by Sandra Kynes
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: encouragem ent, energy (sexual),
goodness, happiness, peace
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: grounding, money
Chakra: Root
alum inum
Issues, Intentions
Powers: action, confidence, connections,
Zodiac: Aquarius
Solar System: Mercury
em otions, fear (release), fertility, growth, integrity, love,
optim ism , psychic ability
Element: Air
Energy: Yang
Green Zoisite
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: connections, energy, magic, the
m ind, power (air), skills, stim ulation, travel
Chakras: Heart, Sacral
Issues, Intentions
Powers: happiness, m otivation, trust
antim ony
Solar System: Sun
Element: Fire
See separate entry for Tanzanite (Violet Zoisite)
Energy: Yang
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: energy, negativity (protect from),
power (o f belief), protection, strength (build)
A lso known as Peacock Ore, Variegated Copper.
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: clairvoyance, com m unication,
community, creativity, desire, guidance, healing, knowledge,
life, psychic ability, the senses (sight)
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Solar System: Sun
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Scorpio
Solar System: M ars
Day: Sunday
Celebration: Yule
Day: Tuesday
Element: Fire
O gham : Onn
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Color: Violet
Energy: Yang
Chakras: Root, Heart, Crown
Chakra: Root
N um ber: 9
N um ber: 1
Anim al: Lion
Goddesses: the M orrigan, Selene
M agical: Fairies (avert)
Gods: Aegir, Agni, Asclepius, Belenus, H elios, H orus, Lugh,
Gods: Agni, Jupiter, Thor, Vulcan
M anannan, M ithras, Ogma, Pushan, Ra, Surya, Vishnu
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: battle/war, defense (from psychic
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Phoebe, Ran
attack), enmity, grounding, healing, magic (defensive),
manifestation, negativity, problem s, protection, psychic ability,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: authority, balance, comfort,
reversal, security, strength
confidence, divination, energy, healing, honesty, honor, hope,
illum ination, light, longevity, love, m agic (general, defensive,
solar), the mind, money, power (o f belief, personal), prosperity,
protection, purification, strength, stress, success, wealth,
willpower, wisdom
Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn
Solar System: Saturn
A lso known as Quicksilver.
Zodiac: Gem ini, Virgo
T h is metal is toxic.
O gham : loho
Element: Earth
Solar System: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Root
Elements: Air, Earth, Water
Energy: Yang, Yin
N um ber: 8
Goddess: Don
Chakra: Solar Plexus
N um ber: 5
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: bind, death, defense, divination,
energy (general, receptive), hexes, lust, m agic (aggressive,
Bird: Swan
Mythical: Phoenix, Unicorn
defensive), negativity (protect from ), protection
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: change/s, com m unication, energy
(general, receptive), luck (bring quickly), lust, magic,
motivation, power, sham anic work, transform ation
Zodiac: Aquarius, Cancer,
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Solar System: M ars
Solar System: Moon
Capricorn, Pisces
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Moon Phase: Full
Day: Monday
Goddess: the Morrigan
Celebration: Yule
O gham : Ailm
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: battle/war, defense, dream work,
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
energy, enmity, healing, negativity, nightmares, protection,
strength, support
Chakra: Throat
Color: Indigo
N um ber: 2
Gods: D ionysus, M anannan
Goddesses: Artem is, Diana, Isis, Luna, Rhiannon, Selene
Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius
Solar System: Jupiter
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: ambition, attraction, awareness,
Day: Thursday
O gham : Eadha
beginnings, calm , com m unication, consciousness
Element: Air
Energy: Yang
(sub co n scio u s), creativity, divination, dream work, em otions,
energy (general, receptive), healing, hexes (break),
N um ber: 3
Goddess: Justitia
im provement, influence, intuition, life, light, love (attract), luck,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: divination, energy, gentleness, hope,
