Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 32
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: battle/war (general, battlefields),
death, defense, destiny, destruction, divination, endings,
Reptile: Snake
| Mythical: Sphinx
enmity, fear, influence, life, lust, magic (general, crone),
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, authority, battle/war,
prophecy, rebirth/renewal revenge, self-work (past life),
beauty, courage, creativity, death, defense, discipline, freedom,
success, wisdom
growth, guardian, guidance, harmony, healing, inspiration,
intelligence, jealousy, justice, the m ind, peace, power,
protection, purity, skills, strength, w isdom
G oddess o f sovereignty and death (Celtic— Ireland)
Celebration: Samhain
Trees: Blackthorn, Yew
Anim als: Cattle (cow),
G em stone/M ineral: Peridot
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: banish, battle/war, death, leadership,
magic (defensive, earth), m em ory/m em ories, sh am anicw ork
cailleach bheur
G oddess o f healing, sm ithing, fertility, and poetry
Ferocious mother goddess ( Celtic— Ireland, Scotland)
(Celtic— Ireland). Also known as Bride.
Moon Phase: W aning
Celebration: Samhain
Solar System: Neptune, Sun
Day: Sunday
Season: Winter
Element: Water
Celebration: Im bolc
Element: Fire
Trees: Alder, Apple, Elder,
Birds: Crow, Owl, Raven
Direction: South
Color: Blue
Holly, Yew
Gemstones 01 Minerals:
Anim als: Boar, Cow, Deer, Goat, Pig, W olf
Tarot: Em press
Azurite, Peridot
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: battle/war, cycles, death, destruction,
Trees: Blackthorn, Cedar, Hawthorn, Oak, Rowan, W illow
endings, goals, guardian, hexes, kindness, magic (crone,
dragon), protection, rebirth/renewal, reversal, transform ation,
Garden: Anemone, Blackberry/Bram ble, Dandelion
weather, w isdom , witches/w itchcraft
Anim als: Bear, Cattle (cow),
Birds: Chicken (rooster), Swan
Sheep (lamb)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, agriculture, anim als
Earth mother, goddess o f grain, fruit, ar id flowers (Roman)
(fertility), authority, beauty, blessings, com m unication, control
Solar System: Earth,
(fire), creativity, crossroads, death, divination, faith, fertility,
Zodiac: Cancer
gratitude, grief, healing, inspiration, knowledge, learning, love,
m agic (fire), m anifestation, marriage, money, power,
Celebration: Lughnasadh
Element: Earth
pregnancy/childbirth, prophecy, protection, skills, success,
N um ber: 2
Herb 0{ Garden: Poppy
warmth, well-being, w isdom , witches/witchcraft
Trees: Laurel, Oak, Pomegranate,
Misc. Plant: Grain
W illow
G em stone/M ineral: Emerald
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: abundance, acceptance, action,
affection, agriculture, com passion, cycles, family, fertility,
gratitude, grief, growth, nurture, rebirth/renewal, wisdom
G oddess o f fertility, knowledge, poets (Celtic— Wales, England)
G oddess o f the east and water (Azl :ec— Mexico)
Moon Phases: New,
Element: Water
Direction: East
Solar System: Moon
W aning
Colors: Blue, White
Herb e[ Garden: Amaranth
Color: White
N um ber: 5
Misc. Plants: M ushroom , Reed
From the Sea: Scallop
Trees: Beech, Birch, Elm, Locust, Oak, Rowan, Spruce, W illow
Minerals: Jade,
Reptiles: Frog, Snake
Garden: Honeysuckle, Vervain
Misc. Plant: Grain
From the Sea: Cowry
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: beauty, beginnings, community,
danger, fertility, love, marriage, protection (newborns),
Anim als: Cat, Cattle (cow), Dog ( greyhound), Otter, Pig (sow),
purification, spirits, weather (general, storm s), youth
W olf
Birds: Chicken (hen),
M arine Life: Salmon
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, creativity, darkness,
death, divination, fertility, hexes (set), insight, inspiration,
knowledge, learning, luck, m agic (general, crone, m oon), the
otherw orld/underw orld, prophecy, rebirth/renewal, romance,
sham anic work (shape shift), transform ation, wisdom
Mother goddess of Ireland and the Tuatha de Danann
G oddess o f grain and the fruitfuliness o f the earth (Greek)
(Celtic— Ireland)
Zodiac: Cancer, Virgo
Solar System: Earth, Saturn
Solar System: Uranus
Celebrations: Beltane, Im bolc
Celebrations: Lughnasadh,
Element: Earth
Element: Fire
Color: White
Direction: East
Tarot: Em press
Misc. Plants: Grain (barley, corn,
Tree: Oak
wheat), Myrrh
Trees: Aspen, Elder, Elm, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Spruce,
W illow
Herb 0{ Garden: Lady's Mantle, Pennyroyal, Poppy, Rose,
Sunflower, Vervain
Herb (% Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Ivy
