by Sandra Kynes
danger, energy, magic (dragon), the otherworld/underworld
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on, Mistletoe,
Metal: Copper
Gemstones el Minerals: Amethyst, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Onyx,
Rose Quartz
From the Sea: Coral, Cowry, Pearl,
Birds: Dove, Sparrow,
Issues, Intentions el Powers: affection (attract), agriculture,
attraction, authority, beauty, control, cycles, desire, fertility,
independence, love, magic (sex), marriage, needs (sexual),
passion, pleasure, prosperity, protection, purification,
sensuality, sex/uality
a n g u s/o en g u s/an g u s mac og
God o fth e sun, fire, and lightning (H indu, Tantric,
God o f love and youth; son o fth e Dagda and Boann
Vedic— India)
(Celtic— Ireland)
Solar System: Sun
Zodiac: Capricorn
Herb 0{ Garden: Rose
Tree: Birch
Element: Fire
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Misc. Plant: Cinnam on
Metal: Copper
Herb e[ Garden: Heliotrope
Metals: Brass, Gold, Iron
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Rose Quartz,
Anim als: Goat, H orse, Sheep
Magical: Fairies
Bird: Eagle
(lamb, ram)
Bird: Swan
Insect/M isc.: Dragonfly
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attraction, beauty, creativity, dream
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: comfort, healing, knowledge, life
work, inspiration, love, m agic (fairy, sex), the
(vitality), light, negativity (remove), power, protection,
otherw orld/underw orld, passion, prophecy, protection (of
purification, purity, rebirth/renewal, sex/uality, warmth, weather
lovers), rebirth/renewal, romance, sensuality, sham anic work,
(lightning), well-being, youth
sleep, transform ation, travel, youth
am un/am on/am en
Creator god, solar and patron deity o f Thebes (Egypt). Also
God o fth e dead, the cemetery, and the Underworld (Egyptian)
known as the Hidden One.
Zodiac: Scorpio
Solar System: Mercury
Solar System: Saturn, Sun
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Anim als: Antelope, Dog, jackal
Anim als: Cattle (bull), Lion,
Trees: Olive, Palm (date)
Sheep (ram)
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, astral realm, death
(funeral rites), divination, guardian, honesty, justice, magic
Birds: Goose, Heron, Peacock
Reptiles: Lizard, Snake
(general, solar), the otherw orld/underw orld, protection (ofthe
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, agriculture, growth,
dead), security, truth
insight, knowledge, light, love, magic (general, solar), power,
rebirth/renew al, rom ance, secrets, warmth
God o f m edicine, m usic, prophecy
Solar System:
Zodiac: G em ini
God o f the Otherworld (Celtic— Wales)
Solar System: Sun
Season: Sum mer
Celebration: Samhain
Element: Earth
Celebrations: Litha, Yule
N um ber: 1
Tree: W illow
Trees: Apple, Aspen, Beech, Cypress , Laurel, Oak, Olive, Palm,
Anim als: Boar, Dog (white with red ears), H orse (pale)
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, anim als (hunt),
Herb el Garden: Heliotrope, Hyacinth, Lily o f the Valley,
battle/war, com m unication, death, divination, honor, loyalty,
the otherw orld/underw orld, prophecy, rebirth/renewal, revenge,
secrets, sham anic work, spirits (contact)
Gemstones e( Minerals:
Misc. Plants: Anise, Mistletoe
Amber, Sapphire
Anim als: Cattle (ox), Deer (stag), Donkey, Horse, M ouse, W olf
God o f w ar and storm s (Greek)
Zodiac: Aries
Birds: Chicken (rooster), Crane, Crow, Kite, Quail, Raven, Swan,
Solar System: M ars
Trees: Ash, Holly, Oak
Anim als: Boar, Cattle (bull), Dog
Reptile: Snake
M arine Life: Dolphin, Porpoise
Reptile: Snake
Birds: Chicken (rooster), Eagle, Owl, Vulture, Woodpecker
Insects el Misc.: Bee, G rasshopper
Mythical: Griffin
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, aggression, anger,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: battle/war, beauty, com m unication,
assertiveness, battle/war, change/s, death, defense,
com passion, creativity, divination, energy (solar), forgiveness,
destruction, energy, fear, fertility, heartbreak, jealousy,
healing, intelligence, justice, light, lust, magic (black, solar), the
protection, strength, weather (storms)
m ind, passion, prophecy, purification, release, sensitivity,
sensuality, strength, success, support, transform ation, travel,
truth, warmth, well-being, wisdom , youth
God o f light; son o f Odin and husband of Nanna (N orse). Also
God o f poetry and
known as Beldegg.
