by Sandra Kynes
Color: Blue
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: abundance, beauty, beginnings,
clarity (o f em otions), concentration/focus, fidelity, goals,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: astral realm, com m unication,
happiness, harmony, love, m arriage (happy), peace, prophecy
connections (ancient knowledge), consciousness (reach new
(weather), prosperity, relationships, warmth, weather (lightning,
states), dream work, im agination, independence, introspection,
storm s)
peace, romance, self-work, w ishes
Solar System: Sun
Element: Fire
Solar System: Moon
Season: Sum mer
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, com m unication, creativity,
Celebration: Litha
O gham : Ur
em otions, energy (solar), guidance, longevity, the senses
M agical: Fairies
Angel: Auriel
(sight), spirituality (scarlet), visions
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: cheerfulness, clarity, grounding,
happiness, im agination, introspection, intuition, luck, self-work
Zodiac: Aries
Seasons: Summer, Winter
m ockingbird
Goddess: Aphrodite
God: Bacchus
Direction: South
M agical: Fairies
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: com m unication, courage, fear
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, balance, battle/war
(overcom e), fidelity, harmony, im agination, intelligence,
(battlefields), change/s, com m unication, community, danger,
knowledge (through experience), marriage, power (o f voice),
death, divination, fidelity, growth, happiness, intelligence,
knowledge (occult), learning, life, luck, manifestation,
m essages/om ens, opportunities, prophecy, prosperity, secrets,
skills, spirits, spirituality (in everyday life), willpower,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, adaptability,
witches/w itchcraft, youth
com m unication, determination, freedom, success
Solar System: Moon
Misc. Plant: Lotus
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: beauty, com m unication (eloquence),
connections (death and love), darkness, energy, grief, healing,
hope, magic (night)
Issues, Intentions
Powers: courage, faith (in your abilities),
Solar System: Moon
grounding, m anifestation, the m ind (ideas), spirits, spirituality,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, action, authority,
truth, w isdom (higher)
defense, freedom, insight
Solar System: Sun
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
Goddess: Maat
M agical: Elves, Fairies
Angel: Auriel
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: community, grounding, justice,
Issues, Intentions
Powers: cheerfulness, energy, the home, life
knowledge (practical applications), order (universal), truth
(weave your path), marriage, relationships, skills, spirits (tree
Solar System: M oon, Sun
Zodiac: Aquarius, Leo
C od: Perun
Moon Phase: Full
Element: Fire
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: com m unication (between worlds),
death, energy (archetypal), family (fatherhood), fertility,
Goddesses: Devi, Hera, Hestia, Iris, Juno, Sarasvati
gentleness, the home, innocence, love, loyalty, luck,
Cods: Am un, Brahma, Herm es, H orus, Pan, Zeus
m essages/om ens, peace, reversal, romance, security, shyness
Issues, Intentions
Powers: abundance, attraction, beauty,
confidence, connections (past lives), death (funerary symbol),
dignity, harmony, honesty, longevity, m anifestation, peace,
Seasons: Autum n, Spring,
Element: Fire
power, pride, prosperity, protection, psychic ability,
Sum mer
rebirth/renewal, vision s, wisdom
Energy: Yin, Yang
Direction: South
Goddess: Artemis
God: Apollo
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance (use wisely), challenges,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: battl e/w ar (valor), challenges,
em otions, generosity, grace, kindness, loss (recover from ),
courage, cycles, enlightenment , fertility, harmony, innocence,
magic, problem s (rise above), rebirth/renewal, reversal,
insight, m indfulness, nurture, f passion, power (o f nam es),
protection, sex/uality, sham ani c work (shape shift), warmth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: aggression, astral realm, balance,
dream work, endurance, family (fatherhood), independence,
love, loyalty, patience, pleasure, strength (inner), w isdom
Solar System: Sun
O gham : Beithe
Energy: Yang
Goddess: Amaterasu
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: attraction, awareness (self),
confidence, determ ination, fertility, harm ony (cosm ic), justice,
longevity, morality, rom ance, sex/uality, warmth
Solar System: Saturn, Sun,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, community, cycles,
Zodiac: Gem ini, Libra
deceit, freedom, learning
Full M oon: March
Celebration: W inter Solstice
Direction: East
Tree: Aspen
Zodiac: Cancer
O gham : Fearn
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Athena, Badb, Cailleach Bheur, Danu,
Elements: Air, Water
Goddess: Aphrodite
Freya, Inanna, Macha, Maeve, the Morrigan, Rhiannon, Tiam at
God: Njord
M agical: Fairies
Gods: Apollo, Asclepius, Lugh, Mars, M ithras, O din, Saturn
