by Sandra Kynes
Solar System: Moon
alban elfed
Colors: Brown (reddish), Gold, Orange, Purple?, Yellow
Solar System: Sun
Season: Autumn
Trees: Acacia,
Tim e o f Day: Dusk
O gham : Eadha
Season: Sum m er
Apple, Myrtle,
Colors: Blue, Brown, Gold, Maroon, Orange, Violet, Yellow
Oak, Rowan
Element: Water
Misc. Plants: Grain, Thistle
Misc. Plants: Aloe,
Herb 0{ Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Gorse
Trees: Aspen, Cedar, Hazel, Locust, Maple, Myrtle, Oak
Ginseng, Grain
Herb (% Garden: Aster, Blackberry/Bram ble, Chrysanthem um ,
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Citrine, Diam ond (yellow), Peridot
Fern, Grape, Ivy, Marigold, Sage
Goddesses: Aine, Ceres, Demeter, Ereshkigal, Freya, Frigg,
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Amethyst, Topaz ( yellow)
Inanna, Ishtar, Kore, Persephone
Goddesses: Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Kore, M odron, the Morrigan,
Anim al: Cattle
Gods: Dum uzi, Lugh, Odin
(bull, calf)
Gods: Bacchus, Dionysus, D um uzi, the Green Man, Herm es,
Bird: Chicken (rooster)
Mabon, Thoth
Issues, Intentions
Powers: accom plishm ent, agriculture,
Birds: G oose (wild), Hawk,
challenges, darkness, death, endings, release, transform ation
Anim als: Dog, W olf
Swallow, Swan
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: accom plishm ent, agriculture,
balance, goals, gratitude, grounding
October 31— sam h ain /sam h u in n /h allo w m as
novem ber 16 — night o f hecate
Solar System: M oon
M 0 0 n Phase: New
Goddess: Hecate
Season: Autum n
Colors: Black, Orange
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: crossroads, m agic (crone, night),
Trees: Apple, Beech, Blackthorn, Locust, Pomegranate, Willow,
W itch Hazel, Yew
decem ber 1 7 to 23— saturnalia
Herb (% Garden: Angelica, Broom, Catnip, Garlic, Heather,
God: Saturn
Tree: Holly
Mugwort, Sage
Herb 0{ Garden: Ivy
Anim al: Donkey
Misc. Plants: Allspice, Bittersweet, Dittany, M ullein, Patchouli,
Bird: Wren
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Carnelian, O bsidian, Onyx
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: lust, pleasure, reversal (o f roles)
M agical: Fairies
decem ber 18— feast o f epona
Goddesses: Badb, Banba, Cailleach Bheur, Durga, Hecate, Hel,
Goddesses: Athena, Epona, Minerva
Anim al: H orse
Inanna, Ishtar, Kali, Macha, Nephthys, Rhiannon
Gods: Arawn, Belenus, Coyote, the Dagda (N ovem ber 1), Hades,
Loki, O din, Pluto
Anim als: Bat, Boar, Cat, Cattle (cow), Dog
Issues, Intentions
Powers: crossroads, darkness, death (o f the
god), divination, honor (ancestors), introspection, the
otherw orld/underw orld, release, vision s, wisdom (o f the crone)
novem ber 11— lunantishees
A lso known as Day o f the
Tree: Blackthorn
Goddess: Aine
M agical: Fairies
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: c onnections (with fairy realm ), magic
(fairy), spirits
Tree: Hazel
Gemstone/M in era l: Agate (red)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: creativity, goals, insight, knowledge
(secret), w isdom
ailm /ailim +
W inter Solstice
Letter: A
Celebration: Yule
Color: Blue (light)
N um ber: 1
Trees: Fir, Pine
Metal: Silver
Bird: Lapwing
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: goals, healing, learning (from the
past), life (vitality)
Decem ber 2 4 -jan u a ry
2 0
Letter: B
Celebration: Yule
Color: White
N um ber: 5
Tree: Birch
G em stone/M ineral: Carnelian
Bird: Pheasant
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: beginnings, challenges, change/s,
energy, purification, rebirth/renewal, release
A ugust 5-Septem ber i
Letters: C, K
Color: Brown
N um ber: 9
Bird: Crane
June lO -July j
Autum n Equinox
Symbol: w*
Letter: D
N um ber: 12
Letter: E
Celebration: Mabon
Colors: Black, Brown ( dark)
Tree: Oak
Element: Water
Color: Red
G em stone/M ineral: Quartz (white)
Bird: Wren
N um ber: 2
Tree: Aspen
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: confidence, courage, endurance,
Metal: Tin
Bird: Swan
justice, the otherw orld/underw orld, security, strength, truth
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: com m unication, endurance, fear,
intuition, power, problems
eabhadh/ebad/koad *-
Letters: EA, C H , K
Symbol: *
eam hancholl/m or
Garden: Honeysuckle
Tree: Aspen
Letters: AE, X, XI
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: happiness, life (attract sweetness)