lust, magic (m oon, water), marriage, the mind (clear), money,
luck, lust, money, prosperity, secrets
m oods, m otivation, negativity, peace, power (general, divine),
problem s, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, purification,
purity, security, spirits, stress, travel
Strom bus gigas, Queen
Goddesses: Amphitrite, Durga,
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: Neptune, Venus
Full M oon: October
Element: Water
Cods: Buddha, Ganesh, Krishna, M anannan, Vishnu
Energy: Yin
Chakras: Heart, Sacral
Anim al: jaguar
| Reptile: Crocodile
N um ber: 4
Directions: East, North, Southwest
Issues, Intentions
Powers: awareness, banish, battle/war, clarity,
Goddesses: Isis, Venus
com m unication, creativity, danger, defense, determination,
energy (m ove), enlightenment, introspection, justice,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, balance (em otional),
knowledge, learning, life (vitality), love, magic (love), negativity,
banish, bind, change/s, community, creativity, danger, energy
(general, receptive), fertility, growth (intellectual), harmony,
power (occult /left spiral conch), p u rific a tio n , wisdom
healing, im agination, longevity, love, negativity, peace (inner),
power, pregnancy/childbirth, protection, self-work, spirits,
strength, stress, transform ation, warmth, weather (storm s),
Black Coral
Zodiac: Capricorn,
Solar System: Saturn
Element: Earth
Chakras: Root
N um ber: 6
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: darkness, fear, knowledge, negativity
Red Coral
Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
Solar System: M ars
/> Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Chakras: Root, Solar
N um ber: 4
W hite Coral
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
Solar System: Moon
Chakra: Crown
N um ber:
Cypraea moneta, Money Cowry; C. cinerea, Atlantic Gray Cowry
Tarot: Moon
Issue, Intention/Power: death
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Sacral
Goddesses: Cerridwen, Venus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, death (burial custom s),
divination, faith, fear (overcom e), fertility, growth,
im provem ent, independence, introspection, intuition, love,
manifestation, marriage, money, prophecy, prosperity,
rebirth/renewal, self-work, sensitivity, success, vision, wealth
____________________________ jingle____________________________
Anom ia simplex, Com m on Jingle— Also known as M erm aid’s
Element: Air
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: change/s, confidence, courage,
forgiveness, freedom, intuition, light, m otivation, opportunities,
self-worth, trust
moon snail
mu rex
Polinices duplicates, Atlantic Moon Snail— Also known as
M urex brandaris, Purple Dye Murex; M. rubidus, Rose
Shark’s Eye.
Murex— Also known as Rock Shells.
Solar System: M oon
| Goddesses: Astarte, Inanna
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, anger, business,
courage, dedication/devotion, em otions, justice (legal matters),
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: beauty, clarity, cycles, death (burial
life, negativity, nurture, protection, support, warmth
custom s), fertility, harmony, independence, insight,
introspection, knowledge (seek), m agic (m oon), the mind,
m ussel
protection (by the G oddess), rebirth/renewal
Mytilus edulis, Blue M ussel; M. galloprovincialis, Mediterranean
M ussel
T h is is not a shell; it is the interic >r nacre o f many types o f shells
Solar System: Moon
Goddess: Amphitrite
such as Abalone.
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, adaptability, affection,
Solar System: Moon, Neptune,
attachments, dedication/devotion, determination, growth,
Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces
guidance, stability
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Chakras: All
N um ber: 8
Ostrea edulis, European or Edible Oyster
Directions: Northeast, Southwest, West
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, beauty, fertility, life
Issues, Intentions
Powers: divination, energy (receptive),
(vitality), love (unconditional), luck, lust, prosperity (attract),
im agination, intuition, knowledge, love (m aternal), magic
(m oon), money, motivation, power (mental), prophecy,
prosperity, protection, relationships, wealth
slipper shell
Crepidula fornicata, Com m on Atlantic Slipper Shell— Also
known as Fairy Boat, Fairy Shoes, Quarterdeck Shell.
