by Sandra Kynes
Energy: Yang
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Ametrine, Bloodstone, Calcite (pink),
Tarot: Hierophant
Trees: Apple, Elder, W illow
Emerald, M oonstone, Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Sapphire,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Alexandrite, Am azonite, Blue Lace Agate,
Sodalite, Sphene, T iger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourm aline (black),
Calcite (orange), Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Diam ond, Staurolite,
Tourm aline (red)
From the Sea: Coral (red)
Gods: Jupiter, O din, Zeus
Metal: Mercury
Gods: D ionysus, Mars, Thor
Anim al: Arm adillo
Goddesses: Cerridwen, Ishtar,
Bird: Chicken ( rooster)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: accom plishm ent, attraction,
Kali, M inerva
business, calm, community, com passion, concentration/focus,
Insect/M isc.: Butterfly
consciousness, creativity, crossroads, desire, justice,
leadership, lim itations/boundaries, loyalty, manifestation,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, attraction, change/s,
money, obstacles, order/organize, passion, patience, power,
cleverness, com m unication, connections, desire, energy, fear,
protection, respect, stability, well-being
freedom, inspiration, love, opportunities, optim ism , passion,
protection, the senses, sensuality, sex/uality, sleep, spirits,
spirituality, travel
6— six
7— seven
Zodiac: Gem ini, Virgo
Solar System: Sun, Venus
Solar System: Neptune, Saturn,
Zodiac: Libra
Day: Friday
O gham : Mu in
Day: Saturday
Rune: Ehwaz
Rune: Ken
Element: Earth
Tarot: Chariot
Element: Water
Colors: Blue, Gold, Pink,
Energy: Yin
Colors: Green, Purple, White
Energy: Yin, Yang
Tarot: Lovers
Metal: Copper
From the Sea: Pearl
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Apache Tears, Cat’s Eye, Chrysoberyl,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Andalusite, Cat’s Eye, )ade, Kunzite,
Citrine, Diam ond, Emerald, |asper (brown, red), Onyx, Peridot,
M oonstone, Rose Quartz, Tourm aline (pink), Zircon (red)
Sapphire (star), Topaz, Tourm aline (blue, green), Turquoise
Goddesses: Athena, Frigg,
God: Mithras
From the Sea: Coral (black,
Goddesses: Amphitrite, Athena,
Idunn, Minerva
M agical: Fairies
Angel: Gabriel
Gods: Bacchus, Herm es
Angel: Raphael
Anim al: Deer (stag)
Bird: Chickadee
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: affection, anxiety, balance, comfort,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: accom plishm ent, affection, business,
com passion, conscio usness, creativity, em otions, family,
change/s, clairvoyance, enchantm ent, faith, fear, fertility,
friend/ship, happiness, harmony, the home, imagination,
goodness, grief, healing, im agination, intelligence,
intelligence, kindness, life, love, loyalty, luck, the m ind, money,
introspection, intuition, knowledge, light, love, the mind,
peace, relationships, responsibility, sympathy, well-being,
money, optim ism , passion, peace, power, problem s, secrets,
w isdom
spirituality, success, travel, truth, well-being, wisdom
8— eight
9— nine
Solar System: Mercury,
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo
Solar System: M ars, Moon
Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio
Days: Friday, Monday
O gham : Coll
Day: Thursday
O gham : Fearn
Rune: jera
Element: Fire
Rune: Elhaz
Element: Earth
Colors: Pink, Red, Rose, Silver,
Energy: Yang
Colors: Black, Brown, Orange, Purple
Energy: Yin
Tarot: Strength
Tree: Holly
Tarot: Hermit
Tree: Hazel
Metal: Lead
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate, Bloodstone, Garnet, Hematite,
Malachite, Rhodonite, Ruby
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Calcite, Celestite, Beryl, jet, Lepidolite,
O pal, Sapphire, Selenite, Serpentine
Metal: Iron
Gods: Khensu, O din, Shiva
Gods: Mercury,
Goddesses: Aine, Ariadne, Arianrhod, Hecate, Hel, juno, Luna,
From the Sea: Mother-of-Pearl
Nanna, Rhiannon, Selene
Goddesses: Cybele, Gaia, Hera, Venus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: accom plishm ent, beginnings,
com passion, courage, creativity, crossroads, determination,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, accom plishm ent,
em otions, generosity, healing, independence, inspiration,
authority, am bition, business, dedication/devotion, discipline,
learning (teaching), light, loss, love, m agic (m oon), the mind,
fertility, increase, justice, karma, loneliness, money,
nightmares, protection, psychic ability, sympathy, wisdom
order/organize, patience, power (from w ithin), pride,
protection, secrets, spirituality, stability, strength, success,
io — ten
12— twelve