Element: Water (sea)
Trees: Pine, Witch Hazel
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: purification, release
fearn/fern 711
March 18 -A p ril 14
Letters: F, V
Color: Crim son
N um ber: 8
Tree: Alder
G em stone/M ineral: Garnet (red)
Bird: Seagull
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: grounding, guidance, protection,
spirituality, strength (inner)
June lO -July 7
Symbol: -11-
Autum n Equinox
Symbol: w*
Letter: D
N um ber: 12
Letter: E
Celebration: Mabon
Colors: Black, Brown ( dark)
Tree: Oak
Element: Water
Color: Red
G em stone/M ineral: Quartz (white)
Bird: Wren
N um ber: 2
Tree: Aspen
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: confidence, courage, endurance,
Metal: Tin
Bird: Swan
justice, the otherw orld/underw orld, security, strength, truth
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: com m unication, endurance, fear,
intuition, power, problems
eabhadh/ebad/koad *-
Letters: EA, C H , K
Symbol: *
eam hancholl/m or
Garden: Honeysuckle
Tree: Aspen
Letters: AE, X, XI
Symbol: ™
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: happiness, life (attract sweetness)
bsp; Element: Water (sea)
Trees: Pine, Witch Hazel
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: purification, release
fearn/fern 711
March 18 -A p ril 14
Letters: F, V
Color: Crim son
N um ber: 8
Tree: Alder
G em stone/M ineral: Garnet (red)
Bird: Seagull
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: grounding, guidance, protection,
spirituality, strength (inner)
g o rtM
ioho/id ho/iodh o/iodah dh ftm
September 30-O ctober
W inter Solstice
Symbol: e
Symbol: u»
2 7
Letters: 1, J, Y
Celebration: Yule
Letter: G
Color: Blue
Element: Earth
Color: White
N um ber: 10
Bird: Swan (mute)
N um ber: 3
Tree: Yew
Herb el Garden: Ivy
G em stone/M ineral: Serpentine
Metal: Lead
Bird: Eagle (young)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: d ecisio n /s, growth, introspection,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: death, endings, rebirth/renewal,
learning, skills (develop)
luis it
May 13-ju n e 9
Symbol: -1-
January 2 i-Feb ru ary 17
Symbol: -n-
Letter: H
Color: Purple
Letter: L
Colors: Gray
Tree: Hawthorn
G em stone/M ineral: Lapis Lazuli
Tree: Rowan
G em stone/M ineral: Topaz
Bird: Crow (night)
Bird: Duck
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: defense, healing, hope, obstacles, the
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: activate/awaken, blessings, control
otherw orld/underw orld, passion, pleasure, sex/uality
(o f your life), dedication/devotion, independence, insight
ifin /ip h in /p h ag o s t
m uin /m uin n -f-
Letters: IO, PH
September 2-Septem ber 29
Symbol: +
Tree: Beech
Letter: M
Color: Variegated
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: clarity, prophecy, visions
Herb e[ Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble,
N um ber: 6
G em stone/M ineral: Amethyst
Bird: Titm ouse
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: em powerm ent, growth (inner),
introspection, prophecy
ngetal/ngetal #
o n n/o h n -}{-
October 28-N ovem ber 24
Symbol: Hi-
Spring Equinox
Symbol: -H-
Letters: Ng
Color: Green
Letter: O
Celebration: Ostara
Misc. Plant: Reed
G em stone/M ineral: Jasper (green)
Element: Air
Color: Yellow-gold
Bird: Goose
N um ber: 4
Herb e( Garden: G orse
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, challenges
Metal: Gold
Bird: Corm orant
(unexpected), determination, harmony,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: change/s, destiny, determination,
self-work, well-being
fertility, hope
n io n /n u in /n u in n mn
quert/ceirt m
February 18-M arch 17
Symbol: m
Letters: Q, CC
Symbol: mu
Letter: N
Color: Clear
Colors: Brown, Green
Tree: Apple
N um ber: 13
Tree: Ash
Bird: Chicken (hen)
Gem stone/M ineral: Beryl (sea green)
Bird: Snipe
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: enchantm ent, fidelity, life, longevity,
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: connections, creativity,
love, the otherw orld/underw orld, purpose, quests, youth
lim itations/boundaries, the otherw orld/ underworld, peace,
rebirth/renew al, strength
o ir/o r -o-
Letters: O l, TH
Symbol: -0-
Tree: Spindletree
Herb e( Garden: Ivy
Issues, Intentions
Powers: creativity, inspiration
ruis M
Novem ber 25-D ecem ber 22/23
Symbol: B
July 8-A ugust 4
Symbol: w.