Anim als: Cat, Fox, Horse, Pig,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber, D iam ond, Zircon
Bird: Dove
M agical: Fairies
| Birds: Hawk, Raven
Reptile: Snake
Insect/M isc.: Bee
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, affection, authority,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, acceptance,
comfort, enlightenment, fertility, grace, illum ination,
accom plishm ent, action, affection, the afterlife, agriculture,
inspiration, knowledge, m agic (general, m oon), manifestation,
beginnings, business, change/s, com passion, cycles, energy,
nurture, prosperity, spirituality, well-being, wisdom
family, fertility, gratitude, grief, grounding, justice, knowledge,
learning, life, longevity, m anifestation, money, nurture, power,
prophecy, prosperity, purification, purity, release, security,
sorrow, truth, wealth, well-being, youth (nurture)
Great and universal mother goddess (Vedic, H ind u— India)
Zodiac: Leo
Solar System: Jupiter
Anim als: Jackal, Lion
Bird: Peacock
Reptile: Snake
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, battle/war, beauty,
blessings, death, defense, empathy, family, fertility,
m indfulness, nurture, protection, rebirth/renewa
G oddess o f fertility, wild places, and childbirth (Roman)
Zodiac: Cancer, Leo, Pisces,
Solar System: Moon
Celebrations: Beltane, Ostara
N um ber: 1
Trees: Acacia, Apple, Beech, Chestnut, Cypress, Fir, Hazel,
H orse Chestnut, Oak, Palm (date), Pine, W alnut, Willow
Herb el Garden: jasm ine, Lily, Mugwort, Poppy, Rue, Vervain
Misc. Plants: Dittany, Mandrake, Moonwort, W ormwood
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Amethyst,
Metal: Silver
Insects el Misc.: Bee,
From the Sea: Pearl
Anim als: Bat, Bear, Cat, Cattle (cow), 1Deer, Dog
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: anim als, authority, beauty, discipline,
empowerment, enmity, fertility, friend/ship, goals,
independence, knowledge, love, magic (m oon, night), needs,
nightmares, pregnancy/childbirth, protection, secrets,
sham anic work, strength, witches/witchcraft, youth (young
anim als)
Great m other goddess; mother o f Arianrhod and Gwydion
G oddess o f the dawn
Celebration: Ostara
(Celtic— Wales, England)
Solar System: Saturn
Direction: West
Colors: Purple, Yellow
Misc. Plant: Saffron
Celebration: Beltane
Colors: Black, Indigo
Anim al: H orse
Insect/M isc.: Cicada
Tarot: Em press
Trees: Oak, Yew
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, beginnings, cycles,
gentleness, light, lust, the senses, youth
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Jet, Onyx
Metal: Lead
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: comfort, com m unication,
enchantm ent, fertility, goodness, inspiration, knowledge,
G oddess o f horses and bestower of sovereignty
leadership, skills
(Celtic— England; Roman-British)
Celebrations: Feast o f Epona,
Zodiac: Sagittarius
W arrior goddess o f death and invinci ble destroyer
(H ind u— India)
Colors: Black, White
Herb 0{ Garden: Valerian, Vervain
Solar System: Mars,
Misc. Plant: Coltsfoot, Grain
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Gemstone: Azurite
Celebration: Samhain
Element: Fire
Anim als: Dog, Donkey, Cattle (ox), Horse
Color: Yellow
From the Sea: Conch
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, the afterlife, aggression,
agriculture, anim als, authority, battle/war, dream work, grace,
Anim als: Buffalo/Bison, Lion, Tiger
guardian, healing, leadership, life, m agic (anim al, sex),
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: activate/awaken, assertiveness,
motivation, nightm ares (children), power, prosperity, sham anic
am bition, anger, authority, balance, banish, battle/war, control,
work, skills, strength, travel
danger, death, destiny, endings, energy (cosm ic), fear, jealousy,
life, morality, power, strength, success
G oddess o f fertility; sister o f the god Freyr (Norse, Teutonic)
G oddess o f fertility, weather, and clouds; wife o f Odin (Norse,
Zodiac: Capricorn, Leo
Solar System: Moon
Zodiac: Taurus
Day: Friday
Celebrations: Beltane, Lughnasadh
Day: Friday
Celebrations: Beltane, Lughnasadh Rune: Beorc
Runes: Feoh, Gyfu, Is, )era, Ken, Wyn
Element: Fire
Num bers: 2 , 7
Herb e( Garden: Strawberry
Misc. Plants:
N um ber: 6
Cow slip, Flax,
Trees: Ash, Aspen, Beech, Birch, Fir, Hawthorn, Linden,
Trees: Alder, Apple, Beech, Birch, Elder, Linden, Spindletree
Misc. Plant: Flax
Bird: Falcon
Herb 0{ Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Daisy, Prim rose, Rose,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, authority, clairvoyance,
control, cunning, deceit, defense, destiny, family, fertility,