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, action, the afterlife,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection (family), battle/war
clarity, com m unication (with deities), freedom, friend/ship,
(battlefields), change/s, clairvoyance, clarity, com m unication,
knowledge, learning, m agic (of in between places),
connections (crone), co nscio usness, courage, crossroads,
m essages/om ens, opportunities, order/organize, purification,
death, destiny, divination, favor/s, gratitude, growth, guardian,
spirits, transform ation, travel
guidance, healing, honor (elders, ancestors), intelligence,
introspection, learning, life, loss, magic (general, crone),
m anifestation, m em ory/m em ories, m essages/om ens, the mind
Solar System: Moon, Sun
Zodiac: Libra, Virgo
(thought), opportunities, the otherw orld/underw orld, prophecy,
protection, quests, rebirth/renewal, the senses (listening),
Celebration: Ostara
Element: Earth
sham anic work (s
hape shift), visions, w isdom
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Venus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, assertiveness,
desire, dignity, fertility, fidelity, grounding, happiness, love,
Zodiac: Aries, Taurus
Season: Spring
loyalty, m agic (sex), manifestation
Celebrations: Im bolc, Litha, New Year’s Day, Yule
Element: Fire
Chakra: Throat
God: Belenus
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: change/ s, growth, happiness, luck,
m essages/om ens, spirits, w isdom (o f change), wishes
Season: Spring
O gham : Tinne
Zodiac: Libra, Pisces
Solar System: Sun, Venus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, aggression,
Season: Winter
Celebrations: Im bolc, Mabon
assertiveness, com m unication, community, creativity,
Ogham : Eadha, Gort ( mute
empowerment, energy (warrior), intelligence, peace,
Elements: Earth, Water
relationships, strength
Energy: Yang
Directions: North, West
Metal: Mercury
Zodiac: Pisces
Element: Water
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Bertha, Brigid, N em esis, Sarasvati, Venus
Goddesses: Hera, Juno
God: Herm es
Gods: Angus, Apollo, Brahma, M anannan, Njord, Zeus
M agical: Fairies
Angel: Michael
M agical: Elves, Fairies
Angel: Raphael
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: beginnings, com passion, creativity,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken (power o f self), the
dedication/devotion, em otions, fertility, fidelity, honor,
afterlife, balance, beauty, change/s, connections, death,
longevity, luck, nurture, opportunities, pregnancy/childbirth,
dedication/devotion, desire, divination, dream work
protection (ofyoung), rebirth/renewal, spirits, sympathy, wealth
(understanding sym bolism ), em otions, enchantm ent, fidelity,
grace, healing (psychological), innocence, intuition, light,
longevity, love, manifestation, m em ory/m em ories (past lives),
Solar System: Sun
Element: Fire
m essages/om ens, the otherw orld/underw orld, quests, secrets,
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
Celebrations: Mabon, Ostara
self-work, sensitivity, sham anic work, sleep, spirits, spirituality,
support (during transitions), transform ation, travel, trust
Energy: Yin, Yang
God: Ra
Goddesses: Aphrodite,
Mythical: Thunderbird
Inanna, Isis
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: community, divination, family,
fertility, healing, the home, hope, light, loneliness, love (new),
m anifestation, protection, rebirth/renewal, reversal, security,
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: M ars
Season: Sum m er
Elements: Earth, Fire
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, courage, defense,
Tree: Oak
Herb e( Garden: Peony
determ ination, divination, endurance, fame, fertility, the home
(protect), hope, inspiration, life (virility), longevity, love, luck,
Cods: Ares, Buddha, M ars, Jupiter, Pan, Silvanus, Zeus
marriage, m essages/om ens, opportunities (succeed), patience,
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: activate/awaken, assertiveness,
prosperity, strength, success, unity, youth
cycles, fertility, generosity, growth, knowledge (hidden), luck,
magic, the m ind, prophecy, protection, purification, security,
sham anic work, stim ulation, truth (reveal), weather
Solar System: Moon,
Zodiac: Cancer
Celebration: Litha
Tarot: Moon
Solar System: Saturn, Sun
Season: Spring
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: adaptability, clarity, community,
Celebrations: H unting of the W ren, Litha, New Year’s Day,
creativity, dream work, em otions, grow th, luck, magic (m oon),
Saturnalia, Yule
protection (hom e), rebirth/renewal, sel If-work, sensitivity,
O gham : Duir
Element: Fire
shyness, w ishes
Tree: Oak
God: Saturn
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: activate/awaken, adaptability,
assertiveness, confidence, divination, endurance, family, fear
(none), grounding, happiness, m essages/om ens, the mind
(resourceful), prophecy, purification, relationships, spirits,
Zodiac: Capricorn
Solar System: Moon
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, beauty, harmony,
opportunities, peace, prosperity
Celebration: New Year’s Day
Element: Water
Goddesses: Amphitrite,
Direction: West
A lso known as Sea Cow.