m usic; son o f Odin
Celebrations: Im bolc, Yule
Celebrations: Beltane, Litha,
1 Runes: Hagai, Lagu,
M idsum m er's Eve, Yule
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: com m unication, creativity,
leadership, respect, sensuality, youth
Trees: Juniper, Laurel,
N um ber: 12
brahm a/brahm ans
Herb e[ Garden: St. John's Wort
Misc. Plant: Mistletoe
Creator god o f the universe (Buddhist, Brahmanic,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beauty, begirinings, com m unication,
H ind u— India)
confidence, death, endings, friend/ship, goodness, happiness,
Element: Fire
Color: Red
innocence, learning, light, magic (solar), peace, pride, prophecy
(dream s), purity, rebirth/renewal, reconciliation, wisdom
Chakra: Root
Trees: Oak, Olive, Poplar
Misc. Plant: Lotus
Anim als: Antelope, Boar, Cattle
Birds: Goose, Peacock, Swan
Fire and possibly solar deity
Zodiac: Aries
(Celtic— Continent)
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: consciousness, introspection,
intuition, m indfulness
Elements: Fire,
Solar System: Sun
Celebration: Beltane, Samhain
Metals: Brass, Gold
Trees: Ash, Blackthorn, Hawthorn, W illow
Anim al: H orse
Birds: Eagle, Robin
Issues, Intentions
Powers: astral realm, cleverness, death,
destiny, healing, light, m agic (solar), m em ory/m em ories (past
life), prosperity, purification, success, warmth,
(lightning), well-being, wisdom
ce rn unn os/cern unn us/kernu nn os
Suprem e awakened one (Buddhist, H ind u— India)
Horned god and lord o f the beasts (Celtic— Continent)
Trees: Acacia, Bodhi, Laurel (bay)
Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
1 Celebrations: Beltane, Ostara
Misc. Plant: Lotus
From the Sea: Conch
Element: Earth
Trees: Holly, Laurel, Oak
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Jade,
Anim als: Elephant, Horse,
Anim als: Boar, Cattle (bull),
Herb (% Garden: Ivy, Yarrow
Ruby, Turquoise
Deer (stag)
Birds: Crow, Woodpecker
Reptile: Snake
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: com passion, consciousness,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, anim als (general, fertility,
enlightenment, faith, forgiveness, illum ination, introspection,
hunt), astral realm, balance, beginnings, business, crossroads,
kindness, m indfulness, morality, peace, spirituality, unity,
cycles, death, deceit, desire, knowledge, life (virility), love, luck,
w isdom
magic (general, sex), money, the otherworld/underworld,
prosperity, rebirth/renewal, sex/uality, sham anic work, strength,
transform ation, wealth, witches/witchcraft
God o f light and
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
day (Slavic)
Times o f Day: Dawn, Misc. Plant: Grain (wheat/ protect)
Issues, Intentions
Powers: agriculture (good harvest), balance,
darkness (make it through), goodness, growth, happiness,
justice, light, luck, order/organize, peace, support, travel,
the dagda/daghda
Creator god, teacher, and trickster (Native Am erican, num erous
Principal god and leader o f the Tuatha de Danann; father of
nations). A lso known as O la’li, Sedit, and Ueuecoyotl.
A ngus (Celtic— Ireland). Also known as Eochaid Ollathair and
Ruad Rofhessa.
Solar System: Mercury
Direction: East
Celebration: Samhain
Anim al: Coyote
Celebrations: Im bolc, Ostara, Samhain (N ovem ber 1)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, creativity, magic, peace,
release, sex/uality
Color: White
Tarot: High Priest
Trees: Ash, Aspen, Birch, Blackthorn, Elder, Hawthorn, Holly,
cup id/cup ido
Oak, Rowan, Yew
Boy-god o f love
Zodiac: Pisces
Gemstones e{
Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble,
Minerals: Diam ond,
Celebrations: Beltane,
Tree: Cypress
Im bolc
M agical: Fairies (contact)
Anim al: Pig
Herb e[ Carden: Rose
G em stone/M ineral: Opal
Bird: Hawk
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: affection, desire, loneliness, love,
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: abundance, battle/war (warrior
m agic (sex), passion, romance, sensuality, youth
skills), change/s, death, desire, fertility, healing, illum ination,
justice, knowledge, magic (general, fairy), money, power
(general, m ental), prophecy, prosperity, protection,
rebirth/renew al, sex/uality, skills, spirituality, strength, weather,
Lord o f the earth, god o f fertility Zodiac: Capricorn, Gem ini,
God o f fertility, crops, hunting, and poetry; protector of
(Sum erian)
agriculture and shepherds (Rom an)
Solar System: Earth
Reptile: Snake
Zodiac: Capricorn
Solar System: Earth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, agriculture (fertility of
Celebrations: Beltane, Lupercalia
Tree: Holly
land), authority, ch ange/s, cleverness, control, creativity,
Herb e( Garden: Ivy
Animals: Dog, Goat
cunning, d ecisio n /s, destiny, grounding, intelligence, life,
magic, the m ind, obstacles, power, purification, sex/uality,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: agriculture (fertility o f land), anim als
skills, wisdom
(fertility, hunt), creativity, dream work, love, m agic (animal,
sex), prophecy, protection (crops, shepherds)
God o f love (Greek)
Zodiac: Pisces
God o f fertility, patron o f married couples, brother o f Freya
Celebrations: Beltane, Im bolc
Day: Friday
(N orse, Teutonic)
Trees: Apple, Myrtle
Herb 0{ Garden: Rose
Zodiac: Capricorn
Celebrations: Beltane
Anim al: Hare
Runes: Ehwaz, Feoh, Ing,
N um ber: 1
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: creativity, danger, desire, love, magic
(sex), passion, peace, rom ance, sensua lity, sex/uality, youth
Trees: Ash, Elder
Herb e( Garden: G orse, Ivy
Anim als: Boar, Horse
Issues, Intentions e( Poivers.’beginnings, defense, fertility,
happiness, light, m agic (rune), marriage, peace, pleasure,
prosperity, protection, travel, weather
the green man
God o f eloquence, w isdom ; rem over o f obstacles
Although not a god, the Green Man holds a special place in
(H ind u— India)
Pagan and W iccan beliefs. He i s the spirit o f vegetation and
male fertility (Pan Celtic).