freedom, guardian, guidance, the hom e, independence,
Gem stone/M ineral: Amber
From the Sea: Pearl
knowledge, love, m agic (general, sex), marriage, passion,
Anim als: Boar, Cat, Goat, Hare, Lynx, Pig
Birds: Dove, Falcon,
power, prophecy, protection, rebirth/renewal, secrets, security,
sham anic work (shape shift), weather, well-being, wisdom ,
Insect/M isc.: Spider
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: beauty, beginnings, clairvoyance,
death, divination, enchantm ent, fertility, freedom, guardian,
guidance, healing, learning, longevity, love, lust, magic (general,
anim al, m oon, sex), marriage, passion, pregnancy/childbirth,
prophecy, prosperity, sensuality, sex/uality, sham anic work,
skills, travel, wealth, witches/w itchcraft, youth
Great m other goddess and goddess o f the earth (Greek)
G oddess o f love, mirth, the sky, and the sun (Egyptian)
Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus
Solar System: Earth
Solar System: Pluto,
Zodiac: Leo, Taurus
Celebrations: Earth Day, Imbolc,
Element: Earth
Ostara, Yule
Trees: Myrtle,
G em stone/M ineral: Turquoise
Trees: Aspen, Elder,
N um ber: 8
Elm, Holly, Laurel
Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Grape, Heliotrope, Rose
Herb e[ Garden: Honeysuckle, Lady's
Misc. Plants: Lotus, Mandrake
Bird: Vulture
Bird: Blue Jay
Anim als: Cattle (cow), H ippopotam us,
Reptile: Snake
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: abundance, affection, the afterlife,
blessings, calm , cycles, dedication/devotion, divination, energy,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, awareness, beauty,
enlightenment, fertility, grounding, growth, healing, life, love,
comfort, community, cunning, death, destiny, destruction,
marriage, nurture, prophecy, rebirth/renew al, wealth, weather,
em otions, fertility, happiness, healing, light, love, m agic (sex),
well-being, wisdom
marriage, nurture, power, prosperity, protection, romance, the
senses, sensuality, spirits, strength
____________________________ ganga______________________
G oddess o f fertility and the Ganges River (H ind u— India)
Color: White
Reptile: Crocodile
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, change/s, faith, fertility,
goals, happiness, healing, negativity (wash away), power,
purification, wealth, well-being
G oddess o fth e m oon, magic, riches, w isdom , victory, and
G oddes
s o f death and the Underworld (Norse, Teutonic). Also
navigation (Greek)
known as Urth.
Zodiac: Aries, Capricorn,
Zodiac: Scorpio
Solar System: Pluto
Solar System: M oon, Pluto, Saturn
Celebrations: Sam hain, Yule
Rune: Beorc
Celebrations: Night o f Hecate,
Days: Monday, Saturday
N um ber: 9
Herb e( Garden: Ivy
Trees: Ash, Beech, Elder, Elm, Holly, Juniper, Willow, Yew
Colors: Black, Silver
Num bers: 3 , 9
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: the afterlife, battle/war, darkness,
Trees: Aspen, Cypress, Locust, Palm, Rowan, Willow, Yew
death, the otherworld/underworld
Garden: Dandelion, Feverfew, M onkshood, Lavender
Misc. Plants: Anise, Belladonna, Bittersweet, Cardam om ,
Galangal Mandrake, Moonwort, Myrrh
Sky goddess and wife o f Zeus
Zodiac: Leo
From the Sea: Pearl
Solar System: Jupiter, Pluto,
Celebrations: New Year’s Day,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Moons;tone, Quartz (clear), Sapphire
Anim als: Dog, Hare, Rabbit, Bird: Owl
Element: Air
N um ber: 8
Sheep, Skunk
Trees: Apple, Oak, Pomegranate,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the ? afterlife, authority, business,
Herb e( Garden: Iris, Lily
W illow
consciousness (subconsciou: 5), control, crossroads, cycles,
darkness, death, destruction, divination, dream work,
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Dog,
Misc. Plant: O rris Root
empowerment, enchantm ent, endings, favor/s, hexes, hope,
Hare, Lion
illum ination, influence, karma, love, luck, magic (general, black,
Birds: Crane, Cuckoo, G oose, Hawk, Peacock, Stork
crone, defensive, m oon, night), money, needs, negativity,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: anger, banish, business,
nightmares, power, prophecy, protection (children),
com m unication, community, death, energy, fertility, fidelity,
purification, rebirth/renewal, release, revenge, sham anic work,
jealousy, love, marriage, prophecy, protection, rebirth/renewal,
spirits (protect against), strength, success, transform ation,
travel, visions, wealth, weather (storm s), wisdom ,
witches/w itchcraft
G oddess o f the
Mother goddess of fertility, spring, love, fate, war
Zodiac: Virgo
rainbow (Greek)
(Assyro-Babylonian, Sem itic, Sum erian)