divination,
strength, stress, success
dream work, endings, endurance, enmity, forgiveness,
guidance, healing, hexes, im provem ent, love, magic (sex),
water lily
obstacles, peace (peaceful death), power, problem s, protection
(from enchantm ent), psychic ability, purification, release,
Nymphaea rubra, Red Lotus; N. alba, W hite Water Lily; N.
self-work, skills, spirits (contact, see), stress, transform ation,
caerulea, Blue Water Lily
Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces
Element: Water
Goddess: Coventina
God: Surya
Reptile: Crocodile
Issues, Intentions
Powers: calm, com m unication, connections,
grounding, growth, happiness, love, luck, m agic (m oon),
protection, psychic ability, purification, purity
br />
Zodiac: Cancer, Capricorn,
Solar System: Moon
M inerals, metals, and seashells have been used as talism ans and
Libra, Virgo
am ulets since prehistoric tim es for personal adornm ent and sa
Full Moons: June, May
Day: Wednesday
cred votive offerings. They are perfect for m agic work because
they are form ed through dynam ic processes— the powerful cre
Element: Earth
Chakras: Solar Plexus
ative and destructive forces o f the natural world. In addition,
N um ber: 9
Tarot: Fool, Lovers, Magician
many have a long history in healing practices as well as being re
Directions: Northeast, South, Southeast, Southwest
garded as mystical and otherworldly.
God: Aesculapius
Angel: Michael
In general, metals and heavier m inerals can aid in keeping us
grounded during m agic work. On the other hand, transparent
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: anxiet /, calm , comfort,
crystals em body light and the powers o f clairvoyance and w iscom m unication (eloquence), cor ifidence, connections (natural dom . W hile we may be attracted by the beauty o f a particular
w orld), co n scio usness (raise), cn eativity, envy (avoid), favor/s
gem stone, perfection and beauty are not the m ost im portant at
(w in), friend /sh ip , generosity, gri ef, grounding, healing,
intelligence, life (vitality), light, Ic >ngevity, loss (com fort), luck
tributes. An ordinary crystal, gemstone, or seashell carries ju st as
(attract), the mind (quiet), optim ism, prosperity, purity, release,
much power, and they don’t have to be whole, either. Beauty is in
reversal, spirits (banish), truth, vweather (storm s)
the eye (and energy) o f the beholder. If a fragment holds power
for you, that’s all that matters.
Banded Agate
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Root
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: danger, energy, growth, problems,
protection, stress
Black Agate
Green Agate
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Solar System: Mercury
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Root
Chakra: Heart
N um ber: 2
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: com m unication, courage, darkness,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: energy (receptive), fertility, healing,
energy, healing, peace, protection, success, support
Black with White Veining
See separate entry for M oss Agate
Energy: Yin
Red Agate
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beauty, danger, energy (receptive),