Celebration: Ganesh Chaturthi
Colors: Red, Yellow
Tree: Oak
Element: Earth
Herb e[ Garden: H ibiscus
From the Sea: Conch
Celebrations: Beltane, Im bolc, Mabon, Ostara, Yule
Anim als: Elephant, M ouse, Rat
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, agriculture, cycles, death,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, business,
fertility (m ale), grounding, growth, magic, power (male),
com m unication (eloquence), community, desire, energy
rebirth/renewal, sex/uality
(general, psychic), forgiveness, guidance, happiness, increase,
intelligence, knowledge, learning, marriage, the m ind,
m indfulness, money, needs, negativity, obstacles, power,
problem s, prosperity, protection, purification, skills, stability,
M agician god; brother ofA rianrhod (Celtic— Wales).
stress, success, travel, wealth, w isdom , w ishes
Som etim es known as the Druid o f the Gods.
Herb (% Garden: Clover
Misc. Plant: M ushroom
Anim als: Deer (stag), Dog ( greyhound), Horse, Pig, W olf
Earth god (Egyptian)
Solar System: Earth
Bird: Lapwing
Misc. Plants: Grain (barley),
Element: Earth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: change/s, enchantment, healing,
knowledge, learning, magic, po
wer (mental, trickery), revenge,
Bird: Goose
Reptile: Crocodile
sham anic work, skills, transform ation, witches/w itchcraft
Issues, Intentions
Powers: beginr lings, danger, fertility,
grounding, justice (judge)
God o f death and the underworld; provider o f fertility and
Sun god (Greek)
Zodiac: Leo
wealth (Greek)
Solar System: Sun
Day: Sunday
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Celebration: Samhain
Celebrations: Im bolc, Yule
Trees: Laurel (bay), Oak
Trees: Cypress, Oak, Poplar
N um ber: 13
Herb el Garden: Heliotrope
Misc. Plant: Frankincense
Gem stone/M ineral: Beryl (golden)
Metals: Brass, Gold
Anim als: Dog, Sheep (black),
Bird: Owl (screech)
W olf
Anim als: Cattle (ox), H orse (white),
Bird: Chicken (rooster)
Reptile: Snake
Reptile: Crocodile
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, acceptance, the afterlife,
darkness, death, fertility, generosity, money, the
Issues, Intentions el Powers: agriculture, beauty, business, energy
otherw orld/underw orld, prosperity, wealth
(solar), fertility, growth, light, m agic (solar), warmth, wealth,
w ishes
hanum an/h uniman
Monkey god, healer, and builder (H ind u— India)
God o f artisans and blacksm iths
Color: Red
Zodiac: Libra
Tree: Palm
Anim al: Monkey
Season: Winter
Element: Fire
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: banish, dedication/devotion, faith,
N um ber: 1
Herb e[ Garden: Fennel
fidelity, friend/ship, healing, insight, knowledge, learning, life
(vitality), loyalty, the mind (intellect), m indfulness, spirits,
Anim al: Donkey
Bird: Crane
strength, youth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: bind, creativity, envy, jealousy,
revenge, skills, wisdom
Suprem e deity, war and storm god (Buddhist, Hindu,
Sky, fertility, and w ar
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Taurus
Vedic— India)
god (Rom an)
Zodiac: Aries, Taurus
Solar System: jupiter, Mars
Solar System: Jupiter,
Day: Thursday
Moon, Sun
Element: Fire
Chakra: Throat
Celebrations: Litha, New
Tree: Olive
Bird: Owl
N um ber: 4
Year’s Day
Anim als: Cattle (bull), Dog, Elephant, Horse