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, balance, challenges,
change/s, community, family, generosity, support,
transform ation
Charonia tritonis, Triton’s Trumpet— Also known as Trumpet
Cods: Neptune, Poseidon, Vishnu
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: com m unication, confidence,
dedication/devotion, em otions, faith, happiness, leadership,
motivation, power, relationships, youth
Busycon contrarium , Lightning W helk; B. canaliculatum,
Channeled Whelk
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: change/s, guidance, imagination,
im provement, inspiration, luck, release, spirituality, wisdom
less-essential purposes. I believe this is for each person to de
cide. W hile I would not want an anim al harmed to acquire som e
thing from it, I feel that finding a feather or swatch o f anim al fur
is a gift to be honored. However, we don’t need som ething phys
Anim als have served as sym bols o f power since prehistoric
ical from an anim al to em ploy its energy. Like the ancient people
times. In many areas o f the world people believed that by workwho depicted creatures on cave walls, we, too, can use images to ing with the spirit and essence o f an anim al, they could glean
connect with the anim al kingdom for totems and magic. After all,
certain aspects o f their powers. Earthbound anim als have reprewhen we work with m agic we deal with sym bols and intent. Like sented qualities to be expressed as well as controlled, while birds
the camera advertisem ent says, we can capture nature but leave
have represented the soul. Creatures o f water have generally
it untouched. In addition to pictures, it m ight be possible to find
sym bolized intuitive and creative aspects. In general, because
a recording o f an anim al or bird. Incorporating sound would rethey live more intimately with nature, anim als were believed to ally bring a ritual or m agic work to life. W hatever you use to
possess the w isdom o f the natural w orld as well as the ability to
represent the anim al kingdom — even if it is a picture or recordguide people to other realm s. In sham anic traditions it was ing— treat it with respect as you convey your intent.
thought that com m unication with anim als provided access to nature’s secrets.
Like the plant world, objects from anim als have been used for
m agic and healing, and have their own significance. The horns of
anim als often sym bolize deities, the sun, and the m oon. They
also represent fertility and life-force energy and have com e to
em body majesty, power, and strength. Teeth, fangs, and claws
represent protection and perseverance as well as w isdom and
strength. In addition to strength and support o f the body, bones
sym bolize an anim al’s basic essence. In sham anic traditions,
bones were thought to contain the soul and skulls to possess
magical powers. Birds’ eggs are representative o f protection as
well as the prim al creative forces, while feathers represent the
flight o f spirit.
U sing objects from the anim al kingdom is a tricky subject, as
many people believe that it is w rong to use anim als for food and
Solar System: Sun
Gods: Khensu, Thoth
Issues, Intentions
Powers: activate/awaken, defense (o f family),
A lso known as Ant Bear.
family, grounding, m agic, m essages/om ens, witches/witchcraft
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: determ ination, introspection,
intuition, the senses (sm ell), shyness, travel, truth
badg er
Season: Spring
Celebration: Im bolc
Element: Earth
Goddesses: Brigantia, Rhiannon
Element: Earth
s: Autum n, Spring
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, assertiveness,
Chakras: Brow, Crown
Goddess: Minerva
concentration/focus, courage, cunning, deceit (innocent),
Gods: Anubis, Brahma, Set, Shiva
defense, determ ination, dream work, endurance, family,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, adaptability, change/s,
grounding, guidance, healing, the home, improvement,
clairvoyance (teach), clarity, com m unication, community,
knowledge (keeper), m agic, passion, protection, revenge,
confidence, danger (avoid), defense, empathy, energy, family,
secrets (o f ancestors, otherworld), sham anic work (pathfinder),
gentleness, grace, growth, im agination (active), intuition, the
strength, w isdom (storytelling)
mind (think on your feet), obstacles, opportunities, psychic
ability, skills (survival)
arm adillo
Element: Earth
N um ber: 4
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: aggression, agriculture (fertility of
land), connections (past lives), defense, divination, em otions
(explore safely), empathy, knowledge (self), protection
(em otional, psychic), relationships, respect, security, sensitivity
(control), sham anic work, spirits
Celebration: Samhain
Element: Water
Zodiac: V irgo (brown)
Solar System: Moon
Goddesses: Artem is, Diana,
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
Celebration: Yule
Mythical: Dragon
Element: Earth
Energy: Yin, Yang
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, agriculture,
Direction: North
Color: Black
beginnings, ch ange/s (during tim es o f transition), community,
consciousness (subconscious), darkness, death, endurance,
Goddesses: Artem is, Artio, Brigid, Diana
fear, fertility, grief (understanding), growth, guardian (o f the
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken (potentials),
night), happiness, life, longevity, luck, m agic (night),
adaptability, astral realm, change/s, com m unication (with
m essages/om ens, the otherw orld/underw orld, power (inner),
spirits), connections, co n scio usness (subconscious), courage,
purification, rebirth/renewal, release (old habits), self-work
crossroads (black), cunning, cycles, danger (grizzly), death,
(past lives, reach potentials), sham anic work, strength,
defense, dream work, endurance, energy (inner stores), growth
transform ation, travel, wealth, witches/w itchcraft
(spiritual), healing, introspection, knowledge (self), nurture