by Sandra Kynes
Metal: Silver
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate, Angelite, Aquam arine, Beryl,
Calcite (clear), Herkim er D iam ond, M oonstone, Morganite,
Opal, Quartz, Sapphire, Selenite, Turquoise
From the Sea: Coral (white), M oon Snail, Mother-of-Pearl,
M ussel, Pearl
Goddesses: Aine, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Arianrhod, Artemis,
Cerridwen, Diana, Freya, Hecate, Ishtar, Isis, Juno, Luna,
Nanna, Persephone, Rhiannon, Sedna, Selene, Spider Woman
Cods: Aegir, H erm es, H orus, Janus, Jupiter, Khensu, Shiva,
Symbol: y
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
M agical: Fairies, M erm aids
jAnge/: Gabriel
Colors: Blue, Green (light, sea), Indigo, Lavender, Purple,
Anim als: Bear, Cat, Cattle, Dog, Elephant, Fox (vixen), Goat,
Hare, Hedgehog, Horse, Jaguar, Leopard, Otter, Panther, Pig
Chakras: Brow, Crown
N um ber: 7
(sow), Rabbit, Reindeer, Tiger
Tarot: Hanged Man
Tree: Ash
Birds: Crane, Crow, Cuckoo, Heron, Ibis, Meadowlark,
Nightingale, Osprey, Owl, Peacock, Sparrow
Cemstones 01 Minerals: Amethyst, Angelite, Aquam arine, Beryl,
Celestite, Fluorite, Jade,
M arine Life: Crab, Dolphin, Seal
Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Sapphire, Turquoise
Reptiles: Crocodile, Frog, Snake, Toad, Tortoise, Turtle
Gods: Aegir, Manannan,
From the Sea: Coral, Mother-of-Pearl
Insects e( Misc.: Moth, Snail,
Neptune, Poseidon
Mythical: Dragon
Coddesses: Amphitrite, Brigid, Ran,
M agical: M erm aids
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, agriculture, anim als, balance
Sedna, Tiam at
(inner), beginnings, ch ange/s, co n scio usness (and
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: awareness (expand), clairvoyance,
sub co n sciou s), creativity, cycles, darkness, death, divination,
community, co n scio usness (subconsc :io us), creativity, dream
dream work, em otions, enchantm ent, endings, energy (general,
work, enchantment, energy (psychic), guardian, guidance,
receptive), family, fertility, growth, guidance, healing, hexes, the
inspiration, intuition, life, the otherwc >rld/underworld, power,
home, illum ination, im agination, inspiration, intuition, jealousy,
protection, psychic ability, sensitivity, visions
life (rhythm s), light, loneliness, love, magic (general, crone,
m oon, night), m anifestation, m oods, negativity, nightmares,
obstacles, peace, power, pregnancy/childbirth, protection,
psychic ability, rebirth/renew al, secrets, self-work, sensitivity,
sorrow, spirits, transform ation, w isdom , witches/w itchcraft
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio
Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn,
Element: Water
Energy: Yang
Day: Saturday
Rune: Peorth
Colors: Black, Brown, Crim son,
Chakra: Sacral
Elements: Earth, Water
Num bers: 3 , 7 , 8
Tarot: Judgement
Tree: Cypress
Chakras: Crown, Heart, Root,
Tarot: Death, Hanged Man,
Garden: Basil, Fern (bear paw)
Colors: Black, Blue (navy), Brown, Gray (dark), Green (dark),
Misc. Plants: Belladonna, Bittersweet, Nettle, Reed
Indigo, Yellow (light)
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Amethyst, Garnet, Jet, Kunzite,
Trees: Aspen, Beech, Blackthorn, Cypress, Elm, Fir, Holly,
Labradorite, O bsidian, Quartz ( tourmalated), Spinel,
Magnolia, M esquite, M im osa, Pine, Poplar, Rowan, Witch
Tourm aline, Tsavorite
Hazel, Yew
Gods: Pluto, O siris
Garden: Am aranth, Carnation, Comfrey, Ivy,
Goddesses: Ereshkigal, Hathor, Hecate, Hel, Hera, Kali, the
M onkshood, M orning Glory, Rue, Solom on’s Seal
Morrigan, Persephone
Misc. Plants: Belladonna, Bittersweet, Henbane, Lady’s Slipper,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, ch ange/s, danger,