Element: Water
Cods; Apollo, Dionysus, M anannan, Neptune, Poseidon
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: calm, clarity, em otions, gentleness,
Issues, Intentions
Powers: the afterlife, authority, awareness
grounding, nurture, peace, trust
(self), balance, calm , change/s, com m unication, community,
connections (body, m ind spirit), control, cycles, death (funera
rites), discipline, divination, em otions, energy, freedom,
Zodiac: Cancer___________ | Celebration: Litha___________________
grounding, harmony, healing, honor, improvement,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: aggression, change/s,
intelligence, intuition, kindness, knowledge (self, life force),
com m unication, danger (avoid), deceit (for safety), intelligence,
love, m agic (m oon), manifestation, m essages/om ens, the
life, negativity, spirits (o f the underworld)
otherw orld/underw orld, passion, patience, peace, power
(through self-control), release, sex/uality, spirituality, strength,
stress, transform ation, travel, trust, wisdom
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, defense (electric), energy
(electric), inspiration, opportunities (moray), protection,
w isdom
-------------------------- 1------------ ;------------------
A lso known as Killer Whale.
Trees: Hazel, Rowan
Goddess: Cerridwen
Issues, Intentions
Powers: astral realm, concentration/focus,
God: Mabon
energy, healing, m anifestation, m em ory/m em ories, the mind
/sswes, Intentions e[ Powers: abundance, change/s, cycles,
(rem ove blocks), obstacles (m ental), power, visions
determ ination, divination (understanding), endurance,
guardian, guidance, healing, insight, intuition, knowledge
(ancient, spiritual), m otivation, rebirth/renew al, reversal,
Cods: Apollo, Neptu
Element: Water
sham anic work (shape shift), strength, support, wisdom
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, change/s, com m unication,
sea horse
freedom, harmony, power (o f life’s rhythms), travel, trust,
Gods: M anannan, Neptune, Poseidon
w isdom
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: confidence, creativity, determination,
family (fatherhood), grace, happiness, romance
Solar System: Moon
Elements: Earth, Water
Misc. Plant: Water Lily
From the Sea: Conch
Mythical: Dragon
Gods: Geb, Helios,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, clairvoyance, deceit,
Goddesses: Coatlicue, Canga
Khensu, O siris, Set
defense, endurance, fear, knowledge, nurture, protection
(maternal, self), rebirth/renew al, revenge, secrets, support,
Mythical: Dragon
w isdom
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, balance, beginnings,
clairvoyance, death, deceit, defense, destruction, endurance,
fear, fertility, knowledge, m essages/om ens, the
Solar System: Sun
Tree: Oak
otherw orld/underw orld, power, protection (maternal, self),
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, change/s, clairaudience,
rebirth/renewal, revenge, secrets, strength, weather, w isdom
clairvoyance, connections (heaven and earth), creativity,
enchantm ent, fertility, freedom, goals, intuition, magic, m oods,
patience, psychic ability, sensitivity, sham anic work
Solar System: Moon
Season: Spring
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
M agical: Elves,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, danger, enmity, guidance (the
Goddesses: Chalchiuhtlicue, Coatlicue
soul), m em ory/m em ories (past lives), opportunities
(unexpected), revenge, spirituality, w isdom (o f the goddess)
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, beginnings (tadpole),
change/s, com m unication, connections, emotions
(understand), energy, fertility, healing (em otional), life, luck,
magic, the m ind, nurture, opportunities, peace,
pregnancy/childbirth (tadpole), purification, rebirth/renewal,
the senses (hearing), sham anic work, transform ation, weather
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Libra, Scorpio
Solar System: Earth, Moon
Chakra: Brow
Seasons: Autum n, W inter
Celebration: Ostara