O gham : G ort
Color: Bue (light)
O gham : D uir
Color: Yellow
Energy: Yin
Energy: Yin
Gods: Balder, (anus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: accom plishm ent, beginnings, cycles,
Angels: Auriel, Gabriel
death, fertility, life, marriage, order/organize, unity
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: cycles, knowledge (arcane),
manifestation, the otherw orld/underw orld, power, prophecy
11— eleven
(dream s), spirituality, visions
Zodiac: Aquarius
O gham : Tinne
Energy: Yang
Color: Aqua
13— thirteen
Solar System: Moon
O gham : Nion
Garden Plant: Ivy
Goddess: Tiamat
Color: Black
Energy: Yang
Gods: Neptune, Njord, Poseidon Angel: Michael
Tree: Oak
Gods: Hades, Pluto, Zeus
Anim al: Lynx
Angel: Raphael
Anim al: O possum
Issues, Intentions
Powers: darkness, destiny, fertility, insight,
inspiration, introspection, intuition, m agic (black), power
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: action, astral realm, cycles, endings,
(personal), spirituality
magic (black, m oon), manifestation, power, unity, wisdom ,
Solar System: Mars
Zodiac: Capricorn
the chariot
Colors: Black, Brown, Gray,
Zodiac: Cancer
Solar System: Moon
Rune: Nyd
Day: Sunday
Rune: Ken
Misc. Plant: Thistle
Colors: Silver, White
ees: Cypress, Olive
M inerals: Diam ond (black), Jet, O bsidian
M i sc. Plant: Lotus
Gem stone/M ineral: Amber
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: anger (express), consciousness
God: M anannan
(sub con sciou s), endurance, influence (evil),
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: battle/war, change/s,
lim itations/boundaries, m agic (black)
concentrate/focus, revenge, strength, success, transform ation
the em peror
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: M ars
Zodiac: Scorpio
Solar System: Saturn
Rune: Thorn
Colors: Crim son, Red
Trees: Aspen, Elder, Myrtle,
Rune: As
N um ber: 4
Tree: Oak
Herb 0{ Garden: Geranium
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Amber, Bl oodstone
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Bloodstone, Diam ond, Ruby
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: change/s, endings, transform ation
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: ambition, authority, battle/war,
confidence, control, energy, power, strength
the hierophant/high priest
judgem ent
Zodiac: Taurus
Rune: Rad
Solar System: Pluto
| R u n n in g
Colors: Green, Rose
N um ber: 5
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Malachite,
Element: Fire
Opal (fire)
Herb e( Garden: Sage
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: d ecisio n /s, determination,
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Carnelian, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz
introspection (about the past), justice, rebirth/renewal
Issues, Intentions
Powers: authority, forgiveness, inspiration,
intuition, m anifestation, spirituality, wisdom
Zodiac: Libra
Solar System: Venus
the high priestess
Rune: Tyr
Color: Green
Zodiac: Cancer
Solar System: Moon
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Carnelian, Cat’s Eye
Day: Monday
Colors: Silver, White
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: balance, fairness, justice (legal
Rune: Ur
Trees: Hazel, Pomegranate
matters), strength
Misc. Plant: Moonwort
From the Sea: Pearl
Gemstones 01 Minerals:
God: the Dagda
Emerald, Moonstone
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: change/s, clairvoyance, cycles,
illum ination, increase, intuition, secrets, wisdom
the lovers
the moon
Solar System: Mercury
Zodiac: G em ini
Zodiac: Pisces
Solar System: Moon
Day: Friday
Runes: Ehwaz, Gyfu
Day: Monday
Runes: Elhaz, Odal
Colors: Blue (pale), Orange,
Element: Water
Colors: Silver, White
N um ber: 6
Tree: Hazel
G em stone/M ineral: Moonstone
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate, Alexandrite, Calcite (clear), Rose
From the Sea:
Quartz, Staurolite
M arine Life: Crab
Coral (white), Pearl
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: attraction, balance, beauty, em otions,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: danger, darkness, deceit (reveal),
harmony, love, relationships, romance, sex/uality
obstacles, secrets, truth
the magician
the star
Zodiac: Gem ini, Virgo
Solar System: Mercury
Zodiac: Aquarius
Solar System: U ranus, Venus
Day: Wednesday
Rune: Man
Rune: Lagu
Colors: Blue, Yellow
Colors: Indigo, Violet, W hite, Yellow
N um ber: l
Tree: Fir ( silver)
Misc. Plant: Skullcap
Herb e{ Garden: M arjoram , Vervain
M inerals: Quartz (clzar), Turquoise, Zircon
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Agate, Citrine, Opal (fire), Quartz, T iger’s
Goddess: Maeve