Mandrake, M ullein, Patchouli, Skullcap, Thornapple
darkness (inner), death, dream work, justice, karma,
m em ory/m em ories, the otherworld/underworld,
Minerals: Apache Tears, Azurite, Carnelian,
Hematite, Jasper (brown), Jet, O bsidian, Onyx, Sapphire,
rebirth/renewal, secrets, sex/uality, spirituality, transform ation,
Sardonyx, Serpentine, Tourm aline (black)
From the Sea: Coral (black)
Metal: Lead
Goddesses: Ariadne, Ceres, Demeter, Don, Durga, Hecate, Hera,
Juno, Kali, Rhea
Gods: Am un, Khensu Saturn
Anim als: Donkey, Goat
Birds: Crow, Raven, Wren
Insect/M isc.: Bee
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: agriculture, am bition, astral realm,
authority, banish, bind, business, concentration/focus,
darkness, death, discipline, endings, endurance, freedom,
sun 0
goals, grounding, justice, karma, knowledge,
Symbol: O
Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Leo
lim itations/boundaries, longevity, loyalty, lust, the mind,
Day: Sunday
Time o f Day: Noon
obstacles, peace, purification, relationships, stability, strength
Celebrations: Litha, Mabon, Ostara, W alpurgis, Yule
Runes: jera, Sigel
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Colors: Gold, Orange, Yellow
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart
Num bers: 1, 6
Tarot: Strength, Sun
Trees: Acacia, Ash, Birch, Cedar, Chestnut, Hazel, Horse
Chestnut, Juniper, Laurel, Linden, Oak, Olive, Palm, Rowan,
W alnut, Witch Hazel
Herb (% Garden: Angelica, Broom, Carnation, Cham om ile,
Chrysanthem um , Daffodil, Daisy, Goldenseal, Gorse,
Heliotrope, Lovage, M arigold, Peony, Rosemary, St. John’s
Wort, Sunflower
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on, Clove, Bamboo, Eyebright,
Frankincense, Galangal, Ginseng, Grain ( corn), Lotus,
Mistletoe, Saffron
Metals: Antimony, Brass, Gold
Minerals: Amber, Ametrine, Beryl [golden), Calcite
( orange, red), Carnelian, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Diamond,
Herkim er Diam ond, Peridot, Quartz, Ruby, Sunstone, Tiger’s
Eye, Topaz, Tourm aline [black), Zircon
community, cooperation, freedom, goals, hope, illum ination,
Goddesses: Aine, Am aterasu, Bast, Brigid, Hathor, Phoebe,
im provem ent, intuition, motivation, power, relationships
Sekhmet, Spider Woman
Gods: Adonis, Agni, Am un, Apollo, Baal, Belenus, H elios,
H orus, Jupiter, Lugh, Marduk, M ithras, Ogma, O siris, Pushan,
Ra, Shiva, Surya, Vishnu
Angels: Michael, Raphael
| M arine Life: Crab
Anim als: Baboon, Cattle (bull), Deer, Goat, Hedgehog, Jaguar,
nbsp; Lion, Monkey, Sheep (lamb, ram ), W olf
Reptiles: Cham eleon, Lizard
Insects flj Misc.: Bee, Butterfly, Spider
Birds: Chicken (rooster), Condor, Crane, Crow, Cuckoo, Eagle,
Falcon, Goose, Hawk (sparrowhawk), H um m ingbird, Macaw,
Oriole, Parrot, Peacock, Pheasant, Raven, Sparrow, Swallow,
Swan, Wren
Mythical: Dragon, Griffin, Phoenix, Sphinx, Unicorn
uranus $
Symbol: #
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gem ini
Element: Air
Colors: Indigo, Yellow (light)
Chakras: Brow, Crown, Throat N um ber: 4
Tarot: Fool, Star, Tower
Trees: Ash, Rowan
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Am azonite, Aventurine, Herkimer
Diam ond, Labradorite, Quartz
Goddesses: Anat, Aphrodite, Danu, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: ami:>ition, anger, change/s,
----------------------- ;---------------------- ;------
A lso known as the M orning and
Minerals: Alexandrite, F iventurine, Azurite, Calcite,
Symbol: 9
Evening Star
Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, Celestite, Chrys oberyl, Chrysocolla,
Chrysoprase, Desert Rose, Diamond , Dioptase, Emerald, Jade,
Zodiac: Libra, Taurus
Day: Friday