Letter: R
Color: Red
Letter: T
Color: Gray (dark)
Tree: Elder
Gemstone: Malachite
N um ber: 11
Tree: Holly
Bird: Rook
G em stone/M ineral: Smoky Quartz
Bird: Starling
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, awareness, change/s,
Issues, Intentions of Powers: balance, courage, energy, guidance,
cycles, endings, longevity, the otherworld/underworld
the home, justice (retributive), problem s, protection
saille/saile m
uilleann/uilen/uilleand v
April 15-M ay 12
Symbol: m
Letters: Ul, PE
Letter: S
Color: Fiery, Bright
Tree: Beech
Herb of Garden: Honeysuckle
Tree: W illow
G em stone/M ineral: Ruby
Intention/Power: manifestation
Bird: Hawk
Issues, Intentions
Powers: adaptability, balance, harmony,
Sum m er Solstice
inspiration, intuition, the otherw orld/underw orld, relationships
Letters: U /W
Celebration: Litha
Element: Fire
Color: Purple
Letters: SS, St, Z
Symbol: #
N um ber: 5
Herb e( Garden: Heather
Color: Purple
Tree: Blackthorn
Metal: Copper
Bird: Lark ( meadowlark)
Bird: Thrush
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: clarity, generosity, growth (spiritual),
Issues, Intentions
Powers: authority, control, obstacles, strength
luck, passion, success
June 14-28
a s/a n su r/a n su z /o s f*
A ugust 13-28
Letter: D
Zodiac: G em ini
Day: Saturday
Tim e o f Day: Noon
Letter: A
Zodiac: Leo
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Solar System: Venus
N um ber: 1
Tarot: Temperance
N um ber: 4
Tarot: Death
Tree: Ash
Tree: Spruce
Goddess: Ostara
Misc. Plant: M ushroom {flyagaric)
Cods: Loki, Odin
God: Odin
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: blessings , inspiration, knowledge,
m essages/om ens, wisdom
Intentions e{ Powers: beginnings, change/s, cycles,
endings, light, transform ation
beorc/berkana/berkano &
March 14-29
Symbol: &
Letter: B
Zodiac: Pisces, Virgo
Time o f Day: Dawn
Element: Air
Direction: East
Tarot: Empress
Herb 0{ Garden: Lady’s
Tree: Birch
Goddesses: Frigg, Hel
Issues, Intentions
Powers: beginnings, fertility, growth,
pregnancy/chiId birth
ehw az/eh [*]
feoh/fehu/fe/fa p
March 30-A p ril 13
Symbol: n
June 29-July l
Symbol: p
Letter: E
Zodiac: Aries, Gem ini
Letter: F
Zodiac: Aries
Tarot: Lovers
N um ber: 7
Time o f Day: Dusk
Element: Water
Trees: Ash, Oak
Goddess: Freya
Direction: West
Tarot: Tower
God: Freyr
Anim al: H orse
Tree: Elder
Misc. Plant: Nettle
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: ch ange/s (make progress),
Goddess: Freya
Gods: Freyr, Njord
im provement, marriage, relationships, support, transform ation
M agical: Elves
Anim al: Cattle
elhaz/algiz/eolh Y
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, accom plishm ent,
creativity, luck, prophecy, wealth
January 28-February 11
Letter: Z
Zodiac: Cancer
gyfu/gebo X
Tarot: Moon
N um ber: 8
September 28-O ctober 12
Trees: Rowan, Yew
Herb 0{ Garden: Angelica
Letter: G
Zodiac: Pisces
Misc. Plant: Reed
Anim al: Elk
Tarot: Lovers
Trees: Ash, Elm
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: defense, em otions (control),
Goddess: Freya
God: Odin
protection, purity
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: balance, generosity (gifts),
eoh/eihw az T
Decem ber 28-January 12
Symbol: L
Letters: E/EI
Zodiac: Scorpio
Tarot: Hanged Man
Tree: Yew
Misc. Plant: Mandrake
God: Odin
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: defense, guardian, responsibility,
strength, trust
hagal/hagalaz/haegl/hagall H
is /is a /is s |
October 28-N ovem ber 12
Novem ber 28-D ecem ber 12
Letter: H
Zodiac: Aquarius, Libra
Letter: 1
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Time o f Day: Dawn
Element: Air
Solar System: Moon
Time o f Day: Midnight
Direction: East
N um ber: 2
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Tarot: World