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: balance, clarity, faith, guidance
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: com m unication, control, creativity,
(spiritual), hope, influence, insight, inspiration
deceit, intelligence, m anifestation, power, skill, willpower,
w isdom
Solar System: Sun
Zodiac: Leo
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Day: Saturday
Day: Tuesday
Rune: Wyn
Minerals: Amethyst,
Rune: Dag
Zircon (red)
Colors: Gold, Yellow
N um ber: 8
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, adaptability, harmony, love,
Garden: Sunflower
Goddesses: Artio, Brigantia
patience, unity
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Cat’s Eye, Diam ond, Garnet, jasper,
Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Topaz
the tower
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: action, control, courage, energy,
Solar System: M ars, Uranus
1 Rune: Feoh
obstacles, power, strength
Herb 0{ Garden: Rue
Misc. Plant: Wormwood
the sun
Gemstones 0[ Minerals: Garnet, Goddesses: Badb, Macha
Lodestone, Ruby
Zodiac: Leo
Solar System: Sun
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: amb ition, battle/war, change/s
Day: Sunday
Rune: Sigel
(unexpected), courage, danger, destruction, enmity
Garden: Angelica, Heliotrope,
Colors: Gold, Yellow
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Diam ond, Sunstone, T iger’s Eye
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: accom plishm ent, enlightenment,
happiness, healing, optim ism ,
pleasure, success, truth
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Solar System: Jupiter
cups/cauld rons/chalices
Day: Wednesday
Rune: Peorth
Zodiac: Aquarius
Season: Autumn
Colors: Blue (dark), Purple
Trees: Elm, Oak
Day: Friday (2 o f Cups)
Tim e o f Day: Dusk
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amethyst, Lapi s Lazuli, Opal (black),
Element: Water
Direction: West
Sapphire, Sardonyx
Colors: Blue, Indigo
M agical: Undines
Goddess: Fortuna
| Magical: Fates, Norns
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: com passion, em otions, empathy,
Issues, Intentions ej Powers: change/s, destiny, luck, success
imagination, nurture, patience, pleasure, psychic ability,
relationships, sensitivity, stim ulation, sympathy
the world
Solar System: Saturn
Rune: Hagai
p entacles/coin s/d iscs/w h eels
Colors: Black, Gray
Trees: Cypress, Yew
Zodiac: Taurus
Season: Winter
Misc. Plant: Belladonna
M agical: Fates, Norns
Time o f Day: Midnight
Element: Earth
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Hematite, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Onyx,
Days: Thursday (ace, 9, 70 o f Pentodes), W ednesday (8 o f
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: accom plishm ent, cycles,
Direction: North
Colors: Brown, Green
m anifestation, patience, success
M agical: Gnom es
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: attachm ents, business, endurance,
knowledge, m em ory/m em ories, money, prosperity, security, the
senses, stability, success
sword s/daggers/knives
Zodiac: Scorpio
Season: Spring
Day: Saturday ( knight, 2 o f
Time o f Day: Dawn
Element: Air
Direction: East
Colors: W hite, Yellow
Magical: Sylphs
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: control, deceit, defensive, goals,
growth, guidance (inner), intelligence, justice, knowledge,
learning (and teaching), the mind
w and s/arro w s/rod s/staffs
Zodiac: Leo
Season: Sum mer
Time o f Day: Noon
Element: Fire
Days: Sunday (ace o f Wands), Tuesday (5, 6 o f Wands)
Direction: South
Colors: Orange, Red
M agical: Salam anders
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, confidence, consciousness
(sub co n scio u s/balan ce), creativity, desire, faith, freedom,
honesty, inspiration, intuition, motivation, power
birch— Trees
bittersweet— M isc. Plants
black cohosh— M isc. Plants
blackberry/bram ble— Herb & Garden
Follow ing is an alphabetical listing o f the plants in th is book to
blackthorn— Tr e e s
help you find th eir entries.
blessed thistle— M isc. Plants
bloodroot— M isc. Plants
acacia— Trees
bluebell— Herb & Garden
agrim ony— Herb & Garden
bodhi— Trees
borage— Herb & Garden
alder— Trees
broom— Herb & Garden
allspice— M isc. Plants
burdock— M isc. Plants
aloe— M isc. Plants
am aranth— Herb & Garden
anemone— Herb & Garden
cardam om — M isc. Plants
angelica— Herb & Garden
carnation— Herb & Garden
anise— M isc. Plants
catnip— Herb & Garden
apple— Trees
cedar— Trees
asafoetida— M isc. Plants
cham om ile— Herb & Garden
ash— Trees
cherry— Trees
aspen— Trees
chestnut— Tr e e s
aster— Herb & Garden
chrysanthem um — Herb & Garden
cinnam on— M isc. Plants