Jasper (green), Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Lodestone, Malachite,
Times o f Day: Dawn, Dusk,
Runes: As, Ken
Peridot, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quart; Sapphire, Sodalite,
M idnight
Tourm aline (blue, green, pink, waternlelon), Tsavorite, Turquoise
Element: Earth
Energy: Yin
From the Sea: Coral,
Metal: Copper
Chakras: Brow, Heart, Sacral,
Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
Num bers: 5, 6 , 7
Goddesses: Astarte, Ishtar, Venus
God: Quetzalcoatl
Tarot: Em press, Justice, Star
Anim als: Cattle (bull), Hare, Lynx
Birds: Dove, Raven, Swan
Colors: Aqua, Blue (light), Green, Indigo, Lavender, Mauve, Pink,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, agriculture, astral realm,
Rose, W hite, Yellow (light)
attraction, beauty, beginnings, com passion, connections,
Trees: Alder, Apple, Aspen, Birch, Cherry, Elder, Magnolia,
creativity, desire, em otions, energy (receptive, sexual), fertility,
Myrtle, Sycamore, Willow
friend/ship, gentleness, happiness, harmony, kindness, love,
lust, m agic (sex), needs, passion, pleasure, rebirth/renewal,
Herb (% Garden: Aster, Basil, Bergamot, Blackberry/Bramble,
relationships, reversal, romance, sensuality, sex/uality, stress,
Catnip, Colum bine, Daffodil, Daisy, Feverfew, Foxglove,
Geranium , Coldenrod, Heather, H ibiscus, Hyacinth, Iris, Lady’s
Mantle, Lilac, Mugwort, Passionflower, Periwinkle, Primrose,
Raspberry, Rose, Spearm int, Strawberry, Thyme, Valerian,
Vervain, Violet, Yarrow
M i sc. Plants: Aloe, Burdock, Cardam om , Coltsfoot, Cowslip,
Dittany, O rris Root, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Vanilla
full moon
Celebrations: Beltane, Festival o f Luna Rune: Odal
Full Moon
Colors: Green, Red
Chakras: Heart, Root
Waxing Gibbous
Misc. Plant: Sandalwood
Metal: Silver
Waning Gibbous
Goddess: Arianrhod
M agical: Fates, Norns
Anim als: Cattle (cow), Panther, Tiger,
Birds: G oose (snow),
First Quarter €
3 Last Quarter
W olf
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: abundance, accom plishm ent, action,
activate/awaken, beauty, business, creativity, divination,
Waxing Crescent
Waning Crescent
em otions, em powerm ent, energy (general, psychic), fertility,
goals, growth, healing, illum ination, inspiration, light, love,
magic (general, m oon, sex), manifestation, money, needs,
D ark Moon
nurture, power, pregnancy/childbirth, problem s, protection,
Figure 4: T h e p h a se s o f the m oon
psychic ability, relationships, rom ance, sex/uality, strength,
transform ation, w isdom
waning moon
Celebration: Lughnasadh
Chakras: Brow, Throat
Goddesses: Bertha, Cailleach Bheur, Cerridwen, M acha, the
Morrigan, Rhiannon
M agical: Fates, Norns
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: banish, bind, creativity, darkness,
death, divination, endings, intuition, loss, m agic (crone),
obstacles, the otherw orld/underw orld, problem s, prophecy,
protection, purification, rebirth/renewal, release, reversal,
secrets, self-work, spirits, spirituality, transform ation, wisdom
new m oon/dark moon
Celebration: Samhain
Rune: Ing
Color: Black
Chakras: Crown, Heart
Names: Cold, Ice, Winter, W olf
Colors: Gray, Purple, White
Tree: Locust
Herb 0{ Garden: Vervain
Magical: Brownies
Goddesses: Cerridwen, the
Misc. Plant: Wormwood
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Garnet ( rhodolite), M oonstone, Rose
Quartz, Ruby, Tourm aline (red)
Anim als: Panther, Tiger
Bird: Hawk
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, healing, money,
Mythical: Dragon
protection, strength
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: beauty, beginnings, darkness,
destruction, divination, illum ination, im provement, loneliness,
m agic (black, night), optim ism , psychic ability, rebirth/renewal,
Names: Chaste, Quickening, Storm,
Colors: Black, Blue,
W ild, W olf
relationships, self-work, stability, well-being, wisdom
Gemstones e( Minerals: Amethyst, M oonstone, O bsidian, Onyx,
waxing moon
Topaz, Zircon (red)
Chakras: Sacral, Solar
Celebration: Im bolc
From the Sea: Pearl
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: astral realm, banish, beginnings,
Goddess: Aine
M agical: Fates, No ms
empowerment, fertility, purification
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, attraction, beginnings,
business, courage, creativity, divination, empathy, friend/ship,
growth, increase, inspiration, knowledge, love, luck, money,
Names: Chaste, Raven, Seed,
Colors: Green, White
motivation, passion, power, protection, psychic ability,
Storm, Windy
sensuality, strength, wisdom
M inerals: Aquam arine, Aventurine Bloodstone,
Jasper, O pal, Topaz (blue)
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: fertility , innocence, prosperity,
spirituality, success
Names: Hare, Seed
, Flower, Planters, Meadow, Wind
Names: Blessing, Herb, Horn,
Colors: Green, Yellow
Mead, Sum mer
Colors: Brown, Green (light)
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Carnelian, Malachite, Onyx, Ruby,
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Beryl, Diam ond, Malachite, Sapphire,
Sapphire, Spinel, Tourm aline (red), Turquoise
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: dream work, light, m agic, purpose,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, fertility, growth,
| strength
Names: Barley, Corn, Fruit, Herb,
Names: Faery, Flower, Goddess, Hare,
Colors: Green (dark), Yellow
Color: Pink
Wort, Wyrt
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Carnelian, Emerald, Jade, Moonstone,
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate, Carnelian, Emerald, Garnet, Rose
Peridot, Sardonyx, Topaz, Tourmaline
Quartz, Tourm aline, Tsavorite
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, magic (anim al),
Issues, Intentions
Powers: divination, enchantm ent, fertility,
prophecy, prosperity, wisdom
love, well-being
Sep tem b er
Names: Barley, Harvest, Nut, W ine
Color: Brown
Names: Dyad, Green Corn, Mead, Partner, Rose, Strong Sun
Gemstones e( Minerals: Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, lolite, Lapis Lazuli,
Colors: Orange, Purple, Red
| From the Sea: Pearl
Peridot, Sapphire, Spinel (blue), Tourm aline (blue), Zircon
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate, Alexandrite, Cat’s Eye,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: confidence, the home, manifestation,
Chrysoberyl, Emerald, Garnet, M oonstone, Ruby
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, love, marriage,
prosperity, relationships
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: goals, the home, truth
Names: Blood, Harvest, H unter’s
Colors: Black, Blue
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Aquam arine, Garnet, Kunzite, Morganite,
O pal, Sapphire, Tourm aline
From the Sea: Coral
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: courage, healing, inspiration,
m em ory/m em ories, stability
Names: Beaver, Larder, Mourning,
Colors: Blue (pale),
Snow, White
Green, Silver
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Beryl, Cat's Eye, Chrysoberyl, Citrine,
Sapphire (yellow), Topaz
From the Sea: Pearl
Issues, Intentions
Powers: cooperation, darkness, divination,
healing, hope
decem ber
Names: Long Night, Oak, Snow
Colors: Black, Red
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Aquam arine, Bio odstone, Ruby, Topaz